The Robot Master and the Shiny Noivern

(Warning: This story contains some sexual themes and bondage. If this offends you, please avoid reading this. If this is your thing, or even if you are neutral to it, I hope you enjoy the story I have to offer.)

Things weren't going so great for a Pokémon named Telokey. The shiny Noivern has had little luck in securing a job that could sustain himself. Every single one of them yielded no long-term source of income for him.

The first was his aspirations of becoming a chef. He had applied at many of the cafes around Lumiose City, and one of them finally accepted him. He introduced himself, demonstrated his talents in the culinary craft, and got the job of chef's assistant. All was good and well for a few days, until one day, he was to help the lead chef prepare a premium Kingler dish. The dish was required to be heated up to a high temperature in a steel pot. The chef left, believing Telokey could handle it himself. Unfortunately, after a case of 'wing caught under hot steel pot', the on-fire Telokey desperately tried to put himself out, getting EVERYTHING ELSE on fire as well. It was when the fire alarm went off and the fire department had to put everything out that Telokey knew that he lost the job.

The second was a simple job as a newspaper delivery Pokémon. It was pretty hard to go wrong, and he had a significant advantage over other applicants due to the fact that he could fly to deliver papers quicker. Unfortunately, he lost the job before he could even start due to a RAYQUAZA, of all Pokémon, applying for the job. The Legendary Pokémon was hired on the spot, leaving Telokey wondering if the world just hated him.

And the last was his rigorous attempts at starting up as a belly-dancer teacher, having an intense passion for the art. He was quite the professional himself, putting several well-established belly-dancers to shame. The problem was that interests in belly-dancing was an INCREDIBLY niche market, and the cost of upkeep dramatically outweighed any profit he earned. There were a few interested, but simply not enough Pokémon or humans applied to make up for the cost. Crushed, he ended up having to shut down the class.

Right now, Telokey was just barely paying rent for his apartment with odd jobs here and there. And he wasn't sure how long these odd jobs would even last. It was an uncertain life to live, for sure. But he wouldn't be living with such uncertainty for much longer.

The shiny Noivern had put in an application of sorts for a pairing website. Said pairing website functioned mostly like one of those dating websites, except instead of finding a sweetheart, you found a Master (for a slave applying) or a slave (for a Master applying). The website had the not-so-subtle domain name of . Nevertheless, it was a reputable website, taking safety precautions like any other dating website to meet up in a public place first and have an item for identification.

But previous encounters with possible Masters or Mistresses with B or C rankings didn't go so well for the bat.

His first time was with a female Seviper with a C+ ranking. Telokey had an attraction towards Snake Pokémon, so that was a big plus. And she also enjoyed wrapping her prey in coils like her species is designed to. But the dealbreaker were some... 'reports' he had heard of previous slaves being actually digested over just being swallowed. The Noivern wasn't going to take the risk.

The second time was with a male Arcanine with a B ranking. Interests matched even better compared to the Seviper, both of them having a thing for rubber, bondage, and even belly-dancing. But once again, there was a dealbreaker. The Arcanine turned out to be gay, which wasn't what the Noivern had issues with. What Telokey DID have issues with was that the Arcanine also want his slave to be a sex partner. Despite his taste in fetishes, he wanted no part in any sexual contact with another male. The Arcanine understood his feelings, and the two at least parted on good terms.

But it appears that the third time's the charm, after all. Today, he found his first match with an A+ ranking. An A+ ranking, something pretty rare, meant that this was likely to be a match in bondage heaven. Looking up his profile on the website, it seemed almost too good to be true.

Name: Xavier

Gender: Male

Species: Lucario

Orientation: Straight

Fetish Tastes: Pretty much everything rubber (and rubber articles of clothing), bondage (both strict and mild), gas masks, sensory deprivation, musk scents, ball-gags (preferably large ones), and hypnosis (only if subject is willing to be hypnotized)

Neutral towards: Ropes, tape, miscellaneous gags, chains and cuffs, muscles, and even a few odd interests like inflation and belly-dancing.

