JK Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings.

Chapter 6 – Hurt Feelings

The SM might have believed that Hermione would be a sympathetic witness but Flora knew differently. The moment the SM had Hermione unsilenced and publically granted the right to ask questions, the woman had nearly flown down to face the Judges and the first thing she said (loudly) was "This so-called woman is a FAKE!"

A slightly smiling Flora asked, although already knowing the answer, "Why do you say that Hermione?"

"That's Mrs. Granger-Weasley to you – FAKE!"

"Oh do pontificate on your theory" Flora replied "But you can't say it was because the WORLD KNEW" Flora insinuated using finger quotes "that you were Harry Potter's 'best female friend who knew him better than he knew himself'."

Flora noticed to her amusement that Hermione was turning a shade of Vernon Dursley red, which in her opinion expressed more rage and was a more esthetically pleasing color of fury than the infamous Weasley red they were all so familiar with. She also knew that "Mount St. Hermione" was about to erupt and spew out not only wrath but insults and the inaccurate facts which she believed as gospel because Dumbledore had told her they were true.

Harry/Flora knew that although Hermione was a very intelligent and well-read person (or had been before she married into the Weasley family) she only read and formed opinions which suited her personal agenda or were the views of Albus Dumbledore who she had really worshipped.

The fact that he always flattered her massive ego and praised her "astounding talent for immediately grasping the facts which took others much too long to understand (such as the highly intelligent Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick and that other Muggleborn prodigy, Lily Evans)" had only cinched the fact that Hermione Jane Granger believed in her own infallibility and even the Weasleys (at least Molly, Ron and Ginny) and their constant belittlement of her talents, abilities and intellect had not completely quelled the woman's spirit and belief in herself.

On one hand, Harry/Flora was happy to see that some of the old Hermione was unconquered. Sometimes Hermione's attitude and need to control the situation and force her views on people had been annoying but sometimes amusing in his/her opinion. But that was part of Hermione's unique personality and which made her the girl that Harry/Flora had known…and really liked.

Deep inside Flora knew that Hermione was a good person and, as much as she had been able considering Dumbledore controlled her, she was "Harry's friend" and in her own way a caring one. As a true friend (which Harry/Flora was) he/she accepted the foibles of a friend, even if they didn't agree with them. But for self-preservation, Harry/Flora had had to leave Hermione behind when Harry escaped because the girl was too entrenched in Dumbledore's web and wouldn't have believed him

Harry/Flora had often felt sorry for the girl but knew that in her heart of hearts Hermione did think that she was "helping Dumbledore help, guide and keep Harry Potter on the path of the Light" because she had worshipped Dumbledore and always would despite any revelations which cast him in a bad light.

Flora's musing was interrupted by the explosion of Hermione's rage which further increased when the woman noticed the very slight smile on Flora's face and misinterpreted the reminiscence for condescension.

Hermione's vitriolic tirade had gladden not only the press but the Weasleys and had it been possible, considering they were bound and silenced, Ron and Molly just might have applauded and urged Hermione on to more destructive (to her at least) ranting. The "Terrible Two" (the nickname Hermione referred to Ron and Molly in her mind – the only privacy she still had) had a moment of hope that Hermione might give them a respite or failing that, incriminate herself and join them in their punishments instead of getting another chance at life. Seeing her completely destroying herself was one of the fondest wishes of the Terrible Two.

Just when Hermione was about to really dig herself a hole with her words which she would never be able to retract, she was saved by someone hitting her in the back with a freezing spell which rendered Hermione totally still but conscious. Mercifully it kept Hermione in a standing position instead of her falling (hard and painfully) to the marble floor. It had been cast by the eldest daughter of the former French Minister of Magic who was now serving as one of the Judges.

Fleur Delacour, a Veela and formerly a Weasley, was coming very close to losing her temper, the results of which would be disastrous at any time but truly inconvenient in this situation. With great effort she managed to keep her composure.

The sound of photographs being taken and the quills of the press furiously writing were heard and everybody was on edge expecting a fight of epic portions. They were to be disappointed as Fleur merely approached the frozen woman and as gently as possible, tried to calm her down.

"Hermione, you were a friend of Harry Potter, but not the best female friend or even the second. That was me" Fleur said. Had Hermione been able to move her eyes they would have widened considerably and had she been able to talk she would dispute it vehemently. Fleur knew that and explained why – hoping the woman would finally understand.

"Harry liked you and considered you a friend, but you were too entrenched in the worship of authority, especially Dumbledore. That old #$*#$Y &&^ had you so under his power that you reported every detail of Harry's life. I heard that you had even sworn on your life and magic that you would tell Dumbledore everything Harry said to you even if he swore you to secrecy and Harry knew it. He knew that you sincerely thought that you were helping Dumbledore help Harry and keeping him on the path of the Light, so that was why Harry could never fully trust you. Besides you wouldn't have believed Harry if he told you he was a girl because 'everyone knew' that Harry Potter was a boy because Dumbledore said so!"

"After the Tournament was over and I graduated, I got a job at Gringotts not only to improve my English - or to chase after Bill – but to spy on the Ministry for their denial of Voldie's return but also on Albus Dumbledore. It was then after I joined the Order as an auxiliary – not as a full member as I didn't want to swear a solemn oath to Dumbledore – and had more access to Harry, that I realized he was a girl. I helped him as much as I could, especially when he escaped after the Battle of Hogwarts."

