Reviews for Irreversible
daneillia chapter 14 . 8/16/2018
did doug really have to die . couldnt there even be a funeral for the fella.
this is the only part i dont agree with
guest with a lot of ideas chapter 14 . 10/22/2017
A well done story.
You made Blaze into a convincing and vicious villain while have a touch of sympathy.
The actions with Doug were also rather surprising and a little impressive from my end as I didn't see it coming immediately and then making it so critical to the story made it more significant.
My only problem is that between this one and it's prequel, it feels like Ben is getting the short end of the stick. I understand that the stories are based around Mal but Ben it the only notable character who hasn't gotten to do much of significance, especially in this one. The Beast's attempts to empathize with Mal in 'Inescapable' was an excellent part but like I have said, Ben feels more like he's just there. Which is too bad as I like Ben.
On another topic, I would like it if you could do a side story about what the other three did on the Isle of the Lost involving the spider.
Silver Ame Tsukino chapter 14 . 10/3/2017
I like the ending! Is it possible that a sequel is coming?
lilyflower101 chapter 14 . 10/2/2017
Doug! You made me cry! I was hoping beyond hoping that Doug would go back to his body like Ben did in the last one. It was still a really good story to read though. I can't wait to be able to read your next story.
Jay-Wow chapter 14 . 10/2/2017

I can't believe I'm saying this but I felt so sorry for Blaine toward the end. I was hoping for some sort of scene involving Blaine dying and his parents or a battle between him and the Core Four at the day of the wedding, but this ending is just as great too. I'm so glad that Evie finally got closure with Doug through Ben, and I completely understand why Mal might be just a tad bit jealous of "Ben" with Evie.

I still can't believe it's over but amazing story overall, great job! Thanks for sharing and publishing and I hope you come out on top of your personal struggles! :)
animewolfgirl27 chapter 14 . 10/2/2017
so this is it? I was hoping for a wedding scene and belle and beast waking up but this is fine I gotta say I really enjoyed this series. I love the hard work and dedication in this.
twilight sparkle chapter 14 . 9/30/2017
Sad ending! Is there gonna be another one revolving around the second movie? I'd like that!
Love twilight sparkle
twilight sparkle chapter 13 . 9/30/2017
Sad! But wonderful! I enjoyed it! Sorry about your break up! Hope you be more happier single :)
Love twilight sparkle
Gummybear1178 chapter 13 . 9/29/2017
No cliff hanger! cant wait for b more
OfRedvinesAndDikrats chapter 13 . 9/29/2017
I love this story! Another great update, can't wait for the next!
Jay-Wow chapter 12 . 9/11/2017
I'm so sorry for the recent events that's happened. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm free! Just hit me up and I'll be more than happy to assist. Hell, if you just need someplace to vent, that's cool too.

Anyway, on the review.

YESSSSS DOUG! I didn't expect Doug to comeback as a ghost to lead Blaine to the others. Brilliant idea. I like how Ben was practically gloating at the beginning. The internal fight between Blaine and Ben and Doug was intense, even though it only involved person, great portrayal! And Evie punching the daylights out of Blaine only made this chapter even sweeter!

Again, another great chapter! I didn't expect any less! Update as soon as you can (and feel ready to)! :)
lilyflower101 chapter 12 . 9/7/2017
Easy to go Doug, Ben, and Evie!
Silver Ame Tsukino chapter 12 . 9/7/2017
That sucks about the break up. Take all the time you need to feel better. Heck, i know i write some pretty good one shots off those kinds of emotions. Feel free to reach out to this faceless stranger if you ever need a listening ear.

This update was awesome as well!
KayeBell chapter 12 . 9/7/2017
It was a great chapter. I feel your pain of the sinus infection, I had one two weeks ago as well. Glad your feeling better. Kaye
Jay-Wow chapter 11 . 8/26/2017
I'm sorry I didn't review sooner! Writing and working really doesn't leave much time for just reading other people's work anymore. But enough of the excuses, on to the review!

Thank GOD for Doug! Without him, Mal never would have made it on her own! Blaine really messed up now! I have a feeling Blaine has something in store for them still, he seems like the villain that would try to tie up loose ends wherever he could. I can't wait to see him suffer! And as I knew it would, my heart broke for poor Evie the minute she said Doug's name. I literally sobbed out loud, "NO EVIE", like a maniac. You nailed that part when Mal had to Evie, it was so hard and painful to read the first time through.

Amazing chapters as always, I expected nothing less of course! The ending of this is coming to a near and while I can't wait to see how it goes, I'm dreading it because now this mean your story will be finished. Anyway, update as soon as you can! :)
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