I thought about this idea as I finished reading one of the few Naruto/Kaguya fanfiction, this is based around the end of the 4th great ninja war. A lot of things will be similar at first, but then again, a lot of things will also be drastically different. I do not immediately know what will change, as I tend to change things on the fly, so you will be experiencing the changes with me. Bold words in normal speech will be translated at the end of the chapter in the author's notes. Anyway let's begin shall we?
"Normal speech"
"Kurama speech"
'Kurama thoughts'
Naruto growls in annoyance, his breath is a bit haggard as Sakura applies healing chakra to his arm, which is severely burned, and Kurama was doing his best to keep him alive from exhaustion. "Kuso... Her defenses are even better than Gaara's! I'm also pretty low on Chakra... Sasuke we need to end this quickly... You distract her and I will touch her with my seal, you touch her with yours after ok?" Naruto whispered, occasionally glancing at Kaguya as she stood stoically there, waiting for Naruto, and Sasuke's next move.
Sasuke hated to admit it, but he was also on his last legs too, keeping aloft with his Susanoo was hard, but it was better than falling into the lava of this dimension. "Alright, let's go.." Sasuke said as he started flying to the side, but slowly getting closer to Kaguya, drawing her attention from Naruto to him, but he silently cursed to himself as he realized this maybe a moot plan, given her apparent Byakugan.
Naruto had adopted the Jutsu Madara had used after Kurama had broken it down to him after seeing it for a few times, it was a non elemental based jutsu, but it required a lot of chakra as trade off. 'Limbo!' Naruto thought to himself, and at first he thought it had failed, but soon noticed his chakra reserves were dangerously low, Kurama had only been able to create enough for this jutsu and keep him alive. Along with five 'invisible Naruto's rushed out towards Kaguya. 'I guess this will have to do for now, hopefully Sasuke's distraction is enough.' He thought to himself, as Kaguya had her all seeing Sharinigan out.
Kaguya was completely focused on Sasuke's assault at the moment, banking on being able to feel the killer intent from Naruto to block his attack, but if it was anyone else the killing intent that Sasuke was emitting would be fatal. "Nice try, but your little pin prick attacks will do nothing to me." She said indifferently, as she quickly diffused that fireballs into nothing but fire nature chakra that left a warm breeze as it passed her. What she didn't notice was that the chakra that had flew past her had masked Naruto's limbo's currently minimal chakra right now. So it wrapped her in a full nelson headlock. Holding tight as Kaguya flailed pointlessly.
Sasuke let out a sigh of relief as he downed another soldier pill, bringing back a little of his vast kage level chakra reserves. He had truthfully used more chakra than was safe distracting her, but the curse mark had kept him alive.
Naruto let out a sigh of relief as he lurched forward, floating as the Rikudo Sennin he was allowed, hand outstretched. "Sasuke now!" He exclaimed, a sun forming on the palm of his hand, the moon forming on Sasuke's hand as he flew towards Kaguya, dropping his Susanoo. Switching with one of Naruto's black orbs.
"We did it!"
The dimension started to fade back to the intense godly battle scarred land between Konohagakure no Sato, and Takigakure No Sato. Though one thing was very much apparent to Naruto and Sasuke after a few moments. "I wouldn't celebrate so quickly, as I am not sealed, though I must thank you for releasing me from that horrendous man's control. Is there anyway I can fix this blasphemous appearance?" She asked curiously, as she was currently in an edo tensei form, which she found blasphemous as a shrine priestess.
Naruto sweatdropped, though he was grateful that the battle had seemingly stopped, because he knew if he had to continue things as they are, there would be a high chance the only hopes to their survival was 0. "Yeah... I remember a jutsu used by an enemy turned friend at one point used. He called it the Rinne Tensei." Naruto admitted, though he honestly did not know why he was helping the enemy, but something deep in his soul told him, that Kaguya didn't mean them anymore ill will, or she was damn perfect at acting and hiding aura's.
Sasuke sent Naruto a 'shut up or I kill you dobe...' look, but something told him that they were no longer in danger as well. "Naruto... I'd be careful about telling her about such deadly techniques..." He trailed warily.
Kaguya looked a bit annoyed that he didn't believe that she wasn't going to attack them anymore, but she couldn't fault them for being precautious of her. Given all the havoc she had wrought since she was brought back from the dead. "Why thank you... Eto... I do not know your name..." She trailed lightly, as she only knew him by the name she herself had given him 'the child of prophecy.
Naruto gained one of his foxish grins on his and he dropped his golden kurama cloak much to Sasuke's annoyance. Though after a few moments of Naruto still not being attacked, Sasuke dropped his perfect Susanoo as well. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! After this I will be the Kage of Konohagakure no Sato!" He exclaimed lightly, giving her the maito gai approved thumbs up of youth.
