Notes: First of all in retrospect I have realized that I likely could have merged chapter 1 and 2 and for that I apologize. I have taken the liberty of merging chapters one and two into a single chapter and have made what would have been chapter 3 the new chapter 2. For those that wanted to review for the new chapter 3 I apologize, however I am more than willing to respond to PM's and if you haven't done so you are more than welcome to review the prior chapter in order to address the current one.

Also this is a bit off topic, but I saw this one PUBLISHED book recently that had some chapters that were less than two pages long, that's including chapter title and margins while also taking into account the overly large text they used. It was likely less than 500 words for that particular chapter (Chapter 51) and it likely went over, or at the very least got close, to 100 chapters (Book had over 300 pages).

I face palmed so hard the old lady looking through some books next to me looked at me funny. Then I showed it to my sister, she said "Wow" sarcastically and went back to reading her magazine. Life is grand isn't it? ^_^

This chapter I was originally a bit out of it because of me having had to write at ungodly hours due to finals week and end of term projects. Overall I hope it's up to standard with my previous updates.

Chapter progress: Originally wrote nearly 9000 words, deleted 3000 words (2 scenes) as they were not up to my standards. Edited story up to that point. Wrote around 1400 words, deleted about 900. Edited story up to that point and edited some lines of dialogue. Changed chapter title. Wrote some more. Deleted some more. Got sick. Got better. Wrote some more. Wrote a new story. Finally finished chapter.

Chapter II

Today and Never Again


Dumbledore P.O.V

As Dumbledore was watching Harry walk away his instincts which had been honed to perfection for over a century were screaming at him to be cautious of the person before him. Hidden under the nearly overwhelming sense of peace that now surrounded Harry and his aura was an underlying current of darkness. Steady yet constant, it was being held at bay by this newly found sense of peace he had when surrounded by these young ladies. However he could see it, if the flood gates were ever to break then all that pent up dark emotion would burst free and he feared that it would create a monster the likes of which the world had never seen.

Harry was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off at the slightest provocation, a veritable pandora's box that he was inclined to never open. He had learned from his mistakes, he would not have history repeat itself. If it was his relationships with these young ladies that kept Harry entrenched in the light and away from the cruel seductive embrace of darkness then he would do his best to nurture and encourage it. Love had saved him, let it guide him as well.

However there was something else about the boy, something unnatural. He wasn't sure what the boy had done to himself to become like that, but he thought it was in his best interests that he looked away before they locked eyes. He needed to be careful with any interactions he had with the boy later on, it would not do to show his hand too soon.


Harry P.O.V

After Harry had left a few parting words for Snape to ponder, he was swiftly escorted by an authoritative looking Madame Maxime along with Fleur and the girls to the champions antechamber. She acquiescing to his request on bringing the two Slytherin's along, albeit reluctantly, after he explained his concerns on leaving the two alone. The headmistress ultimately recognizing that the girls would receive a lot of pressure from the student populace and deciding it would be for the best if they tagged along with them for now.

Walking into the room Harry was surprised to find not one other competitor as he was expecting, but rather two. One of them being from his own school no less.

"Umm, so who's the Hufflepuff?" Harry asked curiously as he referred to the nervous looking teen that was sitting across from him, said teen looking a tad surprised at the lack of recognition.

"It's me, Cedric Diggory," he reintroduced himself getting only a blank look from Harry at that, "you know the guy that portkeyed with you to the quidditch game, the game that had a death eater attack this summer." Harry only raised an eyebrow at that, "Krum here was there playing, Bulgaria lost." He said as he gestured towards a now depressed looking Krum.

Seeing no reaction he decided to try one more time "I play on the Hufflepuff quidditch team as a seeker, we played against each other last year until you were knocked unconscious 200 feet up in the air by a dementor." he said causing a look of realization to enter Harry's eyes

"Oh I remember now, you were the guy that caved in during our game of chicken!" Harry said with a smirk causing the teen to groan at the fact that that was what he was remembered for. Truthfully Harry knew who the boy was and recalled their numerous interactions over the years, it was just too fun to pass up the chance to tease the teen. Cedric simply was too gullible and naive at times.

"Wait so you're both seekers?" Krum asked in surprise at finding two fellow quidditch players, seekers no less.

"Yes we are, though Harry is probably the only one out of the two of us that could likely go pro. He's the youngest seeker in a century! Chosen for his house team during his first year at Hogwarts and holding the current record of catching the snitch at 15 minutes." Cedric praised getting a low whistle at that from Krum

"No, I would never dream of going pro and being chosen for my house team was just a coincidence. If anything you would be more geared towards joining the big leagues. I'm simply lucky and good in the air, you however have dedication towards the game and are a good team player. I'm simply too independent on the field to properly coordinate well with my team, hence my position as a seeker. Good flyer yes, but horrible team player." Harry responded sincerely

"Well I would love to run some drills with both of you later on. It always does some good to play with fresh blood as they tend to usually have something new to offer to the game. After that I can tell you up front who would make it in the big leagues and who wouldn't." Krum offered earning an eager look from Cedric and a sad look from Harry

"Well about that, I don't think my quidditch career is going to be extending past this year" Harry said with a sad smile causing Cedric to look at him in shock.

"What!? But you can't quit! You're unbeatable on a broom, even my former team captain said that you were born to play quidditch! I've seen you pull off stunts that would leave some professional recruiters and major players slack-jawed!" Cedric shouted, utterly horrified that one of the few people he actually respected in quidditch at Hogwarts was giving it up.

"Well the thing is that I'm not sure if I'm going to have a spot on the team after tonight and also the game has sort of run its course for me, besides while a fun past time I have other priorities now." He said warmly as he looked off to his side with a smile and tenderly grabbed Daphne's hand, causing her to smile back.

"Oh" he said a bit put out by that before noticing Harry holding Daphne's hand "ohhhhh" he repeated with a knowing smirk.

"Gotcha, so who's the babe, the gothic Lolita, and…" at that point his brain short-circuited as he was struck by the full force of Fleur's allure causing him to turn into a bumbling mess as he mumbled incoherently, his tongue numb. Krum looked to be faring better than Cedric as he had some fair training in Occlumency and managed to pull up his shields before he was hit full force by the brunt of Fleur's allure, but even he seemed to be struggling to keep himself fully in touch with reality.

"Mama?" Cedric asked in childish wonder as he looked at Fleur and the girls, getting him strange looks from the party of four.

"God, I hope not" Astoria said in slight disgust at the notion

"Dear your allure is still released and in a small room like this its effects are amplified, could you please reign it in a bit?" Harry asked politely only to get a surprised look from the girl

"It's only my natural passive allure, I'm not even fully exuding it at the moment," she said with a contemplative frown, "I guess I forgot how powerful my awakened allure was since you are immune to it, give me a moment." she said as she closed her eyes, drew her allure back into herself, slowly causing the airless feeling to recede slightly. Allowing for Krum to remember how to breathe again, while Cedric came back to.

