Once again, I'm going to shamelessly advertise for a story of mine I am giving particular interest in. It's currently got 18 chapters of varying sizes, split into 3 parts, and I've been working on it for years. I've revised it, babied it, and I'm still working on it. However, I feel like I'm reaching the climax and very soon, I'll be wanting someone to proof read it. If you're interested, PM me and I'll give you a bit more information. I just don't want to give much about it away yet.

Anyways. I dedicate this story to the weekends, the teenagers, and the bed. I hope you like it. I don't own Transformers.

The beauty of unconsciousness, the majesty of a warm bed, and the bliss of unused muscles. All of this is the magic of Saturday morning, when you can wake just enough to appreciate all of these things, but remain just far enough away from consciousness to keep them.

And so it was intended to stay from hours eight to twelve. It was a common agreeance amongst myself and the other two inhabitants of this house; I was to remain undisturbed on this fine morning, every week, and they were to remain safe from the headache that was promised to ensue should they wake me.

A loud crash from downstairs had me jolting upright, breaking two of the three components to the perfect morning. There were loud voices, a door opening and closing, and then more voices.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Mom isn't throwing another of her 'book club' parties?! No, not at this hour. What time is it anyways? I grabbed my alarm clock and glared at the three digits there. Nine. Fifty. Nine.

I grumbled and laid back down, pulling the blanket up over my face.

"SAM!" Mom yelled from below. "SAM! GET DOWN HERE! WE HAVE GUESTS!"

I ignored her. She can entertain her own friends. Leave me out of this. Oh, good. More commotion. After a moment, things went silent and I began to relax. Maybe I can try this again, though the whole unused muscles thing had already gone.

"SAM! GET DOWN HERE! THEY'RE HERE FOR YOU!" Mom broke the silence again. For me? Come on. Miles doesn't know I'm home for the break, and Mikaela was in Oregon with her dad. Leave me alone... "SAM!"

I groaned and rolled out of bed, stumbling into pants and falling into the wall. There was talking downstairs, and I bit my tongue. "Shoot." I cursed, blinking all the fog out of my eyes. The pain in my back subsided the instant it happened, but now my tongue was throbbing. See? I don't need to get out of bed at this hour. Bad things happen when I leave bed at an hour like this.

Just as I was about to finally reach for the doorknob, it twisted and was yanked open. The next instant, I was flat on my back on the ground with my arm in the air, two hands gripped around my forearm. I blinked the stars out of my eyes, just like I had the fog, and realized there was a kid on top of me, poking and prodding, babbling.

"-hit something, there was a thump, and you didn't come out. What happened?"

I stared upwards at the kid, with bright yellow hair and a black shirt under a yellow hoodie. He'd released one arm and had a hand over my forehead.

"Sam! Answer me!" He looked panicked.

I blinked again, unable to push the over-concerned kid off me.


"Good, you can still talk. How many fingers am I holding up?" He held up his other hand, with three fingers.

I shook myself out of it and knocked him away. "Let me up. What's going on here? Is that you?"

"Don't get up. You could have a concussion!" He complained. I grunted and managed to escape this crazy kid's grasps. He stared at me, worried, while I stood there with my hands outstretched to keep him from attacking me again.

"Bumblebee? You've got to be kidding me. What's happening here?" I demanded.

"Are you alright? I heard a thump, and then you didn't come out!"

"Bumblebee, I'm alright. I'm fine." I rolled my eyes. "It looks like you're the one we should be concerned about. Why are you human? What the slag is going on? Why are you human?"

"Ah..." He laughed, scratching his head. "About that... I don't know."

"SAM!" Mom shouted up the stairs again, and Bumblebee flinched.

"Maybe we should go downstairs?" He looked nervous.

"Right." I eyed him. There's no way Mom would realize what was going on, and there's no way she'd let a stranger up here to where her son was. What did you do?

As I practically rolled down the stairs, I seen a few other unfamiliar people. One, a man taller than my father, was gripping the top of a baseball bat my mom was holding, obviously trying to chase Bumblebee up the stairs moments ago.

"Let me go. Who are you people? What do you want with my son?" She ranted. There was an older man standing back, amused, and the man holding the top of the bat was obviously unsure on what to do. He looked so nervous, it was actually kind of humorous.

We rounded the corner, and Mom just dropped the bat.

"Oh, Sammy! Are you alright? Who are these people?" She demanded.

