The annual New Year's Eve party for the park's employees was held that year in the restaurant on the top floor of one of the island's hotels. There were a lot of parties throughout the year for many of the holidays, but this was the only one that was put together by Masrani's personal team and invited employees from every department.

It was quite the ordeal - very glitzy and glamorous. As such, when Claire Dearing stepped into the room in her gold sequined covered cocktail dress and black stilettos, she didn't stand out quite as much as the dress seemed to warrant. Many of the women were wearing similarly flashy dresses. Some, men included, had also adorned their heads with glittery headbands and crowns that boasted the coming year.

After saying her hellos to board members and some of the more elite party-goers, and of course, Mr. Masrani himself, she made her way to the bar. Her steps only faltered slightly as the jacket-clad broad shoulders of the park's very own raptor whisperer crossed her path, heading toward the bar as well. She straightened her back and shoulders as she came up to stand next to him as he ordered.

"Rum and coke," he ordered; she tried very hard not to roll her eyes.

"And for you, Miss Dearing?" the bartender asked.

Owen seemed to jump in surprise at her name. She ignored him.

"What champagne do you have?"

"Dom Perignon and Bollinger - rose."

"I'll have the Bollinger."

"Excellent choice, ma'am."

As the bartender turned around to prepare their drinks, she saw Owen roll his own eyes.

"Problem, Mr. Grady?" she asked tightly.

"Not at all," he said with a smirk. "Bollinger - excellent choice," he added in a mocking whisper.

"Well, we can't all have the refined palate for rum and coca-cola," she retorted.

Before he could respond a woman, smaller than Claire, came up between them, clutching Owen's arm and standing close enough to press her chest to his bicep.

"Order me a drink," the woman insisted. "Do you remember my favorite?"

Owen pretended to think for a moment, craning his head back and squinting at the ceiling. "Was martini? Shaken, not stirred. Not wait - that's James Bond."

The woman laughed, still not letting go of his arm. "You really don't remember?"

"Oh no, I remember," he assured. He turned to the bartender, "One shot of Fireball Whiskey, my good man."

The woman finally disentangled herself from his arm, swatting at it instead. "Long Island iced tea," she ordered instead. The bartender nodded and placed Owen's and Claire's drink before them which drew the other woman's attention to her.

"Claire Dearing!" she exclaimed, impressed. "Wow, you look fantastic!"

"Thank you," she said kindly. "As do you."

The woman let her hands travel along the black satin dress that clung to her slight curves. "Thanks! It's nice to have an excuse to dress up and not be in cargos with baby triceratops drool all over me," she said, laughing good-naturedly.

The bartender placed her glass on the bar top which she took with a smirk at Owen. "See you later, Grady." Owen smiled at her as she strutted away.

"Which one is she?" Claire asked him quietly.

"I'm pretty sure her name is Amber. Or Erin," he said, his brow furrowing as he concentrated.

Claire laughed lightly and shook her head, not bothering to hide her eye-rolling this time.

"Problem, Miss Dearing?" Owen asked, repeating her from just moments ago.

"No," she said, shaking her head, smiling. "I only hope that one day I might be swept off my feet by a man with your keen sense of romance."

"All you have to do is ask, Claire," he said, a twinkle in his eye. "I'm available for sweeping, as it turns out."

"You? You mean you're single? The Great and Grand, Master of Romance, Owen Grady is single?" she taunted.

"That's right. Act fast and I could be yours," he said with a laugh before taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, I appreciate the offer, but as it turns out, I have standards," she said, sweet smile in place.

"Ouch," he said with a slight grimace. He quickly shrugged it off. "That's okay, though. I'm sure there's at least one lady in here that I can turn my charms to." He turned to the crowd, eyes traveling over the guests.

"Well, be sure to send my condolences when you find her." Claire turned to leave.

"She wasn't wrong, you know," he said quickly, grabbing her attention and forcing her to turn around. "You do look amazing."

Claire's impassive expression faltered at his flattery. "She said fantastic," she pointed out stubbornly.

Owen smiled and stood up a little straighter. "I'm not going to steal her adjectives. I prefer to be original when complimenting a beautiful woman."