Opening her eyes once more she revealed them to be shimmering ethereally as they barely restrained her veela nature, they burning with the intensity of passion fire as they set themselves on Harry.

"Is that better?" she asked curiously, her tone haunting

"Much better, as much as I love your allure those of weaker constitutions simply can't take it." He replied honestly, he loved how her presence wrapped around him when her allure was active, but most human males simply could not handle it without the aid of extremely powerful occlumency shields. Dumbledore and Snape were some of the best occlumens on the planet and the population of people in the Great Hall diluted her allure's effects. In a closed environment like this however, anyone nearby would be hit with the full brunt of her allure.

"Marry me," Cedric suddenly proposed as he got on one knee before her and used his wand to procure a bouquet of beautiful flowers, which he promptly offered to Fleur in a seemingly heartfelt gesture. He still "enchanted" by Fleur in another sense of the word.

"I think not" Fleur said nearly aghast at the idea, she looking almost offended at the proposition.

Instantly the flowers in Cedric's hands wilted slightly, "B-but why not? Can you not find it in your heart to give us a chance?" he said sadly, earning a fake thoughtful expression from her at that.

She looked him over for a second; he was a tall and fairly attractive young man with chiseled features, honey brown hair, and a fair complexion. He had sad grey eyes that hinted of a gentle soul. Eyes of a person that would never betray someone they loved or cared about, whose compassion and merits far outweighed any possible faults that he may possess. He was tall, handsome, likely from a wealthy family, and if her instincts were correct faithful. He was perfect…

"No" she responded without hesitation, her heart not wavering for an instant.

Fleur having decided to nip such thoughts at the bud before the young man truly ever became infatuated with her. Uncaring to his dejected expression she pressed on, being used to breaking the hearts of many as this was not even the first time she had been proposed to by a total stranger.

"Whilst I'm flattered at your proposition, your heart is not your own at the moment, and as such your words lack firmness – resolve. Being enchanted is different from being in love. I have had the good grace of experiencing love, of partaking of it, and I must assure you that it's not something that can simply blossom forth from but a glance. You can be captivated, you can be ensnared, and most certainly be bewitched by another – but that will forever remain a far-cry from true love." She voiced with a voice sweeter than honey and as smooth as velvet as she spoke of her element, of her passion…

"Love, true love, is gentle and patient. A connection can be established with but a look, a romance with but a simple heartfelt action, but love…love takes time. You need to give it time and provide it ample opportunity to properly mature and settle."

"Like champagne, le goût anglais and all that" Astoria interceded helpfully with a small smirk tugging at her lips.

"Yes, like-" suddenly Fleur's eyes widened as she caught herself, they narrowing dangerously and her fists clenching in anger as she turned to regard Astoria, who was barely restraining her giggles. Daphne currently berating her for interrupting Fleur's "sermon" on love as she repeatedly thumped her on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I could not resist" she said amidst her giggles whilst holding a finger cutely up to her lips. The action only helping to infuriate Fleur even further.

"You know what needs to mature!? You do! If you did then maybe one day you might actually develop an actual personality!" Fleur shouted angrily at the girl

"What!? What do you mean by that huh!? I'm more mature than you and Daph put together!" Astoria replied heatedly as she instantly became confrontational on the issue. I mean the nerve of Fleur, saying that she didn't have a personality! It was a joke, she didn't have to take it so damn personally!

"You know exactly what I meant, you…you…two-dimensional character!" Fleur exclaimed as she pointed accusingly at the younger girl, she completely disregarding her audience at this.

"She just had to go there didn't she?" Daphne commented as she scrunched up her eyes tiredly. They had all just woken up not even thirty minutes ago, how could they be fighting already? Whatever, she was too tired to care at this point. Harry could deal with this.

"Oh, look who's talking! You think you're all that because you've got boobs, huh!? Well here's a news flash – your lead is only temporary. I'll grow along with my cup-size - unlike you. Why, by the time you were my age your breasts were so large you could milk them!" Astoria spat in retaliation

"You don't see Harry complaining about their size, plus that has no bearing to our conversation besides your own insecurities on the matter. You're going to have to try harder than that to rile me up you little runt." Fleur countered with a victorious smirk at Astoria's furious expression, she would have to try to attack something that she didn't have absolute confidence in. It just went to show how immature Astoria could be, after all outward appearance was only one of the many facets of maturity.

"I'm not insecure about my body, Harry says I look beautiful – like a princess!" she retorted as she slammed her foot down in indignation.

"Yeah, a spoiled one," Daphne uttered under her breath causing her sister to glare at her

"Whose side are you on!?" Astoria demanded heatedly only to receive a harsh glare from her in return

"The side of the person who shut's up first" she snapped back, not wanting to get herself dragged into the argument. It wasn't even that much of an argument, the two of them were just venting from the earlier incident as was evident by neither having come to blows – yet.

"I guess you do have a role to play after all, the spoiled princess" Fleur teased with a victorious smirk, causing Astoria to feel as if she was being cornered by the other two females.

"If I had my wand I would make you eat those words little crow, anyways isn't it the pot calling the kettle black to say that I don't have a personality when asides from your ass-ets you have none of your own." Astoria countered with a smirk, the comment truly ruffling Fleur's feather's.

At this point Cedric, completely forgotten by now, had a scared expression on his face and was looking on fearfully as the two girls dueled each other with their silver tongues and witty remarks. He using the larger Krum as a barrier of sorts between the irate females and him. Krum himself looking quite uncomfortable about the entire incident.

First of all what were all these people doing here in the first place, wasn't this the champion's ante-chamber, as in only the champions should go in. At most there should be one more amongst those here that could participate, and that would be the tall blonde haired veela currently arguing with the black haired witch. However at this point he felt that it would be detrimental to his health to point out that none of them should be here as that would give them someone to redirect their ire at.

"Scary aren't they?" Harry asked with a knowing smile as he observed the two teen's reactions to something that was actually quite common in his world of multiple lovers.


Sure the girls were best friends and loved each other like sisters, but little spats like these were nothing out of the ordinary. Conflict was bound to arise from conflicting interests and perspectives being introduced into a relationship, and he like Daphne knew that this particular conflict had been something that they needed to vent. Astoria and Fleur were the best of friends and when together inseparable, so fights like these usually ended in hugs, or tears/hugs/and apologies.

