This probably won't be the longest fanfic I write, and I'm still working on a couple other things, but the idea sort of popped into my head, and as usual, I wanted to get it down before it slipped my mind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls.

Pacifica Northwest took no joy in driving in her family limo down to the Mystery Shack. Well, the limo itself was fine. It was probably the only modern form of wealth they had, in comparison to an old haunted manor loitered with massive, egocentric paintings or wines imported from other countries; nowhere else could Pacifica have access to a cooler full of Pit Cola (minus the pits) and a flatscreen TV hanging over the sofas. What made the rise unpleasant was not only sharing it with her parents, but also the purpose of their visit. She had been told she would get some form of punishment for her "irresponsible" actions at the party. The good news was that it didn't involve ringing 'the bell'. The bad news was that neither of her parents said a word about what it would be.

But what kind of punishment could await her at the Mystery Shack?

"Nice. And don't forget bug spray! It's perfect for spraying in the face of hitchhikers!"

Grunkle Stan had been boarding a rickety RV with suitcases, with Soos and Mabel helping out. Dipper had just left the Shack after more paranormal studies with Ford. Only now did he notice the worn-out vehicle, and now that he knew Grunkle Stan's true history, one conclusion came to mind.

"Whoa. An RV? Camping gear? Are you running from the law again?"

The conversation played out as normal. As the Northwest limo pulled up, Soos and Stan were persuading Dipper to tag along, and Mabel's two besties, Candy and Grenda, were already prepared for their trip. Pacifica wasn't a lip or mind reader, so she couldn't determine the specifics of their conversation. But then it occurred to her that it looked like everyone was leaving the Shack, and judging by the suitcases, they planned to be gone for an extended amount of time. So what could her parents possibly have in mind by having her punishment here at the Shack?

"What's with the limo?" asked Dipper, "That's not a government van, is it? Grunkle Stan, are you sure you're not running from the law?"

"Trust me kid, I know government cars," Grunkle Stan replied, "And that ain't one."

Dipper got his real answer once he saw Preston and Priscilla Northwest step out of the back. Which probably meant...

"Pacifica's here?" asked Dipper.

"Oh hey Pacifica!" Mabel shouted out as the blonde girl stepped out of the limo, "I didn't know you were stopping by!"

"Neither did I."

Pacifica bore a soft smile upon seeing the Pines twins, but tried not to look at Candy and Grenda. She barely noticed, out of the corner of her eye, that the two of them were not very pleased with seeing her. Even if they were invited to her family's super fancy party (through bargaining with Dipper), they weren't really around for everything she had been through with the Pines twins. So while she could understand why the two still wouldn't like her, it didn't make her feel any better.

"So...why are the Northwests at the Mystery Shack?" asked Dipper.

Stan didn't say a word, but stood still as Preston approached him, while Priscilla stayed by the limo, pompously admiring herself in the portable mirror she conveniently brought along with her...all the time. The two men simply stared at each other, the older man shorter than the other, but it didn't look like there would be any fisticuffs or sneering happening.

"So we're good on our agreement?" asked Preston.

"As long as you keep your end, I'll keep mine," Stan replied.

"And you're assured she'll at least come back alive?"

"I'm lazy, not neglectful," Stan replied, "She'll be back in one piece."

"Very well," Preston replied, "Here's your share."

To everyone's surprise, Preston took out a considerably large stack of $100 bills from his back pocket (there was probably more in his other pockets) and handed them to Stan.

"Uh, Grunkle Stan, what's going on?" Dipper asked, "Why are you taking money from him?"

Dipper and Preston glared at each other from the corner of their eyes. They still did not like each other, and it was no big secret to anyone else. Especially Pacifica. She was there when the two had their ugly confrontation in the front room of the manor.

"Hey Pacifica," Mabel said, finally approaching Pacifica, "Whatcha doin' way out here? Come to say goodbye? Me and my besties are going with Grunkle Stan and Dippingsauce on a road trip! Oh yeah, and Soos is tagging along too!"

"Wait, who said I was going?" asked Dipper.

"Anyway, it'd totally be fun to have another girl on the trip!" Mabel excitedly replied.

"Uh, yeah," Pacifica said, "I know we're moving on from...well, our past and everything, but I'm not as spontaneous as you. I don't like the idea of close quarters with too many people...on the road, no less. But yeah, hope you have fun."

There was no mockery in her voice, but that didn't mean Grenda and Candy weren't a little on the edge around her.

"Don't be so quick to dismiss," Preston said, "Because you're going with them."

"What?" asked Pacifica and Dipper.

"Really?!" Mabel asked.

"I did say you would be punished for your irresponsible behavior at the family party," Preston said, looking down on his daughter, "Traveling with the less refined on the road in the middle of nowhere without the luxuries you never seem to appreciate should be punishment enough."

"But Dad, I'm totally unprepared!"

"No sweat, Pacifica!" Mabel said, "I packed plenty of clothes for the three of us! There's no reason I can't share some of my sweaters with you! By the by, did you ever learn how to pronounce it?"

"Shaw-shaw-shaw-ring?" Pacifica asked.

"We can practice on the road!" Mabel exclaimed, "C'mon, we should get the best seats!"

Mabel dragged Pacifica towards the RV, leaving Grenda and Candy to wonder why Mabel suddenly got girly and friendly with the most popular girl in Gravity Falls. Preston walked off, not bothering to say goodbye to Stan or to his daughter, simply getting back in the limo with his vain wife and driving off.

"So that's what that weird staredown and payoff was about?" Dipper asked, "He's paying you to take Pacifica with you on a road trip?"

"Hey, ten grand is ten grand," Grunkle Stan replied, "If watching someone else's kid gets me an easy paycheck, I ain't complaining."

"And who said you weren't coming?" asked Mabel, still having Pacifica stand near them, while the former conveniently grabbed suitcases from the side, "I already went to the trouble of packing all your stuff. Even the stuff you kept in that secret box under the bed."

No sooner did she say that when she dropped the box, with pictures of Wendy falling out. Dipper became visibly embarrassed as he tried to pick up the photos. Pacifica vaguely recognized the girl in the photos, she had only seen her once at the Shack party. Other than that, she didn't even know her name or what she meant to Dipper.

"Whoa, what the...ugh, what's that?" Mabel groaned.

"Uh, nothing!" Dipper exclaimed, "Just...Wendy stuff...from old times."

Mabel and Soos simultaneously groaned.

"W-Who's Wendy?" Pacifica asked, uncharacteristically nervous.

"The girl Dipper used to like," Mabel said, "The one he said he was over with."

"I know, I know!" moaned Dipper, "I know she's not interested and I know it's over, but how do you just turn off the way you feel about someone?"

"Two words, Dipper," Mabel replied, "Move. On."

That's easier said than done, Pacifica thought.

"Yeah, dude," Soos said, "And a road trip's the perfect place to meet new people!"

"What's...wrong with people he already knows?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh, he's gotta meet someone new to take his mind off things!" Mabel exclaimed, "Now come on, Pacifica! I've got sweaters with your name on them!"

As Pacifica was dragged onto the RV by Mabel, she turned her head looking back at Soos offering whatever passed off as man-to-man advice. But Dipper's question stuck in her mind.

How do you turn off the way you feel about someone?