Claire stared, somewhat dumbfounded at his words. Their relationship thus far had been one of teasing and mocking each other. On some level, Claire hated him. And she made his life hell enough she suspected he hated her too. They never gave each other compliments unless there was a backhand involved. So his flirtatious words gave her pause.

His ever-growing smile made her snap out of her reverie.

"See?" he said smugly. "I can be damn charming when I want to be."

"Enjoy your evening, Mr. Grady," she said finally with a slow smile and a warning glare.

She turned to leave but stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Daniel McPherson making his way toward her, eyeing her as he greeted the throngs of people around him, thankfully slowing him down.

Claire spun back around and swiftly retraced the few steps back to the bar.

"Shit," she muttered.

"What?" Owen asked, alarmed at what to him seemed like uncharacteristic behavior.

"Daniel McPherson," she said simply.

"Who the hell is Daniel McPherson?" he asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Don't look!" she hissed. "He's the head of HR. And my ex."

She and Daniel had gotten together late last year and things had ended between them a few months ago.

"You've actually dated someone who works here?" Owen asked incredulously. "How did I not hear of that?"

"Will you stop? Please?" she said, aggravated. "God - why? Why did it have to be you next to me when this happened?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. What have you done to piss off Karma recently?"

"Can you stop enjoying this so much?"

"No," he said with a smile and a shake of his head. "I don't think I can. So what, did you not think he was coming?"

"I was hoping I could avoid him. Or maybe feign being blind and deaf when he was around," she muttered petulantly.

"Things ended badly?" Owen asked. "He break your heart?"

She suddenly really hated Owen Grady. She really hated that she'd allowed their childish antics of taunting and mocking to continue. She should have put her foot down long ago. Then maybe he wouldn't feel like he could talk to her like that.

"He's not a very nice person," she admitted with a sigh. Her back and neck were so tense. She knew he'd be behind her any second now.

"What he'd do?" Owen asked, curiously.

Claire turned to look at him, surprised to see that he wasn't smiling but rather looked genuinely concerned now.

"We broke up. We both said some things. He called me a bitch and stuck up. Told me I don't know how to have any fun. Every horrible thing I'm sure you've thought and said about me. He just said it all to my face. So no; I don't want to see him. Or talk to him." She stood a little straighter, willing the shame and embarrassment she felt to fade away before Daniel showed up.

"Okay," Owen said. He downed what was left of his drink and straightened his jacket. "Follow my lead."

"What?" she asked, confused. But at that moment she felt the looming presence behind her.

"Claire?" Daniel's voice rang out. She turned around and smiled brightly, hoping it wasn't too obviously fake.

"Daniel," she greeted. "How nice of you to be able to make it."

"You look great, Claire," Daniel said. His eyes appraised her shorter-than-usual dress. "Really. Seems like you've been doing well."

"Yes, well, I -"

"Hey, babe, do want to freshen up your drink before we find a seat?" Owen asked, interrupting her.

Her eyes widened considerably at the pet name he used. For a moment she didn't realize he was speaking to her. Then his arm snaked around her waist and his warm body was pressed against hers.

"I'm- uh...sure," she stuttered, handing him her still nearly full champagne flute.

Owen turned around and placed the glass on the bar, keeping one hand latched onto Claire's waist. When he turned back around, he extended his hand in greeting to Daniel.

"Hi, there," he said politely. "Owen Grady."

"Oh, right. The, uh, raptor guy," Daniel said as they shook hands. "Daniel McPherson. HR."

"HR? Wow," Owen laughed. "God, I'd kill myself if I had to sit behind a desk all day. I'm surprised this one can handle it as much as she does," he said with an apparent affectionate hug around Claire's shoulders. "This wild thing," he continued with a wink.

"Wild?" Daniel asked, now smiling down at Claire. "You sure you've got the right girl?"

"Oh, yeah," Owen agreed emphatically. "You should see this one with my raptors. She's got Echo and Charlie eating out of her hand."

"Well, so long as they don't eat my hand," Claire said, finally speaking up.

"Never," Owen said. He leaned in and kissed the hair covering her temple. And happily, she only tensed for a second. "I'd never let that happen."

"Your champagne, miss," the bartender said.