So it was that issues like these were better if he simply allowed them to work themselves out, it was all a matter of time after all…


The argument between the girls continued for a few more minutes as the headmasters outside delegated on what they were going to do with the addition of a new champion to the tournament. Harry meanwhile preoccupied himself with acquiring some information on the matter at hand. Apparently Krum and Cedric were the Durmstrang and Hogwarts champions respectively, that was… interesting. He could use that.

Two Hogwarts champions? At the very least he could use that to divert some of the media attention that was bound to fall on their relationship. The media loved to hate him, all he had to do was take advantage of that. Hatred after all was an incredibly easy thing to manipulate.

It wasn't long before the argument died down and the two girls made amends, this being just in time too as a bevy of people barged through the door.

Instantly Harry was barraged by questions from numerous people concerning his participation. Fleur herself also being taken off to the side by Madame Maxime and asked questions concerning her own participation. Astoria backing up Fleur, while Daphne backed him up as a witness to his claims.

He had nothing to worry about however as all it would take to prove his innocence on the matter would be a few memories being placed in a pensive, his wizard's oath – and he would be in the clear. However he didn't need to do that now, he would wait and allow speculation and suspicion to simmer. After all he wanted to be labeled as the villain, the cheater, the liar – anything as long as it detracted attention from his relationship with the girls. He would then force the papers to later retract their statements on him when it was appropriate and the news of their relationship had blown over.

There was still a pattern to everything, a logical process that could be followed to solve any problem. He just need to find out the right one...


After numerous questions back and forth with Dumbledore he was finally given the benefit of the doubt about having put his name in the goblet. Snape had apparently taken his leave from the hall earlier as he had stated that he was not feeling well and retreated to his chambers for the day. However, Harry made good on the promise of telling McGonagall that he would be having detention for the next three weeks with Snape. Three weeks which he would take full advantage of as he worked Snape over to his side. The man, despite the how much he loathed to admit it, would be invaluable on the long-run. Especially if he wanted to keep the Greengrass sisters safe.

He also spoke to McGonagall about his worries concerning how the girls would be treated in their own house as well as how he himself might now be perceived by the other Gryffindor's. McGonagall had maintained that her lions would be understanding on the matter, but upon his insistence he finally convinced her to attempt to provide them temporary lodging elsewhere pending approval from Dumbledore.

Now while she didn't exactly approve of him partaking of such a relationship at his age, she agreed that the matter was a private one and had decided not to pry. She did however suggest that he come by later on in the week and meet with her, after all it was her duty as head of house to help him transition to his role as Tri-Wizard champion. Well that and provide him the course material he needed to study in order to pass his OWLS. She also made note that he could depend on her if he needed advice or simply someone to talk to concerning the situation that had been so abruptly thrust upon him. He was one of her lions after all…

Dumbledore however had quickly shot down the notion of getting him and the girl's private accommodations as he believed it would ultimately only serve to alienate him even further from the student body. He explaining that such a thing would likely be observed as special treatment and might even make the students more resentful towards him in the long run.

While Harry supposed he could see the logic in that to a certain extent, what the old man failed to realize was that he did not care what the student body thought of him. No, he simply desired the option that ensured a decreased probability of confrontation and presented the least amount of risk towards his female companions. However, the old fool refused to budge on the matter, he maintaining his stance on the issue even when presented evidence to the contrary.

Now Harry would never allow his girls to be thrust into that den of vipers, those damn snakes were vicious even on the best of days. Not to say that McGonagall's lions were much better, what with their pack mentality and strong prejudice against anything Slytherin. A lot of people in his own house were bound to be angry at him for his participation in the tournament, no matter how unwilling it was. If not because of that then definitely because of his relationship with two girls from a rival house and his deception over the last three years. He would have to find some way around this, maybe he could convince Madame Maxine to allow the three of them to bunk with Fleur in that magically expanded tent of hers for the next few months. That or they could retreat to the Room of Requirement if they could properly mask their comings and goings inside the castle.

He had gotten Dumbledore to agree that he and the girls should wait until the other students had filed out of the hall in order to avoid the roasting that was sure to happen if they were to be presented to the entire student populace now that the events from earlier have had time to sink in. This being mostly due in part from receiving support on the matter from both Prof. McGonagall and Amos Diggory who interceded on his behalf.

Dumbledore had then gone over the rules of the tournament one final time, most likely for his benefit, before he allowed the champions to converse amongst one another. Upon the entry of the headmasters Karkaroff had quickly pulled Krum aside and spoken to him urgently in a hushed tone before taking his leave. Madame Maxime left just as quickly as she had already spoken to Fleur and wanted to start making headway into finding out who could have possibly placed Fleur's name into the goblet. McGonagall soon took her leave as well after casting a sad look Harry's way, he only smiling back softly at her concern as he waved her off.

That left a quiet, contemplative, Krum who had not said a word since his headmaster had left the room. A nervous Cedric Diggory and his equally nervous but supportive father Amos Diggory – and finally him and the girls. He observing diligently as Cedric's father attempted to comfort and encourage the young man.

"…Ced dare to dream, just imagine it! That'll be something to tell your grandchildren wouldn't it!? You beat Harry Potter!" the man exclaimed enthusiastically, more so likely than he actually felt.

"You can win this Ced, but you have to do it not for the school, not even for me. No, you have to do this for you. Do you understand my boy? This is one of those moments that I talked to you about, a moment that defines a person. One cannot simply run away from fate." Amos said wisely

Something about that statement however rubbed Harry the wrong way, the way the man said it was as if something that was fated to be was inevitable, unavoidable per se. Harry was not one to put such stock in fate, for if it was fate that truly dictated their lives then he would have to question everything he had ever experienced as an individual.

Was it fate that his parents were murdered? That he spent the eve of his life with the Dursley's? That he fell in love not once, but thrice? The trials he had undergone year after year could not possibly be attributed to mere fate – there were too many variables to consider. Too many individuals that had attempted to change what should have been, to what could be. No, the only thing that Harry believed that they were all fated to do one day – was die.

As he observed Amos squeeze his son's shoulder reassuringly and offer his son a sad smile, he made up his mind. If others could attempt to tamper with fate, then so too would he.

As Amos made to leave the room he quickly stood up from his seat next to the girls, prompting them to look at him and break off their quiet conversation as they watched him walk determinedly to address the older man.

"Mr. Diggory?" he called out, catching the man's attention just as he made to leave

"Yes, what is it?" Amos asked curiously as he turned around only for his eyes to widen as they settled themselves on Harry, "Oh, Mr. Potter! I apologize if I was a little too loud, it's just the acoustics in this small room can be deafening!" he explained himself before clearing his throat, "Anyways is there something you need my boy, didn't understand something from Dumbledore's earlier explanation perhaps?" the man inquired, not knowing what other reason Harry could possibly have to talk to him of all people.