Will NEVER do: Watersports, Scat, Breathplay, Any form of sexual contact, or any illegal fetishes.

Telokey looked over the profile in detail once more. Nearly all of this guy's preferences and neutrals were in Telokey's tastes, even having similar disdains. Being open to belly-dancing, even if this Master was more neutral to it, was a big plus. Pretty much the only thing that didn't match up was the bat's preferences of Snake Pokémon, but that's only possible for certain species anyways.

Checking his e-mail, it turns out that the Lucario had already sent him one regarding a meeting between the two of them:

To Telokey,

I have seen our A+ ranking on , so we could very likely be a good match as Master and slave. Our profiles match very well in the preference categories with latex, bondage, and our other fetish tastes. Though I have no interest in belly-dancing, I'm very willing to let you get in the role if you so wish. I also have the money and resources to let you be a long-term or permanent slave, should you so desire. In fact, such a relationship would be preferable to me.

If you are interested, please e-mail me back so we can discuss a place and time to meet with each other. I do hope things work out well. You're my first A+ ranking, actually.

With best regards,


Telokey wasted almost no time with his reply, typing into his computer. This was his first A+ ranking as well? Things were looking good for the shiny Noivern.

To Xavier,

I've looked over your profile as well, and it seems like a match made in heaven. I'm willing to meet you. How about we meet at Lumiose Park later today, say around 3:00 pm? I can wear a red scarf for identification. Although, you'll probably notice the shiny Noivern pretty quickly.

He hit send, and expected to hear a reply back in a couple of hours. He was about to leave and get a sandwich for lunch when the ever-so-familiar "You've got mail." message sounded.

"That was fast." The bat muttered. "He must've already been at the computer." He reasoned, opening the e-mail.

To Telokey,

Yes, Lumiose Park at 3:00pm will work for me. I shall wear a red scarf for identification as well. I hope to strike up a good relationship with you. See you then.

The Noivern couldn't believe it as he closed his laptop. He might actually have a Master now. This was great for the Noivern, especially since his jobs weren't working out, and his apartment was a little… dingy, to put it nicely. Being a permanent slave to a Master would ensure that he would never have to worry about paying bills, or just scraping by ever again. But of course, he had to meet this Lucario first, and make sure that they worked well together. There was always the chance that things wouldn't work out, but for some reason, Telokey just had a really good feeling about this one…

Telokey soon found himself in the Lumiose City Park. Being the only shiny Noivern there, he stuck out like a sore thumb. It brought some attention, but it at least made it easier for his potential Master to spot him.

Looking around the large park, there were many Lucarios. Some were wild, others were domesticated. They were a popular species among trainers, after all. Still, there wasn't a single Lucario he could find with the red scarf detailed in the e-mail. After a while of searching, he was about to give up in disappointment when…

"Are you Telokey?" said a voice from behind.

"Yeah, are you the…?" his voice faltered as he saw who was behind him. It was a Lucario, all right. And he was even wearing the red scarf. But he was a mix of shock and nervousness as he realized…

"Y-You're a robot. A robot Lucario." The Noivern stated simply, in disbelief. The robot Lucario, however, rolled his eyes a bit, the digital red iris simply rotated around like a laser light.

"And your point is…?" the robot Lucario replied, replying back with a bit of sarcasm.

Telokey stuttered, unsure about this whole thing now. "I um… I read you were a Lucario, but I didn't know that… well, I'm a little nervous about this whole… I wasn't really expecting that you were…"

"…You're Xavier?" he asked after a pause.

The robot Lucario smiled. "Yep." He said. "Hey, why don't we just stop by the local Sawsbucks first? Just chat for a little bit before we get into anything? I think that'll calm you down."

The Noivern nodded. "All right, then."

"So, you're the robot that Professor Sycamore built and got all those fancy awards?"