Owen turned around again and grabbed Claire's glass for her. He then pulled out a bill from his jacket pocket and handed it discreetly to the bartender.

"Thank you, sir."

"No, thank you. Make sure to keep her drinks coming. There's nothing better in the world than a champagne-drunk Claire Dearing," he said with a teasing wink.

"Very funny," she muttered.

"So how long has this been going on?" Daniel asked, wiggling a finger at the pair of them. "I'm surprised I never heard about it."

"Oh, well you know Claire. She likes to keep things professional. Not much of a gossip," Owen explained.

"Right," Claire agreed dumbly.

"Yeah," Owen said, sighing. "So, officially any way, it's only been about a month or so. But we've been dancing around each other for about six months."

"Six months?" Daniel said dryly. Claire felt a small twinge of guilt knowing he was thinking that she might have cheated on him. But mostly, if she were perfectly honest, she felt pretty smug at the dull look of surprise on his face.

"Yeah, she came to the paddock one day in this green skirt and, God, I couldn't take my eyes off of her," Owen said.

She had a green skirt. She had a favorite green skirt that she thought accentuated her features quite nicely. And if she remembers correctly, she has worn that very skirt when visiting the raptor paddock before. And she's pretty sure she's remembering correctly because she almost always tries to wear something that accentuates something of hers when she's schedule to stop by there because she likes the way Owen's eyes feel as they watch her.

And if anyone ever accused her of that she's deny it to her last breath.

"Not to mention how funny she is," Owen continued. "I like my women quick-witted."

"You are a sharp one," Daniel admitted to her, smiling softly.

"Well, I have to be to keep up in this business," she explained proudly. She tilted her head to look up at Owen and he looked down at her. A smile tugged at both their lips as they continued their little game.

"Well, best of luck to you both," Daniel finally said after a few seconds of silence. "Great to see you again, Claire," he said a bit wistfully, if she wasn't mistaken.

As he walked away from them, Owen's arm withdrew from around her back and they separated a few inches.

"You're welcome," he said.

"I can't believe you did that," she laughed. She tilted her head back and took a long gulp of her champagne.

"He's totally second-guessing himself right now. He's thinking you're some hot, interesting little firecracker and what do I have that brings it out of you that he doesn't," he analyzed.

"Must be that Owen Grady charm," she said with a dramatic sigh.

"Don't act like you aren't affected," he teased.

She took another sip of her drink and eyed him suspiciously. "So," she said, "my green skirt, huh?"

He smiled cheekily. "Yeah. That was a hell of an outfit."

She smiled sweetly. "Well, now that I know you like it, I guess I should burn it."

"I have a much more fun way of destroying it if that's what you want to do; but it requires you putting it on and coming over to my place late at night."

"I'm not following," she said dumbly, but she smiled coyly.

"Oh, I think you have an idea," he said. He ordered another round of rum and coke from the bartender.

"I'm sure I don't. Perhaps I need to to spell it out for me," she suggested.

He smiled and chuckled. "Tell you what: just do it. Put it on, come over, and I'll walk you through it real slow," he said in a low, gravelly tone.

"What if I want it fast?" she breathed.

"Oh, no, Miss Dearing," he said softly. The bartender sat down his new glass and Owen took a quick sip. "With you, I'll make it last all night."

They stared each other down, both smirking. Claire could see his pupils were dilated and she had a feeling hers were as well.

"You have a good night, Claire," he said finally.

"You, too," she replied.

He turned to leave but she saw him stop after taking a step away.

"Owen," another woman's voice greeted.

"Lisa! Hey!" he greeted with such enthusiasm it could only be fake. "I didn't know you would be here. I thought you were covering for Ian?"

"I was. And then I got Erin to cover for me," Lisa said.

"Erin? Oh, so Erin's not here tonight?" he asked slowly before turning around to Claire who was watching his exchange in amusement. "So that must have been Amber earlier." Claire nodded in understanding.

"Amber?" Lisa asked. "Figures. You're single for five minutes and she jumps on you."

"It's been a month, Lees," Owen corrected. "And she didn't jump on me."