"No, I understand fine. I just wanted to say that I appreciate the stance you took concerning me and the young ladies behind me. Why if you hadn't stepped in, I fear that Dumbledore could have very well sent us out in the hall into that mess." Harry said thankfully as he smiled at the older gent

"Nonsense, it was the logical course of action to take after such an incident!" Amos replied as he waved off the boy's thanks, suddenly he looked around for a second before he leaned in close to Harry, "You know I believe you Harry, I know you didn't put your name in the Goblet." He whispered lowly causing Harry's eyes to widen

"Dark forces are at work this year at Hogwarts Mr. Potter, dark forces indeed. I've heard rumors you see, despicable rumors. A lot of powerful people have their hands in this vile tournament. I tried to fight this tournament in the wizengamot, but too many people wanted it to happen." He said with a frown before he regarded Harry once more with utmost urgency, "This tournament is nothing more than blood sport Harry, people die in this tournament."

"There is a reason this tournament is being held again, think about it, blood sports as well as the tournament have been banned by the wizengamot for over 200 years! Only for them to come back now of all times under that same silly old pretense of a friendly competition? No, no, no, no, no – its back for one reason and one reason only. This year, one of the competitors is supposed to die."

"Amos!" someone bellowed just as they barged into the antechamber causing the two of them to jump in surprise. The person's hollow wooden leg thumping at a steady rhythm as they approached the two.

"Bagman needs your help in finalizing the registry alteration for the tournament." The now revealed Alastor Moody called out before his magical eye swiveled and settled itself on Harry, seemingly noticing him for the first time.

"Potter you should know that due to the unexpected development of having you as a fourth participant," he said earning a scowl from Harry at that "and your involvement with the little lady there." he said as he nudged his head towards Fleur who growled at the disrespect as well as what he was referring to, "We have thought it prudent to make some alterations to the tournament rules in order to make it a bit more…fair for the other participants." He said as he fished for the right word to explain the alteration.

Both of them were a bit apprehensive of what these rule alterations might be, being fearful of anything that might force them to distance themselves from each other or might ultimately hinder their relationship.

Seeing their concerned expression Moody decided to placate the two youths "No need to get your robes in a knot, we ain't gonna be splitting you apart." he said, immediately causing the two take on relieved expressions at that

"In fact Albus and the Madame are trying to spin off your relationship as some sort of alliance between the institutions, an affirmation of the good will between the schools or some other such tripe. We all know that it won't go over well with the press, but it would be sufficient enough for an alteration to the rules at least." Moody explained before turning once more to regard the still stagnant Amos, "Come now Amos, we have a lot of work to do if we intend to fix this before the window of opportunity closes at midnight."

Amos cast a nervous glance towards his son at that, "Don't worry Mr. Diggory, I'll keep an eye on Cedric for you. You just do what you can, okay?" Harry whispered comfortingly, earning a grateful look from the older Diggory before he nodded affirmatively and took on a formal demeanor.

"Well I need to go, my services are required elsewhere, but Mr. Potter I'm glad to know that my son has such a good friend. That boy needs all the help he can get." Amos said jokingly before turning to his son with a smile on his face and giving him two supportive thumbs up causing Cedric to break out into nervous laughter at the action.

Sending a grateful nod Harry's way he took his leave, leaving an extremely thoughtful Harry in his wake at the information he had been given.

"He's right you know," a rough voice sounded out causing Harry to turn back and see Moody still leaning against the doorframe, "Don't trust anyone. If I've learned anything from my years of experience as an auror, it's that when bad things happen, someone usually wants them to happen. Be on guard Mr. Potter, things happen for a reason, and not always usually for the right ones." He warned before he hobbled out of the room, his wooden leg thumping ominously as he left.

"So what were you and pop's talking about?" Cedric asked curiously just as he sat down, this prompting Harry to look up and notice that the girls also looked quite curious as to the matter.

"Not much, he just wanted me to make sure you didn't do anything stupid and asked me to look after you." Harry answered with a small smirk causing the teen to take on a near offended expression at that as he tried (and failed) to convince him that he would be fine by himself.

"I'm just messing with you Ced," Harry cut in with a smile as he borrowed the nickname he heard Cedric's father use earlier, "Your father simply gave me some insight into the competition and told me that we should watch each other's back so that no one dies in this stupid tournament. That goes for all of us!" he shouted out to the quiet Krum who after a curious glance looked away in apparent disinterest, the action earning a sigh from Harry. Whatever Karkaroff had said to the teen had caused him to withdraw from them, it likely having been something along the lines of not interacting with the other champions for the remainder of the tournament.

Well that was fine he supposed, he wasn't one to get into other people's business and as long as Krum did the same and didn't pose a threat to him or the girls he could do whatever he wanted. Within reasonable margins of course.

To each his own and all that, he barely knew the guy well enough to care and he couldn't say he didn't try at the very least. He had bigger things to deal with at the moment to give it too much thought anyways. Like how to get out of the castle tonight and access the Greengrass estate without being caught.

So Harry amused himself with trying to come up with a plan as he idly listened to the nervous ramblings of his new friend.


Krum had left after getting the go ahead from Dumbledore and Diggory himself had left shortly after, he offering a cheerful farewell to the four as he did so.

His conduct had confused Fleur however, as it seemed as if he had already gotten over her and bore her no ill will either. Something that was actually strange for most men that expressed an interest in her. Usually most men that attempted to get close to Fleur either continued to be infatuated with her or were resentful of her for turning them down, however she had never had a case where a man simply gave up after a single no from her. It was, odd to say the least.

Questioning him on the matter she got a simple reply, one which almost caused her to laugh at his sincerity.

A few minutes ago…

"Of course I'm not going to ask you out anymore, you already turned me down. Plus, I didn't know you were Harry's girl, if I would have known I wouldn't have even asked. Simple as that." Cedric replied honestly

"S-simple as that?" Fleur repeated incredulously at the reply

"Yep, simple as that. Harry's a good bloke and I bet he doesn't appreciate people hitting on his girls. I know I wouldn't." Casting a quick glance at Harry he continued in a slightly more subdued tone, "Hey, tell Harry I didn't mean anything by it all right? I really didn't know, it was really cool of him not to freak out earlier when I hit on you. That was really rotten of me to do that in front of him to his girlfriend-"

"Wife actually" Fleur interrupted with a small amused smile, her statement evoking a flinch from him at learning how badly he screwed up. He being quite surprised at hearing how far their relationship had already transitioned to at such a young age. I mean Harry was like what, 14? 15?

