A/N: Hey, guys! I could've sworn the previous chapter was posted last month, but according to the official stats, it was last updated on February 7, which I find both confusing and shocking. So I deeply, sincerely apologize for the long wait. Not unexpectedly, school was being a pain in the butt. Tests, homework, assigned papers, the whole nine yards. Not to mention my other stories. In fact, balancing my time between school and fanfiction got so damn difficult that I decided to discontinue one of my ongoing fics. After all, it was pretty clear to me that I wasn't going to continue working on it, no matter how much I wanted to, plus juggling between four stories at once is not an optimal task for me.

In addition, I put another one of my ongoing fics on temporary hold so I could write my first fic for "My Hero Academia", the first chapter of which has been up since last night, actually. It's a passion project I've been sitting on for months and I've finally gotten around to committing to it. So, that's news for any of you MHA fans who are reading this fic. I do not mean to self-plug, but I'd like to hear from as many MHA fans as possible on how I'm doing. It's a big fanbase and there can be a lot of room for error, which I'd rather avoid since I just live to please.

Also, right now, I'm completely swamped with a whole bunch of schoolwork, so I cannot guarantee another early release for the next chapter. I apologize in advance for that. But do know that I am trying my best at making sure this story gets monthly updates like the rest of my ongoing fics. And remember, school is not cool. XD

Anyway, before I begin, I would like to address the body of reviews you guys left for the previous chapter. I will address every last individual review at the end of the chapter, as usual. But I just wanted to point out that I found your reviews as a whole to be really, REALLY helpful. Looking through them, it's clear to me writing a large-scale battle between two Factions of Masters and Servants, all the while trying to juggle between all of their unique personalities and abilities, not to mention all of the subplots I set up, is not exactly my forte, although I do try.

I do understand why this turned out to be the case, though, since I gave myself so much content to work with and it's a big responsibility for a first-time Nasuverse fanfiction writer who's only informed through the anime and the Type-Moon Wikia, and stubbornly remains so (clearly not the most reliable mix of information sources). I will try my best to apply everything you guys mentioned in your reviews in an effort to make this chapter better.

But if I'm still falling short on the mark, please, feel free to point out how and why. And once again, please be kind about it; I'm not trying to piss anyone off with my glaring inaccuracies out of malice, and I expect the favor to be returned. Not that any of you guys are being harsh in your criticism, of course! I really love your feedback! I just wanted to throw out that refresher.

Okay, enough of this rambling! On with the long-awaited chapter. ENJOY!

Near Einzbern Castle

From a long distance, a certain man with sharp eyes and gray hair, and wearing a formal white shirt with a black tie and vest, stood on another hill, watching the Einzbern Castle with a deathly determination. Standing behind him were a half-dozen Golems, each of a different design and component makeup, but all just as ready for battle.

"Looks like things have turned in an unexpected direction," Feend vor Sembren remarked. "Unexpected, but pleasant all the same. The opportunity to lead the Black Faction back on the glorious path to victory has now presented itself."

"My lord," came the faithful voice of Diarmuid, "what is your next course of action, now that the White Faction has made itself known?"

"We leave them to their own devices. Knowing Tohsaka and Archibald, they have a sound strategy to counter whatever that lowborn scum throws in their way. And if they are unable to finish the job, the disgrace should be drained of enough energy for me to finish him off. Regardless, the Magus Killer will be no more after tonight, and I can take the reins of the Black Faction. Then, I shall be two steps closer to victory!"

"And what about the boy you sent? The Master of Rider of White? Shall we come to his aid?"

"No. As far as I'm concerned, he is a liability to my pursuit." He gritted his teeth and pursed his lips with disapproval. "He couldn't even go a single minute without being detected. How useless of him."

"But Master, he is just-"

"Don't question my intentions, Lancer!" interrupted Feend, his voice raised. "Things are what they are, without question! Regardless of the boy's age or his allegiance, the Grail can only appear before one victor and one victor only. Everyone is an enemy, and the more Masters we dispatch before the Grail's materialization, the better! Understood?!"

There was a brief silence before Diarmuid reluctantly replied, "Understood..."

Feend exhaled sharply with relief before snapping, "Good." Then, once he felt his Servant's presence leave him, his lips curved into a sneer. "The opportunity to lead the Black Faction back on the glorious path to victory has now presented itself."

Irisviel stopped and looked over her shoulder towards the treeline, where she could see Archer of White seated in a gold, futuristic aircraft, launching sword after sword at another part of the forest in the distance. She immediately thought of Mordred, Kairi, Waver, Caules, and their Servants; and how improvised and dangerous Kairi's strategy seemed to be.

"Consult with the boss all you want, but that's the plan. Do you want to waste precious seconds trying to stop me? Or do you want to help lead the boss to victory? Because I'm pretty sure the boss would agree that expending valuable time thinking of a complex and intrinsic strategy against the White Faction's efforts is a waste of everyone's time and lives."

"Kiritsugu continues to trust you, so I will not question your strategy. But I want you to know that your actions tonight will reflect on his leadership skills in Ruler's eyes. So I hope you know what you're doing."

"I'm beginning to regret ever saying that," the silver-haired woman thought. "If... If only there was something I could do to help..."


Irisviel gasped with surprise and looked towards Maiya, who was just a couple of feet ahead of her. She too had stopped in her tracks and was now looking at her with her usual composed, hardened face.

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Y-Yes, everything's fine, Maiya..." Irisviel replied. "It's just..." She looked over her shoulder again and gazed off into the distance. "It's just that...I'm...I'm very worried about our chances in this fight..."

"Saber and Rider of White are powerful enough Servants. In addition, we have the Assassins watching every angle of the woods, looking for strategic advantages and openings. I would say we are in a decent standing right now."

Irisviel looked back at Maiya. "But Maiya, weren't you concerned as well over Sisigou-san's plan?"

She saw the other woman's facial muscles twitch briefly and infinitesimally. Nevertheless, Maiya calmly replied, "Yes, but there's nothing we can do about it now. Right now, our objective is to return to the castle and get Kiritsugu's assistance. And we're almost close, madam. So we must continue before any other members of the White Faction intercept us."

Irisviel stared at Maiya hesitantly. "A...Alright..."

Maiya nodded back in response and continued trudging along the forest floor. But before Irisviel could follow her, she felt a pulse of magical energy, a pulse so powerful and sudden that she gasped loudly. Hearing it, Maiya stopped and turned around yet again.

"Madam?" she asked.

"Another intruder has just arrived..." Irisviel replied gravely.

Maiya blinked. "Another intruder? So the White Faction is arriving in teams?"

"It appears that way." Irisviel's blood-red eyes narrowed slightly with suspicion. "I'll contact some of Kiritsugu's familiars that he stationed near the perimeter of the magical barrier. Perhaps the new intruder or intruders can be identified."

"That can wait, madam. Once we reach the castle, we can use your remote-viewing crystal ball for that task."

Irisviel stared at her de facto guardian ambivalently. Though she knew Maiya was right, there was something eerie in the air, something that made her skin crawl. Whatever that feeling was, it had something to do with the new arrival...

Nevertheless, she stomached that feeling and followed Maiya towards the Einzbern Castle. As she did, her mind returned to the rest of her allies and their respective well-being.

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald watched with disappointment as the remnants of Assassin of Black faded away into the misty air of the night. Then, he shook his head and tutted, while his Mystic Code, Volumen Hydrargyrum, withdrew its deadly tendrils and reverted back to its spherical form.

"How disappointing," he said. "I never held any respect for the Assassin as a Servant class in the first place, and yet, you still managed to turn what looked like a promising battle into a ridiculous farce."

"It wasn't a farce, Kayneth!" an unfamiliar voice proclaimed.

The El-Melloi looked towards the trees and saw a large, rough-looking man jump out of his hiding place, a primitive gun trained on him. Seconds later, he opened fire.

Volumen Hydrargyrum reacted on instinct and within a mere split-second, transforming into a barrier of silver that stood mightily between its creator and the hail of bullets. Kayneth smirked gleefully when he heard the new assailant cease his firing. As soon as that happened, he wiped beads of sweat from his forehead, and Volumen Hydrargyrum reverted back into its ovular form.

"Using primitive tools, I see," he said. "A useless and half-witted attack like that...can only be the hallmark of none other than the Magus Killer!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," the rough-looking man replied through clenched teeth. "Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald."

Kayneth's smirk widened as he held his arms outward. "Ohhhh, how I have longed for this moment! After all those years of disgracing the world of mages and inflicting the most shameful of deaths upon my fellow kin...I shall restore their lost pride with the spilling of your squalid blood and the rending of your lowborn flesh!" He leaned his sweating head forward a little. "SCALP!"

Volumen Hydrargyrum burst forth in a storm of powerful, mighty tendrils. Waver Velvet and the Magus Killer tried getting out of the way, but one of the tendrils angrily smashed the ground between them, sending both males flying in different directions. Once he landed, the Magus Killer scrambled for the trees, all the while keeping his head low to avoid further strikes from above.

As for Waver, he crawled desperately behind a rock that could barely obscure him, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Kayneth. But the Clock Tower instructor simply smirked at the rock's direction.

"Fret not, Waver Velvet," he said to empty air. "I shall allow you this temporary reprieve. For now, I will impart you with this task: find your way out of this woodland. Put your third-generation lineage to the test. Should you fail, I will resume our lessons. Be grateful that I am in such a festive mood tonight!"

With that, Kayneth walked into the rolling mist. "Magus Killer, come forth and let us duel for the possession of the Holy Grail, with our lives and sacred honor!"

A soft, seemingly strained chuckle of exultation escaped his lips as Volumen Hydrargyrum rolled after him. The pained and aghast whimpers of his student were barely audible in the air of the night.

