A/N: To quote Barriss from Trials, "OhmyForce. Oh. My. Force."

I went to Force Awakens a couple nights ago, and it is AMAZING. Seriously amazing. I heard it described by a friend as being "like the way we remember the Original Trilogy," which is very apt if I do say so myself. If you haven't seen it yet, drop this story and go see it, because a) awesomeness and b) lots of spoilers in this thing.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Star Wars, but now I wish I did more than ever.

Poe Dameron is a master pilot. The jinks and jukes, the one-in-a-million shots, the whirlwind feats of split-second skill come as second nature to him. He therefore has some small amount of brainpower left with which to make fun of the First Order.

How stupid can these guys be?! he chuckles to himself, avoiding yet another searing green streak mere milliseconds before he blasts its originator to smithereens. They're so stuck up with this huger-than-the-Death-Star planet killer thingy, when they don't even realize it still has Trench Run Disease!