"I am so sorry!" he cried as he fell to his knees in shame

"Its fine Ced, can I call you Ced?" she asked earning a meager nod from him in response, "If Harry were to get on the case of everyone that tried to hit on me or looked at me with less than honest intentions he would never see the end of it. However, I think the reason that he didn't hex you lies more on the fact that he knows that you didn't mean anything by it – that it was just the allure talking rather than any actual perverse intentions." She said earning a blush from him at that

"That, and he just heard everything we said" she added with a mischievous smile as she pointed off to the side, he following her line of sight to reveal an amused looking Harry, a smirking Daphne, and a giggling Astoria.

"I do hope that you're not proposing to my wife again Cedric?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, the question causing Cedric to blush as he noticed his current position.

"I'm so sorry Harry, please don't hex me!" Cedric shouted as he scrambled up and ran out of the door of the champion's ante-chamber.

"Hey wait, I was just kidding!" Harry called out as he reached out towards him only to hear the door click shut after him, "Aaand he's gone," he said in exasperation as he sat back down with a sigh between the Greengrass sisters.

"How rude of him to run off like that" Daphne remarked, a frown marring her delicate complexion

"Harry scared him off" Astoria commented as she looked at Harry pointedly

"That!" he exclaimed as he lifted a single finger up into the air before pointing it at Astoria, "Was not my intention!"

Astoria merely looked at him dryly for a second before leaning forward and biting down on his finger.

"Ah! You little monster how could you!? I thought we had something special you and I!?" he shouted dramatically as he snatched his finger away from her.

"It's rude to point" she replied back passively whilst licking his blood off her lips.

"Well it's even ruder to bite – and for the last time stop drinking my blood, it's weird and unnatural! You're no vampire to be so fascinated with it in the first place!" he snapped back as he teared up a little while looking at the bite.

"Aww, come here you big baby, I'll kiss it and make it all better." she said as she leaned against him and kissed his finger tenderly before giving the bite a loving lick. The taste of his blood sending pleasant shivers down her spine as she did so.

"You're so weird, you know that?" her sister commented off to the side, while Fleur looked on with a mildly amused expression at how uncomfortable Harry looked at the moment.

"Only for Harry" she said teasingly just as she started suckling on his finger

"You probably bit him just so you could suck on his finger in the first place!" Daphne accused with a blush at what her sister was doing.

At this point Astoria was leaning forwards on all fours as she trailed her tongue every which way over his finger in the most seductive way she could muster. Since Fleur and Daphne were so well endowed she often needed to look for any advantage she could get over them. Her petite body had its limitations, something that she was painfully aware of, however she was a lot more daring than the other two and that gave her quite an edge.

"Maybe~❤" she breathlessly replied just as she released his finger from between her lips, a visible flush on her face as she looked at Harry with lidded eyes. Harry himself looking at his saliva covered finger with a raised eyebrow and a blush – he really should get used to Astoria's eccentricness, but he just couldn't. She was too out of the box sometimes even for him, but hey if this was not a way to keep a relationship interesting then he wasn't sure what was.

"Nymph" Daphne teased with a smirk as she saw Astoria's lustful look

The girl merely replying by sticking out her tongue at her cutely, before turning to Harry.

"So, how did you enjoy my service Harry?" she asked with a self-satisfied smirk as she saw him looking at her and then his finger thoughtfully.

"Ah!" she voiced out in disbelief as he wiped off his finger on top of her head, her expression one of utter incredulity.

"There all clean!" Harry said with a happy look as he looked over his now drool free finger, not paying any heed to the two chuckling girls in the background nor the currently blushing dark haired beauty in front of him. Astoria looking like she was about to explode from utter embarrassment and indignation.

"Harry?" Astoria said dangerously

"Yes?" he asked with a smile, not noticing Astoria's bubbling temper as he turned towards her. He did however notice her flushed expression and the tears of indignation currently brimming at the corner of her eyes – it was then that he knew he had screwed up.

"Harry, you idiot!" she cried out, said cry being followed by the resounding sound of a slap


"Are they all gone?" Fleur asked curiously, she looking at Astoria who was currently leaning forwards as she peeked through a crack from the door of the ante-chamber.

"I think so," Astoria replied unsurely, "I can only see two rows of tables from here – should I pop out and check?" she asked curiously as she turned back to the party of three behind her. Her eyes inevitably falling on Harry who was currently being explained to by her sister what he did wrong.

It didn't seem to be going well.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. The whole thing, from the bite, to her sucking on my finger, it was all sexual innuendo in order to set the mood? Moreover the reason I got slapped was because I ruined the sexual tension by not playing along properly?" Harry asked Daphne in disbelief, the quickly fading imprint of a small hand still on his cheek.

I mean sure he had thought Astoria looked sexy doing that and he appreciated her effort and all, but was this seriously the time!? Wasn't she worried about their current situation at all!?

"Yes" a defeated Daphne replied as she realized how irrational it all sounded when he said it out loud

"So what was I supposed to do? Just grab her," he said as he grabbed Daphne by the waist causing her to go wide eyed, before she squeaked in surprise as he lifted her up.

"Bend her over the table," he said with a quickly growing grin as he did just that to the now blushing Daphne.

"And just ravish her!?" he shouted with a smirk, whilst thrusting his hips forwards once behind her for emphasis. Daphne covering her face in embarrassment at the fact he was actually doing this in front of her friends.

"Well, she doesn't seem all too opposed to the idea" Fleur commented with a smirk whilst casting a knowing look towards a blushing Astoria. This only causing Harry's grin to widen – before Daphne's foot suddenly lashed out and stuck him in the shin.

"Agh, another injury! What is up with you girls today!?" he said as he sat back down and tenderly massaged his wound, "No wait, let me guess – are you going to lick it all better too?" he teased as he held out his leg for her causing her blush to deepen at the insinuation – before she merely squeezed his already injured leg causing him to hiss in pain. She could have sworn he just cursed in parseltongue too.

"No, this is punishment for acting so indecent towards me. I am a civilized lady that does not openly entertain such lecherous thoughts." She said with a huff as she looked haughtily off to the side

"Heh, that's not what you said last night." Astoria quipped causing Daphne's prudish demeanor to crack as she tried to brush over the details concerning their love making.

"Enough about Daphne's dirty talk," Harry fiercely declared as he stood up, his statement further deepening her blush at that, "I think it's about time we head over to our dorms before those idiots start messing with our trunks." Harry commented as he stood up and started making his way to Astoria who was still by the door, noticeably placing most of his weight on his uninjured leg.

"So should Daph and I make sure the coast is clear for you two before heading out?" Astoria asked as Harry made his way over to her.

"Nevermind that, there's bound to be almost no one left at this point and if we wait much longer lunch will start and we'll be stuck here forever" Harry replied as he gently pressed past her and opened the door to the hall before sticking his head out for a second, "All clear, let's go" he said over his shoulder as he stepped out into the Grand Hall with the girls trailing cautiously after him.

