KING ORYS BARATHEON, the First of His Name,

His wife, QUEEN LYARRA, of House Stark,

Their children:

PRINCE ROLAND, Lord of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, a boy of six,

PRINCE EDRIC, a boy of four,

PRINCESS JOCELYN, a girl of three,

PRINCE STANNIS, an infant of one,

His brother:

PRINCE ORMUND, wed to Bethany Blackwood,

Their son ORRELL, a boy of five,

Their daughter ALYSSE, a girl of three,

His sisters:

LYANNA, wed twice: firstly to Willas Tyrell; secondly to Gerold Hightower,

MINISA, betrothed to Robert Arryn,

His widowed mother, QUEEN CATELYN, of House Tully,

His numerous bastard half-siblings,

His small council:



LORD YOHN ROYCE, Master of Laws,



SER BARRISTAN SELMY, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,

SER DAVOS, called the Onion Knight, Master of Whisperers,

His Kingsguard:

SER BARRISTAN SELMY, called Barristan the Bold, Lord Commander,

SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called the Blackfish,

SER LYLE CRAKEHALL, called the Strongboar,

SER GARTH HIGHTOWER, called Garth Greysteel,




Principal houses sworn to the Iron Throne are Blount, Buckwell, Chelsted, Hayford, Rosby, Rykker, Stokeworth and Thorne.


STANNIS BARATHEON, Lord of Storm's End, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and Hand of the King,

His former wife, {LADY CERSEI, of House Lannister}, died by overdosing herself with the drug sweetsleep,

Their children:

SHIREEN, wed to Devan Seaworth, Lord of Claw Isle,

Their daughter, STANNA, an infant of one,

STEFFON, heir to Storm's End,

His wife, ALYSSA, of House Arryn,

Their son, JON, two,

CASSANA, a twin to Steffon, wed to Hoster Tully,

SER ROBERT, a man of the Night's Watch,

Principal houses sworn to Storm's End are Selmy, Wylde, Trant, Seaworth, Penrose, Errol, Estermont, Tarth, Swann, Dondarrion and Caron.



His betrothed, LADY AELIA, of House Targaryen, a girl of six.

Principal houses sworn to Dragonstone are Celtigar, Velaryon, Bar Emmon and Sunglass.


ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East,

His betrothed, PRINCESS MINISA, of House Baratheon,

His widowed mother, LADY LYSA, of House Tully,

His sisters:

SANSA, wed to Ser Harrold Hardyng,

ALYSSA, wed to Steffon Baratheon.

Principal houses sworn to the Eyrie are Royce, Baelish, Egen, Waynwood, Hunter, Redfort, Corbray, Belmore and Hersy.


{BALON GREYJOY}, Lord of the Iron Islands, Son of the Sea Wind, the Greyjoy and Lord Reaper of Pyke,

His wife, LADY ALANNYS, of House Harlaw,

Their children:

{RODRIK}, their eldest son, died in the Greyjoy Rebellion,

His widow, LADY GWYNETH, of House Goodbrother,

{MARON}, their second son, died in the Greyjoy Rebellion,

His widow, LADY TARRA, of House Mallister,

ASHA, their daughter, a woman of thirty, a contender for the lordship of Pyke,

His brothers:

EURON, called Crow's Eye, captain of the Silence, an outlaw, pirate and raider and a contender for the lordship of Pyke,

VICTARION, Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet and a contender for the lordship of Pyke,

AERON, called Damphair, a priest of the Drowned God.

Houses sworn to Pyke include Harlaw, Stonehouse, Merlyn, Sunderly, Botley, Tawney, Wynch and Goodbrother.


LEYTON HIGHTOWER, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Beacon of the South and Lord Paramount of the Mander,

His first wife, {LADY JEYNE, of House Rosby}, died of the pox, childless,

His second wife, {LADY ELANOR, of House Oakheart}, died of a winter chill,

BAELOR, their eldest son, heir to the Hightower,

His wife, LADY RHONDA, of House Rowan,

Their eldest daughter, MAELLE, wed to Ser Redmond Rowan,

Their only son, GEROLD,

His wife, LYANNA, of House Baratheon,

Their son JORAN, three,

Their daughter CAROLYNE, one,

Their younger daughter, CHALYSSE, wed to Ser Lancel Lannister,

{MALORA}, their eldest daughter, died in the long winter,

SER GARTH, called Garth Greysteel,

ALERIE, their younger daughter, wed to Lord Mace Tyrell,

His third wife, {LADY MALEIA, of House Crane}, died of a fever,

LEYLA, their eldest daughter, wed to Lord Edmure Tully,

ALYSANNE, their second daughter, wed to Lord Arthur Ambrose,

SER GUNTHOR, their eldest son,

His wife, LADY JEYNE, of House Fossoway,

SER HUMPHREY, their second son,

{LYNESSE}, their youngest daughter, wed to Lord Jorah Mormont,

His current wife, LADY RHEA, of House Florent, currently childless.


