Chapter Seventeen: Jacob Moves On (Imprint/Soulmate)


"Well come on then," Hermione carried her baby boy into her arms "What do you think of the manor Teddy bear?" she explained.

"This is our home momma?"

"Yes this is our new home what do you think?"

"It's so big," Teddy was in awe "This is for us?"

"Yes Teddy this is for all of us we get to live here and start fresh with our new fond family isn't that exciting"


Seth and Paul helped Harry out of the car gently.

"Harry," Seth stated at this introducing them to each other "This is my best friend, Jacob Black but most people call him Jake," he explained.

Harry took off his sunglasses. Jacob gasped at the bright emerald jewel eyes that twinkled in the sunlight "It's nice to finally meet you Jacob," he replied.

It took Jacob a minute or two to collect his thoughts "It's—it's an honor to meet you Harry and please call me Jake," he shook Harry's hand with enthusiasm. Before either of them can head inside there was a tug from Jacob's pants which he looked down; apparently, Rocco took a very good liking on Jacob "Well hello there little guy what's your name?" he explained grinning as he always had a soft spot towards the kids.

"Rocco…" Rocco shyly says hiding behind Harry who smiled at this.

"Well I'm Jacob but, you can call me Jake it's nice to meet you," Jacob greeted the kid shaking his hand gently.

Rocco stared at his hand for a moment looking at his godfather Harry who smiled "Rocco what do you say to him?" he asked.

"Nice to meet you too," Rocco shyly murmured hiding his face against Harry's shoulder.

Harry chuckled "He's a little shy around new people but, once they get to know each other they'll be talking non stop," he explained.

"So I heard and I can tell," Jacob explained.

Harry limped out of the way to allow Doc to close the limo door and looked up at the house.

"Wow… this is amazing," Harry replied.

"Come on," Jacob offered "I'll help you inside," he suggested.

Draco smiled at this. Jacob was already finding a purpose and that was helping Harry. He walked over and hugged his brother "Harry!" he exclaimed happily.

"Hey Drake," Harry smiled, hugging him back "I've missed you!"

"Me too," Draco smiled at this "Jake can you help Harry into the drawing room please," he explained.

"Sure okay," Jacob replied nodding at this.

"Uncle Dragon, we miss you" Rocco, Rocky, Elias and Teddy exclaimed heading to their favorite uncle/cousin/brother in law which Draco is very much used from the kids as it was their nickname from him.

"Hey munchkins I miss you guys too. Guess what I got a huge surprise for you lot," Draco smiled gathering the kids into his arms causing them to giggle "I miss you guys have you been good to your mama Hermione," he explained.

"Yeah," The kids giggled and perked up.

"What did you get us?" Rocco asked curiously.

"Come on," Draco carried the kids which Rebecca smiled at the scene knowing he's going to be an amazing father to their future children "Welcome to your new home kids," he exclaimed opening his arms wide for his siblings but, blood.

The kids were in awe leaving Hermione smiled "Can I momma, can I?" they asked as they tugged into her dress.

"Of course, loves but, be careful and don't hurt yourselves," Hermione replied as the kids ran inside the club house.

"Momma Min'nie look!" Rocco screamed as he was in the top of the castle "I'm in the top," he exclaimed.

"Momma, momma look, look!" Rocky screamed as she and Teddy were in the top of the castle "I'm on the top too!" they both exclaimed.

"Look momma Min'nie I'm a bear grrrrr," Elias pretended to be a bear in the castle leaving Hermione to laugh who took videos and pictures over this "Grrrr I'm a bear," he explained.

"I can see that baby," Hermione smiled at this "Be careful Rocco," she warned him.

"Okay mama," Rocco smiled at this "Look momma I can fly," he explained.

"I can see that," Hermione began to say with a smile "Come on kiddo's let's go inside huh we're about to eat lunch soon and once you're done eating you can play here as much you guys want okay," Hermione offered at this.

Teddy, Elias, Rocky and Rocco pouted "Okay momma Min'nie," they replied as they slide down the slide which Hermione and Seth carried the kids inside the house.

Once they headed inside to the drawing room where everyone was gathered to rest for a bit where Draco asked the others if they wanted something to drink.

"Maybe you're up for some tea Harry?" Draco asked.

"Ice tea Drake please," Harry replied, "Hey where's Neville and Luna along with Blaise?"

Draco felt the floo network open "They just arrived by the floo and Blaise is with Leah they should be arriving soon,"

"What about Fred and Aqua?"

"They're doing last minute plans going shopping,"

"Sounds reasonable did they go with the pack?"

"Yes with Quil, Brady and Collin they should be back in a few minutes"

"Good, I can't wait to meet everyone along with the pack members" Harry replied walking into the foyer as he gasped "Wow …"

"Do you like it Harry?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I do very much," Harry began to say realizing he wasn't by himself as he turned to Sam "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Harry. Harry Potter," he explained.

Sam smiled at this "Sam Uley it's nice to meet you," he explained.