Asides from three girls and two guys sitting on the Hufflepuff table talking amiably to one another over some topic of interest, and two upper years on the Ravenclaw table looking over a book, the hall was completely empty. Something that they were infinitely grateful for.

At their exit though the Hufflepuff student's stopped talking and sent a heated glare his way, likely still angry like most of the Hufflepuff's at him stealing the prestige that should have solely belonged to their house. Not that he cared what they thought about him.

The Ravenclaw's on the other hand looked like they couldn't care less as they continued their quiet conversation over the book. It seemed that Ravenclaw was the way to go this year if he or the girl's needed any study groups for their courses.

The quiet as he walked down the hall was a bit disconcerting, but better than insults and jeers to be sure.

"Ah," Astoria gasped, she covering her mouth in surprise just as a spitball hit Harry's face – it having come from the Hufflepuff table.

Daphne turning towards the table with a glare spotted one of the boy's looking triumphantly towards them with a smirk while the girls giggled, one of the Weasley's patented Sniper Spitter's held in between his fingers.

Fleur was currently looking at the table with absolute murder in her eyes at the clear disrespect towards her mate, but had her fury instantly quelled by a mere look from Harry.

The two Ravenclaw upper years had gone silent as they looked on at the developing incident curiously.

Harry and his group had stopped walking at this point and the Hufflepuff group was starting to feel a little apprehensive at the sudden change in atmosphere. For some reason they felt like they had crossed some line, that maybe they had gone too far.

Astoria promptly offered Harry a handkerchief which he gratefully accepted with small smile before wiping off the spittle from his cheek and vanishing it with a wordless banishing charm as he flicked it in place.

Harry then turned to the Hufflepuff table, his face a mask of apparent disinterest, as if he were regarding mere vermin rather than his fellow students. They were likely second years, house loyalty having been sufficiently ingrained upon them where disrespect to their house they would regard as to themselves, yet lacking the sufficient skills to back up all their talk and bravado. It was likely for this reason they had employed such a crude method to get back at him, he would go easy on them… this time.

"You get one warning and one warning only," he said in a tone that no one had ever heard any Gryffindor employ, it sounding more cold and venomous than any would be Slytherin, "Consider this your warning – the next time you dare cross me, you will find yourselves waking up with both your legs broken and your ability to speak robbed from you. Second time you will wake up missing all the bones in your body unessential to keeping you alive. Third time…well let's just say you won't be waking up at all." He threatened, his voice dark and foreboding as he gazed unblinkingly at them. His threat having no preamble, or being veiled in any way. It was direct, to the point, and said in such a way that it came off as just as what he had intended it – a warning.

The line had been drawn, and if they dared crossed it there would be hell to pay.

"Now I have more important business to attend to and I am not in the habit of entertaining fools. So I bid you all goodbye and a not so pleasant day." He said as he turned away from the by now clearly rattled second years and started walking towards the doors of the Grand Hall, not noticing the curious gaze of the two Ravenclaw's following him as he left with the girls not far behind. Harry not looking back even once as he walked away.

Astoria was nowhere near as reserved as she stuck out her tongue at them, while Fleur herself could not help glaring daggers at them for their impudence.

"You were really cool back there," Daphne whispered to him with a small smirk as she regarded him with a proud look. A small smile inevitably tugging at his lips at her comment as they left the Great Hall.


"What are you doing?" Fleur asked curiously as she observed Harry trailing his hands over the walls outside the Great Hall just after they left, the other girls looking to be as lost as she was as to what he was doing.

"Just tying up loose ends is all," he said as he continued to grope along the walls before he stopped at a certain point in the brickwork, "Do you think this is directly across from the Hufflepuff table?" he asked as he turned towards Fleur, earning a raised eyebrow from her at that.

"I suppose…" she answered unsurely, not sure where he was going with this.

"Good enough for me," he said with a shrug before holding his hand out to his side "Accio; Wand" he said before his personal wand soon found itself in his hand.

Pointing his wand out towards the brick wall he started trailing it over the brickwork while muttering a low incantation under his breath, an ominous bluish glow trailing over the tip of the wand as he moved it in intricate patterns all flowing into some sort of invisible diagram.

"Immemorabilis retinentia" he powerfully intoned just as the magical diagram he had just traced during his incantation flashed a searing silver before disappearing. He releasing a sigh of relief at it being successful as he twirled his wand between his fingers and turned to the girls with a happy smile, "There all done"

"And what pray tell did you just do exactly?" Daphne asked with her arms crossed as she looked at him with a raised brow. It was fortunate for him that the hall was fairly empty at the moment as students were too busy currently getting themselves ready for their free day, otherwise things wouldn't have gone nowhere near as smoothly for him as they did.

"You know just making sure that my little threat went unnoticed. I simply made it so that those Hufflepuff's would be incapable of telling anyone about my threat and that if someone went through their memories the entire part of me threatening them would be absent. After all wouldn't want those little pigs squealing now would we?" he said with a pleasantly dark smile at the three

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" Daphne said with a love struck expression at how deliciously cunning and absolutely meticulous her boyfriend could be.

"Maybe, it doesn't hurt to say it again though," he teased, only to be mildly surprised at her suddenly grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a searing kiss – one that after getting over his surprise he eagerly returned.

Breaking apart it revealed both to have flushed expressions as they gazed into each others eyes before she broke away from him and looked embarrassedly off to the side. Being that bold and direct was definitely not her thing, but if her sister could do it then so could she.

"I-if you manage to do the same with everyone's memories of what happened this morning it'll be more than just a kiss next time alright?" she offered as she looked off shyly to the side at what she was proposing. Yep, definitely not her thing.

"Your wish is my command my lady," he replied gallantly with a short bow as covering up the memories of their little expose this morning shot right to the top of his to do list. His reply serving to only fluster Daphne even further.

Looking off to the side Harry noticed Astoria looking at him with a perverse grin while giving him two thumbs up causing him to shake his head amusedly at her antics.

"But seriously Harry, you've really gotten better at tracing haven't you? Why you didn't even scorch the wall with that diagram." Fleur marveled as she trailed her fingers over the cold stone underhand, it wasn't even hot, even her tracing tended to make most surfaces scorch when she performed them. Sure they were more powerful, but they were also a lot more noticeable and unmanageable. "If you keep this up you will be able to activate pre-made diagrams with ease when you transition to the next step of your training." She said with a proud smile as she turned towards a now beaming Harry

"Well what can I say, I had a really good teacher" he replied back earnestly while casting a grateful look her way

Smiling at how highly he thought of her she settled him with a sly look, "Flattery will get you everywhere Harry," she breathed as she leaned in right by his ear.