Kirei and Jeanne continued to stare at the three-dimensional holographic map the latter crafted from her holy water. The various markers moved around the simulated terrain of the castle and surrounding forest, some with more speed, others with more organization. In the background, they could hear the clanging of swords, the roaring of Divine Bulls, and the mad shouts of Saber of Black. Kirei blinked idly at the place where one marker had been, before it lay prone for a quick moment and then disappeared completely.

"So it appears Assassin of Black has been eliminated from the Holy Grail War," the priest said. "But they weren't near any of the White Servants at the time. Nor any Black Servants, for that matter."

"I'd be quite surprised if a Master took care of them," Jeanne responded. "The chances of a mage dispatching them alone and without any amplification is hopelessly, statistically impossible." She blinked and stared at the corners of the map, as if she was searching for something else that wouldn't show up. "And I wouldn't say Assassin of Black has been taken out just yet, Kirei..."

Kirei stared at her with slight intrigue. "I don't understand, Ruler."

But before the saint could respond, they heard the sudden crunching of leaves. Jeanne quickly de-materialized her map and pulled out her sword, while Kirei procured and activated his Black Keys.

However, to their surprise, it wasn't a Master or a Servant, but a Musik homunculus. He was wielding a ridiculously large battleaxe, which was resting lightly on his shoulder. Jeanne prepared herself for a possible assault, but Kirei deactivated his Black Keys and held out an arm, motioning for his Servant to stop.

"There is no need to fear, Ruler. My father and I received assurance from Tokiomi Tohsaka that he would not turn any of his homunculi supply against the Standard-Bearer."

"Very well, Kirei." Jeanne put away her sword and stared cautiously at the homunculus. "Speak truthfully. Why have you approached us at this hour, and in the midst of battle?"

"I wish to inform you of the presence of Caster of Black," the homunculus said in a lifeless, robotic voice.

"Yes, I am aware. I have detected him using my ability. I am also aware of that Servant's clash with Lancer of White."

Meanwhile, Kirei quickly remembered the task given to him by his father and his teacher. After glancing from the Musik homunculus to Jeanne and back, the brown-haired priest closed his eyes for a moment, seemingly with thought, before reopening them.

"Ruler," he said, "since you mention the battle between Saber of White and Caster of Black, I believe it is in the Church's best interest to have an eye on the proceedings at all times."

Jeanne smiled warmly at him. "You need not trouble yourself, Kirei. My ability gives us a commanding view of the entire battlefield."

"Indeed, but you have informed me Lancer of White and Saber of Black hold a personal grudge between each other. And we only have eyes on the latter. If we do not have eyes on Lancer of White herself, we run the risk of her breaking away from Caster of Black and seeking out Saber of White so she could end their conflict."

"So you're suggesting we split up, with one of us observing the battle between Lancer of White and Caster of Black?"

Kirei nodded curtly. "Indeed, Ruler. I believe this is the most effective strategy to prevent a horrific cataclysm that may catch the eyes of the outside world."

Jeanne placed a finger on her chin thoughtfully. "That's true. You pose a good point, Kirei." She lowered her hand. "Very well, then. I'll relocate to Lancer of White's position and observe her duel, while-"

"With all due respect, Ruler," Kirei interrupted, his emotions refusing to shift even in the slightest, "you are better suited to handle Saber of Black should she succumb to her rage and spiral out of control on the battlefield. Lancer of White has better decorum in combat, so I believe it will be relatively safe for me to observe those proceedings."

The saint's eyes widened with concern. "Are...Are you sure, Kirei? Yes, I concur that Lancer of White is of a sound mind, but we still have yet to know Caster of Black's true identity. What if this Servant is a malevolent being who thrives on the very sight of bloodshed and despair? What if you are thrust into his crosshairs? I don't want to lose you, Kirei."

Kirei's cheek twitched as he replied, "Worry not, Ruler. I will take great measures to concern myself. And should I ever be faced with peril, I can just summon you through our mental link. I entrust you, wholeheartedly, with the task of keeping me safe throughout this Grail War, just as you have entrusted me with the task of assisting you with your burden."

Jeanne stared at her Master for the longest moment. Then, she smiled and closed her eyes.

"Very well, then," she replied softly. "You may go and observe Lancer of White and Caster of Black. Report to me on what you see."

Kirei nodded softly and monotonously. "I shall. Rest assured, Ruler, I will be fine. As a man of faith, I shall see to it that this task is finished without fail."

"Okay." She opened her amethyst eyes and widened her smile. "And remember, I place my utmost faith in you, Kirei!"

Einzbern Castle

Kiritsugu looked up from his laptop with a dark, brooding expression. He had just finished monitoring the situation using the secret surveillance cameras he worked very hard to station all around the surrounding forest.

"Things aren't looking up for us. In a series of odd coincidences, Waver Velvet summoned all of his Assassins in a foolish, futile attempt to defeat Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald. Despite lacking his Servant and the aptitude necessary to match the likes of a Heroic Spirit, Kayneth's powerful Mystic Code managed to kill all of them with a few swoops. It seems like he is being augmented by some amplification magic, but there appears to be a potentially deadly side-effect. Hopefully Sisigou realizes this as well and tries to exploit it. Nevertheless, the Black Faction lost its first Servant, and so quickly too...

"Caster has arrived in the forest and baited Lancer of White into a duel with him. The White Faction is now fully aware of his insanity and murderous urges. The time to convince them of Caster's independent status has already come and gone. Now the White Faction believes the entire Black Faction has this kind of mindset. This leaves us under the scrutiny of not only them, but the Church, especially since Caster's atrocities have caught the attention of the public.

"Feend vor Sembren and Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia are also present on their own accord. Yggdmillennia's reasons are unknown, but judging by the army of Golems accompanying vor Sembren, there can only be two explanations behind this. One: he anticipated the White Faction's arrival here and hoped to stop them himself. Two: he never anticipated the White Faction's latest move at all and has other, more malicious reasons for creating those Golems...

"And as for Saber..."

Kiritsugu's thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt opening of the door. He looked sideways and saw Maiya running into the room, armed with her Calico. Following right behind her was Irisviel and a few other Einzbern homunculi, who were wielding various weapons.

"Iri," the Magus Killer said, "go to the panic room immediately. Sisigou and the others are fighting as hard as they could, but the White Faction will reach the castle before we know it. Go now. Maiya and I will prepare the countermeasures."

"Th-The panic room?" Irisviel asked, alarmed. "B-But I just got here! Can't I just remain here?"

Kiritsugu's voice was cold and calculated. "No. With all the Servants we have fighting away from your position, it simply isn't safe for you to be here. The White Faction doesn't appear to be aware this isn't our only base. They'll be bringing in more of their Servants, which means the castle itself will not be enough fortification for you. Besides..." He looked away and procured his Thompson Contender pistol. "Having you under their possession could give them a better advantage for any of them during the second stage of the War."

Irisviel stared at her husband reluctantly, her blood-red eyes shimmering with emotion. She wanted to say something in protest, but she seemed to concur that Kiritsugu had a point, for she pursed her lips and shifted her gaze downward.

"Okay, Kiritsugu..." she replied solemnly.

With Irisviel's cooperation guaranteed, Kiritsugu looked at three of the Einzbern homunculi, one of whom was Lucia.

"Deliver her to the safe room," he ordered. "Make sure she's well-protected."

"Yes, sir," Lucia replied stoically.

"Maiya, give Iri the pass-code to the panic room."

Maiya nodded and pulled out a small, faded strip of paper. Then, she approached Irisviel and handed it to her.

"You know where to go," she said calmly. "Don't open this up until you reach the room. Destroy it once you gain entry. It must not fall into the hands of the enemy."

"Yes, Maiya..." Irisviel replied gently. "G-Good luck..."

The female mercenary simply nodded at her. Then, she joined Kiritsugu as he began reviewing his arsenal, while Irisviel left with the rest of the homunculi. Before the door closed, Kiritsugu could sense his wife giving him one last look, and he felt his resolve crumbling somewhat.

In an effort to put his thoughts elsewhere, he asked, "Maiya, why did Sisigou choose to take our assets and confront the White Faction head-on?"

Maiya narrowed her dark eyes slightly. "He said, and I quote, the White Faction understands us to be disorganized and chaotic, so they'll give them that expectation. And that is where they'll be surprised. I couldn't stop him." She walked over to a bag holding over a dozen grenades and picked it up with ease. "I had serious reservations about having him onboard, Kiritsugu, and now it seems like those reservations are not unfounded. Do you still wish to keep him as your proxy Master?"

"Depending on how things go, it seems Sisigou will outlive his usefulness soon enough. But we mustn't think about that right now." Kiritsugu opened up his Contender and loaded a single bullet inside its chamber. "We must prepare ourselves for more pressing matters."

Maiya blinked once. "Kiritsugu, what makes you think the White Faction will breach the castle?"

Kiritsugu subtly pointed his chin towards the laptop. Maiya stared at its screen and saw, to her shock, a security image of an army of Musik homunculi marching towards the castle, wielding weapons of their own. Leading the army were Tokiomi Tohsaka, Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia, Itsuki Himuro, and a shadowy woman who she assumed to be Caster of White.

"They expect the Einzbern Master to be seeking shelter here," Kiritsugu replied frostily. "But they're apparently unaware of Kayneth El-Melloi's encounter with Sisigou. They will enter unprompted."

"But if they gain entry and confront us here, that will expose your strategy of using Sisigou as a decoy."

"Indeed it will." Kiritsugu eyed the security image of Kayneth stalking Kairi. His dark eyes narrowed with suspicion. "But I don't intend to counteract that tonight. If Sisigou intends to gain the upper hand with surprise tactics in this battle, then that's what we will do."