"The Quileute Alpha?" Harry asked leaving Sam to nod at this.

"Yes, that's me. It's a real honor to meet you Harry I heard so much about you and thank you for saving us from the war from happening it's a good thing it didn't reach America. I'm not sure what would happen if it did,"

"Oy Vey," Harry joked around "And of course it's not like we can… have Voldermort taken over the whole world it would've been chaos and we can't have that huh?" he explained.

Jacob and Draco laughed at this as they helped down the grand hall and into the drawing room.

"You know Yiddish Harry?" Draco asked.

"Um… I just started to learn it. It's funny and you can blame Seamus for that," Harry answered as he looked around the drawing room. The Malfoy furniture was reupholstered with lighter lavender and mint green fabric, matching the soft curtains, the colorful stained glass that lets in the sunlight bathed the room in colors complementing the flower arrangements. The wood floors, walls were light and airy and the fireplace was roaring "This place is beautiful Draco," he complimented at the view. As he sat down on the couch, that's when Hermione and Seth arrived with the kids who looked excited with anticipation to come back to the club house.

"It really does," Ariel nodded in agreement putting her head against George her fiancée's shoulder "And I saw what you did in the backyard it's beautiful," she explained.

"Thank you it was all of us that thought of this," Draco explained with a smile.

"You guys seem tired?" Rebecca noticed this that Hermione came back with the kids "Long day?" she asked.

"You have no idea," Hermione sighed leaning her head against Seth's shoulder "The kids especially since they're excited to play in the play house which I have to say Draco it's a lot bigger than when I was younger that's for sure," she explained.

"Really you had a play house where you live Mia?" Draco asked.

"Oh yes," Ariel nodded at this "I remember our family used to go to this park… it wasn't exactly a club house like this, but it was more of a pirate ship I had some good memories there," she explained, smiling at the memory.

"And had some—summer relationships too," Hermione giggled "It was pretty fun," she explained.

"Oh?" Seth asked.

"Yes, it was when I first met my first friends. Jayden and Seth. They're both half-brothers," Hermione giggled "Well actually they're cousins Seth learned that their father is really his uncle due to his sister being his birth mother… so … it would be debatable," she explained.

"And don't forget how they dated you Mia being purebloods wizards as well," Ariel teased with a giggle "They were both fond with Mia as a child being their first love," she explained.

"Date first love? " Seth was in alert.

"Oh, don't worry my ex boyfriends Jax and Seth they're all married and settled down, I wouldn't worry about it," Hermione waved it off; Seth was about to answer but, nodded at this "Funny how they had the same name as you?" she teased him.

Seth kissed her forehead "Well it's their lost and my gain," he explained with a grin.

"Why do you say that?" Hermione asked.

"Because I get to meet you," Seth grinned "And I have no doubt that it was fate until I met you so I'm the lucky one," he explained.

"Well aren't you sweet," Hermione smiled giving him a quick kiss which he happily obliges sitting on the couch across from the others "Isn't he just a romantic," she explained.

"Smooth real smooth Seth," Paul explained with a chuckle.

"I try, I try," Seth explained grinning giving a kiss to his girlfriend Hermione causing everyone to chuckle at them.

"Draco spend all of this time fixing it up for you Harry," Rebecca answered.

Sitting down next to him were the kids along with Draco and kissed him on the cheek.

"It really is beautiful Draco thank you," Harry answered.

"No problem Harry I'm glad you love it," Draco replied smiling at this.

Draco paid Doc, allowing the Knight Cub to drive off, vanishing in a swirl of yellow smoke. He walked in and sat down next to Hermione as the kids were eating cookies with chocolate smears all over them on one of the couches with Seth next to her and Jacob was on the other side of Harry.

"You should've seen this place when I got here. It was literally falling apart," Draco explained.

"Well it's a good thing you fix it up huh Drake," Hermione replied.

"Yes, it is," Draco agreed with his sister but, blood.

Hermione and Rebecca swished their wands conjuring huge jugs of ice tea and warm milk for the kids with tall glasses and sippy cups. The jug served the ice tea independently and the glasses floated over to each person along with the sippy cups for the kids with warm milk or apple juice.

"Mmm…." Harry smiled as he drank the kool ice tea. Everyone looked at him "Sorry, it's just been a long ride from London," he explained.

Seth laughed putting his arm around Hermione as she leaned against his chest "That's okay Harry how do you like the tea?" he asked.

"It's pretty good. What kind is this anyway?" Harry asked.

"Strawberry fruit punch, it's one of my favorites growing up I figured we can try some with a day like this," Hermione explained.

"Perfect I love strawberries it's a good thing you made this Mione," Harry began to say with a grin "With you cooking and baking us goodies of sweets I have no doubt it's delicious no doubt," he explained.

"Of course, you know strawberries are the best in this type of season," Hermione explained.

"Hello where is everyone," a voice which was Blaise.

"In the drawing room mate," Draco called over.

