I just seen in the crossover stories that there are two stories linking between 'Strike Witches' and 'Ace Combat'. So, I might as well join up in this series. Until 'Strike Witches Infinity' is made, here's the third story for the crossover. Here's 'Demon Lord of the 501st'. Hope you enjoy.


Prologue: Through the Wormhole

Cipher 'Demon Lord of the Round Table'

6th Air Division/66th Air Force Unit

Location: Belkan Priority One Strategic Airspace B7R (The Round Table); After Operation Battle-Axe

"Yo buddy, you still alive?" My wingman, Larry Foulke or 'Solo Wing Pixy', called out. The two of us engaged the Belkan Air Force over Area B7R, collectively known as 'The Round Table', where pilots earned their ace name, while others perish. My wingman and I, along with Crow Squadron, participated in one of the largest air battles in history.

Along with us are the Allied Air Force units, from Osea, Yuktobania, Sapin and the country whom I'm working for, Ustio, engaged the Belkans in a large dogfight. During that fight, I shot down many aircraft, where I've earned my famous title, 'The Demon Lord of the Round Table'. The battle took an interesting turn when a MiG-21 'Fishbed' zoomed by. Pixy and I were confused at first, when three squadrons, Schwarze, Schnee and Silber Squadrons followed the lone Fishbed to where he is last located. We shot down the three ace squadrons, though the Schwarze Squadron fought ferociously while Schnee Squadron has an electronic support plane with them.

I then supported the Fishbed who was being chased by a Su-47 Berkut, and an F-15S/MTD. I knew who they are. Ashley Bernitz of the 229th Tactical Fighter Squadron, known as Grabacr, and Michael Heimeroth of the 6th Air Division, 5th Tactical Fighter Squadron, known as Ofnir. They were easy to deal with, because they had their eyes focused on the Fishbed, instead of us. Pixy took down the F-15, while I shot down the Su-47.

It was then that Pixy and I are returning to Valais Air Base, home to my squadron. The two of us, in our F-15C Eagles, soared through the skies. I started to think about the conversation Pixy had with one of our allies, Joshua Bristow, or Wizard One of the Osean Air Force. "Hey, Pixy?" He lifted his visor from his helmet as he looked from his plane. "What was that conversation you had between you and Wizard One?"

"Oh, Joshua? Well, we just talked casually about this war being over soon and what we're doing next. After all, he's officially in the Air Force, whereas the two of us are mercenaries. And like us mercenaries, we would like to retire whenever we like." Pixy answered

"I don't know." I answered cautiously "But, yeah. I would like to retire soon. At least nothing bad will happen between the two of us."

"Warning! Unknown source confirmed." Our AWACS, Eagle Eye reported

"Is it Belkan or Allied?" Pixy asked

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like this before." I started to get worried "Is anything developing AWACS?" I asked

"Huh. Is that…" All of our aircraft are directly in front of a blue sphere

"Uh… Cipher?" Pixy asked "I don't remember the Belkans building this type of weapon."

"I know." I said "And what kind of weapon gets bigger every second?" Pixy and Eagle Eye didn't know what to think of it, as the blue sphere became big enough to swallow all three of us.

"Everyone, hold on!" Eagle Eye ordered

"I think I'm going to be sick." Pixy commented

"Same." Soon the skies became quiet as we disappeared into the unknown.


"Ustio's famed 6th Air Force/66th Air Division, also known as the 'Galm Team', has disappeared over the skies above B7R after the recent operation. Galm Two, Larry Foulke, Aaron Philips, also known as AWACS Eagle Eye, and Galm One, Cipher, has disappeared due to unknown circumstances. Crow Team members witnessed the whole thing. It is unknown if the weapon is Belkan made, or if The Round Table has showed its surprise. For now, the Allied Forces are conducting SAR operations to find the Galm Team. We pray that they will come back.