THEON IRONSPEAR, Lord of Ironshield,

His wife, LADY DACEY, of House Mormont.


RICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,

His wife, {LADY PERELLE, of House Tallhart}, died in childbed,

Their children:

HARRION, their eldest son, the heir to Karhold,

His wife, LADY JOCELYN, of House Umber,

Their son, EDWYLE, seven,

Their elder daughter CARYSE, six,

Their younger daughter ARSA, three,

TORRHEN, their second son, twenty eight,

EDDARD, their youngest son, wed to Lyra Mormont,

ALYS, their daughter, wed to Robb Stark.


KEVAN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West and Shield of Lannisport,

His wife, LADY DORNA, of House Swyft,

Their children:

SER LANCEL, the heir to Casterly Rock,

His wife, CHALYSSE, of House Hightower,

Their son LEON, five,

Their daughter CERELLA, three,

SER WILLEM, twin to Ser Martyn,

His wife, JOANA, of House Crakehall,

SER MARTYN, twin to Ser Willem,

His wife, MARIYA, of House Brax,

LADY JANEI, twelve,

His nephew:

TYRION, Lord of Duskendale,

His wife, MARGAERY, of House Tyrell, widow of Aegon Targaryen the 'Dragon Pretender',

Their elder son LOREN, four,

Their younger son JAIME, two,

Principal houses sworn to Casterly Rock are Payne, Swyft, Marbrand, Lydden, Banefort, Lefford, Crakehall, Serrett, Broom, Clegane, Prester and Westerling.


ARIANNE NYMEROS MARTELL, Lady of Sunspear and Princess of Dorne,

Her husband, SER ROBAR, of House Allyrion,

Their children:

PRINCESS ARITA, the heir to Sunspear, four,


Her siblings:


His wife, GWYNETH, of House Yronwood,


His wife, ALLORA, of House Vaith,

Their daughter, MELORA, four,

Their son, DORAN, two,

Her widowed mother, MELLARIO, of the Free City of Norvos,

Her aunt and uncles:

{PRINCESS ELIA}, wed to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, slain during the Sack of King's Landing,

{PRINCESS RHAENYS}, a young girl, slain during the Sack of King's Landing,

{KING AEGON}, called THE DRAGON PRETENDER, executed by King Orys Baratheon at the end of the Pretender's War,

His widow, MARGAERY, of House Tyrell,

His daughter, AELIA, betrothed to Roland Baratheon,

PRINCE OBERYN, the Red Viper, a man of the Night's Watch,

His paramour, ELLARIA SAND,

His bastard daughters, the SAND SNAKES:

{OBARA}, his daughter by an Oldtown whore, executed by Orys Baratheon,

NYMERIA, called LADY NYM, a silent sister,

TYENE, his daughter by a septa, thirty one,

SARELLA, his daughter by a trader captain from the Summer Isles, twenty eight,

ELIA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand, twenty three,

OBELLA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand, twenty one,

DOREA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand, seventeen,

LOREZA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand, fifteen,

Their cousin, SER MORS MARTELL,

His wife, KIARRA, of the Free City of Tyrosh,

Their daughter, MATYSSE, wed to Lord Edric Dayne.

His brother, SER MANFREY MARTELL, the castellan of Sunspear.

Principal houses sworn to Dorne are Allyrion, Blackmont, Dalt, Dayne, Fowler, Gargalen, Jordayne, Manwoody, Qorgyle, Santagar, Toland, Uller, Vaith, Wyl and Yronwood.


MAEGE MORMONT, Lady of Bear Island,

Her children:

DACEY, her eldest daughter, the heir to Bear Island, wed to Theon Ironspear,

ALYSANE, her second daughter, eighteen,

Her daughter EIRLYS SNOW, a girl of three,

Her son RODRIK SNOW, a boy of one,

LYRA, her third daughter, wed to Eddard Karstark,

JORELLE, her fourth daughter, twenty,

LYANNA, her youngest daughter, eighteen,

Her brother, {JEOR MORMONT}, 997th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and formerly Lord of Bear Island,

His son, SER JORAH, formerly Lord of Bear Island, exiled in Essos,

His first wife, {LADY ILENA, of House Glover}, died after her third miscarriage in their tenth year of marriage,

His second wife, LADY LYNESSE, of House Hightower.


