Ok, I swear this is the weirdest thing I have ever written. I was watching The Revenge of the Sith and I saw R2D2 burn those droids, and I was just like... He's such a pyromaniac! He and Feanor would get along so well! Hence... this story.

Feanor looked over the ships with a sadistic grin. "R2?" he called.

The small blue and white droid rolled over, whistling cheerfully.

Feanor placed a hand on top of the droid. His eyes glinted as he raised his voice to the heavens. "Let the ships burn!" he cried.

R2D2 beeped and whistled in reply, opening his side compartments, spraying black oil all over the ships. Moments later, he shot waves of blazing fire onto them. The ships erupted in flame.

Feanor smiled in the background. His trusty little droid was such a pyromaniac. The two of them got along very well.

His task complete, R2D2 rolled over to Feanor's side. Feanor patted him. "Come on R2, let's find more things to burn." he grinned.

The two pyromaniacs walked off together to cause more destruction.

Please review! I may write more... we'll see.