Pick up the pieces

Author's Note: I am a hardcore Drarry fan. They are my OTP, and I thought, why not? So this is going to be slash, obviously. It's rated, because there's going to be slash, and if you don't like it, then please don't read.

Warnings for this Chapter: None

Disclaimer: All characters belong to this wonderful person called JK Rowling.

A mop of black zoomed into the living room. Harry Potter was sitting on the sofa, numerous files laid out on the coffee table in front of him. Behind the mop of black (his son Al), more sedately, his best friends Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom, and Rose, Hermione's daughter came in. Al threw himself at his father.

Harry hugged him back tightly; it had been three days since he'd seen his son. As it was, he couldn't bear being alone in the house. Al went to Hogwarts. He was about to enter his second year.

Harry wordlessly waved to the other three. Then he stood up to kiss Hermione on the cheek. She hugged him tightly. Then he greeted Nev. They both look good, he thought. Hermione was no longer the bushy haired girl she'd been at school, and Nev had outgrown his chubbiness to become quite a handsome man.

He sighed. These two had come a long way. They began dating a year back, and we're still going strong. Ron had been such a git to them. As had Ginny. A look of distaste came upon his face as he thought of the mother of his son. And of Ron. Rose was Ron's daughter, but she hated the sight of her father. In fact, for all practical purposes, Nev was her father. She even called him "Dad".

Shaking off these thoughts he smiled at his son.

"So how have you been?" he asked.

"Aunt Mia and Uncle Nev and Rose and I went to the zoo, Dad!" Al said, excitedly. "It was brilliant! Oh, Dad! Scor wrote, he wants to know if all five of us can go to his place later in the summer. Please say we can, please please please!"

Harry exchanged a glance with Nev and Mia. All three of them looked apprehensive. But it was hard to ignore the pleading looks both the children were giving them.

"Al, Rosie," said Mia. "I don't think Mr Malfoy would like it-"

"Scor asked him!" Said Rose almost whining now. Al, Rose and Scor were all in Slytherin House. While Harry had somehow known all along that Al would end up in Slytherin, Rose had been a surprise. Everyone had expected her to be in Ravenclaw.

"Daaaaaddddd..." Rose dragged the word out, looking at Nev with her best puppy dog eyes. His heart swelled with joy and pride, that this girl, his daughter in all but blood called him "Dad". He knew he was being weak. But he couldn't help it.

"We will write to Mr Malfoy. If it's okay, we can go, okay sweetheart? Now why don't you and Al make yourself scarce, I want to talk to your Mom and Uncle Harry?" Nev smiled down at Rose. She nodded before heading out with her cousin.

Harry and Mia turned an almost accusing gaze on Nev.

"Nevvie!" Said Harry.

"She looked at me like that; I couldn't say no, she's a hardcore Slytherin."

His girlfriend and best friend looked at him exasperatedly. Harry shook his head.

"Well," said Mia. "Let's sit down and write that letter then." She sat on the sofa, and Nev and Harry sat on either side of her. She grinned at them for a second. "Who'd have thought we were going to write something like this to Malfoy of all people. I mean, things really are changing, aren't they?"

Harry and Nev nodded. The three looked over at the two children, playing happily, chasing each other around the garden. Harry noticed them wave, and waved back. What he had failed to notice was the subtle wink Nev flashed in Rose and Al's direction and the returning 1000 watt smile he got in return.

After the letter had been drafted, and then rewritten and sent, courtesy Harry's owl Midnight, they sat back and Harry called for Kreacher.

"What can Kreacher do for Master Harry and Miss Mione and Mr Neville?" he asked, bowing low.

"Kreacher, tea and biscuits please. Thank you." Kreacher bowed and snapped away. "Now, Nev, tell me."

"Fred and George wrote. They said that Ron is trying to make out that Mia cheated on him with me and that Rose is Mia's and my daughter."

"Give me the letter." Harry's tone was brusque. Nev knew the anger wasn't directed at him, and so he barely reacted apart from fishing in his pocket for the letter, which he handed to Harry.

Dear Mia and Nev,

How are you guys doing? It's been a while. How is Rose? Thanks for the letter to Alicia and Angelina, they were thrilled. Ironic that we are older, but the last to procreate, isn't it?