Laughing at her attempt to fluster him he settled her with a sly look of his own, "Who's to say that's not my intention?" he countered before quickly leaning in and giving her neck a quick lick causing her to squeak in surprise.

"You're all just too cute you know that?" he said as he regarded the three with a smile, the statement earning a pout from Fleur, a small smile from Daphne, and a beaming grin from Astoria.

Things were much more palatable when they had each other to lean on for support, if it weren't for them he knew he would be an absolute mess at this point as stress and anxiety over the current situation ate away at him. He knew it was much the same for them.

"Let's go, we've got a den of lions to visit" he said, all playfulness gone from his tone as he got back to the matter at hand. His statement earning confirmatory nods from the three as they prepared for the confrontation that was sure to follow.


Gryffindor Dorms

Harry had spoken to Dobby and the little house elf had agreed to fetch the Greengrass sister's personal effects. He being given express permission to use any means necessary to do so as their trunks were technically private property and as such they retained certain rights concerning them. One such right being the ability to take the necessary action, or inaction, concerning the protection of private property under the willful extent of the law.

Dobby had gone to Harry's own quarters beforehand only to find his trunk and other belongings missing, something that he little house elf had started beating himself over – literally. Stopping him from doing so he had assured the elf that it most definitely wasn't his fault and that he would attend to the matter personally. However, this only seemed to rile up the elf even further as he started singing praises of young master Potter's kindness and how he did not deserve such a great master as him.

Daphne looking throughout like she wanted to drop kick the little elf as he went on and on about him. Daphne for reasons the three of them could not understand absolutely loathed house elves, saying that it had to do with the fact that to her they were simply spineless goblins with big eyes. That and she didn't like the way they were borderline fanatical at times.

Astoria however painted a much more interesting picture, detailing on how the house elf that had been assigned to Daphne was incredibly clumsy – usually ruining her food and staining her clothes rather than cleaning them. It like Dobby would beat itself up every time about its many mistakes and spout apologies, eventually however after years of putting up with it she got fed up and sent him to work at Saint Mungo's, where he could be their problem rather than hers.

However, she was a lot more tolerable of Dobby as the little elf was a jewel in her eyes amongst house elves, especially with how efficient he was. Lucius was a fool for letting the little elf go. The fact that Dobby was actually helping them by fetching their luggage only caused her to hold him in even higher regard. She could almost hug the little pint for that. It would have been disastrous for either her or her sister to step foot in their house after today, so the little elf's assistance was much appreciated on their part.

It was just him at the moment as Fleur had decided to go on ahead to Beauxbatons' carriages to make arrangements with the headmistress for them to bunk together. She having done so mostly to allow him to interact with his friends without any outside interference on their part. Daphne and Astoria having tagged along with her as well as he was reluctant to leave them alone at this point.

At the moment he was heading towards the Gryffindor dorms to secure his belongings, needless to say he wasn't looking forwards to the confrontation that was sure to follow.

However, upon reaching the dorm he was greeted by the curious sight of Ron and Hermione waiting outside the portrait of the fat lady with his luggage already prepped.

Harry lifted his hand at them in greeting, not feeling confident in doing more at this point in time as he didn't know how they had taken the sudden reveal. Hermione lifted her hand with a sad look as she greeted him back. Ron merely looked at him with an undecipherable expression as he leaned against the wall lazily.

A tense silence settled between the two groups.

He could see that Hermione seemed quite uncomfortable at the moment given her body language and how she wouldn't met his eyes. However, he could tell that it wasn't the situation itself that was making her uncomfortable, but him. To her who liked to have everything so orderly and know everything about anything, finding out that her best friend, someone she thought she knew everything about, was completely unknown must be quite daunting to her. He would have imagined that her trust in him would already be tested merely from the incident with the Goblet, but the fact that there was apparently this side to him that she knew nothing about must have utterly broken whatever remained.

He could only hope he could pick up the pieces of whatever was left…

Looking her over a bit closer he noticed that her eyes were a bit red – had she been crying?

"We figured you would be coming by to pick up your things so we packed them up for you," she said with a strained voice as she gestured toward his stuff. Casting a glance over it he noticed it was all there; his trunk, his robes, even Hedwig who was currently looking at him with a mournful expression as she sensed his distress. She giving him a sorrowful trill before going silent as she continued to look at the exchange mournfully.

Hermione could not withhold her smile at the owls care for her master, "She was a dear you know, most well behaved owl I've ever known" she said softly as she looked at her in approval

"That she is," he said softly as he smiled and kneeled in front of her cage before sticking his fingers through the bars. Tilting her head at the action Hedwig leaned forward and started playing with his fingers as if inspecting them, turning them this way and that before looking at him curiously at the teeth marks on his index finger. "It's a long story" he said with a smile as she merely dipped her head in acceptance at his response.

"Bloody intelligent she was," Ron commented with a nod, the difference between Hedwig and their family owl was almost as distinct as day and night.

"Very, could catch a dragonfly by its wings with how fast she was too," he said as he looked down at Hedwig with a sad smile, the intelligent owl looking back at him worriedly as she tried her best to comfort him by leaning into his touch.

"So it wasn't all just an act then, at least your habits haven't changed much" Hermione commented somberly, causing Harry to stop his ministrations on Hedwig. He looking down for a second thoughtfully before he spoke.


"Don't, just don't – I don't think I'm ready for this yet," she declared as she held out a hand in a stopping gesture and moved away, she burying her head in her hands as she tried to get ahold of herself.

"You know I wanted to be angry at you," Ron cut in, he employing a sort of tone Harry had never heard Ron address him with, "To despise you for not telling me about entering yourself in the tournament, but honestly at this point I'm not even sure you care about that do you?" he asked as he turned towards Harry, not waiting for a response as he knew he likely wouldn't be getting one he continued.

"I wanted to call you out on sleeping with those girls, hell I even felt jealous for a second, but the fact of the matter is that the more I thought about it the more I can honestly say I don't care." He declared, his words striking harder than any physical blow.

"I trusted you – I mean sure we had our differences, but I would have bet my life on you! I suppose I'm just disappointed you didn't feel the same." He said sincerely, causing Harry to shake his head at that, it wasn't like that at all. A friendship like theirs couldn't be faked, he defeated a basilisk to save his sister whom he barely knew, and fought over a hundred dementors for an uncle he never even met. If it came to it he would fight the devil itself for either of them, just like he would for his girls.