Somewhere else on the battlefield...
"Lee! Somewhere I can feel someone's flames of youth burning brightly!" He exclaimed as he pulled his teeth from Karin's arm. Much to Gai's dismay and arguments about how leaving bite marks was un-youthful and all that, he had taken Karin's help. It was slowly regenerating his skin, but at the level he had broken his legs, it would kill Karin to try and regenerate, meaning he would never walk again without aid.
Back with the trio...
Kaguya smiled at this, then her eyes widened a bit as a blush crossed her face, Naruto's torso had been exposed because his shirt was little more than tatters at the moment. 'My my... He would make a wonderful mate... I haven't felt the touch of a man in a few millennia.' (She is still a human woman after all) She thought to herself as she admired Naruto's body as discreetly as possible, but this didn't go unnoticed by the wandering nin that was Sasuke.
Sasuke noticed her eying Naruto, but the blush on her face threw him off, he unlike his counterpart, was painfully aware of things of the opposite gender. He had spurned many beautiful womans advances as to not get them involved into his descent into bloodlust or domination plans. Contrary to popular belief he had a heart, so he slowly slid his Katana back into the scabbard as the lightning Nature chakra disappeared as well.
Kaguya thought for a moment and realized she could use the aforementioned technique as well, the rinnegan part of her sharinigan pulsed, and the statue Nagato had used to revive the leaf village appeared beside her. "I shall return momentarily." She said, stepping into the statue's mouth, disappearing as the mouth closed.
Naruto looked to Sasuke, who also shared his confused look as to why she was no longer attacking them, but both were thankful that the fighting seemed to be over as the jaw slowly lowered, revealing a still white haired woman, but now it was slightly darker, more silver than pure white. Her eyes still a pale lavender as seen on the Hyuuga, and she was now wearing a red bottomed, white topped Shrine priestess outfit. (Think Kikyo from Inuyasha)
Sasuke's eyes narrowed at her, drawing his katana swiftly, charging lightning chakra into it, gaining a defensive stance.
Kaguya noticed Sasuke's returned animosity towards her, but waved it off, as she cleared her throat, garnering their full attention to her. "First off, I am guessing you guys are wondering why I am not wiping the floor with your weakened forms correct?" Kaguya said, intentionally making a jab at the Uchiha's pride, when he looked annoyed at her she laughed lightly, and waved him off. When you're a goddess incarnate, you can even wave off the annoyance of an angry Uchiha, Kaguya loved this part about it.
Naruto laughed at Sasuke's annoyance too, because at least he could admit there was almost no chance in hell of them winning against her, but he still had Kurama, and all the other tails creating as much chakra as they could just in case. "More importantly, how did only Madara's influence on you as an edo tensei get sealed, but not you yourself?" Naruto asked curiously, when it came to women, he was a complete dunce, but otherwise, he was on the battle tactics, and analyzation of a Nara.
Kaguya returned her sight back towards Naruto, and smiled, weirding Naruto out a bit. 'He is very perceptive, he will make a great mate.' Kaguya thought to herself and nodded at Naruto's question. "That is easy to tell, it's because it was created by the shrine priestess'. Used to seal demons that used to roam the countryside before the time of ninja's. I cannot directly stop it perse, but I can redirect it, though I couldn't in the edo form under Madara's control, so there is only one person that could have done that..." She trailed lightly, and looked to her right as an ethereal form of Hagoromo Ootsuki appeared next to her.
Hagoromo nodded with a sly smile "As she says, it is true, my mother was unable to change the direction of the seal, but I did, the fact that you two are still alive proves my theory." Hagoromo said, looking towards his mother with a smile. "After being sealed in the moon for so long, even her soul couldn't leave, it seems the insanity from her consuming the forbidden fruit eventually wore off." Hagoromo said, causing Naruto, and Sasuke to sweatdropped at this, Hagoromo had risked their lives, and the lives of the world on a gamble.
Even Tsunade is not much of a gambler compared to this enigma...
Sasuke recovered first from his stupor, and straightened up a bit. "Sooo... You're telling me that your mother is now sane? or as sane as she can be?" Sasuke asked curiously, his hand never leaving his Katana, he was physically exhausted, but his chakra had recovered to about a third of it's normal levels.
Naruto smacked Sasuke upside the back of his head at the last comment. "Hey! That was rude man! Be thankful that she didn't even want anything in return for us conspiring against-!" Naruto was about to finish when he was interrupted by Kaguya clearing her throat, garnering the attention of all the males present.
"I never said I didn't want anything..." She trailed, blushing a little, looking at Naruto with a smile. "To trade for the restoration, and release of everyone present, I want you Naruto, as my mate." She said, causing everyone, including her son, the famous Rikudo Sennin to have their eyes widen at her demand.