I shrugged, glancing to the six unfamiliar people in the room. "Never seen them before in my life."

"Sam-" the tallest began in a voice just as familiar as the kid with yellow hair that was currently bouncing behind me, nervous.

"I say we take this to court. Breaking and entering, what do you say?" I looked to Optimus Prime... the human. He gave me an odd look, as if he wasn't sure if I actually got this or not. I smirked, and he shook his head.

But Ratchet was not in the mood for these games.

"Cut this out, Samuel. This is not the time for this." He walked up and wacked my head.

"Hey!" Mom objected, grabbing the bat out of Optimus's still raised hand. He blinked in surprise, having loosened his grip.

"Chill, Mom." I urged. "Calm down. Alright? I do know these guys. So do you. Well, not very well, I guess. You only met once, right? Ah.. except..." I glanced back at Bumblebee.

"Sam." Dad barked. "Out with it."

"Uh, well, they're the Autobots. Except, they're human for some reason, but they're the Autobots."

"No. Seriously, Sam." Mom scoffed, glancing at them.

"I am serious. Look, that's Bee." I pointed over to my guardian, who, as a human, wasn't much older than me and was obviously eager from some reason. "See? You can tell, can't you? He's yellow... and ..."

"Hyper?" Ironhide provided, smirking at Bee, who promptly punched him in the arm.

"And that's Ironhide! You know, the one that nearly blasted you with the canon?" I pointed. "They're the Autobots."

"And ... why are they human?" Mom lowered her voice, as if worried they might hear.

"Actually, that might be best explained if we're all sitting down." Optimus spoke up. "But, the government is under the impression we've left Earth. Our arrival here is a very quiet situation."

"Uh... how did you get here?" I had to ask, realizing that if they are human, they didn't just transform and drive here. And, I somehow doubted any of them could drive.

Sideswipe coughed and Sunstreaker shifted. "We'd rather not talk about that."

There was a knock on the door and I raised an eyebrow. Neither twin looked like they wanted me to, but I went over to answer it. Standing in the doorway was... William Lennox.

"Sorry I was late. I had to... ah... fix something." He glared past me to the twins. They moved to hide behind Ironhide, who stepped out of the way with a smirk.

"Come on in." I sighed, shaking my head. "Alright, so what's happening here?"

"Samuel, due to a series of events having to do with a recent Decepticon attack and our own ignorant actions taken towards repairs... we have become organic." Optimus explained as I shut the door behind Will.

"You don't say?" I stared at them all again. That didn't exactly answer all of my questions, but, it was a start.

"Alright, then." Mom was unsure, but reluctantly put down her bat. I'm so glad I did T-Ball as a kid so she'd have a terrifying weapon. "Ah... let's all sit down?"

Dad quickly claimed his arm chair, eyeing the others distrustfully. He never seemed particularly distrustful of them, but he did love his arm chair.

There was only the couch and Mom's chair left. She sat down there, not quite as distrustfully as Dad had, and the Autobots just stood around awkwardly. I decided to step forward and motion for them to take the couch. Only four of them fit, leaving Ratchet, who didn't want the twins to get into mischief and gave them his spot, Will, who just shook his head when offered a spot, and Bumblebee standing with me.

Ratchet half-sat on one arm, to keep an eye on the twins, while Bee and I just sat cross-legged on the ground in front of the couch. Will remained standing.

"So... what's happened?" Mom initiated conversation.

"Just as Prime put it." Ratchet decided to answer. "After a recent Decepticon attack, they'd infected us. This isn't the first time this happened, so I intended to treat the infection the same way I had before. Only, I had failed to analyze it's chemical composition first, and thus, we are organic."

"Then what happened? I'm assuming there's a reason you're all here?" I pursued. I had my back to my parents, facing them all.

"The change happened during the night. So we were able to leave behind a transmission to the government to make it appear as if we'd left the planet on an emergency mission. It was unanimous that the best course of action was to avoid the government and their conferences while we are in this state."

"Yeah, I could see that." I agreed with Prime. He went on.

"Especially while we were still unused to these forms, we saw fit to seek out a civilian asylum in order to remain under the government's radar for the time being." He gestured about to my house.

"Judy, you're always complaining we never get to use the guest bed." Dad mused, amused by all this.

"One guest bed! You can't all stay here!" Mom objected. "There's only one guest bed!"