The two were at the local Sawsbucks. Xavier opted for a cup of fresh oil while Telokey simply had a hot chocolate.

Xavier nodded. "Yeah, but I don't like to brag too much. I was the model he built after he achieved his desired results in Mega Evolution. He apparently has some more models he's working on, actually. He's almost done with this Greninja robot model. But I'm getting off the subject. Point is, I don't want to let the fact that I'm a robot intimidate you away from becoming my slave."

Telokey took a sip of his drink. "Yeah. I would actually like to be a long-term slave. I've been really struggling financially, and I can barely support myself. My apartment is more of a rat's nest compared to an actual living area. And I really am interested, don't get me wrong. But if I had to be honest… I'm nervous. I know we had that A+ ranking and all, but I still can't help but feel nervous. It's not like I've tried bondage with a robot before. What would a robot need with a slave, anyways?"

Xavier sipped from his drink. "It seems only fair to answer your question. I… run a bit of a company. One that creates… items that cater to… specific interests in… select markets. And I need someone to help test… these kinds of products."

This didn't go over Telokey's head, whispering in a lower voice. "…A fetish company, Mr. Xavier?"

Xavier nodded. "Although, I think it would not be best to discuss this in public. It's an awkward topic, otherwise. Do you mind if we go to my house?"

Telokey thought about this. It was a bit clearer why the robot desired a slave. He created fetish items to be sold on the market that needed to be tested, though it seemed to be a secret side business that the robot didn't want public if Xavier's actions were any indication. Still, he didn't really know just WHAT kind of items they were. The shiny Noivern considered himself pretty open-minded, but didn't really want to be part of any… extremely lewd items.

But it couldn't hurt to simply go look, right? If there was something that went against his morals, he could just simply leave like with the Arcanine before (or at least negotiate with him).

Telokey nodded. "Alright. I'll come with you."

Xavier soon led the bat to his house, which also functioned as his laboratory. Stepping inside, Telokey could see that most of the house was made of metal. The staircase, the walls, the ceiling, the floor, most everything was metal except for a couple of things like the bathroom, bedrooms, and a secret laboratory/testing area that Xavier kept tucked away under the house.

"How does this place deal with Electric-types and thunderstorms?" Telokey had to ask.

"Anti-Electric force field." Xavier said. "It also disables the power of any Electric-type that comes in until they leave. And just in case something happens, the metal structure of the house is very non-conductive."

"Interesting. You came up with that idea yourself?"

"Actually, that was Sycamore's idea when this lab was first being set up. After all the testing was done, I was allowed to keep the house for myself."

Telokey picked up a picture taken of Xavier and Professor Sycamore. "You two were pretty close, huh?" he said, smiling softly.

"Oh, we still are." Xavier smiled as well, looking at the picture with the bat. "He's always regarded me as his 'son', of course. He never married though, despite being quite the fetching human. His real passion is the science of Pokémon… and bondage." The robot added at the end.

Telokey's eyes widened. "No way. Professor Sycamore?! You mean THE Professor Sycamore is…?!"

"A bondage enthusiast, yes indeed." Xavier chuckled. "How do I know? Well, I caught him in a bit of self-bondage one day when I was 'young'. Back then, I was still very much in the learning process. It was when he didn't show up for a scheduled appointment at this lab that I left to go check on him. He admitted that he tied himself to his desk chair as his workers were out for the weekend, but the self-bondage went a bit awry."

Telokey could relate. He had practiced a bit of self-bondage, but nothing too unexpected had happened… yet.

Xavier continued. "Eventually, I admitted to him that I thought I was into the same thing, along with latex. He remarked that I probably developed a 'fetish', although he wouldn't have imagined a robot developing one. I chalk that one up to maybe some oddity or quirk during my creation. He did say that he got some sandwich meat stuck in my processing cores during development, but… I dunno. Point is, he knows. It was him that actually helped me test my fetish inventions initially, but he's been busy developing his next model of robot pretty recently and didn't have time to help test, so…"

"That's where I come in, right?" Telokey guessed. "Seems pretty reasonable. You just want someone full-time to test out your inventions."

