A/N: Sooo...technically still Wednesday. Sorry guys, I was busy with a boxing competition and writing a report on Mexican history for a class. Writing kind of got away from me. Here is the continuation of "Sketching."

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater.

Chapter Three : Sketching :Part Two

He can feel the sheets being torn from his grasp at an impossible speed; the phantom feeling of an object in his hand still prominent. Kid feels slightly caught off guard, though he has to admit to himself that he should not be so surprised by Crona's actions.

'This is Crona afterall,' he reminds himself.

"There's no need to be shy...your artistic skills are really quite good." He comments, flashing her a smile, girl's like compliments right?

"O-oh, t-thank-y-you..." Crona says back shyly, looking away. There's a pretty little blush tainting her cheeks, and Kid suddenly feels the blush rush to his face as well. A wisp of light pink hair covers a portion of her cheek...Kid's smile grows as he reaches out to tuck it behind her ear...

Crona stiffens as Kid's right hand makes contact with the left side of her face, though Kid does not allow this small misgiving to concern him. He gently tucks the strands behind her ear, and allows his hand to linger there a moment longer.

"Perfect..." he mutters, eyes memorized by her soft lips.

His concentration is snapped however when Crona abruptly stands up. It does not take long at all for her long legs to react, and wisk her lean shaking frame out of the classroom. He catches a whispered "I don't know how to deal with this" with his left ear as she runs out the door.

He's sitting on the floor alone, right arm in the same outstretched position minus the cute blue-eyed sword's woman. Kid stares at where Crona once sat and can't help the triumphant smile that works its way across his face. At least he got to touch her, and have somewhat of a conversation with her.

I'll try again tomorrow.

It doesn't occur to him until half an hour later that he had said she was perfect out loud.

A/N: Let me know how you feel about this chapter in the reviews!