Hagoromo looked baffled at this, he had to admit, Naruto controlled his sage powers rather well, but the prospect of having someone so young as his father was a no go with him. "But mother! He is but a child!" He exclaimed, causing Naruto grow a tick mark on his forehead.
Three more Naruto shadow's appeared, and pounced on the ethereal Hagoromo, the shadows had shifted to the same plane as Hagoromo. "Take that back! I'm 19 now!" He exclaimed in indignation before his shadows were pried off of her son by Kaguya.
Sasuke was still shocked at this sudden revelation, but soon recovered. "This dobe is going to be married to a literal goddess amongst humans!? It should be me! The all powerful Uchiha!" Sasuke exclaimed in annoyance.
(I had to insert some Sasuke bashing in somewhere, he is a thorn in my side in the series.)
Before Sasuke could even blink, Kaguya had seamlessly glided over to Sasuke, and cracked him over the head with a fist. "It's my choice, and I don't want some stuck up snob to be married to me for all eternity! Dattebake!?" She exclaimed, her hair standing up like a certain red hot habanero we all know and love, the nearby area had filled with a dangerous amount of ki aimed at Sasuke, courtesy of on Kaguya.
Naruto bursted into laughter at this, diffusing the situation almost immediately, Sasuke sat rubbing his head now as Naruto recovered from his bout of laughter. "You sound just like my kaa-san, I used to hate my verbal tick, but my mom made me love it, it's cute, and it seems you have a similar one." Naruto said as he wiped a tear from laughing so hard from his eye, and stood back up.
Hagoromo had let himself snicker a little bit, it really was funny to see his mother get like this, and it wasn't aimed at him or his brother, seeing her suddenly break from her normally stoic expressions. "It's good to see you back to normal mom, oh well... It seems my time here is gone, take care of my mom now, ok dad?" Hagoromo asked, leaving one last jab at the blonde haired knucklehead ninja.
Sakura had walked up as she had tended to all the people she could, and was currently recovering her chakra to tend to the next wave of injured. "Did he just call Naruto father?" She asked, causing all eyes to turn to her, causing Naruto to sigh, but nod in affirmation at her observation.
Naruto had almost forgotten about her request to trade for his hand in marriage, for the lives of all the remaining ninja and their release from the Tsuki no Mai. "Oh yeah... Kaguya-chan, I agree to your terms, please release and bring back the fallen." Naruto intoned, his voice laced with conviction as to what he had to do to save his loved ones, one of his motto's was to protect those he cared about, and he cared about all of the alliance.
Kaguya nodded at this, and her third eye pulsed once more, the statue that hadn't left her side now released all the recently deceased souls back into their bodies, regenerating them enough to live. Her third eye slowly began to close, as the moon's blood red color began to fade. The pods along the tree's started to open as tree slowly began retracting itself into the ground, causing the asleep ninja to lay safely on the ground. "I see your conviction to your principles is as hard as steel, so you will make a fine Naruto-kun." She said with a soft smile, causing Naruto to blush, as the third eye fully closed, her horns also retracted into her forehead. Making her look more human than anything else right now.
Sakura's eyes widened at what Kaguya said, and the lines started connecting to what she overheard. "What!? You're marrying her!? Didn't she try to kill you!?" Sakura exclaimed incredulously, causing the present party to cover their ears as at the sheer volume that this pink haired woman could produce.
Naruto nodded solemnly, but smiled soon after. "It's alright Sakura-chan, she reminds me a lot of my mom, and Hinata combined, so I am sure it will be fine." Naruto admitted, and explained what had happened while she was gone, causing Sakura to nod in acknowledgment as to what had went down.
Sasuke saw the look in her eyes, she didn't want to see her friend go down this path, maybe out of slight jealousy, she hadn't been entirely lying when she told Naruto she loved him, just not the way he had wanted in the past. "It's ok Sakura, though there is a little something we have to settle before things are officially done... You recover faster than I do, so I know you're ready for this..." Sasuke trailed, as he looked at the only man he had ever considered truly a friend.
Naruto nodded as well and they took to the air, flying towards what was left of the Shūmatsu no Tani after their last encounter. "Yeah... Lets finish this... It's still 2-2 after all!" Naruto exclaimed, gaining his foxish grin, giving Sasuke the maito gai approved thumbsup of youth as they flew towards the Shūmatsu no Tani.