Xavier nodded. "You got it. The profit I gain from sales is more than enough to supply and house someone full-time as well. So… do you want to start testing? Most of my inventions are latex-based though, to give you a heads-up."

Telokey thought about all of this again. This was sounding more and more appealing by the moment. Being a full-time submissive slave, having a decent Master while sharing some major similar interests such as latex and bondage, no worries about struggling to pay rent to a grouchy landlord… still, he wanted to decide for himself after a trial.

"I'll test one of your inventions. Then I'll see how I feel about you possibly becoming my Master. But I'd say that the odds are pretty good right now."

Xavier smiled. "Glad to hear it. And I think I may just have the perfect invention for you to test…"

"What… is that?"

Telokey was going to admit it, he was nervous. The machine that Xavier planned to set him up in was pretty intimidating. It appeared to be a small hollow chamber controlled via computer, vertically oriented to strap someone into. Some sort of gas mask was hanging from where his head would go, probably feeding him air or whatever scent Xavier wanted him to breathe. Speakers also seemed to be installed into the gas mask, likely to let Xavier communicate. The most intimidating factor was that the hollow chamber was to descend below the surface and into the underground, where the unknown waited. And it smelled heavily of rubber. Right now, Telokey was dressed up in a latex suit that Xavier fitted him in, waiting to be put in.

"I call it 'The Chamber'."

"Descriptive, huh?" Telokey remarked in a bit of sarcasm. "I see how it works but… where does it lower you into?"

"The ground."

The shiny Noivern rolled his eyes. "So what do you plan to do?"

"Bondage things."

Telokey sighed, a bit tired of the 'Captain Obvious' answers. It was clear Xavier was toying with him. Still… one thing haunted him. He had to ask before he went in for himself.

"You're not going to do anything… rape-ish, right?" The bat said, sweating. He felt bad for asking, but he really did need to know. He was truly nervous about the robot possibly having no limits on what he planned to do, especially considering that he was going to be 100% helpless at his metal hands.

Xavier immediately stopped configuring the computer and looked at the bat with a serious expression on his face. "Telokey. I may be just a robot, but I know right from wrong. And while I am a Master, I'm no sicko. Professor Sycamore has done a good job teaching me about these kinds of things when I first confessed my interest in bondage to him. He told me that to rape is to… it's hard for even me to say. But he told me that doing that kind of… thing is absolutely unforgivable. You take away someone's innocence and dignity that way. It never comes back."

The bat seemed rather surprised with the anti-rape speech. "I… wasn't expecting that from a robot."

"I would probably think the same if I were you. Who'd expect a robot to know anything about that? So let me tell it straight to you. I HARD-CODED that moral into my own protocol. And by hard-coding, I mean so hard-coded that I couldn't break it even if I wanted to. And I sure as hell don't want to."

"What even prompted you to do that?"

Xavier was silent for a while. "One of Sycamore's colleagues had it happen to her. That's why. I learned the kind of pain it causes that day, and I never wanted to be part of it."

The robot sighed. "Telokey, I just want to make sure you know that I have absolutely no intention of harming you in any sort of way. I only want the best for you, even if you decide to not become my slave. I really mean that."

Telokey felt a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders. He didn't feel like he could Xavier. No, he KNEW that he could trust Xavier. With anything. This robot clearly had high priorities for treating any slave submitting to him. And now… Telokey wanted to be part of that.

The Noivern smiled, starting to step into the chamber. "Then count me in, Master."

"Glad to have you aboard… slave." Xavier smiled, helping to finish strapping Telokey into the vertical chamber. "So, is this official? You want to be my slave?"

"Yeah, I'd say that it's pretty official. I definitely want you as my Master." Telokey agreed.

