
This is the day I have been waiting for. The Machinenmensch and the Engineer are moving out of my surgery to the workshop, and I will be able to finally work on this greatest of my endeavors without fear of discovery or interruption.

Within these pages, I will record the creation and training of Der Fleischmann. I have been given a gift from the gods- well actually from Miss Pauling, but that doesn't sound nearly as exciting. It was a confusing situation, but somehow she saw the clone brain I had retrieved right before I was shot down outside of Gray's tank all those months ago, and she brought it back to me. Clever girl; she thought it better that I have it than it should be retaken by Gray, and I will not allow the risk she took to go to waste. She seemed quite adamant that I not tell her what I was planning to do with it, which is probably for the best. It will be much more satisfying when I unveil it to her along with all the others once the project reaches its completion.

This brain is the best thing I could have asked for aside from a copy of my own, as it is an exact clone of our Engineer's. He is, regrettably, not too interested in pursuing his full potential unless it involves being paid or someone challenging his abilities, but only a fool would deny that he's intelligent. It is a shame that he would probably object to me harnessing that ability in this new being. He might have proven a useful ally in its realization and construction. His metal friend, on the other hand... he may be more easily swayed. I will think about whether or not the Machinenmensch can be recruited to help as I delve further into Der Fleischmann's creation.

Ah, but I am rambling, and this is supposed to be at least useable as a scientific journal. Suffice it to say that this project's aims are to construct an artificial being made not out of scrap metal and electronic components like Gray's robots but of naturally occuring organic materials: flesh, blood, and hair just as I myself am made. Where I shall find these materials... that is going to be a trickier matter. I do not wish to harvest from my teammates unless necessary, as this is supposed to be a surprise. Besides they will probably complain and be very annoying about it, and there's only so much of that sort of behavior I can put up with at a time.

All the same, the Medigun's ability to speed along cellular replication even on samples disconnected from a living body is very promising. I can perhaps construct quite a bit of the body from my own tissue, supplement that in parts from my team's best attributes (taken during check-ups to avoid too much suspicion), then add in organs of the finest specimens this nation's zoos have to offer. All there is to do after that is splicing them into a whole, running a few tests to make sure Der Fleischmann can sustain itself, training it, and keeping it hidden until I am ready to unveil the finished product to my compatriots in arms. Once they see what I have accomplished, I'm sure there will be no hard feelings about the deception. Hopefully.

Either way, nothing ventured, nothing gained! This will be worth it.