Sasuke was the first to arrive, dropping his Susanoo, he wanted to fight Naruto, no avatars for now. "Look what I still have." Sasuke said, reaching into his cloak, pulling out his old scratched forehead protector. He held up a hand to Naruto to ask him to wait a few moments. Sasuke charged lightning into a kunai, essentially electroplating the headband with his kunai, making it darker, the scratch and the leaf symbol disappearing. Once that was finished he carved the Konohagakure symbol into it, and donned his headband once again. Sending Naruto his own version of the foxish grin that Naruto loved and cherished so much.
A wave of nostalgia passed over Naruto, as flashbacks of when they were kids popped into his head, though some things were vastly different. The hatred towards Naruto, and his brother was no longer there, in it's place was the slightly out of place, a look that Naruto hadn't truly seen in years. Happiness, happiness that he was going to spar with someone he considered a friend. "Come on! I won't hold back just because you look like something Tora dragged in!" Naruto exclaimed lightly, causing Sasuke to gain a tick mark at two things, Naruto's jab at him, and the mention of that demonic cat they had to capture so many times.
Sasuke's hand went up to scar he still had along his jawline from the time he had captured Tora, after that, he let Naruto capture him, because of the Kyuubi he didn't scar up at all much to Naruto's dismay. "You look like you normally do after Tora gets her claws into you." Sasuke said with a smirk, causing Naruto to gain a tick mark on his forehead too, he had actually been hospitalized one time by that damned cat.
Naruto clenched his fist for a second, then let it relax as he felt laughter bubbling up inside of him.
Why did he feel this way?
Because he was cracking jokes with a man who seemed to have gone to the darkest part of himself, and seemed impossible to recover, but now this was proven wrong. He snickered a little bit, barely able to contain his laughter. So did Sasuke, soon they were both in a fit of laughter. Sasuke's laughter was Natural, and didn't sound forced, nor did it sound like the time when he attempted to kill Sakura.
Naruto was the first to recover, clutching his sides as they hurt from laughing so hard. "I'm glad I am able to crack a joke or two with you like in the past." Naruto said with a genuine smile beaming at Sasuke.
Sasuke nodded, a light, but genuine smile crossed his face.
"You ready to lose worse than real madrid did?"
Naruto gained a tick mark on his forehead at this quip. "You ready to lose like Brazil did to germany?" He asked, causing Sasuke to chuckle at this. Naruto drew a Kunai as Sasuke drew his Katana, not coating it in lightning chakra, because this time he didn't want to kill Naruto, it was a spar for old times sake.
Sasuke then disappeared from sight, causing Naruto's eyes to widen, but soon realized where his rival was as the air behind him suddenly shifted. Naruto's other black orbs, that remained after Sasuke switched with one of them quickly shifted into defensive mode, blocking the kick that would have hit Naruto. Not immediate "Seems this will be like the fight with Gaara back during the chunin exams." Sasuke mused out loud and Naruto nodded.
Naruto smirked as Sasuke let his guard down to quickly retreat from the reach of his black orbs, but failed to notice the one bolting for him. "Gotcha!" Naruto exclaimed as the ball went hurtling into what he thought was Sasuke, but had to cover his eyes as wood chips went flying at him. "I haven't seen the kawarimi no jutsu since our academy days." Naruto said with a nostalgic look on his face, but it quickly disappeared as Sasuke appeared in front of him, causing Naruto to go on the defensive as they engaged in a taijutsu battle. Their weapons long since forgotten as they engaged in a deadly dance of power, and skill.
Sasuke kept pounding down on Naruto's defense, silently thanking the fact Naruto had left his orbs on standby as they had their test of will, and power through their exchanged blows. "Looks like you're a lot better than last time." Sasuke said with a chuckle, finally breaking through Naruto's defenses, planting a firm kick to Naruto's chest, causing him to skid back a few feet, nothing too serious, enough to show he meant business though.
Naruto rubbed his chest lightly then smirked, during their fray, Naruto had managed to get his variation of the hiraishin symbol on Sasuke without him noticing, so he appeared in front of Sasuke with a golden flash. Startling the last Uchiha a bit, sending him on the defensive end this time. "You're no pushover yourself." Naruto commented truthfully, last time they were here, he just wanted to land a scratch on Sasuke, but this time, he wanted to land a full blow on Sasuke. As they battled nail to tooth, they both vented out their anger, frustration, and rage in the only effective way they knew how, wailing on each other.
Sasuke was starting to sweat under the onslaught of Naruto's flurry of blows, during their trading of blows, Naruto had managed to form the handsigns for his signature move. The Kage bushin no Jutsu, now he was facing down two Naruto's instead of just one. 'Damn it... This dobe really isn't playing around, if I don't cut the bullshit out, I will really lose!' Sasuke thought frantically to himself, as he lept back several feet, it only have him enough time to finish the handsigns of the first stage of chidori, as Naruto had used the time to have the clone help him finish molding a rasengan. "Just like old times huh?" Sasuke asked, facing his palm parallel to the ground as the sound of a thousand chirping birds and a mini tornado entered the air.
