Percy P.O.V
I hacked , slashed , parried and dodged the wild empousai jabs. I ducked under the wings of an empousai and jabbed at a hellhound which seemed smaller than the normal ones, probably a newly born. I failed to notice the empousai slash her claws at me. At the last second I turned and was met with the wild jab of its claws which raked through my chest , surely a deadly shot. I wildly swung Riptide which fortunately hit its mark . The last of the monsters dissolved into golden dust as I drifted into unconsciousness.
Artemis P.O.V
I heard excited whispering behind and I smiled at the thought. The newer recruits were excited at the prospect of hunting monsters. Zeus had told us or rather commanded us to hunt down the monsters to the north of California. The monsters were in large sums reaching up to numbers of almost two-hundred which was a lot considering that after the giant war there was no mob as big as this. Suddenly I heard the sound of metal clanking . I picked up speed my hunters following my lead. We arrived at the scene and saw a boy fighting off a hellhound and an empousai. The boy ducked under the wings of an empousai and jabbed at a hellhound which seemed smaller than the normal ones, probably a newly born. The boy failed to notice the empousai slash her claws at him. At the last second he turned and was met with the wild jab of its claws which raked through his chest , surely a deadly shot. He wildly swung his sword which fortunately hit its mark and the empousai dissolved into golden dust. After that he fell face first onto the ground. As he fell I didn't fail to notice his raven black mass of curly hair . As much as we didn't want to help the boy we knew we had to. So Thalia I and Pheobe a daughter of Ares ran up to him. Thalia turned his face to us and I came face to face with the savoir of Olympus. Thalia squealed in joy while the newer hunters were confused as to why there Lieutenant was happy to see a boy and why wasn't I stopping her. Thalia started tending his wounds. After an hour of unsuccessful tending to stop the blood from flowing I had to go and give a visit to my annoying brother on Olympus. After assuring Thalia of his safety I flashed away to Olympus. And I was greeted with a sight I never expected...