"There you guys are I'm sorry I missed your arrivals Harry I was with Leah," Blaise furiously apologized to his adopted brother in law "And where's Fred and Aqua?" he asked.

"Here, here," Aqua rushed over out of breath "I am so sorry Fred and I lost track of time and we finally got it," she explained.

"Got what Aqua?" Hermione asked.

Aqua grinned "Like you didn't know Mya we got this for you," she explained.

Hermione looked confused then widened her eyes in awe "Oh my gosh is that what I think it is?"

"It is we finally managed to find one there hasn't have one set since it came out,"

"What is it Mione?"

"Harry do you realize what this is?"

"No what?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at this "It's the Nintendo 3DS I been wanting to get one since it first came out but, I haven't had a chance to get it before and now I finally got it and it's in different colors yay," she explained.

Harry whistled at this "Since when are you into video games?"

"I have always been into video games Harry you're looking at the Queen of video games especially Pokemon I have a whole collection of it check this out," Hermione began to say waving her hand and the whole collection of games of Pokemon, Pokemon trading cards inside their binders appeared causing everyone to gawk at the collection even there were toys of Pokemon in each sizes "This is my whole collection of Pokemon," she explained.

Paul whistled at this "This is all yours Hermione," he explained.

"Of course,"

"What about Mario Party videogames I heard it's pretty good,"

"Are you kidding trust me I have a huge collection of video games of each nintendo games, XBox, Playstation, Playstation II and others like this," Hermione explained.

"Wow… I had no idea you were into this stuff why didn't you say anything?"

"Considering we were too busy battling a war it must've crossed my mind," Hermione shrugged at this and sighed happily "And now that the war is over I can finally play this game finally," she explained.

"You into this babe?" Seth asked.

"Uhh yeah I love this game Mario Party my favorite are the races here," Hermione explained.

"Huh we learn something new everyday about you huh Mia," Blaise explained.

"You never asked me," Hermione explained with a shrug.

"Now this I have got to see when we have the time we're having a race Miss. Mia," Paul explained with a grin.

"Bring it on Paul Lahote," Hermione grinned causing everyone to chuckle at this "I can't wait to play this baby," she explained.

"What's this game Mia?" Aqua asked curiously at this.

Hermione grinned evilly "My ultimate favorite DANCE, DANCE REVOLUTION Part I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, VIX and X all ten of them of each one I always love this game as a kid," she explained.

"You want to play this don't you babe?" Seth chuckled at this "Want a dance off?" he asked.

"You dance?"

"I have you know I'm full of surprises babe,"

"Bring it on babe,"

Seth grinned at this "After you my lady,"

"Draco did you set up the T.V."

"Ummm the T.V?"

"Yeah we set up the T.V. it's in the living room Mya it was when you were unconscious love," Rebecca explained causing Draco to nod at this.

"Unconscious are you okay Draco?" Harry worriedly asked.

"Yeah I'm fine I was overstressing myself no biggie," Draco waved it off causing Harry to nod at this knowing him.

"Brilliant we're going to play this game or what and I'm glad you're okay Draco" Hermione announced.

"Thanks Mia," Draco grinned at this as he sat down "Well , aren't you going to play or what? This I have to got to see," he explained.

"I'm game if you are Sethy?" Hermione grinned at this setting the pad on the floor well two pads on the floor and set the game "I really love this game," she explained.

"Don't hurt yourself Mia,"

"I won't,"

"Bring it on baby cakes,"

"Oh it is on like Donkey Kong and let's try the easy level and we'll go from there?"

"After you baby girl,"

Hermione grinned at this "We'll try this one First kiss by 3OH!3 feat Ke$ha this is my favorite song?" she explained.

"Really Mione really?" Harry looked amusing at this as he set chairs for everyone to watch the couple playing a game "Do you really have to do this now,"

"Yes, your first move Seth," Hermione pointed out "You don't mind do you Sam?" she asked.

"By all means go for it I want to see this myself," Sam explained who looked amused.

"What about you Leah do you mind if I beat your brother in a video game?" Hermione asked.

"Go for it girls gotta stick together," Leah explained who looked amuse.

"Gee thanks for the support sis," Seth sarcastically says "After you baby girl," he offered at this.

"Why thank you," Hermione pressed a few buttons through the pad, picking her character and username "GRYFFINDORPRINCESS21" causing everyone to chuckle "Your turn Sethy," she explained.

Seth hummed picking a username and character "QUILEUTE SETH16 and done, think you can keep baby girl?"

"Trust me I can keep up this is an easy level just wait until we reached the other songs which are some of the hardest hard core levels," Hermione explained as the game was set up where the music started to play.

Seth grinned at this as he started dancing while Hermione copied except she did a double twist back flip causing everyone to gawk at the girl except Ariel she looked amused as she always knew her baby sister had some secret moves following the steps on the pad which they both looked competitive on the steps by dancing.