Naruto nodded, and activated the hiraishin seal again, thinking he would appear in front of Sasuke, but when he arrived, Sasuke was no longer in front of him. 'Where did the teme go!?' Naruto thought to himself, the familiar sound of entered his ears, signaling Sasuke was behind him.
Sasuke was snickering, why was he snickering?
It dawned on him that they both decided to go on the offensive by teleporting closer to the other, but since they both had the same idea, they only had taken each others places. He had to admit that was pretty funny, letting out a few chuckles. "Wow, that's what we call a major fail huh?" Naruto admitted, never dropping his rasengan, Sasuke returning in kind, by keeping his chidori up as well.
Sasuke nodded, and this time opted to just run at Naruto, which the blonde also did, flying at his rival with breakneck speeds. Both intent on ending this match with this one blow. "Time to end this!" Sasuke exclaimed, outstretching his hand hand towards Naruto, which he mirrored.
The familiar dark grey bubble as their jutsu's collided appeared, joining them in one of the strongest techniques known to man or god! Talk no Jutsu!
Naruto stood up from his kneeling position, and looked at Sasuke with cool, and collected eyes, matching Sasuke's. "Remember the last time we were here? Last time we were here you had nearly killed Karin, and attacked Sakura. Even as I begged you to just come back to the village while you still could back then." Naruto admitted truthfully, causing Sasuke to flinch lightly at the words.
"I truthfully hated you for so long... You abandoned me and your friends, you were one of my few friends back then..."
Sasuke's breath hitched at this revelation, his eyes widening a bit as well. 'The dobe actually hated me? That's a strong word for someone as kind hearted as him.' Sasuke thought to himself, taking Naruto's words to heart as this was something not to be taken lightly coming from the #1 knucklehead ninja. "I actually hated you for a long time, until recently I still hated you. I held so tightly to the belief that you made me weak with your ideals, up until the fight with Kaguya, I saw those ideals are what make you truly strong."
Naruto smirked a bit at this, but inside he was a bit hurt that Sasuke had actually hated him until recently. "Well I can't become hokage if I'm weak can I? Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed lightly, pumping his fist into the air, causing Sasuke to chuckle at his openness, it was a truly nice sight for change for the Uchiha.
Sasuke shook his head a bit as he chuckled. 'This knucklehead still hasn't changed a bit, but I wouldn't have it any other way from my friend.' Sasuke thought to himself, shocking himself as he so easily thought of Naruto as a friend, not just a rival, or a nuisance that was getting in his way. "Yeah you can't, and I can't call some weakling my friend can I?" Sasuke asked curiously, raising an eyebrow to Naruto.
Naruto's smile brightened to a seemingly unbelievable amount, Sasuke had only ever once called Naruto his friend, so this was a very special occasion for the both of them. "Y'know... I honestly think things can go back to the way they used to be now, no... Even better than they used to be! When I become hokage, you will be my advisor!" Naruto exclaimed lightly, causing Sasuke's eyebrow to twitch lightly at this.
Sasuke's eye's were now covered by his bangs, and a dark aura surrounded him for a second. "I still plan on becoming the hokage! Not for the same dark reason, but don't count me out yet!" He exclaimed in light annoyance at Naruto's proclamation before calming down a few moments later. "Though when I become hokage, you will be my advisor, how does that sound? Be happy." Sasuke said with a fake haughty attitude, he honestly wanted Naruto to be his right hand man if he became Hokage, Naruto was a great ninja. He also held the aptitude for being a great advisor on various subjects that may come up with training.
Naruto's bangs now covered his bangs, mirroring Sasuke's earlier look. "Y'know you'll become hokage over my dead body! Not even then!" Naruto exclaimed lightly, looking back at his best friend, and long term rival. The white area surrounding them slowly faded, as it gave way to a now rain filled final valley, where they stood in a now sizable crater one of the few lone islands at the bottom of the waterfall.
Sasuke rolled his eyes in joking mock of Naruto's statement. "I don't believe words, only actions, though I do believe you have won this match." Sasuke simply stated, falling backwards due to chakra exhaustion, and just plain exhaustion from their earlier battle with Naruto's soon to be wife.
Naruto gained a smirk on his face, then suddenly exhaustion hit him like a ton of bricks, he also hit the ground
"Damn that was an intense match... I barely was able to keep you from passing out due to exhaustion, the only thing holding up your pal over there was pure will, and what chakra he had left."
Naruto chuckled lightly at this, wincing in pain as he realized the kick Sasuke left earlier had probably cracked his chest bone a bit, but Kurama was currently almost finished healing this along with other broken bones. "Thank's Kurama, I owe you for this one." Naruto commented, and Kurama nodded at this.
