Sector Eight - Goodbyes
"How can I trust myself is if all I know is how to put on a disguise?" Lino Arkus's POV (18)
I can imagine what other tributes feel when they are Reaped; in fact, I always do. Terrified, maybe even in a state of mental paralyzation. Sobbing, perhaps. Some are oblivious to the fact that they are going into a death match. But very few are seen not giving a shit, or not knowing how to react. I am one of the few people who don't know how to react. Spending so much time in the Capitol's acting business, I know that my role in most movies would be me tearing up but 'staying tough', as they say it. But once again, spending time in the acting business kind of kills one's independent personality. I know who I am - a shy, prudent and pessimistic actor. But I could hardly take this title out in public, because everyone knows me as the brilliant, handsome actor who is loved by the Capitol. If I am so loved, why the hell would I be Reaped? If I am the Capitol's pet, why would they want to kill their little precious puppy off? Because they're little assholes, of course. In fact, why the hell would the government bring the Games to its own province and kill their children off?! In this posh little room, there's nothing to do except wait. Wait for my parents, wait for my friends, wait for Hernandus. No, wait - my parents are all the way in the Capitol on their acting tour. Probably out drinking, getting wasted, being ignorant of their successful son that just got Reaped. The door clicks open, and out steps my supposed girlfriend, Sophianna. It's never been said that we were officially dating, but the media won't care as long as they have something to gossip on. "My poor, sweet Lino," she coos, standing as far away from me as possible. There's a spark of idiocy in her eyes, and by the way she was standing it seemed like she thought being Reaped was some sort of sickness - despite the fact she was 19, out of Reaping age. "You'll totally make it back out alive," she said. Judging from the fact that her eyes were averting fiercely, I horribly doubted that she truly believed in her statement. It hurt my brain to think of how she got her acting career when she couldn't even utter a single lie without showing some sign of doubt. "I'm sorry, I can't deal with you, not today," I mutter, simultaneously while calling for security.
She has the nerve to look shocked. "B-But baby! You can't just push me away! No, Lino! I love you! Call me back!" The closing noise of the door is relieves my bitterness as she is escorted out. God, she is so stupid. I'm not even sure why I put myself through the torture of tolerating Sophianna. Hernandus comes through the door, and I remember why. His hair looked frayed and his eyes unfocused, yet alert at the same time. He smiled as soon as he saw me looking at him, and immediately threw his arms around my neck for a quick peck. I smiled against his lips, and thought of how horrible it'd be if there were cameras in here. They'd know that I was - they'd know of my real sexuality, and my social status would be ruined. Ugh - am I seriously thinking of this right now? I'm such an selfish asshole. This is the last time I'm gonna ever see Hernandus, and I'm worrying about my reputation. I feel a wave of guilt wash over me, so I push my boyfriend away gently. He senses my unease, and opens his mouth to speak when suddenly another voice pitches through the walls. It was nasally and feminine, and seemed to match the one of my District partner. "Quit it, will you?! You guys are seriously so loud, and I'm trying to meditate here! I get the last-minute-I-don't-want-to-be-a-virgin, but can you just do it quieter?!" The first thought I had was, "It wouldn't be the first time, technically." I was a bit ashamed of what my reaction thought was, and this showed through my cheeks, making them a bright red. Hernandus rolls his eyes bluntly. "You're stupid." "I know." He chews on his lower lip uncomfortably. "You know you can try. Being sent to the Games isn't immediate death." "Yeah. I know."
"Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?" Calicia Austritus's POV (18)
I'm still not sure what just happened. Some Capitolite called my name, and naturally I stood up and waved at the crowd fabulously. They all stared at me, gape-mouthed, as if I was being sent to some death tournament. They were all so twinning. Just the same blank, dumb look on each of their faces. It was like they were possessed! Some crazy bat shit. And then these big, buff, hot guys came over and brought me to this super cool, fancy room. It's even more pink than my own room! And that's impossible! I self-consciously went over my looks in a mirror I brought. White ash, silver locks. Luscious cerulean eyes. Creamy peach skin. Super hot, as usual. I asked them, "Why am I here?" And instead of actually replying, one of the guys snickered and said, "she's so dead." My face was all, what the fuck? I can't die. My dad bought me life insurance. Speaking of my dad, my family came in a little bit after the buff dudes left. My dad told me that he was going to see me again in his girly, nasally voice. Mom was the gossiping bitch as usual. "Did you hear? They're starting the Capitol Games."