My father 'handled the Goblins' who were trying to 'rip him off' for the dragon incident and steal as much of his fortunes that they could. That was how Harry was able to claim his Lordships. A deal was made to keep everything secret from the Weasleys and Kingsley and Harry was finally able to begin the life he/she should have always had."

While Fleur was explaining, Hermione wasn't really listening as she wondered how Harry, let alone Fleur, knew about her oath, but she'd worm it out of somebody if she had to cast an Imperious on them!

Fleur noticed that Hermione was thinking her own thoughts and basically ignoring the explanations she was being given and then began to lose her temper and again had to take a breath and calm down. Fleur had never liked Hermione – she felt sorry for her many times but couldn't like her – because of how she had sided with Molly and Ginny to make her life miserable before she married Bill. After the "dirty deed was done" as her marriage was referred to by Hermione, the then girl simply tried to ignore her.

Throughout their respective marriages they maintained a "polite" relationship with each other but a few times Fleur gave a form of sisterly comfort to Hermione during the many rocky times of her marriage. But when push came to shove, Hermione always sided with Molly and Ginny when they castigated the Veela because any attempt of siding with Fleur would be considered a traitorous act on Hermione's part. The witch had to carefully choose her battles if she wanted to survive in the Weasley family. Fleur always felt hurt but understood as even a Gryffindor could be a coward to survive.

Flora knew what was happening and sighed because Hermione would never accept what she didn't believe could be true, especially if it was but went against her beliefs. In some ways she had never had a chance to live her own life, much like Harry, because Dumbledore had a use for her. That was why Hermione could never be a friend to Flora.

"Your Honors" Flora began "I think Ms. Granger-Weasley is just rambling away and just stubbornly refuses to believe the overwhelming evidence produced and verified by experts and magical oaths. Can we please continue with the trial?"

Fleur very nicely levitated Hermione back to her seat but wouldn't unfreeze her until after Flora left the building – just in case she snapped and tried to cause trouble.

A few more things were done such as reading the reports of the "Weasley experts" and then the judges left to decide the verdict. Court was adjourned until the verdict was decided. The judges didn't take long as it had always been a foregone conclusion that due to the evidence, the Weasleys and Kingsley Shacklebolt were all guilty, much more than the others involved.

Flora and Neville left and would not return, although Luna, Draco and Fleur went back to hear the verdict. All things considered, Flora didn't want to be there for the sentencing and especially for the onslaught of the press asking their questions and further violating her space and her life. She and Neville immediately left for the U.S.A and "home" where they would go into seclusion until it all blew over. They estimated it would take a year or more for the interest to die down especially after Flora's auto-biography was published, read and discussed.

According to Luna, it had only taken the judges half an hour to make their decision but it was deciding the punishment which took so long. Poor Daniel Granger was going to be denied his dearest wish as although he deserved it for many reasons, Ron was not given the death penalty. Instead, all Weasleys (except Charlie who was innocent of his family's schemes and crimes), Kingsley and several other persons were granted mercy – of a sort.

Azkaban was considered too good for them, especially since the Dementors were gone. Although the living conditions were improved, very slightly, your wand was confiscated but you still had your magic and lived in a magical environment. Therefore, the guilty had their magic permanently bound and were sent to a remote Muggle prison in the wilds of Australia. Not only was the prison in a desolate and harsh place, only the very worse inmates were sent there. A smaller but separate prison for females was near the main prison and it was a veritable hell hole as the female of the species is the more dangerous and crueler, especially when they have nothing left to lose.

It was a very good thing that poor Arthur had died ten years ago. He had never agreed to the doppelgänger but was shouted down by his entire family and ordered by Kingsley to "keep your mouth shut and obey or else!" Molly had screamed that it was Dumbledore's will that Harry (if he somehow survived) was to become an Auror, marry Ginny and pop out heirs. There was a nasty rumor that his demise had not been natural as he was considered a loose cannon.

James Sirius, Albus and Lily Luna were innocent victims. Their biological fathers were contacted (secretly to prevent further scandal) and asked to claim their children. None of them would, so James Sirius went to live with Charlie and Albus and Lily Luna were sent to another, much smaller school which Charlie paid for. They changed their names and dyed their Weasley red hair a dark brown. After graduation they and James would never return to Britain.

Hermione was forced to have counseling with a court-ordered Muggleborn psychiatrist, who was paid for by the court but in reality, Flora footed the bill. She owed that much to her first female friend. She eventually came to terms with her life and was given a much better job at the Ministry. She rose to be Assistant Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, Ernie MacMillian. She was only an Assistant Undersecretary due to her enthusiasm for certain things such as freeing house elves who didn't want to be free as well as still trying to change all the things she thought wrong with the Magical World but weren't. Some things never change, but at least she had a good and fairly relevant job and had reconciled with her parents.

Telling her tale had been liberating, but also heartbreaking, for Flora but it had to be done as she truly couldn't get on with her life until the evil of Dumbledore and his manipulations were finally and truthfully revealed. When it concerned the "Greatest Wizard since Merlin" Flora could only think what Shakespeare had Marc Anthony said at Caesar's funeral oration in the play Julius Caesar:

"The evil that men do lives after them;

The good is oft interrèd with their bones."

It had been the opposite with Dumbledore as the evil he had done had never been revealed – until now. Flora considered it the best and noblest thing she had ever done - setting the truth free.

The End

P.S.: Sorry for the delay but I've been sick, the computer was taken to the "shop" twice, the holidays reared their ugly, time-consuming and tiring selves and I had to get a "procedure" done on my knee. Hoped you all had good holidays!