Thank you to all who has read, reviewed, ranted, laughed and cried along with me. I am honored you chose to read at all. Everything is wrapped up as much as it can be with this chapter and while I know you will not all agree how Charlie is handled, it's what was always planned from the start. See you at the bottom.
"Hey. How have you been? Wait…stupid question. I know it has been a long while since I have been here and I am sorry for that. It seems like a crap excuse to say I've been busy, but I have been... busy that is. Raising children is a full time job and when you add in the other one…Anyway, I am part time now. I decided that my children were more important than any job even if I love it. So once I finished my fellowship in Neuro, I reduced my hours. Edward jokes that for thirty hours a week he is my boss and the other one hundred and thirty hours, I am his." Bella chuckled out loud, her fingers trailing through the soft grass.
"My friends are doing good. You remember James and Bree? I told you about them. They finally got their heads out of their asses and got married. They are still on staff at UDub and they bought my house and they live there. Hopefully the house will get the memories it deserves once they have children."
"Riley enlisted in the Army. I am ashamed to say we tried to talk him out of it, but he was adamant. He is doing well as a trauma surgeon and emails frequently. He is making a difference in his own way and we are all very proud of him."
"Kate married Garrett and I was maid of honor at a cheap, no frills City Hall ceremony kind of like Edward and I had. They are happy or as happy as they will ever allow themselves to be."
"Alice is happy. Oh god, you should see her. She will go down in history as the woman who reformed the ultimate manwhore. She is about seventy months pregnant with a little boy and still looks so glowy and beautiful. She is almost done with her fellowship in general surgery. Funny how she picked my mom's specialty and I didn't."
"Tanner and Rosalie are five and are starting school next month. Rosalie is excited and Tanner is not. Funny how their personalities changed from when they were little. Tanner is stubborn and moody with Edward's hair and blue eyes and Rosalie is bright and shiny with my hair and green eyes. They changed when she was a year old; I thought they would stay blue."
"Morgan was a surprise to both me and Edward. Apparently there is a failure rate in vasectomies. Who knew? Okay, I should know. I got my tubes tied this time. I never wanted to give birth at thirty-eight. She came out with non-stop energy and she hasn't slowed down yet. She is a cross between Alice, me and you. She is four months old now and is doted on by us all."
"Edward and I have been married for almost six years and I have to say that he is the best thing to ever happen to me. I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky for someone like him to love someone like me. I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming. But then I turn and see him sleeping next to me, his arm around my waist, holding on to me like I am his lifeline. We still have so much passion and love towards each other and I find myself cherishing each moment in case we don't get another one."
"Charlie, I mean Dad, was responsible for what happened. I don't know if you knew that or not. I walked into the court room and they were persecuting him. They were talking thirty years in prison. I thought about how much you loved him and what a good dad he was to you and Alice and we talked to the Prosecutor and worked out a plea bargain. He was admitted to a six-month rehab and detox center, five-year probation, a twenty thousand dollars fine and one thousand hours of community service. Edward and I paid the fine and he did his community service in a children's center. We invited him to Thanksgiving three years ago and while I still have issues with him, the kids love him and it makes Alice very happy. I hope it makes you happy, too. I know what he did was unimaginable and it took you away from us but you always did say that everyone deserves forgiveness. Well, I don't know about that and I haven't forgiven him for what he did to you and Em but I know you understand."
"Ellen passed two years ago. We tried everything we could to keep her with us but she succumbed to her cancer on a bright afternoon in June surrounded by all of us. She didn't die alone, so please tell Emmett that."
"Oh, Rosalie, you should see Emma. She is almost eight and she is so smart and bright. She smiles all the time and, unfortunately, she has inherited our rambling. I tried to keep that from happening but there is only so much I can do when she is around me and Alice for extended stretches of time. I am taking the best of care of her and I know you wish you could have been here to guide her but I am raising her as I think you would've. Edward is so wonderful with her and she has a wonderful family and support system. If it is the last thing I do, she will grow up to be a woman you and Emmett would be proud of. We tell her about you two all the time. We will not let her forget you, I promise. I was so lost when you died, but Emma lead me back to Edward and I am so happy. I would give anything for you to be here right now with us but your death set off events that led me here. Which is sobbing over your grave so I guess it always comes full circle huh? I am probably boring you so I am going to go now, but stop in to haunt us once in a while. Make sure I am doing things right. Okay? I will bring the kids by to see you but I wanted to come first. I wish I would've known you longer Rosalie, but what time I did know you, I loved you. I still love you. I hope I am making you proud."
Bella traced her fingers along the name on the cool black marble.
Rosalie Swan McCarty
January 17, 1991- August 23, 2015
Her phone vibrated and Bella wiped her eyes and looked at the text message.
Alice in labor, asking for you
Love, Me
She smiled and looked back at Rosalie's final resting place.
"You are going to be an aunt right now. Jasper Emmett Whitlock is on his way. So, I have to go now. I will be back soon. I promise. I love you."
Bella rushed off towards to her car and sped off towards the hospital.
Life. It does goes on.
And another one bites the dust. Thank you to all the ladies at Cheatward's Spot who pimp me out, to A Different Forest for pimping me out, to all the readers pimping me out...the ladies who made me banners, those who vote for whatever award I am up for and to those over in my FB group. Just, thank you so much.
Take Me As I Am is my next fic. It is complete and will start updating on January 1, 2016. I hope you will join me.
Peace Out!