"My First Kiss" by 3OH!3 (feat Ke$ha)

My first kiss went a little like this

[Kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist


Well my first kiss went a little like this

[Kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist

I said no more teachers and no more books

I got a kiss under the bleachers hopin' that nobody looked

Lips like licorice, tongue like candy

Excuse me miss, but can I get you out your panties?

In the back of the car

On the way to the bar

I got you on my lips (I got you on my lips)

At the foot of the stairs

With my fingers in your hair, baby this is it...


She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say



She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say



"Really babe we're really doing this huh?" Seth chuckled at this as he did one arm flip causing everyone to gawk at the couple.

"Oh it is on like donkey kong Sethy check this out," Hermioen smirked as she did another backflip with a hand string causing Ariel to clap knowing her sister "Your move baby," she explained.

"Well, well, well look at this Gryffindor Princess got some moves okay then," Seth pointed out as he did another backflip "I can do this all night baby girl," he grinned doing a hand string and did a twist backflip.

"I have all day and night when it comes with this game," Hermione poked her tongue did a hand string back flip putting a high score.

"Ooh you want to go there princess check this out I bet you didn't get this move," Seth did a hand string back flip spinning around causing the guys to "ooh" "Your move baby girl," he grinned.

[Ke$ha:] My first kiss went a little like this...

I said no more sailors and no more soldiers

With your name in a heart tattooed upon their shoulders

Kisses like whiskey, it gets me drunk

And I wake up in the morning with the taste of your tongue

In the back of the car

On the way to the bar

I got you on my lips (I got you on my lips)

At the foot of the stairs

With my fingers in your hair, baby this is it...


She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say



She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say



My first kiss went a little like this

[Kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist

Well my first kiss went a little like this

[Kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist

Yeah, she won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say...


"Are you seeing this Harry," Draco chuckled gawking at the two "They're made for each other," he explained.

"Most definitely I have never seen Hermione so competitive except in school," Harry pointed out.

"There's more to Mia then being a bookworm in school Harry I should know I taught her everything she ever knew besides our brothers of course," Ariel explained.

"Oh did you now?" Harry asked sitting down watching Hermione and Seth having fun he's glad for his sister that she's actually having fun.

"Yeah Alek, Jay, Zander, Logan and I would always play sports in our neighborhood and whenever Mia wants to try out something she would be determined to be good at it it's one of her habits really," Ariel explained.

Harry chuckled shaking his head "Look at Mione go!" he happily exclaimed seeing her doing a double hand string with a couple of moves spinning around and switch from one pad to another with Seth then did another switch and back causing everyone to cheer.

"Go Mia," Rebecca cheered for her best friend "Do that move again," she explained.

"Go momma!" Elias giggled being carried by Aqua his auntie "Auntie Aqua can I play after momma?" he asked.

"Maybe when you're a little older it looks a little hard for you baby boy," Aqua murmured.

"Awe … can't I play any game with momma?" Teddy pouted at this "I want to play," he sadly says.

"I'm sure she'll come with something that you guys can play together," Rebecca explained.


She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say



She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say



She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch

If I had it my way

You know that I'd make her say...

"And that ladies and gentleman you got beat by the Gryffindor Princess," Hermione cheered with a smirk causing Seth breathing heavily "Are you okay baby?" she worriedly rushing over to her boyfriend causing everyone to cheer.

Seth hovered breathing heavily "That was really intense for an easy level and for someone so small you're really good at that is there anything else that I don't know about you?" he explained.

"It's a gift and I don't like to fly but, I overcame my fears thanks to my ex boyfriend Newt Scamander III he's pretty good at Quidditch," Hermione smirked then worried looked at him, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah baby I'm fine … I haven't dance that hard since … the last dance competition,"

"What dance competition?"

"Oh we always have dance competition every year in the Fall sometimes they would switch the days from Fall to Winter to Spring to Summer this year it's Fall's turn again," Paul explained.


"Yeah it's pretty fun,"

"Hold on backup a second did you say Newt Scamander III?" Harry asked.

"Yeah why?"

"I didn't know you dated Newt Scamander isn't he a little old?"

"No not New Scamander the book arthur he's married I'm talking about his grandson he's Rolf's older brother Harry he was named after his grandfather,"

Harry gave a slight nod at this "Ah…" he began to say passing Hermione a towel "Tired Mione?" he smirked.

"I'm beyond tired I haven't danced that hard in so long it's fun dancing like that again," Hermione explained.

"Last time we had a dance was in our 4th year," Draco pointed out.

"True true, but by then I was with Viktor we were good friends with each other," Hermione pointed out.

"It's true if it wasn't for Mya Viktor and I wouldn't be together by then," Jax slightly nodded at this knowing his ex-fiancee it was before he was killed during the war thanks to the death eaters "He was a good lad," he explained.

"You know Viktor babe?" Paul asked.

"Yes he was my … fiancee before he was killed thanks to the death eaters," Jax explained.