Date: Unknown

Time: Unknown

Place: Unknown

Galm Team Status: MIA, yet still flying over unknown territory

After that fiasco, I checked on the two craft, to see if they're still okay. "Cipher to Pixy, do you read?" No answer. "AWACS, do you copy? Anyone?" The radio crackled to life to reveal my buddy.

"Cipher, buddy, you still alive?" Pixy asked. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God. I thought I would be the only one here." Pixy chuckled

"Well, at least we've gone through that hole alright." He said "By the way, where's Aaron?"

"Cipher, Pixy, you alright?" Eagle Eye asked

"We're here Eagle Eye." I answered "Though I have to ask. Where are we?"

"I have no idea." Pixy answered "I hope we're still in Belka. Because I want to kiss the ground once we land." I checked the entire sky as I saw nothing but clouds, the blue sky, and the ocean. Wait, we've headed north?

"Did we head north? Because, I don't remember Area B7R having water before." Pixy was about to answer when Eagle Eye chipped in.

"I'm getting radar contact." Eagle Eye said "It's an aerial base not far from here."

"I'm hoping it's an Allied airbase." I muttered. After a few seconds, Aaron radioed in again.

"I think they found us. I'm patching it through."

"Unidentified air squadron, you are in restricted Britannian military airspace, state your intentions or we will open fire." The three of us are confused.

"Britannian airspace?" Pixy asked

"I'll call it in. Sit tight." I changed the frequency to the 'Britannian' airbase. "This is Cipher of Ustio's 6th Air Division/66th Air Force Unit, also known as 'Galm'. We are not hostile and we need someplace to land." The person on the radio became silent for a minute. And that person is a female.

"Ustio? I don't know where you came from, but do you have enough fuel?"

"We do." Pixy answered "Why do you ask?"

"There's a Fusoan Fleet carrying two important members. We need you two to escort them until they reach Britannia." She relayed the information

"Copy that, Madame." I said "You want to go, Pixy?"

"Lead the way, buddy." We turned our planes right, heading to the 'Fusoan' Fleet. When we got there, the fleet is already under attack. "What the…? Did Belka do this?"

"I have no idea. More than that, look at their aircraft." Pixy looked down from the cockpit and spotted obsolete fighters. They haven't used piston-type aircraft ever since the Osean War. Leading the formation is a girl with planes on her legs. Pixy was confused at this.

"Hey, Buddy. I hope I'm not hallucinating, but, have you ever seen a girl with animal features, not wearing any pants and wearing planes on their legs?" That sounded… what the fuck? I looked over and found what Pixy meant.

"I hope I'm still sleeping while flying to The Round Table." I said as I punched my leg. "I'm not dreaming." Just then a giant thing appeared from the sky. It looked black with red hexagonal patches and looks like a Manta Ray. It screeched just as it fired on the fighter group. "Holy cow, did you see that?"

"Since when did Belka build that?!" Pixy screamed

"Belka didn't build that! It's acting on its own!" I hollered

"And what kind of…" Pixy was cut off when it turned to us. "Uh… Buddy…"

"Yep." I said "Makes me feel like I want to be shot down by the Belkans right now." It fired at us when it got in range. "Lasers! Larry, evade and engage! Don't stop until… whatever it is, is shot down!"

"Roger." Pixy and I evaded the lasers like hell, hoping that we won't be shot down. "AWACS, what on Earth is that thing?"

"I'm trying to find out what it is. For now engage it." Aaron ordered. I manage to get a lock-on to that thing and fired. It made a hit, severely damaging it. "Larry, XMAA's, fire on my go."

"Alright, I'm locked." We came at it from both sides as the tone went off.

"Fox 3! Fox 3!" Larry and I fired at the same time, as it hit the red patches. We looked at the only ship still afloat. The others have been sunk, as a Carrier and the girl flying, are the only forces left. On the carrier, white smoke appeared on the flight deck, revealing another girl, this time her clothes, her hair, and her animal features are different. "Larry, we've got another one coming in the air. Support her as she takes off."

