Hmmm, well, this is just a little Jaune x Blake fic that a friend of mine that I asked for a prompt. Enjoy, guys, cause this is only the beginning :)


Chapter 1: A Debt is Formed

In the Field: Blake

The team is on a joint mission with Team JNPR. Ruby and Jaune decided to take a diamond formation with pairs on each side. Ruby and Pyrrha are in the lead and Jaune and I are at the rear. Whichever one decided that it was a good idea to pair Nora and Yang needs to be shot. I'm suspecting that Ruby caved to her sister's demands, but that's just speculation. Right now, they're just driving me nuts! All their incessant talking is driving me up the wall. I can't even hear anything. What if we're attacked? This is a search and destroy mission. What if we come into contact with a den of Grimm and someone gets hurt before I can warn them? On the other hand, we've been out here for hours and haven't spotted a thing.

While Yang and Nora are being obnoxious, Ren and Weiss are being abnormally quiet, especially for Weiss. They're not even communicating, but neither are Jaune and me. I look over at Weiss and see that she's actually smiling. I do a double take, expecting it all to be in my imagination, but it's still there. I suppose she's just enjoying the relative silence. She doesn't have the sensitive hearing that I do, so she doesn't get the full volume of the animated conversation going on to my left.

I look over to Jaune to see a determined look etched across his face. I never would have imagined he would be this focused, but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. I should know, right? Whatever has him this focused, though, must be fascinating. As I contemplate what would turn this normally clumsy, ill prepared boy into a seemingly well-honed warrior, a Death Stalker busts out of the trees.

Ruby and Pyrrha are the first to face it. I believe that Ruby might have learned from her first experience with a Death Stalker. She doesn't just charge in this time. She uses the gun feature to her scythe to shoot at the giant scorpion Grimm, making it back up from the constant firing. SHe leaves an opening for Pyrrha to take the initiative. Pyrrha swoops in and uses her javelin to pierce the eyes of the Death Stalker, blinding it instantly. Now blinded, the creature attempts to retreat, but Ruby calls out, "Freezerburn!" Yang and Weiss spring into action. Weiss freezes the ground beneath the Death Stalker, making its balance almost nonexistent as Yang fires up, but because she hasn't taken any hits yet, the external fire she emits is small. Yang takes a running leap at the Grimm and delivers a massive blow to its bone plate, creating convenient cracks in its skull.

Beside me, Jaune yells out, "Nora!" Nora, being ever eager to to jump into the fight, jumps into the air and lifts her hammer above her head. As she comes down, the hammer crashes into the Death Stalker's head, making it fall to the ground dead. Those four cheer as Ren just nods with a smile. I hear a deafening clang then a scream of pain. I turn around to see Jaune being impaled by the stinger of a second Death Stalker.

I run toward him, determined to take down the creature. I pull out my katana, shift it to the chain scythe form. I jump into the nearest tree, take aim, and throw my weapon toward the stinger, which has been extracted from Jaune. It connects, wrapping around the very base of the golden tip. I take a deep breath and jump. Swinging into its back, I pull out my cleaver and hack at the space just below my ribbon. The Death Stalker bucks, but my hold on the ribbon never falters, keeping me in place. Soon, the golden stinger falls from the creature's tail, hitting the bone plate and cracking it severely. An idea comes to mind, and I scramble after the stinger. Pulling it by the ribbon still wrapped around it, I bring it to me. I position the sharp tip above one of the more exposing cracks and shove it downward as hard as I can.

The Grimm bucks, sending me flying through the air. I land near Jaune, and I scramble to his side. The wound is anything but superficial. Blood is gushing out of his wound, which is the size of both of my fists put together. The hole originates in the front of his thigh and goes all the way through. I take one of the ribbons off of my arms and tie it tightly about two inches before the wound, trying to staunch the bleeding. I see the others race past me, ready to dispatch the Death Stalker that I had almost completely forgot about.

I look down at Jaune and see that he's barely conscious. "Why'd you try to take it on by yourself?" I subconsciously sweep some of the hair from his face as I look down at him.

He gives me a shaky grin. "It was coming up behind you, ready to strike. All I did was hold up my shield and block the stinger from connecting. It glanced off and hit my thigh."

I look at him, amazed. My voice is low, and I feel the tears gathering in my eyes. I force them back, though. I can't cry in front of them. "Why'd you do something so stupid?"

A small laugh escapes his lips. "Because, you were in trouble, and I was there. I just wanted to help."

"Well, now look at you." I check the makeshift tourniquet to make sure it hadn't slipped or anything.

He flashes me what I suppose he thinks is a charming smile, but is just a lopsided grin that honestly just makes him look goofy. "I think it was all worth it." He, then, winks at me.

Unbidden, a blush creeps onto my cheeks. I beat it back and try to keep my usual neutral expression on my face. "Uh, thanks, I guess. But please refrain from jumping in front of giant Grimm in the future. Your team needs you."

He rubs the back of his head, seemingly nervous. "Yeah, maybe you're right." He gives a brittle laugh that slowly dies as he winces in pain.

"Stop moving. We have to wait for emergency evac." I turn around to see the Death Stalker fall to the ground, Pyrrha standing over it. "Ruby! Message for the evac. Jaune's losing a lot of blood." Ruby pulls out her scroll and types in the code to bring the medical staff around. They arrive rather quickly and put Jaune in a stretcher to carry him to the med evac, leaving the rest of us to take the regular bullhead out.

I'm left in my thoughts, drowning in the curious emotions that Jaune seems to have invoked within me. He saved me. Without a thought for his own personal safety, he saved me. In my mind, a debt has been formed, and I'll pay this back to him however I can.


A/N: This is so out of my comfort zones, I don't know what. But, this is a good exercise, and my friend wanted me to try this. He supplied the prompt and everything, I'm just adding the detail. I hope you guys liked it, cause there's going to be more. :) Follow, favorite, review.