With that, the Magus Killer closed the barrel of his Contender and concealed it within his coat. He then stared at Maiya, a glint present in his eye. That look was something Maiya hadn't seen in quite a long time.

"And as long as we follow my strategy, and count on Saber's speed..." He showed Maiya his set of black Command Seals, which seemed to glimmer from the golden light of the chandelier. "We'll have a surefire chance of beating them."

"Mmmmmaaaaauuuuuggggghhhhh kkkkkiiiiirrrrraaaaaggggghhhhh!"

Fiore strained her mind trying to discern any sort of logic residing within the chaos that was Berserker's mad ramblings. Ever since she summoned her Servant into the physical world, her head had been filled with nothing but these unhinged screams and bestial roars. It took every last ounce of magical energy and knowledge she had at her disposal to keep the brunt of his psychosis from affecting the better parts of her brain, all while she continued further and further towards the Black Faction base.

"I've never experienced a trial like this before," Fiore thought. "Even the long, studious years I spent adjusting to a life in a wheelchair pale in comparison. But...if this is what I have to endure in order to acquire the Holy Grail, then it will all be worth it." She smiled slightly and patted her thighs gently. "Yes, the reward will be worth it..."

She suddenly felt Berserker's influence subsiding considerably, something that would always happen whenever thoughts of joy filled her head. She already knew it was the perfect counteractive method against her Servant's madness, from all the years she spent studying the mechanics of all eight Servant classes. Even then, Fiore couldn't help but wonder what it was about her joy that was effective enough in warding away the by-products of her contract with Berserker...

"Yggdmillennia," called the soft, elegant voice of Tokiomi Tohsaka.

Pulled out of her musings, Fiore found herself beside a small creek that was running along the very perimeter of Einzbern Castle. She looked ahead and saw Tokiomi looking back at her, his ruby-tipped staff clutched safely in his right hand, his azure eyes shining brightly in the night. Itsuki and Medea were advancing towards the castle with several homunculi.

"We are about to penetrate the Black Faction's base of operations," Tokiomi continued. "Please, stay focused."

"My apologies, Tohsaka," Fiore replied, as she resumed rolling along the forest floor. "I was just...thinking..."

"Remain composed, Yggdmillennia. We may be short a few Masters, but this strategy will still work as long as everyone is aware of their roles." Tokiomi turned round and followed Itsuki and Medea. "Kayneth should be entering the castle at any moment, and once he does, we will follow suit."

"I understand, Tohsaka." Fiore gripped her armrests tightly as the newspaper headline from earlier today returned to her memory. "The Black Faction must be crippled quickly. They must know the repercussions of bringing unwanted attention to the Impossible Holy Grail War."

The Tohsaka Residence, Miyama Town
– A few hours earlier –

Olesya absentmindedly watched as Tokiomi Tohsaka organized the small but formidable army of Musik homunculi in the courtyard. She then looked upward, towards the balcony of Tokiomi's bedroom, where Saber of Black was observing as well. The look on his face was cold, robotic, ambiguous...

It made her wonder what his true identity was. Ever since the start of this War, Tokiomi kept him at a distance from the others, depriving her of an opportunity to deduce who he could be...

"Master," a familiar voice called.

Olesya took a deep breath. "Yes, Lancer?"

Arturia approached with clenched fists. "Itsuki Himuro is asking for your presence. It appears to be an urgent matter."

"I see," the Animusphere Master replied. "Thank you, Lancer."

She prepared to walk inside the manor when Arturia suddenly called, "Master..."

Sensing what her Servant was going to say, Olesya didn't turn around to face her Servant. Instead, she responded with a stern voice, "You are to battle Caster of Black and dispatch him with all the power you have, Lancer. There is nothing else I expect out of you tonight."

"Even so, I was hoping I could have an opportunity to-"

Olesya cut the King of Knights off with a sharp exhale. "Saber of Black is out of the question. I order you, Lancer, to not seek her out and engage her. Tohsaka's strategy must be executed to the last detail. We can't afford any distractions or deviations. Is that understood?"

"But Master," Arturia exclaimed passionately, "I can't allow Mordred to get away with her childish views of the throne for any longer! As the king of all of Britain, it is my responsibility to teach her her place! I only ask you allow me to seize the opportunity to do so, should it present itself!" The Servant then noticed that her Master hadn't turned around to face her since the start of the conversation. "Master, please, I ask that you look at me in the eye. If we are going to disagree on what our course of action should be, then I still want us to uphold a degree of respect for each other, like we once did."

"I respect you, Lancer," Olesya replied coldly, refusing to acquiesce. "I respect you well enough to hope you would follow my express orders, and understand that we hold the Holy Grail as our final objective in this War. Am I not accurate in my respect...King of Knights?"

Arturia wanted to protest, but she realized there was nothing more she could do to sway her Master's opinion. The King of Knights clenched her fists the moment she remembered the root of this problem. Even so, she hoped that her Master would still hold a modicum of faith in her abilities, despite her early setback.

"Yes, Master..." she replied with defeat.

"Good," Olesya said before stiffly walking away. As she left, she felt Arturia's eyes boring into the back of her skull.

Near Einzbern Castle
– Present day –

From the shelter of several trees, Olesya watched as Arturia continued to engage Gilles de Rais and his monstrosities in battle. As she did, she remembered the conversation she had with the King of Knights at the Tohsaka Manor, before they departed for Einzbern Castle with the rest of their Faction. It had been a tense conversation; Olesya knew that for a fact. So she was relieved when Arturia wholeheartedly, even enthusiastically obeyed her order to battle Caster of Black. It was something to be expected, given Arturia's hatred of the madman who somehow manifested as a Caster Servant.

"But how long is that going to last?" she thought glumly. "Sooner or later, Caster of Black will fall at Lancer's blade, and then there'll be nothing left for her but her unfinished business with Saber of Black. Her focus on the Knight of Treachery will be detrimental for the White Faction's strategies going forward. We cannot afford any setbacks, not when possession of the Holy Grail grows nigh.

"But...I swore a pledge of partnership and cordiality with the King of Knights...the hero I admire the most... Her opinion of me grows weary every time I deny her a chance to defend her honor and knighthood... I cannot afford to disrupt what remains of her trust! I...I just can't! Our partnership will be extremely integral for the both of us when the White Faction disassembles for the second stage of the War!

"I can't lose Saber- I mean, Lancer... Oh, by the heavens, I keep calling Lancer Saber! She's not a Saber Servant! She'll never be a Saber Servant, no matter how much I wanted that class in the first place! Argh! Why did Tohsaka have to pull a dirty trick like that and summon his Servant early?! It's all his fault for this dilemma of mine..."

Olesya gritted her teeth and struggled to contain her anger. But she failed, for she clenched her fist and slammed it into the tree trunk beside her. She then bit her lower lip as she felt the trunk's rough, splintery surface prick her skin.

"No..." she thought. "It's not Tohsaka's fault. It's...It's mine..." Her eyes became glazed as she wallowed in her thoughts of self-deprecation. "I failed my family... I couldn't get the Servant they wanted...and now...I can never get accustomed to the Servant I'm stuck with... I can never fully understand my own Servant... What kind of Master am I if I can't even get that right? What are the chances of survival for such an incapable, incompetent Master...?"

Her fist relaxed but remained on the tree trunk. Her shifting skin dislodged some old, peeling bark, causing the pieces to fall to the soil, like crumbling pieces of the earth.


Arturia gritted her teeth as she thrust and swung Rhongomyniad repeatedly, doing her best to skewer and flay as many of the horrors as she could. However, every time she slew one, it would just regenerate automatically, its wounds closing at freakishly quick rates. It was already a rather laborious task for the King of Knights, making sure five hundred of them were dead at a time before she had to attend to them again.

All the while, Gilles de Rais continued to yell and scream mad professions of love for Jeanne d'Arc.


"This monster is ebbing away my patience," Arturia thought with gritted teeth. "I must not yield to his madness...but I'm at a disadvantage. These creatures, they're being fueled by mana that's seemingly infinite... I have to find the source of that mana, but I can't do that properly if they keep coming at me..." Her grip on Rhongomyniad tightened. "There's only one way I can move the tide of this battle in my favor, and that's to regain use of my trusted steed, Llamrei..."

She immediately remembered her battle with Lancer of Black in the local park.

"Yes, I can...but..." Olesya's eyes were wide with disbelief and worry. "But...I've already applied the healing magic! I did it! Lancer, your steed should be fully healed by now! I don't understand what's going on!"

Suddenly, in her preoccupation, a horror slammed itself into Arturia, pinning her against a tree. She tried to struggle, but two more horrors, squealing horrendously, pinned themselves against the sides of the tree, restricting movement for her arms. Gilles began cackling and swooning energetically.

"Oh, Jeanne!" he shrieked. "Your protesting and resistance is delightful! And noble! And yet...so horrible to bear witness to! Do you not realize the pains I must endure to bring you to this cathartic revelation of mine?! Do you not recognize all of my efforts?! Will you not acknowledge my love for you, and God's disdain for you?! "

"Caster..." Arturia growled. She felt a tentacle sliding alongside the skin of her cheek, painting it with what remained of the blood of the child that it burst out of. "I will...make you...pay for your atrocities..."

Gilles sneered. "Ohhhhh, but do not mistake my pain as weakness and vulnerability on my part! I promised you I will not rest until I liberate you of God's curse! And if you shall not rest, then I can only amplify the magnitude of your suffering! I will squeeze and squeeze and squeeze until your breath expels God's name, but not for seeking of guidance, instead for admonishment of his contradictory cruelty!"

Arturia started to gag as she felt the pressure all around her body intensify. The horrors squealed louder and louder with joy at the potential bloodshed.

