Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I wrote this for a bit of fun fem Harry and Draco.

A.N. Before I receive another review or message in regards to my sheer lack of imagination. I chose the name Harianna in my fanfictions for a few reasons. I didn't want to change Harry's name completely. I wanted a name I could shorten to Harry. I'm not overly found of Harriet as it get's shortened to Hattie. And I disliked using Henrietta or Henriette for the same reason, I just didn't like the name. I just happened to like Harianna, laugh all you want it is literally as simple as that. Flame me if you want, criticise my choice all you want, if my beta can't get me to change my mind. A little review isn't going to work either. Please don't even attempt to try you'll be wasting your time.

The complicated engagement.

Draco knows he's staring at his mother from shock but he had a good reason to be even if Malfoy's didn't stare. He recovered himself quickly though. Glancing at his father whose face is stern and he realizes that this is not going to just go away.

They cannot expect him to do this. Draco sends them both his best glare, this was some birthday present.

'Now Draco there is no need for that, it is a tradition that goes back years and you will follow it.'

'I'm eighteen I'm too young for this.'

'I was younger then you are when I got engaged to your mother.'

Draco frowned, that was true and well his parents were happy enough together.

'I understand that but this is my last year I'm lucky at all to be going back to Hogwarts, shouldn't I be concentrating on my studies,' he made a valid point to his parents.

Draco thinks it is rather clever of himself really he actually have to stop himself smirking, very Slytherin. Yes, when in doubt bring up the war, our family wasn't exactly standing on its credibility after all we had aligned ourselves with a dark lord however his mother is also on his trail of thought.

'The better reason for you to go ahead with the engagement, you must understand that we need to social standing and respectability back. Why do you think we have been to so many charity functions Draco?'

'Your studies are important son, yes you should focus on them, but you are Malfoy and your duty is to this family.'

'We are not saying you have to marry the girl straight away.'

'But you expect me to live with the rings choice?'

'We explained that it is your desires the ring follows, it all depends on who you so desire.'

He is still not impressed; it clearly shows on his face my mother glanced towards his father to which his raises a brow at her.

'How about we make a deal then Draco,' his father said bringing his attention to him and Draco tries to search his face for clues with no luck.

'What do you have in mind?' Basically, all Draco wanted to know, was what was in it for himself.

'Go through with this engagement,' his father raised a brow at him, his father holds up his hand to stop Draco from saying anything.

'Take the year to get to know your fiancée, do everything like you would do as a couple, go on dates, we would like to meet her and expect updates on your progress as well.'

'If I don't?'

'Then we will stop your allowance.'

'What if she doesn't want to marry me or even speak to me?' he pointed out.

'Then convince her to spend time with you I don't care how you do it, promise gold or expensive gifts if you have to, a year Draco that's all we ask of you.'

'You do realize that if that doesn't work she will just throw the ring in my face.'

'That won't happen, it is old magic that is on that ring once you have made your desires known it locks onto your magical signature, only you will be able to remove the ring from her.'

'And what happens at the end of the year if I don't want to marry the rings choice?'

'Then you can marry someone of your own choosing, in your own time of course.'

He smirks there was a way out of this, after all, he just had to make the desires ones that would make the ring choose someone he would never even dream of marrying. He could get around the date thing easily enough and meet his parents, when they saw that it was clearly the wrong person well they would call the whole thing off, yes it could be done.

'Just a year, no interfering though.'

'Yes a year, fine we will not interfere in your relationship.'

'Then yes we have a deal.'

He holds out his hand to shake his fathers, sealing the bond.

'Well then now that we have agreed upon that maybe we could get on with the rest of your birthday celebration.'

'That would be lovely, mother,' Draco said with a smirk back on his face.

'Oh Draco one last thing before we continue,' his father said.

'Yes, father.'

'Tonight, when you make your desires known upon the ring only your true feelings, will make the magic behind the enchantment work.'

The smirk is quickly wiped off Draco's face.