"Damn right you do!" Kurama exclaimed lightly, cutting the link between the two, even though Kurama had made that rude comment, he knew that Kurama still cared about him, otherwise he'd be dead by now.
Sasuke managed sit up, placing his right arm on his knee, and looked at the splayed out on the ground, chuckling a bit at this sight. "With the way it seems now, you'd swear I had won, but that was a great match, I haven't felt this stress free since our last match on the rooftop all those years back." Sasuke commented with a wistful tone to his voice, the remorse for his past actions apparent in his voice.
Both Naruto and Sasuke noticed the rest of team sevens presence before they heard Sakura.
"Hey Sasuke! Naruto! Are you guys ok!?" She exclaimed to be heard over the waterfall, climbing down the wall towards them.
Sasuke and Naruto chuckled at their sometimes over protective pink haired teammate and Naruto sat up, sitting cross legged. "Yeah we're fine! A few good bumps or bruises, that's all!" Naruto called back with a wave to the pink haired woman as she approached them. Their collective thoughts were 'Oh shit!' As Sakura approached them with her bangs covering her eyes, with both fists cocked back in a baka punch.
Sasuke tried to move, but his body didn't respond as a reaction to his exhaustion, and the killer intent Sakura was leaking, from what he could tell Naruto wasn't doing much better. "S-Sakura-chan..." Sasuke trailed lightly, causing Sakura to pause lightly, it had been years since he had called her that, it had caught her off guard.
Sakura shook this off, and returned to glaring at the two. "What are you two idiots doing!? After a fight like that you guys should be resting! Not duking it out like the raikage and bee!" Sakura exclaimed, as she clocked the frozen men over the head with a chakra enhanced baka punch at their oversight.
Naruto was the first to dig himself from the Naruto sized hole that Sakura had helped him create. "Ite... Ite... Ite... God Sakura-chan, were you trying to kill us?" Naruto asked as he rubbed the top of his head.
Sasuke pulled himself from his hole as well, and sighed, nodding at Naruto's comment. "I could swear I saw the shinigami for a minute..." Sasuke trailed a bit, rubbing the spot where she had hit.
Kakashi finally walked up after taking his sweet time, placing a hand on Sakura's head, stopping another blow to her other teammates heads. "Ma... Ma... It's not time for this right now, it's time for us to celebrate." Kakashi said, eye smiling at his team. "I think this more than warrent's a party don't you think?" Kakashi asked lightly, giving Naruto a knowing wink, Sakura had informed him of how they had won the war on the way there.
Naruto sighed a bit at this, Kakashi knowing right away was bad, he had seen his sensei writing in a book about the size of Jiraiya's icca icca series books. Meaning he was probably going to continue the Sanin's series himself. Now he had something he could base it on, aside from the normal plot that was seen in erotic novels. "Yeah it is time for a well deserved dip in a hot spring, and a party!" Naruto exclaimed lightly, causing everyone to chuckle at his antics, but they had to admit, that sounded like paradise right now.
Three hours later...
Back in the leaf village, it had been barely touched by the Juubi's bijuu blast. That had spread as far as the eye could see, which surprised team 7 as the got back, but now there was a sizable dent in their gate. Not only that, but about the size of Kurama, with his tails spread part of the forest was now gone. "Man... That sure was tiring... Though I am thankful for this hotspring that the Juubi blast had unearthed, and for yamato building something around it." Naruto thought as he layed his head back against the ground as he relaxed into the water, letting all of his tension, and worries melt away from him.
Sasuke lounged across from him in the water, and nodded in affirmation at this. "Nothing is better than taking a long, hot soak after fighting two gods in one day." Sasuke said with a chuckle, then they heard the sliding door that lead to the hot springs open again, which was odd. Because Kakashi had fallen asleep right in between the two males, and Sakura was just beyond the divider that Yamato had installed. Along with they had reserved the hot springs for at least an hour for their enjoyment. (It's not a big one like in most anime)
Naruto looked over his shoulder, and his eyes widened along with his jaw dropping. Before him was a barely clothed at all Kaguya, wearing nothing but a towel around her sizable assets, bigger than Sakura, but smaller than Hinata. "K-Kaguya-chan!?" Naruto exclaimed, pinching his nose to stop the nosebleed that was now trying to break free.
Sasuke's head snapped up, and so did Kakashi's at the mention of Naruto's fiance. "What are you doing here? This is a male only section of the hot springs." Sasuke said, keeping his cool, he was still wary of the silver haired woman, but it didn't show in his expressions or voice.