"Lancer! I have provided you with additional mana! Free yourself and finish this at once!"

Arturia silently thanked Olesya for the assistance, as she activated her Mana Burst. Like last time, the horrors struggled to hold on to her body tight, but their tentacles kept getting shaken off by the pulsating magical energy that enveloped the King of Knights' body like a protective shield.

But, to her surprise and horror, this did not shake Gilles's resolve the slightest.

"Oh, my dear Jeanne," the fish-eyed Servant said, "do you believe me a lesser-minded being? Do you expect yourself to gain an advantage by using the same strategy twice? Worry not, my love, for I have prepared myself for the onslaught of your overwhelming grace!"

Suddenly, more horrors sprouted from the ground and unfurled into masses of toothed tentacles, filling the air with even more inhuman crying and squealing. These newcomers then pounced ferociously on top of their brethren, their combined weight keeping the original horrors steady and tightening their grip on Arturia. She felt her lungs strain quickly from the diminishing amount of oxygen.

"SABER!" Arturia heard Olesya call in her head, through a thickening fog and the mad cackling of Gilles.

"Look at you, for you are now helpless!" the Caster Servant called to her, his voice teeming with triumph. "My fair virgin! My holy virgin! My legs are shaking before this sight! Do you now feel the cruel and torturous pain of God's punishment, Jeanne?!"

Just then, a hiss filled the air, rising over the monstrous squealing. Gilles raised his head slightly, confused and alarmed by the strange new sound. He instinctively clutched at his chest as the hissing neared by the second...

Before Gilles knew it, several dirks, shaped very much like kunai, flipped through the air at high speeds, and embedded their scarlet blades into the pile of flesh encapsulating Arturia. The horrors screeched horrendously with pain and agony, allowing their collective grip to loosen on Arturia. This allowed the Lancer Servant to fully and properly activate her Mana Burst, blasting the creatures backward. Gilles had to duck to avoid being struck by the flying body of an incoming horror.

As for Arturia, she collapsed to her knees to catch her breath. As she did, she felt a pair of feet land in front of her, and with a croak of a breath, the King of Knights looked up to identify her savior.

"Assassin...of White...?" she thought.

Assassin hissed silently but viciously, her unseen eyes peering through the menacing skull mask and boring into Gilles's twitching form. She flipped her new dirks upward and aimed their blades at the opposing Servant's direction. The light of the moon shone on them, and Arturia quickly noticed the blood that coated their shining, silver surfaces. Then, the King of Knights saw the bandages wrapped around her forearms, red still blossoming from their centers.

"Arturia!" Olesya's voice cried in Arturia's head. "Are you alright?!"

"Yes, I am fine...thanks to Assassin..."

"She arrived to assist you in defeating Caster of Black. She specializes in sneak attacks and reconnaissance, but Shirou Kotomine has enough faith in her abilities and those of her Master's."

"Shirou Kotomine..." That thought of uncertainty was more to herself rather than her Master, however.


Assassin didn't respond and instead remained still, her dirks aimed at Gilles's direction. Once Arturia steadied her breath, she flipped Rhongomyniad around and joined the side of her fellow White Servant.

"Your depraved crusade is over, Caster of Black," she said. "The only thing that's left for you now is punishment for your horrendous actions."


Even more horrors sprouted from the ground like demonic flowers, while the original horrors regenerated their tattered, bloodied bodies. Assassin twirled her dirks, while Arturia aimed Rhongomyniad's bladed tip at Gilles's direction, watching as many of the creatures trudged and rolled instinctively between her and their creator.

At that moment, she noticed some sort of wispy, flame-like smoke emanating from his hand. Focusing her sights, Arturia made out the features of an aged, golden book, which appeared to be at the center of this smoke. Then, as the corners of her eyes made out more and more horrors, the Lancer Servant came to a realization.

"So that is how you're creating these beasts," she said. "That book is your Noble Phantasm."

"Ahhhhh, how very insightful of you, Jeanne," Gilles replied. "But then again, that has always been one of your admirable traits." With all fury subsiding for just a moment, he looked down at his book. "Indeed, this is the one and only grimoire left behind by the legendary teacher Prelati. It gives me the ample means to command a demonic legion created for the sole purpose of carrying out my will!" He suddenly looked up and held out his hand in a gesture that seemed theatrical in nature. "What do you think, my fair Jeanne?! It brings back the dearest of memories, doesn't it?"

"You continue to rant and rave about me being this Jeanne, but I am afraid your madness is merely clouding your better judgment, Caster of Black."

"Ohhh, I am afraid you are the one clouded by your madness, my beloved one. Your indomitable warrior spirit and noble bearing are nothing but indicators of your true identity! You may have deluded yourself to believe otherwise, but I know, and I only intend to leave this forsaken forest with your memory fully restored, and your renunciation of God and His so-called guidance! It matters not if you choose to hold on to your ideals tightly, for it will only serve to harden my resolve to rip you free from the strings you dangle from!"

Arturia had enough. She charged forward, and the horrors leaped towards them both at the same time, but the King of Knights propelled herself even further with Mana Burst. She skewered the two nearest creatures and then threw them at several others, knocking them back.

The creatures rushing in from behind reached for Arturia's legs, but Assassin appeared out of nowhere and stabbed their toothy jaws with her blood-coated dirks, causing them to writhe and flail uncontrollably. She would spend only a second on their backs before leaping onto the next one and repeating the process, always managing to avoid the reach of their tentacles.

In spite of the two White Servants' efforts, however, the horrors would always regenerate and move about like they were never injured at all in the first place.

Soon, Arturia landed just a foot away from Gilles. He gasped in shock at this move, his fish-like eyes bulging even more.

"I need to destroy that Noble Phantasm of his," she thought. "It's the only way I can truly defeat those monsters." With a yell, she thrust her spear forward, aiming its tip at the grimoire and Gilles's chest. "I must end this quickly, otherwise my allies will be forced to fight without me-"

Her thoughts were interrupted when a tentacle seized Rhongomyniad while another seized her arm. Before she could tug at the grip of her captors, more tentacles sprung forward and wrapped themselves around her other arm and both of her legs.

Assassin hissed, leaped into the air, and threw her dirks at the tentacles holding Arturia's right arm and Rhongomyniad. The small, shiny knives penetrated the tentacles' skin, causing them to release Arturia's limb. This allowed her to sever the tentacle holding her other arm. Then, she used Mana Burst to break her legs free and launch herself towards Gilles, but by that point, he had managed to move farther away.

More horrors launched themselves at Arturia, forcing her to land prematurely and twirl Rhongomyniad around as fast as she could, slicing into their flesh and bifurcating them. Assassin quickly joined her side and threw additional dirks at any creatures that Arturia missed, temporarily incapacitating them.

The horrors quickly encircled the two female Servants and shot their tentacles towards them. Arturia and Assassin took a hold of their weapons and started slashing, hacking, and stabbing away. The dozens, possibly hundreds of tentacles each met a grisly fate, being skewered, severed, impaled, slashed, and even poisoned in retaliation. After a few seconds, the bloodthirsty, tentacled monsters ceased their attacks and simply stared at the two White Servants, waiting patiently for either of them to lower their guard.

Meanwhile, Arturia and Assassin remained still as well, attempting to search for an opening in the mass of monsters that they could possibly exploit. As she searched for an area of vulnerability, Arturia heard nothing but the occasional hiss out of Assassin.

"This is the first time I've seen Assassin of White since my summoning," she thought. "I would never have thought of her as a Servant that could stand her own ground in battle, especially considering her Servant class. Every time she hits one of those things with her knives, they recoil violently, as if they were hit with something bigger." The King of Knights was quick to remember the blood that would always coat Assassin's supply of dirks. "It has to do something with her blood... Whatever its properties are, they seem to deal a lot of damage to them, damage that is unseen by the naked eye..." Her eyes widened. "That's it!"

Arturia slowly inched her head towards Assassin, slowly enough so that Gilles wouldn't be able to see it, and whispered, "Assassin, your blood...it's your Noble Phantasm, isn't it?"

At first, she didn't get a response from her fellow White Servant, who seemed to be more focused on eyeing the horrors in front of her. Then, after a few seconds, she heard an almost inaudible hiss, followed by the soft nodding of her head.

"Okay, then." The King of Knights refocused her sights on Gilles, who was raising his grimoire slightly, prompting more of the creatures to materialize. "Do you have a dispersal method for your blood?"

Arturia could barely see Assassin subtly nod in the corners of her eyes. Without saying a word, the skull-masked female produced another dirk, its kunai-like blade gleaming in the moonlit air. Before Arturia could stop her, she swiped its blade across her chest, deep enough to draw a considerable quantity of blood but also not deep enough to endanger herself. As blood trickled down her torso in copious amounts, staining her clothes, Assassin used her free hand to wipe the crimson bodily fluid across any untouched areas, acting like it was some sort of paint. Arturia grimaced at this, but decided it was best not to comment on it any further.

Then, Assassin pulled out yet another dirk, wielded both so their blades could protrude from her sides, and charged with a guttural, bestial cry. The horrors launched themselves forward as well, preparing to devour her alive, but she suddenly fell to the ground, avoiding their blows. She then rolled across the leaves and soil, leaving behind fresh bloodstains. The creatures recoiled at the sight and stayed clear of the deep-scarlet trail, causing Arturia to realize what she was doing.

"Sab- Lancer, be careful!" Olesya's voice suddenly exclaimed. "Assassin's Noble Phantasm may deal poisonous damage to powerful opponents, but we don't know its limits! For all we know, she can't be selective on what can or cannot be affected by it!"

"I understand, Olesya," Arturia thought in response. "I shall take utmost caution while proceeding forward. But for now, the completion of our task is almost at hand, and I intend not to let this opportunity pass by."