Paul soften his eyes giving him a hand squeeze "I'm sorry that happened to him," he explained.

"Thanks love but, I'm sure he would want me to be happy and I am happy," Jax explained.

"And I'm happy that you're happy love," Paul smiled giving him a kiss then turned to Hermione "Wow Hermione that was some awesome moves back there same with you Seth as always," he explained.

"Thanks Paul I try," Seth shrugged kissing his girlfriend Hermione on the shoulder "But, he's right though babe that was really good even though I was definitely impressed with those moves baby," he explained.

"Their right Mia that was awesome! I bet you can't beat that Stanley girl," Leah happily exclaimed.


"Jessica Stanley she's one of the best dancers in this town but, I think we got a new Queen dancer and that's you," Leah complimented.

"Thank you and I'm sure she's going to be … tough to beat but I try my best," Hermione grinned knowing that she's going to get along while washing off the sweat off herself "So … what should we do next?" she explained.

"I think we should have some lunch since I'm starving," Rebecca explained.

"Why don't we all have some lunch?" Sam offered at this as he can tell Hermione is perfect for Seth.

"That's a good idea," Draco began to say calling for his house elf "Pip," he called over.

A house elf apparate in the middle of the living room "Yes Master Draco," she bowed over "What can Pip do for you?"

"Is lunch almost ready we're a bit hungry?" Draco gently says.

"Yes Master Draco lunch is about done we're just waiting for the pizza to be done cooking for another 10 minutes," Pip explained.

"Perfect can you make some more ice tea we're out," Rebecca explained.

"Of course Mistress Rebecca what kind of tea miss?" Pip asked.

"How about … mango Tea?" Hermione offered at this "With extra ice in mine please,"

"Of course Mistress I shall fetch the tea," Pip explained.

"Thank you Pip," Hermione explained

"Yes thank you Pip," Draco nodded at this as they sat down on the new couches "So what should we do for the next couple of minutes?" he explained.

"Oh and before I forget this is Leah my girlfriend and imprint," Blaise introduced everyone to Leah.

"I was wondering what took you so long to introduce me to them?" Leah jokely says.

"Sorry baby," Blaise half sheepishly at this "I was just too distracted by the dancing that Mia did," he pointed out.

"Don't worry about it and I have to say that was pretty impressive where did you know how to do those type of moves before?" Leah explained.

Hermione grinned at this "Gymnastics, ice skating, dance camp and ballet I've been dancing since I can remember. Ariel and I signed up when we were really young while our brothers Alek, Jay, Zander and Logan took sports but, taught us the sports the muggle way," she explained.

"Really?" Leah asked.

"Yes, you can say we're big sports fans when it comes with sports in America and England,"

"I didn't know that,"

"You never asked me Harry,"

Harry nodded at this "There's a lot of things that I don't know about you, huh?" he jokingly says

"Oh hush you it's not like you and Ron ever asked me over the years,"

"And I thought we were best friends," Harry dramatically playfully says causing everyone to chuckle.

"Oh and before I forget this is Leah my girlfriend and my imprint," Blaise announced at this.

exclaimed leaving everyone to congratulate them after warning one another to not hurt one another which they told each of the siblings that they won't.

"It looks like we're going to be a family Blaise," Hermione winked at this leaving Blaise to laugh.

"I guess we are sisters in law," Blaise winked at her leaving her to giggle while Leah blushed and Seth to smirk at this "And I gained another brother," he explained.

"And I gained an extended family in Draco's," Seth grinned holding his girlfriend Hermione kissing her on the forehead "And Blaise take care of my sister," he explained.

"I will and you take care of my sister too," Blaise explained.

Leah coughed raising her eyebrows at her brother which Seth rapidly got up "Oh right sorry Lee. I want you to meet someone," after he hugged his sister who returned the favor "This is Hermione my imprint/girlfriend, Mya this is Leah my older sister," he explained as they were introduced to one another.

"It's nice to finally meet you Hermione I heard so much about you from Bex nice moves back there I have never seen anyone do that before but, it's pretty impressive," Leah explained after shaking her hand "And take care of my brother," she quickly added.

"Thanks and I will you take care of my brother too," Hermione smiled knowing Blaise "He means a lot to me," he explained.

Leah smiled sitting next to her boyfriend/imprint Blaise "I will. So, when did you guys get here if I knew before Blaise and I would've came sooner," she explained after pouring herself a drink.

Seth waved it off "It's not biggie but, we arrived here maybe 15 to half hour ago right?" he asked turning to his girlfriend and imprint Hermione who nodded at this.

"Yes, that sounds about right," Hermione replied.

Draco got up "A toast," he raised his glass "To Harry, Jax and Hermione along with the kids and everyone else our friends and family for all of us to finally getting out of the Wizarding World in Britain and coming here to this peaceful place. May it be a safe haven for all of us and may our lives here be as amazing as we know they will be," he explained.

"Here, here" Jax exclaimed.