Kakashi grabbed his little blue book from his bag, and started writing something in it, muttering something about 'new book material' before a water ball appeared above his head, drenching his upper half in water. Including his precious 'new book material' little blue book. "Ah! Nooooo!" Kakashi dramatically exclaimed.
Kaguya giggled a little bit at Kakashi's dismay, and the little prank she had just pulled, she didn't mind too much for perverts like Kakashi, cause secretly she was a closet pervert. Though that didn't mean she wanted to be the next leading female role in that perverted book of his. "Well I want to bathe with my fiance, I don't see you guys outright rejecting the idea." She said with a knowing smirk, they may have hid it well to most, but she could feel the other two males eyeing her body in jealousy of Naruto.
Naruto had finally managed to stop his nosebleed when Kaguya had gotten into the water, causing her decently sized breasts to float playfully on the top of the water. Causing Naruto to mentally curse, muttering something about 'this woman will be the death of me...' as he tilted his head back.
Sasuke nodded, he had to admit, she looked good, but there was only one woman he would truthfully react like Naruto did to her for. "Well I see no problem with letting you stay, after all, this is our hot springs for the next hour." Earning him a glare from his yellow haired counterpart.
Kakashi gave Sasuke an eye smile, and looked back to Naruto, who was looking at him with hopeful eyes, but only to be dashed by the openly perverted sensei of theirs. "If he's fine with it, then I am too." Kakashi said truthfully much to Naruto's dismay, this was a good learning experience for the womanly inept kid.
Naruto grumbled at this, but he had to admit, he had a beautiful woman next to him, she was a downright bombshell in his eyes, so he wasn't too torn up about the unanimous decision. "Well since we're here together, I am going to have to figure out how to get you into the village without everyone immediately wanting your head on a platter, or worse." Naruto admitted, dropping the mood in the room a few notches.
Kaguya flinched a bit at the way he worded it, but nodded as well, knowing this was a problem they would soon have to address. The civilians would be no problem, because they hadn't seen how she looked, so they would not wonder why there was a new face in the village after the alliances. Though that would mean that they would have to get the ninja to agree to at least be silent about her origins. "This is true, this is quite a puzzling conundrum... We can't use a henge, cause most ninja's can see through it pretty quickly..." She threw the idea into the air, trailing a bit as she realized how quickly that plan may fail.
Kakashi, the smartest one in the group, with an IQ on par with most Nara's was thinking hard about this, before he came up with an idea. "Well how about we tell the truth?" Kakashi asked, completely serious, causing everyone else to look at him as if he was dumber than a bag of rusty hammers.
They all looked at him to explain further as they realized he might be onto something.
"Well Kaguya did revive everyone within the 48 hour window before the soul truly leaves this world, so no one really died during the great ninja war. Along with the fact she wasn't actually in control when she went on a rampage, so there maybe a few resentful factions, but most will be happy to have a godlike woman on their side now." Kakashi finished, everyone nodded at this, Kakashi was right, that was the best possible plan, given the alternatives that had a chance of backfiring on all of them.
Naruto had to admit, this straightforward plan had a pretty good chance at success, and if he was going to be married to her, he was going to marry her, they were going to stay in his village. Because her village no longer existed by normal means of the word. So the best bet was to make everyone as comfortable as possible around her. "Ok, we will go with that plan, when we go to see Obaa-chan later to see who will succeed her as to being Hokage. We will run the plan by her, or whoever the hokage is, and get permission to gather every ninja to hopefully get them to understand." Naruto commented, and everyone nodded at this course of action.
Later that evening on the top of the Hokage tower...
Tsunade was currently wheelchair bound, on orders of current head of the hospital, one Sakura Haruno, much to Tsunade's dismay. She was a medic too, and would have discharged herself if it hadn't been for the incessant insisting of her pink haired student. "Quiet down everyone." Tsunade said projecting her voice. "As you can see, we're all alive and well, surprisingly no one had died during the war. Though we had quite a few close calls with the critically wounded. Though thanks to the quick thinking, and skill of my student, along with the medical corps, we saved them!" Tsunade exclaimed lightly, the crowd burst into light applause.
In the crowd were the Konoha 9, who were intently listening to what Tsunade said, namely Naruto, he was really looking forward to seeing who the next Hokage would be.
Tsunade waited for the applause to die down, and when it did, she continued. "Though I want to say, do not forget this day, forgive those you once called enemies, they helped us in our time of need." She said lightly, the other villages present at her speech grateful at this. "As of Today! I will be resigning as your Hokage, and passing the will of fire onto the Rokudaime Hokage." She said, causing the crowd to grow silent at this, the ninja of the village had seen this coming for quite a while now, Tsunade was going grey a bit with the stress this job gave her. "I would now very much like to announce the Rokudaime Hokage!" She paused for dramatic effect, before sending Naruto a smirk, which confused him a bit. "Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto! The hero of the fourth great ninja war!" She exclaimed, and the crowd, which stretched as far as the eye could see in the village erupted with applause, and congratulations. The only one not truly celebrating was aforementioned kid.