"I'm not like you Harry, I'm not someone born for greatness who people expect great things from – I'm just me. I don't need three girls to be happy, hell I would be lucky to get one." He said before he visibly deflated

"I don't know, there was just something about calling myself the best friend of someone like you," Ron said with a wistful smile as he trailed off in thought, "As if by simply hanging out with you some of your greatness would rub off on me and people would notice me too. Even if it was just as simple as them pointing across the street and saying 'hey, that there's Harry Potter's best mate!'" he exclaimed as he pointed out towards some far-off dream before lowering his hand dejectedly to his side.

"Guess I wished for too much, huh?" he said with a humorless laugh that nearly broke Harry's heart. He never would have imagined that Ron, the most bold and vocal of the group, to be so insecure and reserved.

Taking a deep breath, Ron held out his hand expectantly, the action confusing Harry as he looked down at the appendage curiously before looking back up at Ron.

"To future endeavors," Ron said with a pained smile causing Harry to take on a look of understanding at that.

"Oh," Harry said sadly as he looked off to the side for a moment before offering Ron a sad smile of his own as he gave his hand a firm handshake, "To future endeavors" he repeated and with a shake of their hands the friendship they had forged across three years ended. Bonds tempered by conflict and tested by numerous trials finally being severed as they fell apart in the wake of his dishonesty.

Harry saw Ron being on the verge of tears just as he tore himself away from him and went into the Gryffindor dorms, he leaving Harry looking thoughtfully at his hand before he heard Hermione start to follow after him.

"Mione," Harry called out, causing her to stop in her tracks just before heading through the door, "We're still friends right? I mean, you can understand why I had to keep it a secret don't you?" he asked hopefully, knowing that if anyone could begin to understand the circumstances that drove him it was her. His statement ultimately causing her to take a deep intake of breath at the question before she turned to him with tears in her eyes.

"I knew," Hermione revealed, her statement causing his eyes to widen at the revelation, "I knew you were hiding something from us, I just hoped – I just hoped that you would tell us rather than wait for the whole situation to simply be forced upon you." She snapped as her temper came to flare, "Yes I wanted to find out what you were hiding from us, but not like that!" she shouted as she gestured towards the general direction of the Grand Hall.

"I want to hate you, I want to hate you so much for doing that to me – but I can't. Even though all that, I still couldn't bring myself to hate you! I-I just can't..." she cried before she her sad look morphed into a burning glare, "You broke my heart!" she shouted at him with a fierceness that he had never seen her embrace before, tears running freely down her cheeks at this point. Something however about her statement struck him as odd – what did she mean by him breaking her heart?

"You insensitive jerk, stupid womanizer, hopeless idiot!" Hermione shouted as she started beating on his chest with her balled up fists, spouting off some insults that he was sure he hadn't even heard before with how creative they were. Letting her vent as she poured her little heart out, her feeble punches seemed unable to even come close to the emotional pain he was currently feeling at seeing her so broken at the moment.

"You hopeless idiot – why?" she repeated just as her strikes died down, "Why did I ever have to fall in love with someone like you?" she whispered as she broke down into tears while clinging onto his shirt.

The revelation of her feelings for him having rendered him utterly speechless. She loved him? Suddenly her distress made a lot more sense. Not only had her trust in him as a friend been shattered, but her hopes of having him as a lover had been dashed as well. Just as he was about to hug her comfortingly he suddenly halted mid-action as a thought struck him. One that only served to further sadden him at how badly he had screwed up.

She hadn't ever loved him, no she had loved the lovable clueless idiot he was. The one that had always gone to her for advice concerning schoolwork, the one that had sent them off on wild adventures and was honest to a fault.

The one that didn't exist…

Retreating an arm he opted to rest a hand atop head as he let her mourn the loss of the best friend she never had, she being comforted by none other than his very killer.


Hedwig's P.O.V

Her Harry, he was hurting. Even though his face wasn't leaking, she could feel him weeping.

It pained her to see him like this. He was usually so strong, so full of life and joy that to see him like this felt wrong. However, she knew – she knew that this pain was necessary. That it would help him grow from the chick he still was into something truly extraordinary.

As he gazed at the picture of the woman with the broken voice she recalled what the bushy eared ooman had told her master, about her not knowing who he was anymore. This statement seemed to cause him great distress. Yes, her Harry may not cry, but tears on the inside she knew there was.

She didn't like it when he was sad, he wasn't supposed to be sad. He was supposed to be happy…

Suddenly her head snapped sideways at a ninety degree angle as she looked at Harry thoughtfully – he wasn't supposed to be sad…

Seeing him clenching his fists she could understand his frustration likely better than he did himself. Her Harry wanted to cry, he wanted to feel bad for the oomans from earlier, yet he found himself incapable of shedding a single tear. The reason being that he knew that it wasn't his fault, that he had only done what was best for those he cared about, those that he loved and cared for above all else.

Those like her…

Inside he felt that in the end it was for the best that things had played out how they did, they had no place in the world he was to be embroiled in after all. He had made the right choice, his nest mates came first – relationships outside of that and any chicks they may hatch together were arbitrary.

'My Harry would make a magnificent owl' she thought with a happy hoot, snapping Harry out of his self-depreciating thoughts in the process. He looking towards her only to see her tilting her head curiously as she gazed back up at him, the mere sight causing a soft smile to settle upon his lips as he remembered that he wasn't alone.

He still had three beautiful girls, an overeager house elf, and his very intelligent and loving owl Hedwig by his side.

Walking over to her he leaned down and looked kindly at her, his previous sadness not forgotten but momentarily subdued.

"You won't turn your back on me now will you girl?" he said with a small smile, only to get a happy hoot from Hedwig in response. Her eager reply causing his smile to widen.

"Let's get going, the girls will be delighted to see you again after so long" he said as he picked up her cage with one hand while lugging his trunk behind him with the other. He casting a single look back over his shoulder towards the currently empty portrait of the fat lady.

"To future endeavors"



Immemorabilis retinentia – Altered by tracing in order to target a particular memory node in the select number of individuals intended to be affected. Commonly used by Unspeakables amongst other memory charms to delete segments of memory in order to preserve anonymity. Utilizing Latin derivative for incantation. English Translation (approximate): Silent Memory. Spell color: Silver

Le goût anglais (The English Taste) – Refers to aged champagne, a peculiarly British affection, though the term can also refer to a level of champagne sweetness.

Chapter Closing Notes:

I might post a poll in the future for the creation of a censored/edited version of The Anarchist that excludes all the naughty bits such as the lime in chapter 1, the bite this chapter, and other such scenes. You know, make it more age appropriate and all that. It would be separate from this story however if it does happen. It would ultimately take out some characterization and character development though, hence why I'm hesitant to do so.

That and I want to have some fun while writing the story you know. However, I will employ my utmost professionalism if I do write the edited version (even if it bores me to do so with my naturally eccentric personality).

Beta: Grizzpy