'Did I forget to mention that,' his father smirked at him

How …how Slytherin of him to withhold information until the last minute and if the knowing smile on his mother's face is anything to go by they both know exactly of his desires. He had obviously not been cunning enough to hide them from his parents. There was only one girl who he wanted, had always wanted since he was eleven if he was practically honest. No celebration was going to cheer him up because he had to somehow convince this girl to spend a whole year with him. Agree to meet his parents and go on dates with him when at the end of the day she couldn't stand the sight of him. Draco sends a deathly glare in both of their directions, somehow he don't think bribing this certain girl with "expensive gifts" or "gold" was going to cut it, he was to put it quite frankly screwed!

'I don't have to make my desires known tonight so I can I not have a few days at the very least.'

'Fine Draco just make sure that you make your desires known to the ring before school starts or I will be cutting off your allowance without a second thought.'

He nods in understanding staring back at the set of engagement rings, one which he will be wearing himself to show a sign of commitment to my betrothed once he had made his desires known. The diamond engagement ring sparkles as the light for the room catches it. He closes his eyes, letting out a sigh yep he was screwed.

A few weeks later a black haired girl Harianna or Harry as her friends called her was currently sitting in the living room of number four Privet Drive with the Minister for Magic himself (Kingsley) waiting for the uproar of objection that was sure to come. Bracing herself for the shouts but when nothing came she slowly opened her eyes to see a pale-faced Petunia nodding her head in agreement … in agreement to have Harry herself the girl who lived twice stay back in this house until the arrangement could be put into place. The look on Harry's face surely sent the right signals of utter shock which her aunt caught.

'I'd rather I have someone I know here to protect Dudley and I right now,' she said looking at Harry explaining her decision.

Harry could understand her point to be honest, Vernon had died well been murdered by death eaters that were still active. They had thought that they were just running amuck in the magical world then the attack on her only living relatives happened by the time Aurors had shown up Vernon had already been killed. Now an arrangement was going to be put in place that someone a witch preferably was going to be on guard at Private Drive but until Aunt Petunia agreed with the person which at this rate was minimal. Harry had been asked to well help out and ease the transition.

'Good, then we will put a few safety measurements in place. We will connect the fireplace up to the wizarding network, give you access to floo powder if you being attacked clearly shout safe house before throwing down the powder, the password is for you and your son to use only and will take you to the safest place we have Harry's house,' Kinsley paused. 'I have would set up an emergency port key but I wouldn't want you to lose it'.

'Why are we not being put in this safe house, to begin with,' Petunia asked.

'You wanted to live your lives you pointed that much out in the beginning and being at Harry's place you would not be able to do so.'

'Fine connect us but I will not have every witch or wizard coming into this house.'

Kingsley pinched the bridge of his nose, 'I assure you that it will be only designated people, like myself, your guard and of course Harry that will be keyed into the entry of this house.'

'Good what about Harianna not being able to use magic outside of school won't that be an issue.'

This time Harry herself answered. 'No aunt Petunia I'm off age in the magical world remember so I can use magic without being expelled, you and Dudley already know of our world so that is another issue solved. I will still have to be careful but I won't be punished as such.'

'Ok then and you will be here to help me pick out a what it again for a guard.'

'An Auror and yes as long as it is done before I go back to school,' Harry stated her only condition that she had to this whole arrangement.

'School really I thought you would have gone straight into a job?'

Kingsley interrupted. 'Believe me when I say I have tried but it seems that Harry wants to do something else with her life.'

'Don't please we have had this conversation already I have had enough of running around after fools for a lifetime I think I will stick with my choice.'

'And I wish you luck, now that we have things settled I have a connection to set up. I will see you shortly, hopefully, we will have everything settled before term starts in a couple of days.'

'Thank you,' Harry said seeing Kingsley out she turns back toward her aunt.

'Well you know where the bedroom is, go make yourself comfortable or something.'

Just a few days Harry that's all, you can do this after all she agreed to have you here right so it won't be so bad. After making her way to her old room and unpacking a few things. Harry settled herself down to sleep trying not to worry about the days ahead. When morning breaks she stretches out, feeling around the side table for her glasses pushing them onto her face. When something sparkly catches her eye, she blinks what on earth how in Merlin's beard where did she get a diamond ring from wait for a second …. 'ARRHHH' a pitched scream sounds out throughout the house.