"I'd like to thank you for all for putting so much effort and time into this place to make it so beautiful. We only just got here and already I can feel so much love and devotion from the town itself. It's really is amazing," Harry announced smiling at this "I can't wait to get better and actually explore the forest and the town itself!" he explained.

"I can speak for the council and our community in saying the feeling is mutual and we can't wait to get to know you better as time passes!" Sam told him in agreement.

By now both Harry and Jax began to feel faint.

"Harry?" Jacob asked worried over him.

Paul turned to Jax "Love?"

Luna and Neville rushed over. They scanned the wizards

"Their energy levels are down," Neville announced worried.

"Will they be alright?" Paul asked.

"Yes," Neville nodded at this "It's been a long day and a long ride over from London. Can you help us take them into their rooms," he replied.

Jacob immediately got up and picked up Harry, bridal style and so did Paul.

"I'll show you up," Draco offered.

"Papa Harry" Teddy whimpered trying to wake up his godfather, his father figure "Papa Harry wake up"

Hermione immediately get up "Shhh it's okay Teddy bear he's going to be alright loves why don't you go with your auntie Ariel and uncle George while I take care of papa Harry okay," she softly giving a look to Ariel who nodded at this.

"Come on baby let's go to the playroom?" Ariel offered with her fiancée George, Fred his brother, and Aqua who helped with the kids.

'Thank you,' Hermione mouth at this racing after the others upstairs to the 2nd floor.

'I got you boo boo,' Ariel winked at this as they went to the play room to distract the kids.

Once that was settled, everyone else reached the second floor. Sam, Blaise, went with Paul, Neville, Hermione and Jax to one room which was in the left side of the house while Seth, Leah, went with Jacob, Draco, Luna and Harry into the other room across the hall.


"Lay him on the bed," Neville instructed "Gently," he softly says.

The bed was a huge king size bed with fine blue and gold covers and sheets. Draco helped uncover the covers and fluff up the pillows while Jacob put Harry down. Luna closed the curtains with a swish of her wand.

I'll go get some water," Draco said, running out the door.

Luna got out the ingredients to make a quick salve and some mergauzes. "Seth, Leah come help me," Seth and Leah nodded. "Jacob please take off the mergauzes and his clothes then take him in the bathroom and give him a quick bath," she instructed.

Jacob nodded. He started peeling off the scaly gauzes, despite their scaly surface they were unusually soft like silk on top but, as he peeled him away he saw they had a slimy black and green goop underneath. He felt he was unwrapping a mummy, a beautiful mummy. Once it was off he saw the pitch-black splotches of the wounds around the arm and rib cage. He unbuttoned Harry's shirt and carefully removed it trying not to make Harry uncomfortable. He then proceeded to remove the wizards pants and underwear. Seth cleared the dirty mrgauzes and clothes while Leah passed him a fresh towel and a wet towel for them to dry him off and went back to help Luna with the potions. That's when Jacob carried Harry into the bathroom Luna swished her wand filling the tub with warm water.

Jacob put him inside the water as Luna stepped out closing the door. As he carefully sponged Harry with bath oils, he looked at Harry in all his nakedness, Harry was gorgeous with a lean well-built slender physique, nice pecs, faint six pack abs and a soft black nest of public ivory his impressive nine to ten-inch penis. Kneeling on the floor next to the tub, which could fit five people, he couldn't help caress Harry's thigh with his hand, the skin pale ivory and so soft to the touch.

'Who could've done this to him.' Jake worriedly thought to him.

"Mmm…" Harry muttered.

Jacob smiled at himself "He's so beautiful…"

Jacob then vowed to himself to protect his imprint, he knew the minute they met but, he wants to take it slow by getting to know him better and won't let anyone take him away from him. He'll make sure of it and knew then that he finally moved on with his life from his break up with Edward or should we say leech? Either way he just knew that he found someone to love and won't have anyone take it away from him.


On the other side of the hallway across from Harry's in the right side was Jax room; Jax was shaking with pain

"Mya it hurts…" Jax whimpered "Make the pain stop," he whispered..

"I know honey I know," Hermione began to say gently kissed his forehead "Hold on … a bit longer…" she turned to Sam, Blaise and Paul "Paul please undress him Sam, go run the bath, Blaise come help me and Neville," she instructed the wolves and Blaise got to work.

As Paul removed the soft thin layers of black clothes and mergauzes, he had to hold in his tears at the sight of the burn scars. His wolf gave him strength to focus on the task at hand. His mate needed him. Jax shook his head in pain.

"Shhh it's okay love. It's just me," Paul softly whispered. Jax nodded. He saw Hermione, Blaise and Neville prepare the salve and fresh mergauzes.

Sam walked in "The bath is ready," he announced.

"Good, good," Hermione nodded at this "Thank you Sam I appreciate that,"

"Of course," Sam nodded at this.

"Paul take him in and wash him. Sam close the curtains and get the bed ready. Blaise, you and Hermione help me with this," Neville replied.