"Then it's official! We are now Master and slave!" Xavier laughed, rubbing the Noivern's head playfully.

Xavier started to strap the rubber gas mask onto Telokey's head. "Now, this gas mask will enable to breathe three special gases that are attached to it. The first is obviously oxygen. The second is a strong scent of rubber condensed into a gas. And the third… well, that's my special little 'arousal' gas I made. Creating it wasn't easy, but I managed to create a mixture that can arouse nearly any Pokémon regardless of gender, sexuality, and species."

Telokey nodded, now unable to speak with the gas mask on. He wondered if he'd be able to tell when this 'arousal' gas hit.

It hit him with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, almost instantly reducing him to lustful moans as he tried to hopelessly squirm in his binds, but to no avail.

"I bet you love that, slave." Xavier chuckled, to which the shiny Noivern nodded ecstatically.

Soon, Telokey felt his body lowering as Xavier pressed a button to lower the chamber, sinking deeper and deeper until the lab completely disappeared from sight. Now, there was only blackness, along with the heavy scent of rubber and the arousal gas to keep him occupied.

"Don't worry, Telokey. I'm still here with you." Xavier said through the speaker, to which his response was lustful moaning. This only got a laugh out of the robot as he continued. "I can tell you're enjoying yourself. Our first test down here will be a pressure test, the second will be a liquid test. After that, I'll bring you back up and personally ask you if you wish to take the final test, which will be optional. First, the rubber walls in front of and behind you will softly squeeze you, and you'll likely feel a bit of rubbing. That's normal. You'll be in that position for approximately 30 minutes starting… now."

The wall in front of Telokey started to move closer to him, and he assumed the wall behind him was doing the same. The bat was not scared, though. Rather, he was incredibly excited for the experience that awaited him.

The walls moving closer and closer until they were squeezing Telokey in between them. Not extremely tightly, but a firm hold that was strangely comfortable. Telokey moaned more when the walls started to rub across his entire body, near his head, arms, legs, and especially his crotch. Combined with the gases, it was so much wonderful pleasure to take in. And this was only the first test!

Unfortunately for Telokey, the 30 minutes seemed to pass by all too fast. The walls rescinded back to their original positions, leaving the Noivern a little disappointed that it was already over. He brightened back up when he remember that there was still more in store, though.

"All right. Now, we're moving onto the second test. This will last the same amount of time as the previous one, for 30 minutes. Here, the liquid below you will rise. It is a liquid form of rubber, very sludgy and thick. Don't panic when it rises above your neck, you are fully sealed into that gas mask and will be able to breathe fine. You'll spend the 30 minutes completely submerged in the sludgy rubber starting… now."

Right on cue, the liquid rubber below him started to rise. With his Master's words though, Telokey wasn't worried. He was once again excited for the experience. The liquid rubber slowly but surely rose. He felt it go from his feet, to his knees, to his lower body, to his chest, and to his neck, all within the span of about 5 minutes. Once it hit his neck though, the liquid rubber rose even slower, teasing the bat. Telokey wasn't even scared of it rising, as he was still breathing normally. If anything, he was getting a little impatient and wanted it to cover his whole body.

But finally, the liquid rubber filled the entire chamber, letting the shiny Noivern see nothing through the sludgy liquid. He tried to squirm a little bit, feeling his body shift slightly through the liquid rubber. It was a very strange, yet very exciting feeling. He rotated his head around slightly, feeling the sludgy rubber moving around his gas mask. Finally, the shiny Noivern relaxed, feeling as though he could stay in here all night. He really wanted to.

But once again, all good things had to come to an end. That same tinge of disappointment hit him as the liquid rubber began to recede. When it fully receded, a few bits and pieces of the sludgy rubber remained on his suit. Telokey actually laughed to himself as he thought about how much fun he had. And to think, he was actually afraid Xavier was going to do something rape-ish. His trust in his Master was stronger than ever as he felt the chamber he was in start to rise. Whatever his Master had planned for the final test, Telokey knew that he wanted it.