"Calm down." Will put up his hands. "They can't come to my house. Mine isn't exactly off the government's radar."

"And why are you here?" Mom rounded on him. "I especially don't have enough space for all them and you."

"Oh, I won't be staying. I'm just here because none of them can drive." He laughed. "I'm sorry, but this is just hilarious."

"No it's not." Sideswipe grumbled. About then, I realized why the three of them were argueing.

"So you're leaving me to babysit a bunch of new humans?" I moaned. "Come on, have a heart."

"Samuel." Ratchet leveled me with a glare. I pointed towards him.

"Especially him!"

"Bumblebee." Ratchet turned his gaze to the kid sitting next to me. I keep calling him 'kid' because he was way younger than all the others. I hadn't actually expected that- him being so much younger than the others. Even the twins were at least twenty-five.

After a suspiciously little amount of hesitation, Bumblebee punched me in the arm. I punched him back.

Mom sighed at the same time Optimus did.

"We only came here, because we understood that Samuel would assist us. But if it is of too much of an inconvenience-"

"No." I answered for my parents, not really caring what they had to say in the matter. "You guys can stay. Of course."

"Sam." Mom objected.

"Well, it's not like they'd be bad 'house guests'." I pointed out. "Well, those two might have to sleep in the garage, but still." I pointed at the twins.

"Aw, even you're picking on us today?" Sideswipe objected.

"This is a wise decision." Ratchet mused.

"Yeah, 'cause if we had to go find somewhere else, we were taking the kid anyways." Ironhide laughed.

"Kidnap." Bumblebee whispered in a creepy voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Are we good then? Everything settled?" I asked, getting to my feet. "Nice. Then I'm going back to bed. It's Saturday." I started to mumble, walking out.

"Hey! We want to see your room!" Sideswipe jumped up, racing after me. When he nearly knocked me down, obviously not used to being human yet, Bumblebee was there instantly to stand between us with a suspicious glare. And, naturally, Sunny was on Sideswipe's tail.

"Hold on here-" I started, putting my hands up when I realized they were all following me. "Who said you could follow me?"

"I've had standing suspicions of your health during your off time." Ratchet eyed me carefully. "I'm keeping an optic on you."

"Yea, no. No you aren't. And what do you want?" I pointed at Ironhide. He was just grinning, Will beside him with an identical grin.

"We want to see the fight." They both answered.

"What fight? Hey, no! What are you doing?!" I jumped back when the twins started wrestling over who went up the stairs first. "Cut it out!"

"I'm going grocery shopping." Mom announced, eager to escape. "We'll need it."

"Hold on, I'm coming too." Dad rushed, not wanting to be left behind.

That's about how, thirty minutes later, we were all in my room. I was sitting on the bed, having abandoned peace and quiet, listening to them all going about my room.

"It looks smaller from outside." Ironhide had his head stuck out the window. Will had gone home with a very helpful, 'good luck' soon after my parents left.

"This is disgusting, Samuel. No wonder your sanitation is always lack when you return to the base." Ratchet was pinching a dirty shirt I'd had on the ground in the 'laundry' pile.

"What is that?" Sideswipe was poking at something or another on my shelf.

"Can I have this?" Sunstreaker had taking a liking to my model of a yellow lamborghini... exactly like his alt form. It was a Christmas present from him.

"Leave that alone." Optimus was reprimanding Sideswipe. "No, you can't have anything of Samuels." He answered Sunstreaker for me. Then he continued to try and rein the others in. "Bring your head inside, Ironhide, and shut the window. Ratchet... no, Samuel, that is disgusting."

At least Bumblebee wasn't pilfering my room. He sat cross-legged beside me, looking around curiously.

"We're guests here, please have some self control." Optimus was getting exasperated.

"I'm practically a guest here too." I sighed. "Thanks for trying, Prime."

He shook his head and crossed his arms, looking over to me. "I apologize, Samuel."

"Don't. I don't expect anything else here." I yawned dejectedly.

"It's nearly ten thirty, Samuel. You shouldn't be so terribly rested." Ratchet objected, abandoning his criticism of the room I barely stayed in anymore. He pulled me off the bed and started poking and what-not. "It's driving me insane not to have my scanners. And we had to leave the field ones at the base. Are you sick? Where is one of those heated-sticks humans use to measure internal body temperature?"

"I'm not sick." I moaned. "It's Saturday, Ratchet. Friday you're supposed to stay up late, and Saturday morning you're supposed to sleep in late."