"Roger. Hey, Aaron, did you gain contact with the airbase yet?" Pixy asked

"Not yet. We'll hold them off for now." We watched as the younger girl took off and flew.

"She did it!" I cheered

"Whoa." Pixy said in awe as the girl took off. "Quickly, cover the two." I nodded as I unleashed another set of missiles. I watched Pixy getting in close to the enemy. It fired its lasers on him.

"Pixy, look out!" Pixy tried to evade, but the young girl pulled her shield up just in time. "What is she doing?"

"Are you alright?" The young girl asked

"Y-Yeah, thank you." Pixy responded. The young girl flew to the other girl as Pixy came up behind me.

"It's almost down." Eagle Eye said as I strafed the enemy and so did Larry. I fired my missiles as the enemy revealed something dark pink. "The enemy has a large hole for you to attack, destroy it."

"Come on, we can do this." Pixy said. The bad news is that Pixy overshot the enemy as the young girl made a strafing run. She tried to hit it, but it wasn't enough. I'm the only one left who can make this count. As I aimed for the dark pink object, I heard a boom from a gun as it pierced the enemy. White sparks came out from it. My turn now.

"Fox 2!" I fired my missiles as it hit directly at the object. Afterwards, it exploded into white fragments as it fell to the Earth. I breathed heavily as I removed my oxygen mask. Pixy then flew next to me as he looked over the results.

"Yo buddy? You still alive?" he asked his trademarked question.

"For the first time, yeah." We looked over at the two girls where one of them appears to be tuckered out, while the other was holding her. "AWACS, did we do it?"

"Enemy has been confirmed destroyed. Well done." Aaron said

"Good. Because, I'm completely tired." I said. We circled around the girls until Aaron came up.

"Incoming message from the airbase we've communicated with a few minutes ago. I'll patch it through." After a few seconds, the same girl on the radio spoke to us.

"Am I speaking to Cipher of the Galm Unit?" She asked

"Y-Yes ma'am." She remained silent for a minute before responding.

"You are permitted to land at our base. We'll talk when you land." She said before she disconnect. Before we head there, we saluted the two girls as the one holding the other saluted back. On our flight there, we encountered four other girls, in which one of them became shocked. I don't know and I don't want to be a part of it.

"Larry, I don't know about you, but I think we're now part of a war that the blue sphere has sent us to." Larry just nodded as we approached the base. It's like a fortress with a large hangar and a large runway like at Valais. Pixy landed first, the Eagle Eye, then myself. I was shaken to the core when my F-15 landed on the tarmac. My plane approached the hangar as I calmed myself down, bought the plane to a full stop, removed my helmet and exited the aircraft. "Never thought I would miss the ground."

"This place is huge than Valais." Larry said in awe "Who do you think commands this base?"

"You think it's that girl from the radio? I'm sure of it because she gave us orders." Just as Larry was about to answer, another girl came out.

"Ahem." We turned to her and stood at attention. She has red hair, red eyes, and wearing a green military tunic with a white undershirt and black panties. Larry stood at attention, while I blinked twice at her. I think my heart stopped. She walked up and started asking us. "Which one of you is named 'Cipher'?" Larry nudged me, allowing to speak.

"I-I'm named C-Cipher, ma'am." I mentally kicked myself because I stuttered in front of a girl. A small smile formed on her face.

"Cipher, we have a lot to talk about." She said.


There goes 'Demon Lord of the 501st.' Hope you enjoyed it.

Minna: 96, you're working on an Ace Combat crossover?

Yes Minna. You and Cipher are the main characters in this story, though James and Trude are still in the story I'm working on.

Minna: Well, at least we have someone from the Ace Combat universe who can help us. Also, is this linked with another crossover of yours which will come out soon?

Soon, Minna. For now, enjoy the chapter readers.

Minna: See you soon.