With that, the Lancer Servant used Mana Burst once again, safely gliding over the bloodstained trail Assassin left behind. The creatures tried reaching for her with their tentacles, but she kept swatting many of them away with her lance, while others couldn't reach far enough without exposing themselves to the air above Assassin's blood, which was also turning toxic.

Eventually, Arturia found a small, safe gap in the trail left by Assassin and landed on it. A split-second later, she blasted herself forward again in what was essentially a hop. As for Assassin, she had ceased rolling through the ground and was dashing towards Gilles with her dirks raised and ready to kill. More horrors swarmed between their creator and the two White Servants, but they were quickly taken down by them. Very soon, Arturia was able to join Assassin's side and the two females were close to reaching Gilles.


He didn't have time to complete his rant of insanity, for Arturia and Assassin were getting dangerously close to him. In response, two creatures landed beside either Servant and prepared to attack, but Arturia powered herself up with Mana Burst and thrust Rhongomyniad towards one, skewering it. Then, she tossed it into the second horror, half-crushing it in the brutality of her own strength.

As for Assassin, she pounced towards Gilles with a hiss and her dirks raised. The mad Servant shrieked and stepped out of the way, avoiding the attempted attack. But Arturia seized this opportunity to aim Rhongomyniad's bladed tip at him.

"CASTER OF BLACK," she called valiantly, "PREPARE TO MEET YOUR END!"

With a triumphant yell, she thrust Rhongomyniad forward, but it was interrupted by tentacles wrapping around her left arm. This knocked her lance off-balance, and it instead cut through Gilles's grimoire, leaving a deep gash in its surface. It exposed not pages aged by time, but a glowing, unearthly substance that almost resembled flesh.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" Gilles screeched with total bewilderment.

In an instant, the horrors, interrupted by their connection to the grimoire, exploded into copious bursts of demonic blood that sprayed the soil of the forest that refused to accept it. Arturia felt the tentacles wrapped around her arm disappear, allowing her to twirl Rhongomyniad around with both hands.

"Now you are defenseless, monster..." she said.

But before she could deliver the killing blow, the grimoire instantly regenerated and began glowing again. At almost the same time, new horrors burst forth from the demonic blood, squealing angrily than ever before. Arturia and Assassin had to jump out of the way to avoid new attacks.

"What?!" Arturia thought as she resumed defending herself from the attacking creatures. "How can this be?! I attacked that book, struck it with Rhongomyniad! How could it be capable of summoning more of these things still?"

"That grimoire, it was able to regenerate on its own accord," explained Olesya, her voice curious and inquisitive. "It's like it's a living, breathing being. Considering its nature, plus its origins as revealed by Caster of Black, I am led to believe that this book is more than just a book of spells. It is more like a reactor core of magical energy, completely independent from its user. That explains the strong leakage of mana that I am sensing from it."

Arturia slew ten of the horrors in one fell swoop. "How do you suggest we defeat it, Master?"

"The fact that you were able to strike that grimoire without fail tells me it has its vulnerabilities, despite its infinite mana generation. My primary concern is its instantaneous response to the damage dealt to it. If this regeneration is also fueled by its own mana, then that can only leave one viable option."

Arturia jumped between Assassin and several more horrors, protecting her fellow White Servant from their assault.

"And what is that option, my Master?"

"We must find a Servant capable of negating that magic, at least temporarily. Unfortunately, Caster of White is with Tohsaka and the others, and they're about to breach the castle at any moment."

Upon hearing Olesya's words, Arturia remembered her encounter with Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and how his Gáe Dearg was able to bypass her magical armor...

Her grip on Rhongomyniad tightened. "Lancer of Black is inside the castle..." she thought to herself. "The castle...where my allies are certain to strike... If they kill him, I will definitely be able to regain use of Llamrei. I can have the source of my greatest power back... But I don't know how much of an impact my steed will have on the tide of this battle...

"If he survives, and I enlist his help in dispatching his comrade, I will have the perfect countermeasure against Caster of Black's grimoire. I can end this madman's atrocities once and for all, and I am certain Lancer of Black will agree to these terms, for he is most certainly a man and knight of honor... But that will give him an opportunity to leave the battlefield and fight another day...

"This is a difficult choice. Neither option has a more appealing gain, nor a more dreary loss..."

Arturia gritted her teeth as she energized her body with Mana Burst, allowing her to slay dozens and dozens more of the horrors with ease.

"But I have to make this choice now...for the sake of what I want..."

Moments earlier, a certain homunculus stepped under the shade of one of the many trees.

It took Sieg a while to find the location of the duel between Lancer of White and Caster of Black, but once he did, he had his Servant join the clash immediately. That was it. He had nothing else to say to her. Nothing extra to add. No warnings. No wishing good luck for her.

Just a simple, uneventful dismissal. No emotion whatsoever.

It wasn't like Assassin cared anyway. Unlike himself, she knew how to navigate her way around the battlefield. Plus, she was operating under the express orders of Shirou Kotomine, so it was not like she was going to betray the White Faction at a moment's notice.

To anyone else, these descriptions sounded like they were the perfect Master-Servant pair in the Holy Grail War. And that was because they essentially were.

At least, that was what Sieg heard the well-dressed man, the one with the ruby staff, say. What was his name again...?

"Ahhhhh, how very insightful of you, Jeanne."

Sieg followed the sound of the voice and was quick to make out Caster of Black, an abnormally tall, fish-eyed man who was wearing an inky-black cassock and an ancient robe with blood-red coloring patterns.

"But then again, that has always been one of your admirable traits." The Servant looked down at his book. "Indeed, this is the one and only grimoire left behind by the legendary teacher Prelati. It gives me the ample means to command a demonic legion created for the sole purpose of carrying out my will!" He suddenly looked up and held out his hand in a gesture that seemed theatrical in nature. "What do you think, my fair Jeanne?! It brings back the dearest of memories, doesn't it?"

Upon hearing Caster of Black's mad, unhinged ranting, Sieg merely blinked and slightly tilted his head to the side. It was an odd sight, seeing a Servant that was not a Berserker still in the throes of madness.

"Master of Assassin of White," a voice said in greeting, catching Sieg's attention. The gray-haired homunculus idly turned his head sideways, watching as a pale-skinned woman with dazzlingly ivory-white hair and golden eyes approached him. "What can you ascertain about the conditions of this battle?"

Sieg cast his vacant red pupils back on Assassin as she and Lancer of White engaged more and more of Caster of Black's horrific creatures. For over a minute, he didn't say a thing, or even budge a muscle.

"Homunculus," Olesya said, her voice now stern and forced. "What can you find out about this battle? Are the conditions of this clash tilted in our favor?" When she was still met with silence, she frowned disapprovingly and crossed her arms. "For heaven's sake...tell me Musik made sure your brain could retain at least a fraction of what Shirou Kotomine taught you about the Holy Grail Wars."

Sieg's pupils lit up slightly at the mention of Shirou's name. He hadn't seen him since the members of the White Faction registered themselves and their Servants into the War. Since that time, his body had been acting automatically, exactly in accordance to the information Shirou spent many months ingraining into his mind. If he knew any better, he was like a machine on automation. But a machine still needed an operator to supervise its activities.

And he knew he needed his operator.

"I'm afraid I can't properly ascertain anything from this battle, White Master," Sieg said in a monotone voice. "Not unless I learn more information on the enemy."

Olesya pursed her lips, but she pointed a finger at Caster of Black. "The enemy is in possession of a Noble Phantasm that is responsible for creating this army of monsters. It is the book that he is holding."

"Ah, yes." Sieg laid his pupils on the glowing, unnatural grimoire. "I see it."

"It is a grimoire capable of endless mana generation. Plus, these monsters are capable of astounding regeneration. Every time my Servant or yours slays one, they get back up fully restored, regardless of the wound that was originally inflicted on them. The best my Servant can do is repel them backward with her Mana Burst ability." She looked back at Sieg. "Tell me, what is your Servant capable of doing that would make a difference in this battle?"

Sieg closely observed Assassin and watched as she slashed her own chest. She then launched herself and rolled across the ground, leaving behind a trail of blood that the creatures refused to approach. He blinked once without emotion.

"She's already doing it," he replied.

Olesya followed Sieg's line of sight and saw what his Servant was doing. Blinking with surprise, she then turned her head back to Sieg.

"A Noble Phantasm in which the user's own bodily fluids are extremely poisonous to the touch. Very excellent. I suppose Shirou Kotomine wasn't mistaken in entrusting his responsibilities to you."

Sieg blinked again at Olesya's remark. "He is a wise man, Animusphere Master. He knows what he is doing."

"Of course, of course." The Animusphere turned away. "Is Assassin capable of controlling who her poison can affect?"

"No." The homunculus's lips were puckered slightly. "It is indiscriminate."

"Then if Sab- Lancer makes contact with the blood, she could be incapacitated. That won't be good for us... I thank you for the information. I will communicate your Servant's abilities to mine right now..."

Under normal circumstances, Sieg would continue to have no understanding of emotions, nor the capacity to actually feel them. But after hearing how cold and flat Olesya sounded while she regarded his tutor, the specialized Musik homunculus couldn't help but feel a strange twinge coiling within his body. It was an unexpected and foreign sensation.

"Was that what it felt like?" he thought. "To feel...emotion...? There...There can be no mistaking it...but...but what does that mean? Does that mean...I am capable of life? But...I was created, not born... I have no life. I have no place outside of these proceedings. But...even if I was created and not born, I was still created in the image of my creator. Does that mean I was meant to live in the first place?"

Sieg looked down at his feet, which were wearing nice leather penny loafers that were supplied to him by Shirou. He can still recall the kind smile the white-haired priest gave him when he tried those loafers on in he first place.