"Your logic is moot." He dead-panned. Bumblebee started laughing. "You require sufficient rest, and if you cannot do this on your own, then you'll have to retire earlier."

"Ratchet." I moaned.

"Where's the stick?" He questioned, grabbing my arm and hauling me towards the door.

"I'm not sick." I tried to pull away. "Help!"

"Ratchet." Optimus came to my rescue. "Leave the boy alone. We need to analyze the situation, and the sooner we begin, the better. Is there anywhere we can set up a workplace?" He looked to me. I thought a minute, knowing it had to be inside. But... we don't have space for something like that, at least, not where Mom would approve.

"The garage." Bumblebee suggested. "Since I don't have to stay in there, there's space."

"Oh, right." I nodded. "The garage. Come on."

When my parents came home, suspiciously later than absolutely necessary, Ratchet and Optimus were in the garage while the twins were watching a movie with Ironhide. They were all thoroughly disappointed in the selection of movies, and chose the one movie Mom and Dad had that they knew; Star Trek.

I was with Bumblebee in the kitchen, getting the full story with all the juicy details. From the battle (resulting from a Decepticon sighting that had been the reason Bee hadn't been here to begin with) to the headache-worthy drive down here full of six newly-human Autobots and a highly amused soldier.

"Why is my stomach making noise?" Sideswipe poked himself as we walked back in to greet my parents.

"It's the borborygmi, or contractions of the stomach and small intestine." Ratchet answered.

"Gross." I wrinkled my nose.

"Then it isn't true?" Ratchet challenged.

"I don't care if it's true. That's gross." I shook my head. "You're hungry." I decided to answer Sideswipe's question in a more normal way.

"I hadn't been hungry at all yesterday." Sideswipe objected, frowning.

"Humans have to eat more often than we do." Bumblebee rolled his eyes. "Do you think Sam disappears off to the mess hall three times a day for fun?"

"Actually, I do that because I'm scared of Ratchet if I didn't." I admitted. I promptly recieved a wack upside my head.

"I'm starting dinner now." Mom carried several bags into the kitchen. Dad was just walking outside to grab some more. Chances are, they got a whole lot more than usual. Usual being for two people, now being for nine.

Optimus walked inside then, carrying more bags. "Could I help you in anyway, Judy? I do not want any of our being here to inconvenience you."

"Oh, no. You're fine." She looked surprised. "Sam, why aren't you this considerate? You know how many times I've asked you to help me with dinner?"

"Or to clean your room?" Dad was coming back in.

"I get it." I threw my hands up. "It's disgusting."

Ratchet gave me a smirk, following my father in, only without the bags. "That sounds rather familiar."

"I'm sure it does." I sighed.

"My stomach is making noises now too." Sunstreaker complained. "It's like I've got a broken gear or something. It's creeping me out."

"Do you want me to distract you?" Ironhide questioned, punching his palm.

"You hurt him, I will kill you." Ratchet gave his death glare, just as effective as a human as it is when he's a giant alien robot. "I don't have any equipment here. I don't even have Teletraan!" He was obviously frustrated.

I sighed, standing back. This is difficult for them; they aren't used to being so small and organic. It's probably hardest on Ratchet. He relied heavily on his scans and what not, being the medic he was. Maybe I can help, at least a little bit.

"Hey, Ratchet." I stepped up to him, as his argument with Ironhide started to turn towards an argument between Ironhide and Sideswipe again. He turned to give me a threatening look. 'This better be good', it said.

"What, Samuel?"

"Come with me a minute." I invited. He looked skeptic that this wouldn't be a waste of his time, but followed me back up the stairs nevertheless. I lead him back into my room, where it was quieter. The silence seemed to put him more at ease; he's used to being able to lock himself in his med bay when someone pissed him off.

"What is it?" He demanded after a minute of me kicking through various piles of debris. "I don't want to leave Sunstreaker and Sideswipe unsupervised for so long. It was my intention that we would leave you and your parents will a still-functioning house."

"Don't worry about them. Prime can handle them, and you know how my Mom is."

"Judy would be a fiercom addition to the Autobots." He agreed. I snorted. "Is there a reason you brought me up here, or did you want to irritate me further with your organization?"

