Creation began on 11-19-15

Creation ended on 11-19-15


Maternal Survival

A/N: For any that care for their mothers.

It missed. It missed by a large distance between itself and the woman's neck.

The woman turned around…and immediately backed away from the edge of the cliff with her husband, following a primitive instinct to flee.

The Parasyte, distraught over the loss of its new host body, fell to the ocean beneath it, hitting the rocks before the water.


The phone rang like crazy at the Izumi house before Shinichi picked it.

"Hello?" He responded to whoever it was calling.

"Shinichi," he heard his mother on the other end of the line, "are you alright?"

"I'm doing fine, Mom," he answered her, and noticed that she sounded frightened. "Is something wrong? Are you alright?"

"I'm alright. Your father and I are coming back early. We'll see you when we get in."

"Okay, I'll see you when you get in. I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too, Shinichi."


Deprived of an appropriate host body, the Parasyte that tried to decapitate Nobuko Izuni couldn't survive long in the ocean water due to the high levels of salt and the residual properties of the previous head that didn't handle the salt too well. As it drifted in the waves, it was only a matter of time before the salt, damaged and incompatible organs left the Parasyte unable to even cling to life.


A/N: Well, now I feel better about the anime series when they decided to kill Shinichi's mother just like that. What about you?