"That hot movie star actor just got Reaped with you, Calicia, hon! You should be honored!" My sister, Enoch, said that she would try to kill me as much as possible. Which doesn't make any sense at all, because if she touched me, I'd cut her! I'd cut her like the naive, gullible bitch she is! And finally, Iunia, my personal, popular pet. She was the best of them all. Defying everyone in the family except me. So reckless, so unstable, yet so adorable! Probably the smartest person out of the whole family. ...except for me, of course. When they left, each family member was walking out without a care. All except Iunia, for some reason. She acted like she was leaving a dear memory behind in the dust. She looked like she was crying, and kept saying, "No, Calicia! You have to survive!" Whatever. I ignored it, like I usually ignore her ridiculous theories and actions. Next, my 'friends' came in. They're the most popular squad in my whole school. I'm actually too good for them, but if I say that, they'll ditch me and I'll become a weird trash-digging loner. "Hey, girlfriends!" I squeak, my wonderful high-pitched voice forming words. "Omigod, Calicia!" Aurelia squeals. "I can't believe you just won the lottery!" Demetria rolls her eyes back so harshly that I swore she was going to detach her eyeballs. "Holy shit, Aurelia!" she exclaimed, her voice going up several octaves. "I swear, you're the most stupidest person I've ever met. Why am I friends with you?!" "B-Because I give you Skittles, Deme. I-I didn't know you felt this way." Tears start to bubble in Aurelia's eyes. Ooh, unnecessary drama. I like it! Deme decides to ignore her tears. "Ari, Calicia's is not winning the lottery. She is going to die. She's been Reaped into the Hunger Games, you bitch!" Cloelia, the main bitch, steps into the conversation. "Hey, only I get to call people bitches!" Despite being blunt and 'her own person', Deme widens her eyes in fear and steps back. "I-I'm so sorry, C-Cloelia," she stammers, her hands shaking. "Save it." Cloelia rolls her eyes, snapping her pristine, white fingers in an orderly manner. The look in her eyes said she was going to kick Deme out of the cult, but each of us knew she wasn't ever going to do that. Despite the amount of popularity she held to her name, we were still going to be her only friends. After a few minutes of all this dramatic banter, they exit, leaving me with the knowledge that I was entering the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games. A shiver runs down my spine. I was arrogant, foolish, and explosive, yes, but I knew Hunger Games meant the certain death… ...of my shoes! Think of all the freaking blood on my shoes! Suddenly, a noise that sounded awfully like kissing erupts into my ears. I knew someone was making out. ""Quit it, will you?!" I screamed, still a bit salty and bitter about the future of my shoes. "You guys are seriously so loud, and I'm trying to meditate here! I get the last-minute-I-don't-want-to-be-a-virgin, but can you just do it quieter?!" The noises stop, leaving only silence in my ears. Thank you, I thought stubbornly. A few seconds pass. There is nothing but dull, and absolute silence. I can't take this anymore. I'm going outside. The door is locked, but with a few twists of my hairpin, the key is made and the door is busted open. I am a fucking professional. As soon as the barrier is open, voices and sounds become alive in my ears. It was as if this door was guarding something private outside. Ooh, secrets! "-sorry, I didn't mean it - I already told you that!" a feminine voice protests, rising up every few seconds in fear. "I swear, it won't happen again next year. I promise. I'll choose the tributes exactly like you told me to! "I was stubborn. I know the girl was a Reaping mistake, but the boy? The boy was pure! Surely you'll give me credit for that?
"Oh, thank you so so much! Thank you! I won't let you down next time! I promise, this won't happen again. You're so merciful. Thank you!" The phone hangs up, and a huge sigh is heard. Is this what I think it is?
A/N: So… hi. It's been a long while, hasn't it? I know. "Back to regular updating schedule!" I said. But that was major BS. ;UU I've gone through some serious envy and disappointment, but fear not! I'm totally over it now and now that GOODBYES ARE OVER, WE CAN ACTUALLY GET STUFF DONE. SO SERIOUSLY, BACK TO REGULAR UPDATING! *throws confetti*
And also if you tell me what you thought of this chapter, that'd be hella appreciated. Thank you. I know this chapter isn't very long or detailed, and in truth it was quite half-assed, but I got it out. Sorry, 20. Your tributes are brilliant and I just suck at
actually working and not procrastinating! You know the questions, yadayadayada. I went through a period of time where I wanted to quit on this story because of the reviews and lack of inspiration, but I decided not to. Because it sucks when your tribute goes to waste. And I actually DID have bucketloads of inspiration! AND THE GOODBYES WERE STOPPING MY FLOW OF GREAT IDEAS.
But the goodbyes are over, thank goodness.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this horrible chapter. Send me your thoughts and suggestions VIA review or PM. Have a super-duper-amazing-noodle-goldfish dawn/day/afternoon/evening/night/midnight!