EDDARD STARK, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North,

His wife, LADY ASHARA, of House Dayne,

Their children:

ROBB, the heir to Winterfell,

His first wife, {DAENERYS SAND},

Their elder daughter LYSARA, twin to Alysanne, seven,

Their younger daughter ALYSANNE, twin to Lysara, seven,

His second wife, ALYS, of House Karstark,

Their eldest son CREGAN, five,

Their second son EDWYLE, three,

Their youngest son WILLAM, a month old,

LYARRA, their eldest daughter, wed to King Orys Baratheon,

ARYA, their second daughter, nineteen,

SER BRANDON, Lord of Wolf's Den,

His wife, WYLLA MANDERLY, currently with child,

GWENYSSE, their youngest daughter, fifteen, betrothed to Yosiah Royce,

ARTHUR, their third son, a boy of thirteen,

RICKON, their youngest son, a boy of eleven,

His legitimised bastard son, JON STARK, Lord of Queenscrown and Protector of the Gift, in truth the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen,

His wife, VAL, of the Free Folk,

His siblings:

{BRANDON}, his elder brother, murdered by the command of Aerys II Targaryen,

{LYANNA}. His younger sister, mother of Jon Stark, died in the mountains of Dorne,

BENJEN, his younger brother, First Ranger of the Night's Watch.

Principal houses sworn to Winterfell are Karstark, Umber, Flint, Mormont, Hornwood, Cerwyn, Reed, Manderly, Glover, Tallhart and Ironspear.


EDMURE TULLY, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident,

His wife, LADY LEYLA, of House Hightower,

Their children:

SER HOSTER, the heir to Riverrun,

His wife, CASSANA, of House Baratheon,

Their daughter AELINOR, a year old,

MELIA, their eldest daughter, wed to Ser Edmyn Mallister,

ROSALINE, their second daughter, wed to Brynden Blackwood,

BRYNDON, their second son,

His wife, WALDA, of House Frey,

AXEL, their youngest son, a boy of fourteen,

ELIANOR, their youngest daughter, a girl of thirteen,

His sisters:

QUEEN CATELYN, widow of King Robert Baratheon,

LYSA, widow of Lord Jon Arryn,

His uncle, SER BRYNDEN, called the Blackfish.

Houses sworn to Riverrun include Darry, Frey, Mallister, Bracken, Blackwood, Whent, Ryger, Piper and Vance.


MACE TYRELL, a man of the Night's Watch,

His wife, LADY ALERIE, of House Hightower of Oldtown,

Their children:

WILLAS, an acolyte in the Citadel,


Their son, LYONEL, Lord of Highgarden, six,

SER GARLAN, their second son,

His wife, Lady Leonette, of House Fossoway,

SER LORAS, called the Knight of Flowers, their youngest son, twenty six,

MARGAERY, their daughter, wed twice: firstly to Aegon Targaryen; secondly to Tyrion Lannister,

His widowed mother, {LADY OLENNA}, of House Redwyne, called the Queen of Thorns,

His sisters:

MINA, wed to Lord Paxter Redwyne,

Their twin sons, HORAS and HOBBER, twenty eight,

Their daughter DESMERA, wed to Stannis Baratheon,

JANNA, wed to Ser Jon Fossoway,

His uncles:

GARTH, called the Gross, Lord Seneschal of Highgarden,

His bastard sons, GARSE and GARRETT FLOWERS,

SER MORYN, a man of the Night's Watch,

MAESTER GORMON, a scholar of the Citadel.

Principal houses sworn to Highgarden are Vyrwel, Florent, Oakheart, Hightower, Crane, Tarly, Redwyne, Rowan, Fossoway and Mullendore.


JON UMBER, called Greatjon, Lord of the Last Hearth,

His wife, LADY CARYSE, of House Flint,

Their children:

JON, called Smalljon, their eldest son, heir to the Last Hearth,

His wife, LADY MARIAH, of House Wull,

JON, called Littlejon, their elder son, a boy of fourteen,

CALLA, their elder daughter, a girl of twelve,

SARRA, their younger daughter, a girl of ten,

ULRIK, their younger son, a boy of seven,

{OSWIN}, their second son, slain by Ygritte,

His widow, LADY JONNA, of House Norrey,

HARLON, their third son,

JOCELYN, their elder daughter, wed to Harrion Karstark,

{ROBBARD}, their fourth son, killed by one of Lord Karstark's archers,

His wildling widow, YGRITTE,

{ARRANA}, their younger daughter, betrothed to Domeric Bolton, slain by Ramsay Snow.

LONNEL, their youngest son, a boy of nineteen,

His brothers:

OSRIC, called Osric One-Eyed,

{ARTOS}, slain in a wildling attack.