"But how can I live...if I am nothing more than a man-made creation, built to not last like any other such creation? What truly constitutes life in this world? What is life...? What does it mean to live in this world?"

Einzbern Castle

Diarmuid of the Love Spot looked upward at the mighty, majestic castle, ambivalence shining in his brilliant golden eyes. Some of the lights were on inside, signaling the presence of life within those medieval brick walls. His leather-clad chest decompressed as a deep breath escaped through his nostrils. He buried the tips of his golden and crimson spears slightly deeper into the soil. His lips tightened slightly as he observed vague movement within the building.

He didn't like what his Master had planned. He didn't like it at all. It went against his code of honor, every last fiber that constituted his soul. To say the very act of betrayal was barbaric was an understatement to him.

After all, he knew what it was like, treachery...

"Lancer," Feend's voice said, pulling the Servant out of his musings, "do you sense enemies nearby?"

Diarmuid ambivalently stared at the vor Sembren Master for a moment before replying, "Yes. Two, in fact. They are both Servants."

"They must be Tohsaka's. From what my golems have gathered, Emiya's Servant isn't attending to him at the moment." The gray-haired man sneered as he refocused his attention on the castle. "This gives me the perfect advantage."

"Even so, my lord," warned Diarmuid, "your fellow comrade would know better than to face off against that kind of army without the aid of his Servant. He is certain to summon Saber of Black back to those premises."

Feend frowned. "But she will be forced to handle the White Servants you detected. That still leaves him and those slimy allies of his to deal with Tohsaka and any of the White Masters that chose to accompany him. Don't think I'm rushing into a dilemma that is beyond my control, Lancer. I am perfectly aware of what will happen should I make even the slightest miscalculation."

The Lancer Servant immediately bowed with humility. As he did, he was forced to lift Gáe Buidhe from the ground; some soil still coated the tip of its blade.

"I did not mean to insinuate that, my lord..." he said. "I have...no doubts on your ability to conduct yourself during this fight." He exhaled softly again. "But...Master...I apologize for asking again, but...are you sure it is the wisest decision to commit yourself to this strategy of deposition? Shouldn't something so bold and unthinkable be left up to our fellow allies to decide on?"

"No, Lancer. This is something that must be done tonight and by me alone!" Feend clenched his fist with fury. "For far too long I have sullied my pride in working with that disgrace! And he repays my reluctant oath of cooperation with nothing, absolutely nothing but shady lies and sinister deceit! If his leadership continues for any longer, none of the Black Faction will survive the first phase! The Holy Grail will be up for grabs by a White Master! I cannot allow that to happen!"

Then, to Diarmuid's surprise, Feend took a deep breath and relaxed his fist. After a couple of seconds, he turned around to face his Servant. A mask of determination was etched on his face.

"As the mark of pride and honor of the vor Sembren family, it is my duty to salvage what is left of the nobility that is the Black Faction! And it is my destiny to claim the Holy Grail for the name of my family! Surely you must understand what it is like, to have your honor on the line, and with nothing to do...but fight to the death and back for its preservation! Am I not mistaken, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne?"

Diarmuid raised his head at this. At that moment, he started to flash back to all of the times he swore an oath of fidelity to Fionn mac Cumhaill, an oath that was tested by none other than love for a woman...

A love that he hoped he'd never succumb to again...

With his resolve hardened, Diarmuid lowered his head again.

"No," he said tenderly. "You are not mistaken, my lord."


Now that he guaranteed his Servant's loyalty to his cause, Feend turned around and stared at the castle again. He could see the faint outline of who he assumed to be Kiritsugu Emiya loitering near one of the lit windows. He sneered hungrily at the sight...

Near Einzbern Castle

"Shit, shit, shit..."

Kairi Sisigou ducked behind a tree and kept his breathing so low that it was almost inaudible, as he took a quick look at his forearm. His epidermic skin was torn in many places, exposing the reddening, disrupted dermis underneath. Some of the epidermic skin hadn't been fully torn away, giving his forearm an almost jagged surface. His forearm stung like hell.

Cursing again underneath his breath, the freelance mercenary took out a roll of faded brown bandages. He was about to apply it to his bleeding abrasions when his ears detected the faint sounds of movement nearby. He hitched his breath as soon as he also registered the sound of a semisolid body sloshing along the ground.

"Magus Killer," Kayneth's voice called shrilly, his voice trying to maintain its elegance, "show yourself! Have some dignity and expose your disgraceful hide to me! Surely you wish to die what you consider an honorable death?"

Kairi refused to respond. At first, he thought it would prompt Kayneth to leave and continue his search elsewhere.

Then, he heard Kayneth command, "Ire: Sanctio!"

Kairi heard sounds coming from Kayneth's Mystic Code. Then, he felt an unnatural presence above him and looked up.

Slithering down the tree trunk like a snake was a thin, minuscule tentacle of mercury. It looked nothing like the tendrils that separated him from the Waver Velvet boy, but Kairi knew better than to underestimate them.

"Ah, fu-" he began.

He was interrupted when the end of the tentacle twitched with a soft, sentient ring, the vibration traveling down its body and all the way to its point of origin. It then withdrew from its position, and Kairi heard both Kayneth and his Mystic Code stiffen for a moment before positioning themselves.

"I see," Kairi thought. "They're automated probes so sensitive to touch that they can sense even the slightest vibrations in the air-"

A silver, ribbon-like tendril cut away the tree he was hiding behind, forcing Kairi to roll out of the way. His eyes then met the gloating, moist sneer on Kayneth's face.

"Did you really think you can hide from me using the simplest methods, and without magic?" The ninth-generation mage cackled for a second and wiped a couple of beads of sweat away from his cheek. "Your methods tonight do not live up to your broader reputation. It is quite disappointing, really, for someone who proudly labels himself the Magus Killer."

This time, Kairi didn't respond to the taunt. Instead, he kept his eyes trained on Kayneth, all the while attempting to use his peripheral vision to determine the best course of action he could take to ensure his survival. But he struggled to form an escape plan, and beads of sweat were breaking out on his forehead.

"This is bad," he thought. "If I move a muscle by a centimeter, he'll notice and have that thing attack me. Its speed...it's unmatched. I'll only get as far as turning my back on Archibald before I'm dead." Without moving his pupils, Kairi warily eyed the ball of mercury. "But...everything has limits. Even magecraft. There's at least one weakness to that thing, one that I can exploit as long as I know it... That Velvet boy may have lost us Assassin of Black, but at least..."

He paused, and his eyes narrowed slightly behind his sharp sunglasses. Kayneth's sneer became more pronounced, and he bared his teeth.

"Ah, so you have nothing but dead silence, Magus Killer?" the ninth-generation mage asked with an increasingly labored voice. "Well, I suppose that means I finally have you in a bind."

"Something's wrong..." Kairi continued to think. "There's no way he would've been able to kill all of the Assassins while coming out unscathed. They may have been weak individually, but they're still Servants. No matter what, a Servant can outclass any mage, regardless of their strength and the mage's experience. The boy seems convinced that they're dead, so it couldn't have been a trick by him. No, something else is at play here...but what...?"

"Look at you," continued Kayneth. His eyes were wide and almost bloodshot, the pupils quivering slightly with an almost mad jubilation. "You're so...helpless! You've...You've finally realized how foolish you were...to not only match yourself...to the might of the White Faction...but to make..." He suddenly started sweating profusely. "A mockery...of the Grail War... You're... You... Wait..."

Kairi's eyes narrowed even more as he observed the gleaming sweat coating Kayneth's skin.

"What...What have you-? ACK!"

Kairi's eyes broadened with shock as Kayneth curled over with a pained groan and seized his stomach. At the exact same time, the sentient ball of mercury exploded into another frenzied storm of tendrils, and Kairi jumped away to avoid being hit. But this time, the tendrils didn't seem to make a conscious effort in attacking him, nor were they stretching outward to their maximum length. Instead, they were flailing helplessly, kicking up dirt and dry leaves.

Then, Kayneth jerked his head upward and aimed it towards the sky. Tears were pouring down his cheeks while his pupils were severely dilated.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" the El-Melloi Master screamed at the top of his lungs.

Kairi held back a gasp of surprise. Then, he quickly pulled out his double-barreled shotgun and aimed it at his opponent's chest. He didn't know what was happening, but there was no way he was going to miss this opportunity now.

But even in the cloud of his new and unexpected agony, Kayneth seemed to realize this, for he looked at Kairi with what remained of his energy and rationality.


Some of the writhing, snakelike tendrils snapped forward, forcing Kairi to flee. They smashed the ground the freelancer was once standing on, but their combined strength was significantly lowered. Even before the dust could clear, Kayneth released an infuriated wheeze and wiped the sweat from his face with his left arm, while his right arm remained wrapped around his stomach.

"What in blazes just happened?!" the ninth-generation mage thought. "My body seems to be failing me...but how? How is that even possible?! An effect like this has to be the result of a Spell that affects the organs...a powerful one at that... But I never overheard any incantations! A powerful Spell that achieves devastating effect to the interior of the body and doesn't require any active invocation?"

Then, Kayneth gritted his teeth. "Perhaps it's one of the Magus Killer's dirty and underhanded tricks. I had to have been exposed to something primitive that nevertheless affected my bodily functions, causing them to go haywire." He scoffed at empty air. "Very well, then. I suppose I was overconfident following my defeat of Assassin of Black. But from now on, I shall put up a more efficient defense."

He started walking through the woods again, followed by his struggling, rippling Mystic Code.

"Your cowardly tricks won't work on me a second time, Magus Killer!" he called. "You may have taken advantage of me at a vulnerable moment, but your time on this world is numbered! For sullying my very being with your methods, you shall pay dearly with your life!"