"Whatever, Grady," Lisa said flippantly. "This is just like you. We break up, and then you can't stand to see me getting close Lincoln, so you try to hook up with one of my best friends."

"Hey! I-"

"We should find our seats, don't you think, honey?" Claire interrupted suddenly. She stepped up next to him and pretended to wipe some dust off his shoulder.

Owen stared at her for a moment before reacting. "Yes, of course. Sorry, sweetheart. Have you met Lisa before? She's one of the tour guides."

"I don't believe I have," Claire said. She felt Owen's arm make its way back around her waist so she moved a little closer to him and rested her left hand on his shoulder while extending her right to Lisa. "Claire Dearing."

"Yeah, I- I know," Lisa said, confused. "I mean, yes, of course, I know who you are. You run the park. I didn't know you two...knew each other," she said slowly, but still polite.

"Oh yes, Owen and I have been together for a little while now."

"Thats...great," she said with a great deal of strain. At Claire's challenging look she quickly explained, "I just wouldn't have pegged you two as an obvious couple."

"Well, it's hard to resist his charm," Claire said, smiling teasingly at Owen. "Plus he's the head of a pack of velociraptors; that kind of strength and power is..." She sighed heavily and he smirked at her as he waited for her to finish. "...knee-weakening."

Knee-weakening? He mouthed, brows raised higher than she's ever seen. Wow.

"Good thing I've got ahold of you, then," he said smoothly.

"Indeed," she said with a small laugh. "It was nice to meet you Lisa, but Owen and I should really find our seats. I'm sure Mr. Masrani wants us to sit at his table."

"Right, don't want to keep him waiting," Owen agreed. He waved goodbye to his ex as Claire grabbed his arm and pulled him along behind her.

"That...was awesome," he said as he fell in step with her. "Clearly, McPherson never saw you do something like that."

She smiled and let go of his hand as they neared Masrani's table, turning to face him.

"Well, I owed you," she explained. She glanced around at the crowd, avoiding his eyes.

"Knee-weakening," he said, sounding amazed and the mischief in his eyes told her he was making fun of her.

"Green skirt," she countered, cocking her head to the side.

"Ah, yes, the green skirt," he said happily. "Very few things in this world are as wonderful as that green skirt."

"Except maybe champagne-drunk me, apparently," she reminded him.

"Oh, right! Speaking of which," he used two fingers to lift her glass closer to her lips. "Drink up," he said.

She laughed and turned away from him, slightly, out of his reach.

"Claire," Masrani greeted as he approached them. "It's so nice to see you enjoying yourself."

She smiled shyly at her boss and her gaze drifted briefly to Owen.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Masrani asked, grinning at Owen.

He and Claire exchanged a quick look, hesitating, before Owen stared laughing.

"No, sorry," Claire said, chuckling a little herself. "This is Owen Grady."

"It's nice to finally meet you, sir," Owen greeted, holding out his hand.

"Oh yes! You work with our raptors," Masrani said excitedly. He recognized Owen's name immediately. "So are you two together...or...?" he asked, glancing back and forth between him and Claire.

"If anyone asks," Owen said. "For tonight, yes."

"It's a long story," Claire said hurriedly.

Masrani's eyebrows rose and he smiled pleasantly. "I see. Well consider your secret safe with me." He gave Claire a playful wink. "Well, Owen, I'd love to have you join us at our table. I don't get to come by my island as much as I'd like and I'd like to hear how the raptor program is doing."

And the night would have ended harmlessly, Claire was certain of it, if it hadn't been the New Year's Eve party. She and Owen would have been able to leave and go back to their normal lives after. But as is tradition, at midnight on New Year's Eve, couples kiss.

As the countdown started, Masrani asked if Owen was going to kiss her.



"I keep things professional," Claire warned him.

"Yeah, but I don't," he said, grinning.



"Don't you dare, Grady!"


He dared.

As shouts of "Happy New Year!" exploded throughout the room, Owen grabbed Claire's face between his two rough hands and quickly pressed his lips to hers. It only lasted a few seconds, not long enough for Claire to react. And when he pulled away, still holding her face, he was smiling brightly.

"Happy New Year, sweetheart," he laughed.

"I hate you," she sighed. She laughed a little anyway.

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