I don't own the characters, this would never be allowed on CBBC.
Yes, I have a serious problem of writing one shots or short stories instead of updating my already begun stories. After this I'll update Not So Bad Now and Chosen Two, promise!
I also seem to have a growing addiction to writing Adam!Vlad stories. I may or may not need serious help.
This is inspired mostly by 'Bad Vlad' in S3, when the dark side makes him all smooth and extra attractive.
Another thing, I was watching Season 1 of YD earlier, and it occurred to me - as the series mostly follows Vlad, do we see Ingrid in any actual school lesson or is she always in the library or hallways?
Ingrid Dracula (or Ingrid Count to these breathers) pushed through the doors of Stokely Grammar school with every expectation of very little. Within moments, she had a swarm of boys instantly taken with her natural charm and beauty (and vampire allure, what of it?). The other girls at the school were already looking at her with emotions akin to jealousy and awe as their boyfriends stopped mid-sentence to drool at Ingrid. Even a few teachers were caught short at the sight of her, and Ingrid let a hint of her smirk through - to them it would probably resemble a smile, but they didn't know Ingrid.
Searching along the lockers for her name, Ingrid found a boy about her own height surrounded by a swarm of girls. It was like some kind of hormone battle, her surrounded by boys and he surrounded by girls. The dark haired girl-magnet was of course blocking her locker, she could see "Ing C" along the side and doubted it was a common enough name. The girls surrounded him glared at her, and Ingrid wondered how many of them had designs on the mystery boy. She could only see the back of him mostly, the way he was leaned against her locker. Pulling up her deadliest sweet smile, Ingrid tapped the boy on my shoulder. "You're in front of my locker." Keeping her tone ice cool, Ingrid waited for the boy to turn around and be struck by her like every other boy.
He moved away from the locker slowly, the girls around him barely backing up enough to let him turn around and face her. She caught the shadow of cheekbones still under a slightly childlike, rounded face, an almost out of place pouty lower lip on his small mouth. His mouth curved into a smile Ingrid -almost- let catch her off guard, a hollow chuckle echoing from him that somehow still had his fan-girls swooning. His eyes were bright, tending more towards cerulean than Ingrid's own silvery blues. Blinking away the urge to stare, Ingrid schooled her face back into a slight scowl. She felt his eyes sweep up along her body, that maddening smirking smile still in place. "Sorry about that, I'll just move along to my locker." He turned and walked all of two paces, the swarm of girls following him while still glaring at Ingrid. Who was absolutely not thinking about the sound of his voice. The mystery boy resumed his leaning turned away from her, and Ingrid almost slammed her locker door open to hit him. Almost.
Dumping her cloak her idiot father, Count Dracula, had insisted she take to school with her (wasn't it bad enough he made her register at this hell-hole after someone reported she wasn't registered, let alone that he give her a dusty old tattered cape?) from her bag into her locker, Ingrid slammed the door shut and found her swarm of drooling breather boys still waiting. Rolling her eyes, Ingrid demanded one tell her where her first class was and had to suppress a growl at it meaning she had to walk past the fangirls. Her eyes caught "Adam Giles" on the locker the mystery boy was leaning on, and assumed it was his name, then remembered she didn't care. There were grunts and squeals as her legion tried to squeeze past his groupies in the narrow hallway, Ingrid happily leaving them to squabble amongst themselves.
The high pitched squeals seemed to follow her, and rather that turn around, Ingrid looked into the glass on a door and realised the groups of followers were converging. The dark haired boy was evident in the clutch of hormonal teenage girls following him, and Ingrid almost screamed in frustration at the realisation this mystery girl-magnet was in her class. Storming in and heading for the furthest corner at the back, Ingrid set her face to glare at anyone who dared comment on where she was sat. Only a few of the drooling girls and boys followed her into the class, evidently they weren't all in her year. A couple of other students looked like they were going to complain she was in their spot, but a well placed glare had them scuttling away. The classroom door swung open again, the dark haired boy appearing with only a couple of clingers-on, who the teacher promptly sent to their seats. In the overly bright light of the room, this boy seemed to glow. He may be almost as pale as Ingrid herself.
Naturally, his small pouting mouth curved into a smirk as he saw her, and he arrogantly swanned over to the table Ingrid was sat at, lowering himself into the seat next to her. Many of the girls in the class shot Ingrid daggers, but as the daughter of Count Dracula, they were zero match for Ingrid. Returning the death stares until the teacher called their attention, Ingrid leant back into the darker corner - she had naturally chosen the seat below the broken light. She was a vampire after all. The dark haired boy was clearly used to paying very little attention to class and Ingrid wondered if he had girls to do his homework for her, like she had acquired the Branagh twins. And their younger brother Robin, who had sat sketching Ingrid in the dining room when the whole Branagh family appeared in the castle and somehow left alive. His drawing had been adequate, though it naturally couldn't hold a candle to Ingrid herself.
He didn't even turn to look at her properly, casting his eyes around the room carelessly but leaning in just enough that Ingrid was sure he was talking to her. "Adam Giles, I'm guessing you're Ingrid Count based on your locker." The teacher had looked over then, and Adam fell silent but continued smirking. A disgruntled sound left the teacher, but this seemed to be regular behaviour for Adam Giles and so the class continued on. Ingrid wasn't prepared to lower herself to talk to this breather boy, who clearly thought alot of himself if he could smirk so arrogantly when surrounded by girls. That didn't stop him leaning over to talk to her again, voice low for her ears only and absolutely not an attractive sound to her. "It was like clash of the hormones when we met in the hallway, you with your army of drooling saps and me with my pick of every girl in school." Ingrid scrawled a note on a piece of paper, refusing to even look at the boy next to her as she shoved it over. "Not every girl eh? I'll take that bet Ingrid Count." Scowling at the boy next to her, Ingrid hissed at him "There's no bet, you're really nothing special." He didn't say anything for the rest of the class, just turning to smirk maddeningly at her as he strolled out of class, the gaggle of girls already forming around him as he left the classroom. Arrogant little cretin, thinking he was better than her, Ingrid Dracula. Her own gaggle of adoring fans had started forming, so Ingrid sighed to herself at the brainless company and stalked off to the library - one class was more than enough today.
This was meant to be a one shot but I kind of want to make it a story now, so while I plan to have it finished in a day or so, I might get sidetracked with one shots and other stories. I really need to stop starting new things!