Elsewhere, Kairi had just taken shelter behind yet another tree, which was situated several feet away from Kayneth. Now he was struggling to catch his breath without making a sound. Then, once he was recomposed, the freelancer peeked his head out from the tree trunk and watched as the sweating Kayneth unknowingly stalked away from his position, his step becoming more and more of a stumble, a gait completely unfitting for a magus of his position and prestige.

"Well, I certainly had no part in inflicting his current condition," Kairi thought. "This turn of events...is quite convenient... But it's a welcome development, nonetheless. It gave me the time I needed..." He paused to release a sigh of relief. "To ascertain his areas of vulnerability..."

He looked down at his shotgun and Calico. "The Calico's only good for pinning him down, while my shotgun's completely useless at long range, and especially because of that quick-thinking Mystic Code. It has an autonomous defense that will render my special bullets useless right away. The only way I'm going to be able to get a good shot is if that Mystic Code is put out of commission, and Lord El-Melloi himself is put in a severely debilitated state."

Kairi nodded as he proceeded to reload the Calico. He moved as slowly and quietly as he could, all the while taking brief, occasional glances at Kayneth's position.

"I need to find out what the specifics of his condition are, and how to further aggravate it. That makes I'm gonna have to do a test-run on him. It will be risky. But-" Kairi finished reloading his secondary weapon and readjusted his sunglasses. "It's nothing compared to what my employer has in store for me should I fail this job..."

"And remember, I place my utmost faith in you, Kirei!"

Kirei opened his vacant eyes and found himself back on the hill. He was currently overlooking at the clash between Saber and Assassin of White, and Caster of Black and his vast legion of terrifying, ungodly creatures.

"So that is how you're creating these beasts," Arturia said after she noticed the grimoire safely held in the mad Servant's hand. "That book is your Noble Phantasm."

"Ahhhhh, how very insightful of you, Jeanne," Gilles replied. Kirei blinked at the very mention of his Servant's name. "But then again, that has always been one of your admirable traits." He looked down at his book. "Indeed, this is the one and only grimoire left behind by the legendary teacher Prelati. It gives me the ample means to command a demonic legion created for the sole purpose of carrying out my will!" He suddenly looked up and held out his hand in a gesture that seemed theatrical in nature. "What do you think, my fair Jeanne?! It brings back the dearest of memories, doesn't it?"

"You continue to rant and rave about me being this Jeanne, but I am afraid your madness is merely clouding your better judgment, Caster of Black."

"Ohhh, I am afraid you are the one clouded by your madness, my beloved one. Your indomitable warrior spirit and noble bearing are nothing but indicators of your true identity! You may have deluded yourself to believe otherwise, but I know, and I only intend to leave this forsaken forest with your memory fully restored, and your renunciation of God and His so-called guidance! It matters not if you choose to hold on to your ideals tightly, for it will only serve to harden my resolve to rip you free from the strings you dangle from!"

Kirei blinked again, this time with slight interest. It was one thing knowing one of the Black Servants was one of Jeanne d'Arc's closest allies. But it was definitely another seeing this once-respected ally now completely, utterly consumed with madness and irrationality that was akin to a Berserker Servant. It was a remarkably tragic sight, bearing witness to the epitome of a fallen hero with a tainted legacy that could've been as golden as the one he mistook the King of Knights for. It made him wonder what it would be like if Jeanne were to lay her eyes on Gilles. Without a doubt, it would be a horrific, tragic sequence of events for the Standard-Bearer.

It was making the unnatural, unwanted creature within Kirei squirm and squeal violently with absolute delight, yearning for further release. As usual, the priest was quick to suppress those sinful feelings once again.

Then, he refocused on the ensuing battle. He watched as Assassin used her toxic blood to pave a way for Arturia so she could reach Gilles without being impeded by his demonic monsters.

"...Kirei Kotomine...the one who is in the most need, and yet is also the one who is in the most denial about what he needs... How very sad and ironic."

"God is telling you your quest to find happiness is something that cannot be achieved with the help of something as omnipotent as the Holy Grail. This is something you must find by yourself, unaided."

"Salvation is a silly, childish ideal, paid for only by suffering and decided by those who inflict suffering. You believe in a malleable process disguised as a miracle, all the while blind to its true nature because of your past actions, the ones that interpreted salvation for you. How ironic of you...Jeanne d'Arc..."

"He has the permission of God to use the Grail as a means to fulfill his deepest and darkest desires, while I do not. That is also what separates us... Could that be your message to me, God? Do you wish for me to see what would happen if a man like me knew what he wanted and achieved what he wanted through the Grail? Is that how you expect me to attain meaning in life...? By learning what I desire through his victory? But...that can only happen...if the greatest threats to Kiritsugu Emiya and his pursuit were eliminated."

"I must know what it is..."

Kirei looked over his shoulder, as if he could feel many eyes on him, judging his every move.

"Father, Brother, and Tohsaka are depending on me to keep Ruler's integrity and neutrality in check," he thought. "Her opinion on certain matters must not be swayed in any way, to ensure the White Faction has a fair chance of attaining the Holy Grail. Because of that, I must see to it that she does not cross paths with her former comrade-in-arms. I can't allow her to be disturbed by the sight of her ally consumed by his own madness.

"But...now that I have met him...the Magus Killer, Kiritsugu Emiya...I now understand my own way forward in this War. I can find out where my true desires lie...but...he leads the Faction that opposes my mentor's. His wishes, and his desires, are in complete contradiction with the ones I have secretly pledged to protect and enforce. If he wins, it will, at the very least, crush everything my family and my master have worked so hard to attend to.

"And yet, I have spent the entirety of my life thus far in search of meaning. Every previous effort has ended with simply more emptiness and dissatisfaction. I could not gain any joy from what the natural world has to offer. My only solution is the omnipotent wish-granting device...and God has offered me a path to that solution. There is no other path I can walk to gain it, no alternative of any kind. This is what my destiny is. And apparently, my guide through this trial, my Virgil, is Kiritsugu Emiya...

"But will I do it...? Will I selfishly become partial towards Emiya in order to seek my own desires? Will I betray my family, my mentor, and even my own Servant, the one who has shown kindness and sympathy to me in light of my flaws? Will I slit throats and turn friends into enemies for the Holy Grail?"


Kirei's head shot up with slight alarm. He watched as Gilles reacted to Arturia approaching him with Rhongomyniad ready to strike.


He didn't have time to finish his sentence. Arturia managed to overcome the monsters in her way and slash the grimoire, which caused the entire legion of horrors to explode graphically in large, sickening puddles of blood. Then, Kirei watched as the grimoire healed itself, thus prompting the reemergence of the horrors.

"It appears this won't be an easy battle for the White Servants," Kirei thought. "Perhaps this could spell their doom..."

The brown-haired priest pursed his lips and averted his gaze from the fight. Once again, he found himself grappling with his skewered loyalties.

"You are my Master, and I am your Servant. Even if your role as my Master is minimal, all Masters and Servants in the Grail Wars are supposed to maintain a bond of trust, with no exception. And I trust you with my life. No matter what happens, that will not change."

"Ruler trusts me to uphold the sanctity of this Grail War by her side. And yet, I am already an anomaly, holding an as-of-yet unknown desire for the Grail. How can I uphold the sanctity of the Impossible Holy Grail War if I am one of the things that threaten to tear down its fabric? How can I be loyal to the Church and the White Faction if I am compromised by my own selfishness? How can I discover my purpose when the trials God lays forth for me are seemingly insurmountable?"

Kirei glanced back at the battle between Gilles and Arturia. In the background, he could see Olesya and the homunculus acting in Shirou's place. He didn't know if they saw him or figured out his presence, but already did their own presences serve as deterrent for Kirei.

"Should I try to turn the tide of the battle in Caster of Black's favor, at the cost of my allegiances...or should I allow this to transpire, at the cost of everything else...?"

Chapter 12:
The Hand of the Demon Marshal

Sola-Ui: ...What better person to teach them that than the illustrious Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, the esteemed head of the Spiritual Evocation Department!

Tokiomi: I cannot even admire the very ground on which you stand.

Irisviel: Maiya, no!

Fiore: So, you thought you could get the better of a poor handicapped girl?


Lancer of Black: Tell me, did you like that?

Kiritsugu: He already knows how powerful this can be...

Feend: I refuse to admit defeat!

Caules: What did it sense in me...?

Shirou: It must be difficult, trying to live as more than just simple baggage, only for your chains to yank you back. Trust me, I understand your pain. I really do...my dear...

Next Time:
Black Attraction

A/N: And that concludes the second part of the clash between the Black and White Factions! And like the last chapter, it was chock-full of action and character development! :D

Now, compared to the last chapter, I actually wasn't as happy with how it turned out. I feel like I may have put in a little too much dialogue for anyone's tastes. I also attribute it to my packed workload in real-life. School is still being a pain in the butt to me, and it doesn't help that finals week is upon me. My sleep patterns have been utterly wrecked. Or perhaps it's just because I tend to write longer chapters for this fic compared to my other ongoing fics. Or I guess it could just be a combination of all of these problems and more.

I don't really know at all. All I know is that it was quite exhausting churning out this chapter. But hopefully that'll change when summer comes rolling around the corner. I'm only taking two classes during that time, and one of them's online. It should be a nice change of pace for me.

Also, I'm aware that some of the battles (Iskandar vs. St. George, Gilgamesh vs. Mordred) were completely glossed over. I apologize for that, but including those battles would've made this chapter longer than it should've been. But fortunately for y'all, those battles are going to be in the next chapter, without a doubt. After all, I'm going to take my sweet time on that chapter, for I expect that one to be the longest chapter yet for this fic.

