The Demise
by Healer Pomfrey

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.
I am not a native speaker of English. Please excuse my mistakes.

COMPLETELY AU! Partly OOC. Slightly dark!Harry/dark!Dudley. Slight Dumbledore bashing.
It is my story, and I intend to write it the way I want it. If you don't like it, go and find something else to read or write your own story to your liking!

Three-year-old Harry Potter was a freak. That much he knew, because his Uncle Vernon used to call him a freak, while his Aunt Petunia called him Harry. She often told him she wished that he was just like his cousin Dudley - a normal boy.

However, Harry could not help performing freakish things from time to time. His aunt usually overlooked it, provided that no one had witnessed his outburst, however, if his uncle happened to be there, he punished the child adequately.

The whole world came to an abrupt change, however, one morning, when Dudley could not wait for Harry to serve the sausages from the fry pan, which he could barely reach standing on a step. All of a sudden, in front of everyone's eyes, a sausage made its way out of the fry pan and all the way over to the table, where it landed on Dudley's plate with a small thud.

During the following minute, while Harry was still trying to carefully manoeuvre the fry pan towards the table and Dudley devoured his sausage with favour, Vernon performed an outburst, of which Harry could only understand bits and pieces. The main point, however, was "Freaks!", and before Harry knew what exactly happened, Uncle Vernon left the house - according to Aunt Petunia to never come back.


From that time onwards, Harry's life changed completely. He did not have to live in the cupboard under the stairs anymore but received the empty bedroom right next to Dudley's, he did not have to wear Dudley's hand-me-downs anymore, but Petunia dressed them in new clothes like twins, and the three of them did everything together. Petunia also changed her own surname back to Evans and altered not only Dudley's but also Harry's name to Evans as well. Harry liked that immensely. 'Now I have the same name as Dudley, now I really belong to them,' the small boy thought. 'It's almost as if Dudley was my real brother.'


It was three years and several outbursts of accidental magic from both children later that Petunia was lying wide awake during the night. 'I can't do this alone,' she thought after receiving another phone call from the primary school that one of her children had dyed the teacher's hair purple. 'I can't even blame the children. What they do is accidental magic,' she recalled from what Professor McGonagall had explained to her parents so many years ago. 'I need help,' she thought. 'It's impossible for a Muggle like me who barely knows anything about the magical world to raise two magical children just by myself.' Finally, sleep claimed her, however, when she woke up in the morning, she decided to get help.

As soon as Dudley and Harry returned from school on this sunny day in early summer, she took the children to London, where she remembered the entrance to the magical shopping street to be.

"Look, there's the entrance to Diagon Alley," she informed the children, before she took a second glance. 'How strange,' she mused. 'When I was here with Lily, Mum and Dad, only Lily could see the door, but now I can see it as well. Oh well, maybe having two magical children does that to people,' she thought in confusion and finally led the children inside.

"Excuse me," she addressed Tom, the barkeeper. "I'm a Muggle raising two magical children. Do you know anyone who would be able and willing to assist me with that task?"

Tom let his eyes wander over the small family, apparently recognising Harry, before he instructed her to head to Gringotts, the wizarding bank, and ask for the Potters' account manager. He escorted them to the back of the building and tapped the wall behind it with his wand in a quick succession, allowing them to enter Diagon Alley.


Harry's and Dudley's eyes widened as they walked through the magical shopping street. The show windows were just extraordinary. Some of them were displaying photographs, in which the people were moving, others had items which they had never seen before.

They witnessed a group of children not much older than themselves standing in front of a shop with a broomstick displayed in the window. "It's said to be the fastest broom," one of them said, causing Harry to wonder if it depended on the speed of the broom or the user how fast the living room could be cleaned. "Yes, it flies with..." he heard before they left the hearing range, making him think, 'Since when can brooms fly?'


When they entered Gringotts, Harry and Dudley stared at the rows of goblins with apprehension. Harry found that they looked quite intimidating, and the goblin whom Petunia approached was not exactly friendly. However, he promised to call Buckbean, the Potters' account manager.

To the children's relief, Buckbean was much friendlier. He led the small family into his office and patiently listened to what Petunia told him. Only when she finished her explanation, he spoke up with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Excuse me to contradict you, Ms. Evans," he apologized before explaining, "You definitely are not a Muggle. You could be a Squib, which means a non magical child of magical parents." Seeing Petunia shake her head, he explained, "Some families have generations of Squibs before getting magical children again. The other possibility is that you're a witch. If you were a Muggle, you wouldn't have been able to see the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron." Smirking, he then admitted, "In fact, I have been waiting for the three of you to arrive, because Harry here is very famous in the magical world and has a destiny to fulfil. I believe though that Dudley will be able to greatly assist him. Therefore, I've already checked your family tree in detail and found out that you're not a Squib but a witch."

"But that's impossible," Petunia contradicted. "When Lily was admitted to Hogwarts, I sent a letter to headmaster Dumbledore and asked if I could attend the same school as my sister, and he refused explaining that I was a Muggle."

Buckbean shook his head. "Maybe your magic only manifested at a later time than usual, so that you were not listed in the books of all magical children at that time," he explained and unrolled a large parchment on the table in front of his visitors. "The red dots are magical people, the green dots Squibs and any black dots would be Muggles," he explained, pointing out that the Evans family could be traced back as far as Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff, while the Potter family were the sole heirs of Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw. "Harry alone as well as all three of you together are the heirs of the four founders of Hogwarts, which means that you're the owners of Hogwarts."

Harry and Dudley exchanged a surprised look. Petunia had told them a lot about Hogwarts from what she had heard from Lily.

'We're the owners,' Harry thought in disbelief. 'I wished we could attend it right away and not only in five years' time.'

"I have taken the liberty to make plans for the three of you," Buckbean continued and explained that no human member of Britain's magical world would dare interfering with Albus Dumbledore's decisions. "The goblins, however, will help you." Seeing Petunia look at him with apparent interest, he invited the three of them to live on Goblin Island, where the children could attend the primary school and would also receive special training that would help them to fulfil Harry's task in the future. "And Ms. Evans, my wife has offered to teach you magic, goblin and human ways of magic," he finished his explanation.

Petunia sat back in silence, before she asked, dazed, "Children, what do you think?"

"We'd love to live on Goblin Island..."

"... and attend school with the goblin children."

"It'll surely be interesting," Harry and Dudley replied in their own way of completing each other's sentences that used to drive Petunia nuts.

However, this time, she was too confused and excited to even notice it let alone reprimand them.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Buckbean," she replied, glancing at the children. "We accept."


Thanks to my Facebook friends for their encouragement! If you send me a FB request, please send me an email with your ffnet user name, so that I know who is sending the request. Thank you for your understanding.