Blaise and Hermione nodded as they had the license as a healer in St. Mungo's; Hermione has three jobs being a healer and one of the Head Aurors in the Wizarding World with Blaise then the last one was owning a bakery with Ariel and Aqua. Paul carefully picked up Jax up and Hermione led him in she waves her wand and turned the water into milk leaving the wolves puzzled at this about to ask but, she cut their thoughts.

"It's Hippogriff milk it works wonders," Hermione explained as she kissed her older brother Jax on the forehead and walked out closing the door to give them some privacy.

Once that was done Blaise told Hermione and Neville that he's going to distract the kids with Leah as he felt that the kids might be frightened leaving them to nod at this while they went back to work. Paul placed him into the warm tub milk. He felt Jax grab him tight at the contact of milk with his skin

"Shhh …. It's okay I'm here love… I'm here," Paul softly whispered.

As he carefully bathed his mate, he couldn't help but admire Jax naked body. It was like Chris Evans body in Captain America. Just perfect. He vowed to himself and devoted his life to worship and protect that body with his life. No one would ever touch his mate again he's going to make sure of it.


After finishing the bath Jacob lifted Harry up, Luna walked in to cast a quick drying spell and lead the way back to Harry's bed. She then walked over with lavender colored salve. Jacob watched the witch carefully smooth in the salve into Harry's skin with utter grace and love. Harry twitched.

"I know it hurts Harry but, it must be done," Luna softly says, "It'll feel better once it settles in," she turned to Seth "The mergauzes,"

"Mergauzes what's that?" Jacob asked curiously.

"They're special gauzes made of shedded mermaid skin, it contains nutrients and vitamins absorbed from the water they dwell in and it's powerful healing tool. The mermaid skin not only helps prevent infections, but also releases the nutrients and vitamins into the damaged skin, along with the salve of course while absorbing the position and therefore detoxing the body," Luna explained as she and Seth wrapped Harry up with the fresh clean merguauzes.

"So that blackish green gunk that the other one had was the poison hex?" Jacob asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Luna nodded at this as she tied the gauze securely. "It's done," she sighed tiredly "Can you guys dress him I have to get the sleeping potion," she explained.

Seth and Jacob nodded and proceeded. Jacob put on the underwear and pajama pants while Seth put on the shirt.

Draco came in with the cool pitcher of water and a cold glass "It's water," he walked over to Harry "Here Harry drink some water," Harry nodded and took long slips. Jacob could tell he was thirsty.

Luna came over with a vial with light blue liquid "Harry drink this,"

Harry gulped it down and made a face "Ugh… yuck that was awful," he complained.

"Lay down sweetheart…" Luna smiled knowing this "Sleep now," Harry placed his head on the soft pillows and drifted off to sleep.

"Hey Jake, can you stay with him," Draco asked.

"Yes of course," Jacob said. He didn't need to think about it.

Draco swished and flicked his wand turning on the fireplace, turning off the lights and shutting the door behind them. Jacob carefully climbed into bed and slipped under the covers resting his back on the headboard. They're alone in the dark, with just quiet light of the fireplace, he carefully combed Harry's hair with his fingers.

"Don't worry Harry you're safe…" Jacob murmured softly, in Harry's response he just made a 'hum' sound.


Draco, Luna, and Seth walked into Jax's room. Paul was just coming out of the bathroom with Jax.

"Put him on the bed," Draco instructed as he went over to help. He put on the salve all over the burn scars as gently as he could. Jax twitched with pain "I'm sorry Jax. It'll get better I promise," he murmured softly.

After he was done. While he helped Hermione, Neville, Blaise and Luna clean up, Sam helped Paul wrap Jax up in fresh merguezes while Seth slipped on a new pair of underwear and pants on Jax.

"I'll fetch the water," Hermione raced outside to get the water.

A few moments later Blaise came inside the room with a fresh cold water. Jax had a puzzled look.

"What is it?" Jax asked.

"Water here Jax drink some water. Mya went to get the sleeping potion with Nev," Blaise offered a pour of glass of cold water leaving Jax to nod at this as he took long slips. Paul could tell he was thirsty and made a mental note to fetch him a jug of cold water for his mate later.

Neville walked over with Hermione "Here Jax. Drink this."

Jax gulped up the sleeping potion "Urgggh… yuck!" after making a weird face.

"Harry just said the same thing," Draco joked.

"Well he's right about that, it's awful" Jax explained.

Hermione turned off the lights and lit the fireplace as Sam tucked him in. the room was now dark except for the gentle light of the fireplace.

"I know," Hermione softly says, "Sleep tight Jax,"

Draco turned to Paul "Will you stay with him?"

"Always," Paul said. Just like Jacob. He slipped under the covers resting his back on the headboard and started humming a lullaby. Hermione and Rebecca led the rest of the group out and shut the door. They took a moment to breath out in the hall. Rebecca looked around and Hermione walked in.

"Where's Jake?" Rebecca asked curiously.

