The Gavinner's Last Song
Part Two: Klavier
Klavier didn't know what to say. Daryan wrote this?
It was beautiful. Once he figured out how all the instruments worked, that is. What, was he only given one sheet of paper?
He had no idea Daryan could do this. Why hadn't he wanted to write more of their songs? This style would have been awesome for one of their ballads! Atroquinine, My Love, perhaps? He always thought the upbeat tempo didn't match the lyrics, but the label wanted a single, and what the label wanted, they got.
Why didn't you show me this earlier?
Sure, Klavier ended up writing most of their songs, but everyone had a say in it. He had standards, but if they really wanted to write something, he would've looked at it. Just like he'd helped Shane with his solo career. His single "In Love with a Killer", was blowing up the charts. Ach, he loved that song! He'd written from the heart, that day.
Just like Daryan had.
Klavier tried tot put it aside at first, focus on his work. But he couldn't. He lost his case against Herr Shields (not that he was upset. He was glad the man had finally found an innocent man to represent). He'd forgotten his promise to watch Trucy's show that night. He had to play that song, just one more time. He hummed the chords in trial. He sang the lyrics in the Prosecutor's Office until he was whipped.
It was his last connection to Daryan. The connection Daryan had severed the day he committed murder.
Klavier tried to visit him the next day. He was refused.
He sent Shane. The bassist was accepted, but vague about what was said. What was going on here?
He tried to send Johann next. The man refused to "take sides in this fight". The prosecutor was very confused.
Finally, he went to Andre, and got his ear talked off for his troubles. Mostly a waste of time, but Klavier did make a crucial discovery about the song that day. He unfolded the sheet music when he got home.
Mein Gott... He was writing about me.
He didn't care what he had to do. The public just had to hear this song. Somehow, it had to reach Daryan again.
"And sharing his new song with us, we have Klavier Gavin! Give it up for your favorite rockstar!" Cristal's smile was elastic, forged like a fake ID. It'd taken a lot of favors to put him on the show this evening.
Still, Klavier walked on with his game face. He accepted the microphone from her, and turned to address the audience.
"This song... doesn't belong to me. It's Daryan's."
A gasp ran through the crowd. The press had done everything in their power to demonize Daryan Crescend, insisting he was a cold blooded killer corrupted by the privelge of fame. Klavier had tried to stop them, but alas. They'd twisted his words. Some of the time.
Other times, he'd been angry. Hurt. Betrayed. Nothing made sense anymore. No one was there for him.
Ach, he'd been so blind! So selfish. While he got drunk alone, passed out on his own couch after breaking furniture the entire week Herr Edgeworth insisted he take off, Daryan was locked in prison. Forever. Who knew what prisoners would do to an ex-detective like him? he could have died.
"I got a letter from him. A week ago. It was a song. I'd never seem him write like this before." Klavier held up the sheet music. Scattered applause, here and there. Maybe Daryan still had a few fans out there. "I want you all to listen very carefully. There's a side of the story you still haven't heard."
He looked back to his friends, plus one. It didn't matter that Daryan wouldn't see: he would never touch the man's guitar.
They gave him the cue. And with that, the song began.
Klavier took a shaky breath. He really didn't have the voice for this song. He'd wanted to modify it, but Andre insisted he left it alone. He couldn't change it now, could he?
"What a tragic affection to harbor,
A soul that's seeking salvation to squander.
Such a beautiful burden to bear alone...
I know."
I understand, Daryan. I finally understand. Please, believe me.
Klavier added the slightest bit of growl to his voice, something he wasn't used to doing. But this wasn't his song. Just a cheap cover that would have to survive public scrutiny.
"Rants and fictions of violence, break all the silence.
Hiding in wake of your deception.
Guarding desperate secrets, buried below...
And you know..."
He hit the chorus hard. By then, people were finally starting to get into it. Now for the moment when they realize I'm singing a song that meant to attack me.
But this wasn't about him. This was about Daryan. He had to do this.
"Tell me again,
Your fucked up excuses
Stop fighting your life of abuse, when
Fame is your game,
You say I'm to blame
But you know...
You know..."
There were a few gasps at the swearwords. Klavier, for one, had never made a practice of using them. If only because Kristoph actually had washed his mouth with soap when he was little.
All in all, this was going better than he'd thought. Hopefully, the song would reach everywhere.
With those thoughts in mind, he entered the next verse with ease. And by ease, he meant almost choked on the words. I did this.
"This moment carries my last hesitation
Seducing anger to haste my separation
This solemn piece of a guilty net it grows, so cold
Your every breath now strengthens my affliction,
My tears have faded, all hope, since my conviction.
You were never the martyr you pretended to be!
Can't you see...
Tell me again,
Your fucked up excuses
Stop fighting your life of abuse, when
Fame is your game,
You say I'm to blame
But you know...
But you know-ho.
Sell me again, your faultless excuses.
Holding on at the end of the noose, when
Fame is your game
You said I'm to blame
But you know...
You know..."
He closed his eyes as the instruments took over. Gott, the atmosphere was beautiful. Much better than he'd ever created.
Klavier wrote hits. Daryan wrote art.
He was so lost in the melody, Klavier almost forgot his cue. Luckily, he managed to come in on time.
"How they love you now.
Teardrops rain down.
Nobody cares!
Nobody cares!"
Klavier was crying. The words cut him like knives. It was what Daryan wanted him to feel.
And who knows? Maybe he deserved it. Maybe he deserved more heat than he'd gotten when the Gavinner's officially broke up.
"Tell me again,
Your fucked up excuses
Stop fighting your life of abuse, when
Fame is your game,
You say I'm to blame
But you know..."
Ach, that sweet guitar. Why had they always kept it in the background?
He sang the last few words, letting the song fade out. There was a moment of silence.
And then, the crowd exploded.
They loved it. Some screamed for an encore, but the host had been sure to end the show right after.
And that was it. That was the last song the Gavinner's would ever preform together. It was the last time Daryan would ever truly be with Klavier, in presence or in spirit.
At least it wasn't such a tragedy anymore.
A/N's: And now, about two years after I posted the first part, you all get the second part. I had posted this on AO3 some time ago, but forgot to bring it over here.
But there you have it. The second piece of the puzzle, when Klavier preforms for Daryan's sake. Once again, I highly recommend you listen to the song while reading. It's called "10.22" by Ben Moody.
I think I sympathize with both parties, in the end. Fun as Daryan was to explore, Klavier is tied for my second favorite prosecutor. I love how he's given every opportunity to be the jerk, but does everything in his power to avoid it. It's like he knew what the older prosecutors had done, and wanted to learn from their mistakes.
But the first time I heard this song, I thought of Daryan. He needs more good fics about him, and it was my goal to provide that. Even if it took forever.
Even so, I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading, don't forget to review, and I'll see you on the far side!