"Look, I've barely used this room since high school." I defended myself. "It's never really been high on my 'need to do' list. Ah! Here it is!" I pulled my bag from under the bed. After I got here last night, I'd sort of just dropped it and fell into bed. I must have kicked it under, or someone else had. "You know I've got this. I use it all the time at the base. I figure it might make things a little bit easier. At the very least." I pulled my laptop out and held it out to him.

He stared at it, then raised an eyebrow at me. "And you'll just hand it over to me? If I'm not mistaken, you nearly threw a fit when Mikaela borrowed it last month."

"Yeah, well..." I shifted nervously, "She's not all that much into technology and... I thought she might break it. But I don't figure you'd have any problem, right? You, Prime, Bee... I'm not so sure about Ironhide..."

"And the twins won't come near it." He actually smiled at me as he took the 6.5 inch black laptop. "Thank you, Samuel."

"You're welcome." I shifted again. I don't actually just hang out with him very often. Most of our encounters concern reluctant check ups, which ended when he'd confirmed that my wrist had completely healed after Egypt. I've never actually seen him in a good mood. "Do you want the password?" I asked as we started back down.

I heard a snort behind me. "You say that as if I didn't already know."

"How do you know my password?" I looked back at him as I went down the steps, back towards chaos. He gave me a look.

"Eight key strokes, in intervaled halves of the keyboard through most of it, and a reflected pattern halfway through. The first letter being that of your left hand with an extended little finger, I wouldn't be doing my job it I didn't notice details."

I looked forward again, almost blushing at realizing he knew my password. I wonder if the others did too? Well, I had actually hoped to change it before I told him what it was. But, he didn't give me any grief on what the word actually was. He barely seemed to notice it at all.

Back downstairs, Ratchet claimed a corner of the couch and started to hack my laptop. He took a moment to get used to the differences between it and his own node of Teletraan-1, but being Ratchet, he didn't have much of a problem.

"Saaaam." Ironhide plopped down on my other side, as I'd decided to sit and help Ratchet get the hang of my laptop. The only thing that seemed to bother him so far was the swiping from the sides of the touchpad to bring up different screens. It actually irritated him so bad I had to show him where to turn it off. Human computers were built very differently than theirs.

"What?" I responded mildly, turning to see him.

"I'm bored. What are you supposed to do here? Don't you have any weapons here?" He was practically whining.

"No. Remember? Bee doesn't like me using weapons."

"Then what do you do all day?" He complained.

"Sleep." I stared at him seriously.

"Come on..."

"I don't know. Go... help Mom fix dinner or something." I couldn't honestly imagine it; Ironhide in the kitchen cooking. Yeah... I just don't see it.

"Saaaam. Aren't there any games?" He whined.

"Find some way to amuse yourself." Ratchet snapped at him. "Or you can prepare wherever it is Samuel intends for us to recharge."

"Uhhhg." Ironhide moaned and slouched where he was. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. Ratchet, on my other side, was wearing more professional clothing that somehow made it obvious it was him. Optimus was wearing strangely normal clothes, which for some reason really surprised me. Jeans and a plain shirt with a jacket. There's no way I'd say he's such a great, important person if I didn't know him.

Ratchet eyed Ironhide, but when the weapons' specialist remained subdued, he went back to his work on the computer. Already he was getting into things and doing calculations and analysis-things I didn't understand.

I looked around the room and into the kitchen from where I was, wondering if this were too good to be true; Bumblebee was helping in the kitchen since he already knew how things went here and the twins had actually settled down with a deck of cards Mom had found for them. Optimus had gone out to the garage, and no one was hanging on me!

I stood up, taking a couple steps out of the room. No one paid me attention. I made it to the stairs without incident, and I even had my door closed without the sound of my name being called or footsteps thundering after me.

I let out a grateful sigh and dove under the blankets, freezing when my bed squeaked. But I was still in the free, able to thankfully return to my bed.

"I told you I'd be back, beautiful." I mused, drawing circles in the sheets. "You know I missed you."

This will have two chapters, but I won't publish the chapter 2 that I've already written. I'm writing a new one, and no promise on when that will come out. I'm not publishing the original second chapter because I've got Sam and Bee in the same bed, and for most of the human population, that simply can't be handled. I don't ship it. I've shared a bed with my sister, with my brother, with my best friend- not all at the same time -and it's normal. Nevertheless, people are going to ship it and this isn't a story I ship them in. I don't actually ship them like that at all. I 'ship' them in something called 'moirails'. If you don't know what that is, look it up.