As he fully came to the surface, Xavier released the binds and unhooked the gas mask. Telokey almost didn't want to take it off, but eventually did so. He walked up to his Master.

"…That has to be the single best bondage experience that I've ever had. To think that this is just the beginning… that's thrilling. Before, I had some doubts. But now… I want to stay with you."

To Xavier's surprise, the shiny Noivern knelt down on his knees, hands behind his back and head bowed.

"Xavier, I fully pledge my life to you. I want you to be my Master. Please, accept me as your humble slave."

Xavier had to smile. This Noivern was so willing and so clearly trusted him. He knew that he was going to take good care of Telokey. "Stand up." Xavier said.

Telokey immediately obeyed, standing up to his feet. To his surprise, his Master gave him a soft hug, careful not to hug too hard since he was a pretty strong robot.

"I'm glad you trust me. I think this is the start of a great relationship."

Telokey could only hug back and nod in agreement. Eventually, the duo released their hug.

Xavier laughed. "I have a feeling you'll want that final test."

"Yeah. I do. Whatever it is, I'm ready for it. I know I'll love it… even if it'll only last for 30 minutes, I'll make every second count."

The robot smiled. "Then I think you'll be ecstatic to hear that this final test is long-term storage. Essentially, it will combine Tests 1 and 2, but for the duration of a full night. I do need to test the long-term functions."

Telokey was silent for almost a full minute after Xavier stopped talking.

"Telokey? Are you OK? If you don't want to-"

Xavier was interrupted by much submissive begging. "No, no, no, no! I want it! I want it! I want it! Please, please, please, please, please!" he begged rapidly on his hands and knees, not wanting to miss this chance.

"Whoa, OK. I got your point. I'll help strap you back-"

Telokey beat the robot to it, tightening the gas mask onto his head and strapping himself in as much as he can. Within only a few seconds, only a few straps on the mask and chamber remained for Xavier to buckle up before he was ready to be sent back down.

"Holy Arceus, you ARE eager!" Xavier had to laugh, finishing up the rest of the straps. Telokey only nodded in excitement, waiting in anticipation to spend the rest of the night down in the rubber chamber. He smiled as he felt his body being lowered down once again until all he saw was blackness. It was now a familiar and comforting blackness.

Xavier talked through the speakers again. "Now, I believe you know what will happen here. The rubber walls will close in on you and the liquid rubber will fill up the chamber. I believe you'll be fine by yourself."

To that, Telokey nodded, even if Xavier couldn't tell. The walls and sludgy liquid rubber did their thing again, simultaneously this time. Before long, Telokey was comfortably tight between the walls and trying to squirm in the liquid rubber. As the gases were administered to the shiny Noivern and his arousal heightened once more, he knew that this was going to be the beginning of a wonderful Master and slave relationship.

Pokémon © Nintendo / Game Freak

Telokey the Shiny Noivern © Telokey

Xavier the Robotic Lucario © AuraWielder

Story © AuraWielder

Heh, been quite a while since I worked on a bondage piece. And by a 'while', I mean not since a CYOA I had on dA in February 2015. After stepping away from bondage works for a while due to personal reasons in April 2015, I'm submitting my first bondage piece since February.

Here, this little story explains how Telokey on deviantArt became my slave after well over a year (maybe around 2 years) of knowing each other. But when I say 'slave', I only mean this in the bondage context. Certainly not in the kind of way back in colonial times. This story also goes along with a bondage piece that Telokey commissioned from piqueRAJ on deviantArt. Great artist. You can check my deviantArt gallery or Telokey's deviantArt gallery for the piece. You'll know it when you see it.

EDIT: So yeah... that part about vore being a deal-breaker... not anymore. I'd hate for continuity to clash, so I edited the story to reflect this.