"He's with Harry," Draco answered.

"Oh, that's good," Hermione nodded at this knowing as she saw how they both stared at each other and the imprint bond is showing between them.

"How about we go downstairs for a drink?" Rebecca offered. The group nodded and started making their way downstairs into the drawing room where Blaise, Leah, Ariel, George, Aqua, and Fred were with the kids playing with their toys.

"Hey guys," Aqua began to say carrying Elias, Teddy, Rocco and Rocky who whimpered wanting to be with Hermione "I think they need their mum," she explained.

Hermione soften her eyes holding her babies looking at the time "I think it's time for their nap it's a little early but, I want to go to the mall later when they're wide awake what do you think?" she explained.

"I say go for it babe," Seth explained.

"Okay I'ma take them to their room so they can sleep. What time do you want to go?" Hermione asked.

"How about 3:30 it's nearly noon," Seth offered.

"Perfect hey Bex do you and Draco want to go with us to the mall?" Hemrione asked.

"We would love too since you don't know the area well," Rebecca explained.

"Good, I'll take the kids to sleep and we'll get ready by then," Hermione began to say heading to the kids bedroom which was connected to her bedroom setting them to their beds when they're switched to their pajamas "Okay Teddy bear, Eli, Rocco and Rocky it's time for your nap babies," she explained.

"I'm not tired momma," Rocco whimpered wiping his eyes with a yawn.

Hermione lips twitched "Oh really you're not tired baby Rocco," she explained.

"No," Rocco yawned setting his head on her shoulder "No tired," he murmured.

"Whatever you say baby," Hermione murmured.

"Yesh," Rocco murmured.

Hermione, however held all four kids Elias, Teddy, Rocco and Rocky on her arms it was hard at first but she got used to carrying them together since they were born since they're two months apart from each other. She put on the music and started humming the song.

"Once upon a December" by Anastasia

Dancing bears,

Painted wings,

Things I almost remember,

And a song someone sings

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm.

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory…

[Instrumental interlude—Hermione hums, dancing around with Teddy, Elias, Rocco and Rocky's eyes starts to doze off into her arms—making small pictures of their loved ones] …

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm.

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory,

Far away, long ago,

Glowing a dim as an ember,

Things my heart

Used to know,

Things it yearns to remember…

And a song

Someone sings…

Once upon a December…

"How was that my babies?" Hermione murmured seeing that Elias, Teddy, Rocco and Rocky are now sound asleep as she smiled sweetly.

"Hey," Seth grinned as he leaned against the doorway "You're just full of surprises aren't you baby?" he explained.

"I try," Hermione gave a soft smile "We should head back to the others in case they need us," she explained.

Seth nodded in agreement as he offered his hand and she grabbed his as they headed downstairs where everyone was tired chatting away.

"Hey how's the kids?" Ariel asked.

"Their asleep sleeping like angels," Hermione replied.

"That's good," Rebecca nodded at this knowing how they can be a handful at times "Drink?" she asked.

"Yes please," Hermione explained.


Rebecca and Hermione served some brandy while Luna and Aqua brought in some cakes and sandwiches.

"So, it's always like this?" Sam asked curiously.

"Yes," Hermione nodded at this "If their bodies are affected by the hexes," she explained.

"How do you guys do it though?" Seth asked tiredly "It's hard work,"

"With love," Draco smiled at this while Rebecca laid her head against his shoulder "They've done so much for us and we've done so much for them. We're a family so we take care of each other because of it," he explained.

"This process is twice a day. In the morning and in the evening," Neville tiredly sighs while Luna laid her head against her husband's shoulder "It's the only way to keep the treatment in effect," he explained.

"Well it looks like you're going to need our help," Sam stated at this "I'll come in the morning and in the evening. Seth is at school with Jacob, Embry and Quil so they can join me in the night shift then Jared, Leah, and Paul can join me in the morning shift," he explained.

"Thank you," Hermione sincerely grateful for this "Really we really appreciate this Sam,"

"You're all Quileute now Hermione," Sam smiled at this "Jax is Paul's imprint, Blaise is Leah's imprint, while Rebecca's is Draco's while your Seth's imprint and if things go the way we want them to Harry will someday be Jacob's imprint and boyfriend. I can smell the connection starting between them," he explained.

"I agree," Leah nodded at this "I can smell the connection between them as well and I'll let everyone know so they can help if that's okay with you guys," she explained.

"Yes I think so too," Sam explained agreed with his ex-girlfriend who was once his ex-fiancee who are now friends after talking gave them closure to one another so everything is fine now.

"So how long will they be asleep for?" Seth asked.

"The potion is a mild variation. So just a few hours" Luna replied.

~*~End of Chapter Seventeen~*~

Okay I'm finally done with this ! sorry for the delay but, it took me awhile to continue this part. Hopefully you guys enjoy. I decided to update 2-4 chapters at a time depending on how long it would take. Ciao dolls!