Naruto was absolutely stunned right now, he had not only pretty much singlehandedly stopped the fourth great ninja war, but he was now the Rokudaime Hokage.
All of his friends and loved ones, minus one Kaguya for now were around him, cheering for him, and giving him hugs, which he happily, but numbly returned. It was when he heard his name again did he wake from his stupor.
Tsunade was motioning for him to come up there, and make a speech. "Come on kid! I'm not getting any younger!" She exclaimed, causing the crowd to laugh at her comment, Naruto pretty much bolted up the side of the Hokage tower and made it to the top in no time flat. "I present you the Rokudaime Hokage!" She exclaimed, sending the crowd into a happy frenzy again, taking a moment or two to calm down again.
As the crowd awaited his first words since being appointed Hokage, Naruto gulped slightly, not wanting to let them down with some stupid speech. "I, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto, the Rokudaime Hokage, swear to protect you with everything in me, no matter who the enemy, foreign or domestic. I just really want to say, I love you guys, you made me into the man I am today!" Naruto exclaimed, the crowd cheered at this, and even more as the Hokage cloak, and hat were put onto him, they had been finished just a few moments ago.
Much to Naruto's ecstaticness, the haori read:
Rokudaime Hokage
It was fashioned after a mix of his father's hokage haori, along with with his sage mode haori. It was red with black flames like his fathers along the bottom.
"Let the will of fire burn brightly in all of you!"
Naruto exclaimed as he turned away from the crowd that was now partying about their excitement, even the gloom of recent events couldn't keep them down now. Their saviour several times over now, was now their hokage, they all knew it was his lifelong dream to become Hokage.
A few minutes later in his new office
Naruto sat down in the chair he had sat down in once before for a day when he and Tsunade made the bet about if he could handle being Hokage for a day. "Wow... I'm really here aren't I?" He mused out loud, and then Kaguya phased in from whatever dimension she had hid herself in for the time being.
The anbu hidden in the room flinched, they had by all means known who she was, even though Naruto had convinced them to at least forgive her past transgressions which were out of control. She still scared the shit out the hardened warriors. Someone that even their hokage couldn't defeat wasn't someone to trifle with.
Kaguya smiled at Naruto, and straddled him lightly, not caring that she had an audience currently, she just wanted to be close to her man. "Well it seems you have finally achieved your goal. That deserves a reward." She said, with a devious smile on her face. "Close your eyes Naruto-kun." Kaguya said softly, Naruto was a bit apprehensive about this, but didn't sense any malice from the woman on top of him, so he obliged.
Naruto wondered what the reward was that he needed to close his eyes, but mentally shrugged it off. "Kaguya-cha-." is all he could get out as he was interrupted by the feeling of something soft, and supple against his lips, soon realizing it was Kaguya's lips on top of his. 'Wow... So this is what a female's lips feels like? They're amazing, I could get used to this feeling...' Naruto thought to himself, wrapping his arms around her waist instinctively pulling her closer to him, softly caressing her back as their kiss deepened a bit.
Much to both of their dismay, Kaguya pulled back from the kiss with a slightly drunken look on her face. Though she smiled soon after, laying her head on his chest, just enjoying his heartbeat.
Well how do you like my original pairing idea everyone? I planned on writing how Kaguya was no longer insane, in a story flashback format, but I could think of no way to put it in there, without it just seeming too big, or out of place honestly. And damn did I put a lot of things that need to be translated in this chapter. Anyway thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, please Review!
A/N: (Author's Notes ((Probably won't be in order of appearance)
Kuso: Essentially means shit, crap, or my personal favorite damn -(Not actually part of the translation, but I like it if it was this way)
Limbo: Is a technique that Madara used near the end of the 4th great ninja war, where he creates these shadow like versions of himself that can interact with our world, but can't be attacked by much in our world.
Eto: from what I've noticed, and found, it is loosely compared to "Um..." in english.
Rinne Tensei: the technique Nagato used to bring back all the people he had killed.
Dattebake: Is my version of the Uzumaki's verbal tick or variations of it "Dattebayo?" I dunno why, it just felt like it fit so well with the situation it was in.
Tsuki no Mai: aka (Infinite Tsukuyomi)
Shūmatsu no Tani: Valley of the end
Ite...: oww...
Talk no Jutsu!: What Naruto always used on Sasuke as they fought sometimes lol. The most effective genjutsu in the ninja world. Undetectable to even the sharinigan lol.