Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants or its prequel Isle of the Lost.

This story is the sequel to my other story "Inescapable". I suggest reading it first if you haven't because certain plots points and information won't make as much sense without it. Thanks!

"We should have told him years ago," Belle said softly. She stood beside her husband, Beast, in the forest clearing. In front of them was a tombstone surrounded by fallen leaves. It was mid-October. Two months had passed since Ben's coronation and almost death by Maleficent's curse.

Beast sighed, his gaze trained on the headstone. It was the only thing in the clearing, almost as if it was meant to be hidden like a lost object in the woods. "Maybe so. But Ben doesn't need this right now. Things have just gotten back to normal. He's just become king. Already, he's had to vouch for Mal's peculiar behavior. He's got too much on his plate already, Belle."

"Not to mention the wedding planning. I think he's almost more nervous than Mal," Belle added softly, agreeing with him. "I can't believe our little boy has become king and gotten engaged." She sighed happily and then frowned. "I just...we almost lost another son. We can't hide this from him forever."

"There was nothing else we could do to save Blaine, you know that," Beast said. He tore his gaze away from the stone to glance at his wife. "We can't think about how things would have been. We can only think of them how they actually are now."

Belle nodded and swallowed. "He would have been twenty-one today." She looked back at the headstone. "My baby Blaine. Twenty-one."

A twig snapped in the woods to their right, and Beast's gaze moved to scan the treeline. He put an arm around Belle's shoulders. "It's getting dark. We should leave."

Belle nodded and allowed Beast to steer her out of the clearing in the direction opposite of the noise.

A few feet into the treeline stood a young man with dirty blond hair. His form was opaque so that the trees behind him could be seen through him. He cursed as he saw Beast and Belle walking away. "I'm still not used to being solid again," he grumbled. He glanced at the small black lizard perched on a tree branch close to his shoulder. "But I'd guess you aren't used to being so tiny either, huh, Maleficent?"

The lizard just blinked curiously at him before rolling its eyes.

Blaine frowned and looked back toward the clearing. His parents were gone. "Fools," he muttered. "Lousy, aren't they?"

The lizard cocked its head, and Blaine grinned. "Right, you don't know the full story." He reached up and held out his palm to the lizard. It crawled into his hand, its feet sinking a few millimeters into his hand so it appeared to be standing in flesh colored water. No, Blaine definitely wasn't fully solid yet, but he was becoming more so by the passing day.

He stepped out into the clearing and strode over to the tombstone. He pointed at it. "See? That's me. Or, what's left of my body under the ground, I guess. I was four when I died." He peered at the lizard to make sure it was paying attention. "I'm the rightful heir to the throne of Auradon, not my bratty baby brother. Not like I ever met him. Belle didn't get pregnant with him until a few months after I died. I guess Beast just really needed an heir, regardless of who it was."

Blaine grimaced and sat down on the ground in front of his headstone. He allowed the lizard to crawl out of his hand onto the top of the stone. Then he reached out and touched it. His form shimmered white, and he quickly withdrew his hand. He rubbed his fingers together, watching the white glow fade and return to a normal flesh color. "Strange how objects can anchor us to this world, isn't it?"

He cleared his throat. "Alright," he said, leaning forward to be eye-to-eye with the lizard. "You're probably wondering how I'm here now. Well, I have you to thank for that, Maleficent. You see, I was not a normal soul. After dying, I was able to stay near the castle by feeding on the grief of my parents. But when I found out they were having another baby, I was outraged. My rage only grew as my dear baby brother did. My rage kept me focused on their world, the world of the living. I was not drawn to the afterlife. I was a vengeful spirit."

He leaned back on the heels of his hands, smiling. "When I found out your curse was going to kill Ben, I was thrilled. Finally, justice would be served. They would lose both sons and be too old to safely have another child to be the heir. They would lose everything. And I could finally move on. I was excited to see Ben get on the ferry that would take him to the afterlife. I would leave after him. It was perfect. But then...your daughter showed up."

The lizard cocked its head again, seemingly interested now.

Blaine nodded. "I know. She showed up and took him back. Just like that, she was able to hold onto her sanity and resist the pull of the afterlife. She broke your spell soon after that."

The lizard ran around in a circle on the top of the stone, agitated.

Blaine nodded again. "Yes, she's powerful, that one. But, the ferryman was the one who pushed them back into their bodies really. He didn't count on me touching his arm at the same moment he touched them. I'm still not sure if he's figured it out. Anyways, his magic transported me back here to where my body is. Well, as you can imagine, there's no body to return to. It's all decomposed. So, I was still a wandering spirit. But...it seemed I was visible. Animals could see me. They ran from my presence. They never had before. My strength grew most at night. Soon, I was able to touch things and move them. I knew I was becoming more and more solid with time."

Impatient, the lizard ran back and forth on the stone, trying to find a way down the stone's slick face. Blaine just laughed. "It would seem my body is recreating itself, but I know this is not the case. If I do not find a body to inhabit soon, I will begin to fade again. This time, it may be impossible to come back. It may mean I enter the oblivion of limbo. I won't take that chance." He sat up straighter. "I know you won't mind me ruining your daughter's happy life. I definitely don't mind ruining my brother's. That's why I know exactly who I'm aiming to possess. What's an easier way to become king than to take over his body?"

The lizard flicked its tongue and bobbed its head in approval.

Blaine grinned. "I'm glad you agree." He pushed himself up to stand. "I'm sorry that we must part ways here. You would have made a great queen at my side, Maleficent. But, I'd rather have the younger version of you. She's less competition anyhow." He brushed off his jeans. "Thank you for listening. I do enjoy a classic villain monologue." He grinned, his eyes gleaming. With the next breeze, he disappeared, leaving only the rustle of leaves behind him.

You guys wanted a sequel, so here it is! I still can't thank you guys enough for the awesome response to "Inescapable". I hope you all enjoy this one just as much! Remember to check my profile for periodic news on updates. Give this a fave, follow, and review if you liked it.