Okay, moving on to more important matters. You know how we haven't told Mum and Ron and Ginny we are in touch with you, they'd go bonkers. When we went for last week's family lunch, Ron told us he was planning to tell the world that you guys were in an affair while Mia was married to Ron still. Ginny doesn't have the guts to aim anything at Har, but this is serious.

He also is trying to put about a story that Rose is Nev's not his. Careful guys, he's going to abus e his power as an Auror.

Bill, Charlie and Percy all send their regards. Fleur would like you to hex Ron into the next century and Audrey sends her love. Ron and Ginny are just, well, them.

Take care, loads of love to Rosie,

Fred and George.

Harry's eyes flashed. He was angry. His magic was swirling around him. Mia hugged him, in a bid to calm him down. It worked.

"I will not let him do this." He strode over to the Floo. "DMLE!" he said, sticking his head in.

"Hey, Zabini, Nott." Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott, Heads of the Depatrment of Magical Law Enforcement, and Harry's close friends, knelt at the fireplace.

"Harry!" said Blaise. "Official? You look angry."

"I am, Blaise. This prat of a Ronald Weasley."

"Did what now?" asked Theo, comprehension dawning on his face.

"Oh, come over!"

Without waiting for a reply, he backed out. In a few seconds, Blaise and Theo were in the living room.

"Hi, Mia, Nev," they said, linking hands. It was common knowledge that they were in a relationship and had been for almost ten years.

Harry had become acquainted with them just out of lawyer training, and he had begun practicing. It was often required that they practice with the DMLE, and that was how a friendship had built. Harry, Theo, Blaise, Mia, Nev, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, the Patil Twins, and a few seniors, such as Adrian Pucey, Monatgue, and Fred and George had begun hanging out together a lot.

Wordlessly, he handed them the letter. They read it quietly, but in mounting anger. By the end, they were livid.

"That scumbag!" said Blaise pulling Hermione into a hug. "Don't worry, we've got you." He said, quietly. Theo nodded his agreement.

"Thanks," said Mia, into his shoulder. Then she composed herself and sat back down next to Nev.

"Well, then," said Blaise, smirking. "Found any man or woman, Potter?"

Harry groaned and buried his face in his hands, as the others laughed.

Draco Malfoy was in his study, working on an important file, when a midnight blue owl flew in. He didn't recognize it, but took the letter anyway. Glancing at the envelope, comprehension dawned on his face. Potter, Granger and Longbottom. He slit the envelope open, and then opened the letter.

Lord Malfoy,

I hope we find you in good health. Allow us to extend our heartfelt and sincere thanks to you, for inviting our children, Albus Potter, and Rose Granger, to your Manor for the remainder of the summer. They will, most certainly, accept the invitation and be there as planned.

We were notified today that the invitation, according to your son Scorpius, was not only for the children, but us as well. It came as a slight surprise to us, and we thought it prudent to write to you about the new development, rather than impose and invade on your privacy. An affirmation or denial of the same may be sent through the delivering owl, Midnight.

Thanks and regards,

Lord Harrison James Potter-Black, Lord Neville Francis Longbottom and Miss Hermione Granger

Draco's lips curved into a slight smile as he read the letter. This meant they would come. He replied hurriedly in the positive.

It is a good chance at apologizing and redeeming myself, he thought. He opened his file. As a Healer, he had a lot of paperwork, and he hated it. Well, Scorpius would be happy. He called for an elf.


Said elf popped into the room.

"Yes, Master Draco?"

"Have five guest rooms cleaned out and prepared. The second floor, not the guest wing. And send Scorpius in, would you? Thanks!"

Flippy popped away. In five minutes, a knocking was heard on Draco's door.

"Come in!" A blond boy walked into the room.


"Hello, Scor. Your friends are coming over," he said, getting straight to the point. "And so are Mr Potter, Miss Granger and Mr Longbottom. I want you on your best behavior," he added, sternly.

"Yes, Papa. Thank you, you are the best, ever!"

"You are welcome."

"Papa, Mr Potter is the one you refer to as Harry, right?" Without waiting for an answer he bounced out, undoubtedly to write to Al and Rose, leaving Draco to wonder where his son had heard that.

Author's Note 2: Yeah, I realised, the characters are OOC, but that's how I want it. Also, Fred is alive, because he SHOULD NOT have died