Anyway, I'd like to thank the following people for reviewing:

-Dracus6: *sigh* No. Just...no.

-miguelgiuliano . co:

1) Once again, I'm using Google Translate for your review. I hope all of my responses are spot-on for your liking.

2) Huh, really? I didn't see anything wrong with the White Faction diverting Mordred away from the main army with their Servants, personality-wise. That was all part of their strategy in case they ran into trouble right away. There was nothing that wasn't amoral about it from where I'm sitting. Were you referring to something specific in that sequence?

3) But Ruler was already present on the battlefield before any battling occurred. There was no need to use Clairvoyance then. Also, she's still in the dark about Caster of Black being responsible for the murders of children, thanks to Kirei and Risei's machinations, which is why she hasn't responded to him at all yet.

4) But St. George isn't battling either Siegfried or Arturia. He's fighting Iskandar. Unless that's also supposed to make a difference...

-superpierce: The thing is, he didn't expect the Assassins to be defeated that quickly, and by a Master no less.


1) Perhaps by doing something heroic without being prompted to do so by his own Master...? ;)

2) Ohhhhh, Gilgamesh will be having a hard time trying to exact punishment from Mordred, though. It will be quite hard indeed.

3) Now that would be telling, now would it?

4) I did think about that, and trust me, I do see where you're coming from. It definitely would've further tied this fic to "Fate/Apocrypha". But I ultimate chose white as the second Faction color rather than red because I felt the whole black-and-white contrast would be more fitting of the theme I'm trying to set up for this story.

-Wintersmith23: Maybe, maybe not. That would be telling, now would it?


1) I'm glad you like the ambitious nature of this story and the abundance of subplots and character arcs. Yes, it really is quite a challenge, juggling between all of these storylines and balancing everyone out as evenly as possible. But I simply became committed to this kind of story because I was slightly disappointed by how the cast of "Fate/Apocrypha" turned out. I mean, if you are setting yourself up as the kind of story where seven Masters and Servants face off against seven other Masters and Servants, you might as well commit to that premise, am I right? But this is by no means an indication of hatred of "Fate/Apocrypha" on my part. I think it's still pretty good, all things considering.

2) Since you referenced the battle in Miyama Park, allow me to explain that. The only reason things turned out as well as they did for the Black Faction was because the White Faction was holding back on them. That battle was primarily meant to gauge the powers and abilities of whichever Black Servants were present. They didn't know which Servants the Black Faction had summoned, so they certainly weren't going to underestimate them even if the Masters themselves seem to be subpar in terms of power. Actually killing the Black Servants was not their top priority for that fight. That's what I was trying to communicate in that chapter. If that wasn't made clear to you, then I do apologize. I admit there is a lot to read so you might've missed something.

3) I do like the scenario you laid out on what Kiritsugu's strategy might be. Yes, he did split them up to present a weak front to the White Faction, but his selection of the pairs was all planned out and not random. For example, he partnered up with Waver because Waver unintentionally went rogue on the Black Faction before the War started and he needed to keep an eye on him in case he went rogue on purpose this time, not to mention he would have access to a vast plethora of Assassins he could supervise. In another example, he split up Kairi and Caules because he knew they were close and he didn't want any bias for each other clouding their judgments. But that's as far as I go in terms of what the splitting is all about. As in, I didn't have anymore plans on that besides the advantage of the Black Faction having multiple bases, if you know what I mean. Perhaps I had more in store, but I've since forgotten about it through the passage of time.

4) Now that you mention Mordred, I will admit that I definitely dropped the ball on this one. When she fought Arturia at the school, she had a bit of an advantage because Arturia didn't have Llamrei to rely on (lances require their users to be on horseback for them to be completely effective, as opposed to spears). But when it came to Gilgamesh AND Iskandar, I definitely beefed up Mordred, unintentionally so. I decided to look back at the stats I gave her and found that I actually decreased her Strength a little while giving a boost to her Agility and Mana. So while it explains her speed, I cannot say the same for her strength. I'll go out on a limb and say she's being fueled by the presence of her father, which is giving her extra motivation to come out on top in the battlefield, but I'm still going to try and downplay her strength from now on. I apologize; I guess I got carried away while doing the fight sequences. They're really fun to write.

-Ezequiel Kirishiki: I'm still deciding on whether he should or not. On one hand, I want this fic to have a unique ending that doesn't necessarily tie into a "Fate/stay night" AU. On the other hand, I may be interested in making a sequel, and Shirou Emiya is of course a good way of seguing into that. But I will tell you one thing: Shirou was actually mentioned in a previous chapter. Try and find him. ;)


1) Yep, Kairi is indeed a true boss, keeping his team together in spite of his impulsive nature. It may have been slightly improvisational and out of a need to accommodate him lest he screw things up, but Kiritsugu did make the right choice in entrusting Kairi with some of his duties.

2) I do have a storyline planned for Kairi and Maiya. It may or may not be shipping-related, but without a doubt, there'll definitely be more things down the road for them.

3) Let's just say Caules will have a lot to learn from his participation in the Impossible Holy Grail War. ;)

4) I'm glad you love how spot-on my characterization of Gilles is. I keep watching the anime episodes featuring him and the way he's written really just rubs off on me the right way. He's just so fun to write! I think I can have rant for a bunch of long paragraphs and never tire of him all the while. :D Oh, and Gilles is going to meet the real Jeanne...and I will just leave it at that for now.

5) Don't worry. As you can see in this chapter, Kayneth is in for quite the humbling. You will see more of that in action in the next chapter. :D

6) I'm still debating how I could feature Arturia Alter in the story. If that becomes a thing, you won't be seeing that until the second half of the story. Also, I'm afraid Arturia's gonna be stuck as a Lancer-class Servant for this fic. I'm not sure if a Servant can spontaneously switch classes if the Servant currently occupying the other class has been eliminated, but I doubt that possibility. Sorry.

-Mastermind4892: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! Indeed, that was a lot of stuff to absorb. :D :D :D

-Guest reviewer #1:

1) Well, it's a culmination of a couple of unrelated things. You'll learn more in the next chapter.

2) Well, Waver isn't in his later years, so that's something he's gonna have to learn during the course of this fic.

3) Well, Mordred's father is in the same Grail War as her. She's really hyped up for a rematch with her, so you betcha she is quite excited and pissed at the same time. XD

-Guest reviewer #2: Yep, just like I said earlier, I definitely dropped the ball with Mordred for this chapter. I will try to downplay her power in the next chapter, I promise.

-Ramax Viscurio (guest reviewer):

1) Yeah, I misinterpreted the Hundred-Faced Hassan's capabilities in that chapter. When I read each individual Assassin was particularly weak, I thought that also meant they couldn't even measure up against a well-trained magus. I guess I messed up there. My apologies. Buuut...on the bright side, we haven't seen the last of the Hundred-Faced Hassan, and I think I've worked in a little something that would help explain how Kayneth survived that encounter.

2) As for which Faction will lose who, you'll see in the coming chapters. ;)

-The Joining (guest reviewer):

1) It's really good to see you guys are still with us. :D :D :D

2) Really? I was under the impression that since Mordred led the rebellion against her, Arturia would therefore see her as the symbol of all that went wrong with Britain and would thus treat her with hostility, especially since Mordred wishes to take the throne. By this point, her wish is to undo the disaster that had befallen Britain, so she had not yet accepted that her leadership was behind it. Plus, Mordred sort of crossed a line when she claimed the people of Britain understood her better than the King of Knights, so that also provoked Arturia's wrath. At least, that's what I understand from the canon and what I wrote.

3) It's alright. I hope my response addresses your concerns. If not, I will try to find a remedy to this problem shortly.

-Dante 101:

1) What are you talking about? This review doesn't feel abrupt at all. In fact, I really appreciate the amount of detail and specificity you put into it.

2) Well, since Kiritsugu summoned her with the Shard of the Round Table, I figured she would be more suited as a Saber Servant since the Holy Grail next used personality as the next template for compatibility. Had a mentally unstable Master like Ryuunosuke Uryuu summoned her, she would definitely be a Berserker. At least, that's what I understand.

3) Like I said earlier, Siegfried could probably do something heroic without being prompted to do so by his own Master? ;)

4) Berserker of Black will actually be a key player in Iskandar's storyline, so be on the lookout for him next! :D

5) Oh, don't you worry. Kayneth is undergoing a little something that would surely bring about some karma on his part. As for the matters concerning Feend and Klaus, I do have something planned for Feend down the road, but not for Klaus. Sorry, but Klaus's storyline is quite vital for the overall plot of this fic and I'm therefore going to keep him on for as long as possible. You'll see what it is.

6) Either way, what's done is done. I don't really have a place for EMIYA in this story for now.

-Musical Anima:

1) Thanks! It's very fun writing all of these characters and their storylines, even if it's a bit daunting trying to remember everything and juggling everything.

2) Oh, I'm definitely extending Sigma's relationship with Maiya! Some creative liberties may have to be done, but there'll definitely be interesting stuff down the road for these two. ;)

-bucarar: Because I overestimated Mordred a little? Don't worry, I'm going to fix that in the next chapter and hopefully the chapters that follow. I don't intend to be inaccurate with my Type-Moon stuff, but given what I'm working with, it just is inevitable sometimes.

Anyway, I really appreciate all of the feedback I'm getting! You guys are awesome, keeping me in the loop of things and pointing out areas in desperate need of improvement! I promise I will get better for you guys as we roll along! But some of it will depend on the gaps between updates. I try, guys, but life just knows how to be a bitch sometimes.

As for the next chapter, I expect it to be out either late next month or early July. Trust me, guys, it's going to be a LONG chapter.

Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter! TheCartoonFanatic01 is out. PEACE!