This is my first time doing anything in the Flash world, so please please review. This is Hartely/Cisco, because their conversations are funny and I think they have chemistry. The colors of the soul marks come from Lithoniel's Light of my Soul, take a look, it's a pretty cool story. Enjoy!
I own nothing except Alyssa, so don't touch her or sue me.
Barry left the criminal handcuffed to a telephone pole waiting for the police, whose sirens sounded only a block away. He was running back to STAR Labs with congratulations in his ears when he skidded to a stop. He ran back a bit-no mistake, another scream came from that warehouse.
"I heard screaming." He said in response to Caitlin's question. He crept into the warehouse and flashed onto the balcony.
"Please! Make it stop!" The voice begged.
In the center of the warehouse a man in army clothes was strapped to a chair, a bright light shinning a little over his head. He was sweating and shaking viciously, his eyes blown wide in fear, pupils so small they were barely noticeable.
"Unfortunately, you had a hand in kidnapping the only person who can stop this, so you'll just have to wait for it to wear off."
The woman had her back to the man and by extent Barry and she was shrouded in shadow, making it even harder to see. She was leaning over a long table, fiddling with something.
"Talk to us Barry. What do you see?" Dr. Wells's voice came in over the coms.
"There's a man tied to a chair in the middle of this abandoned warehouse sobbing and a woman I can't see well. The guy looks terrified."
"Can you tell us anything about her?" That was Caitlin.
"Dark hair and clothes, I can't see anything else. The man's wearing army clothes. Hold on, she's coming back."
The man's sobs had stopped. The woman walked around to face him, but her head was held low and Barry still couldn't see her face. The man leaned his head far back, as if he was trying to avoid her gaze.
"I'm only going to ask this one more time. I will know if you lie, and we can keep at this until you tell me the truth, so. Where is my brother?"
"She just asked him about her brother. Seems he's missing." Barry murmured.
"Okay, let's wait a minute. See what happens." Wells said.
"General Eiling has him. Base 29." The man panted. "He wants to use your brother to bring you to him. He thinks you will help him if he threatens your brother."
"Will Eiling hurt him?"
"Apparently Eiling has her brother. She seems worried." Barry had heard the woman's voice quiver softly in her question.
"Bad for her brother."Cisco muttered. Barry nodded to himself. He felt anxious, worried, more so then usual.
The soldier grinned. Seemed he wasn't that cowed. "Yes."
The woman backhanded him so hard the man had to spit a tooth out. He groaned. "Will he kill him?"
"The General wants him to make weapons." The soldier gasped. His eyes seemed to flicker towards her face and he turned away with a gasp. "Please, no more."
"Hmm." The woman walked back to her table, putting what ever she had been messing with into the pockets of her trench coat. Then she picked up a thin syringe and turned back to the man.
"Guys I think she's going to kill him!" Barry whispered.
"Stop her then!" Caitlin spoke.
Before Barry could move the man was talking. "Are you going to let me go?"
The woman laughed. "Yes." She slid the syringe under his fingernail and ignoring his yelp. "Oh shut up. You hurt my brother. I'll let you go alright; I make no promises that you'll survive the night. In fact if you do, I may have to come back." With that she untied the man and dragged him out the door.
"She's dragging him outside, she just injected him with something." Barry said quickly into the coms. "She said that if he survives the night she might have to come back. What should I do?"
"Well this woman clearly doesn't want her victim to survive but from the way she's talking what ever she gave him doesn't guarantee death, it may not even be deadly on its own." Well's murmured. "Any idea what she gave him?"
"No but she left the syringe, I could bring it to you and you can try to analyze it."
"Bring it here then run back and follow them, if we're lucky she won't be able to get far." Caitlin said.
"I'm on my way." Barry flashed to the floor, grabbed the syringe, and ran as fast as he could back to the lab. He dropped it in Caitlin's hands and raced back out.
"Guys I can't find them!"
"Keep looking." Wells said. He frowned, curious. Whoever this woman was she was certainly clever. She had brought her victim into an abandoned area of the city, interrogated him, rather effectively it seemed, vanished with in the no more then thirty seconds it took Barry to get here and back, and, if he was right, found a way to kill that would not be traced back to her. He just wondered what would come of it.
Alyssa watched the ally as the man stumble out on to the sidewalk. He was drunk now, and this was a busy street. If she was lucky, he'd walk in front of a car and die. If not, she may have to find another way to finish him off.
His death wasn't completely necessary. It would prevent Eiling from hearing more about her to soon, and perhaps show him that she meant business. It was him she really wanted to hurt. Him and Dr. Wells.
She pulled out her phone and typed in a familiar number. She waited, impatiently for the ringtone and smiled when she heard the familiar voice on the other end.
"Felicity it's me."
"Alyssa! Why are you calling so late? Oh it's not late, it's just getting dark earlier and I'm still adjusting-did that sound weird?"
Alyssa cut her soul mate off before she could keep rambling. "I need you to do something for me Felicity. My brother's in trouble. He's been captured by General Eiling and I'm going after him." She cut off Felicity before she could start protesting. "Don't argue. There's no time for you or Oliver to come here. You and he are all I have in this world, and I will not lose either one of you. I don't want Eiling to hurt him more then I know he already has." She had always been able to sense when her twin was in trouble or pain; he had been able to do the same. Since the particle accelerator explosion their connection had increased, allowing them to share feelings more clearly. She could feel pain and fear from him, and dreaded the thought of feeling nothing at all. "Just listen, please. If I haven't contacted you by ten o-clock tomorrow morning, you can bring in your team. Just please don't involve the Flash. My brother made a mistake involving them, and I don't trust Dr. Wells."
"What if you die?" Felicity's voice sounded broken.
Alyssa hesitated and closed her eyes. "You'll know. Look after my brother." She refused to accept the possibility that he might die. She would not allow it.
"Goodbye Felicity." She turned off the phone, then turned it around and pulled the battery out, crushing it beneath her foot before tossing it all into a dumpster. She may not have her brother's genius, but she was thorough.
Alyssa made sure her sunglasses were safe in her pocket then got on her motorcycle and drove off to rescue her brother.