Danny woke up to something cold and solid clicking into place around his wrists. His handcuffs were on his wrists and around his headboard bars, an assumption which was proved by a quick jerk of his arms above his head. Shit. And there was something over his eyes so that he couldn't see, and by the silky feel he was pretty sure it was one of his ties.

He felt a large, warm hand slide down his arm, and brush over his chest and stomach - definitely male, and definitely going somewhere south.

It had been a particularly hot night, he'd gone to bed naked with just a sheet for cover, and as he felt the sheet being pulled slowly off him he considered calling out for help, fighting his assailant for control, finding a way to remove his restraints and blindfold... but this was... exciting!

"Who is that?" He gasped as he felt himself fully exposed. There was no reply.

Any other thoughts of escape were drowned out as a hot, wet mouth planted a searing kiss onto his lips. He fought it momentarily before letting the man take control. Escape was not an option yet, so best to go with the flow, he figured. The fact that he was getting turned on by this situation helped that decision somewhat.

A tongue pressed against his lips and he allowed access to his mouth, deepening the kiss and getting rewarded for it as he felt the hand back on his chest begin to work its way down over his stomach again. The man's other hand was behind Danny's neck, holding his mouth in place to receive one of the best kisses he'd had in a while. Searing hot and passionate, but nonetheless gentle somehow.

The stomach pressed against his own was a wall of solid muscled abs, smooth and warm against him.

The kiss was broken and the mouth began to make its was along his jawline, stubble scraping against stubble causing a delicious sensation. Nips and kisses which pulled moans from his lips were delivered down his neck. Despite not knowing who was on top of him, he opened up his throat to the other man willingly.

He gasped as teeth scraped down his collarbone and then over one of his nipples, allowing a small whimper to escape his mouth as both hands now combined to smooth over his stomach and dip down to mere inches from their goal, thumbs settling into the groves of his hips. That hot mouth was slowly making its way down over his abdomen, causing little sounds to be pulled from his throat that he couldn't quite control, but he somehow didn't care.

There was no point in feeling embarrassment in this situation, he didn't even know who the man was and the sensations and excitement running through his body told him he shouldn't care.

And then that hot, delicious, wet mouth engulfed the head of Danny's hard cock, and even thoughts were no longer an option.

He let out a loud moan and his hands jerked in their bonds. One of the strong hands was now gripping his hip almost painfully tight as he arched off the bed, while the other gently stroked his balls and then grasped the base of his cock. A tongue swirled around the head of his cock, before making its way murderously slowly up and down his shaft, making him gasp. Then the mystery man pulled Danny into his throat, letting the muscles there work around the shaft while he slid him in and out, deep throating him further each time until his nose was buried in the soft curled blonde hair at the base. The man stilled for a second, and then hummed gently as he slid back all the way up Danny's cock, making him writhe on the bed.

"Oh god!" The words tore from Danny's lips as the mouth left his cock, leaving him bereft. He was so close, and now the hands were leaving his body and he felt the mattress rise back up as the man left the bed. For the first time he let it sink in that he was naked and tied to his bed, no weapon, no defense. Maybe he should have used that moment when the man's head was between his thighs to get him in a headlock and choke him out. Maybe. But then he would have missed out on the blow job.

He only had another second or two to consider his fate before he felt a weight rejoin him on the bed and a hand slide underneath his lower back and lift him up as pillows were shoved unceremoniously underneath him. He planted his feet on the mattress and aided his assailant in positioning his hips, something that one part of his brain was admonishing him for whilst another part cheered him on.

That first, sensible part of his brain was completely silenced as a lubed-up finger gently pushed into his ass. He gasped at the cold sensation, but forced himself to relax as the finger worked it's way into him. He canted his hips further upward to allow the man to insert two fingers, and he moaned at the feeling somewhere between pleasure and pain as his hole was stretched in preparation. The other hand gentle stroked his straining cock before settling around the base, the thumb travelling up and down the underside of the shaft. A third finger followed inside and he pushed against the fingers and the hand grasping his cock, moaning and desperate for the contact.

The fingers slid out one final time and Danny heard the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open. As a cop, he shouldn't allow this vulnerability to continue - a silent intruder breaking in and forcing himself on Danny sexually, a crime which could turn even more dangerous and violent if it went the wrong way. He was bared to this stranger, stretched out on his bed, naked and open and restrained. As a free and single man, however, being spread out, tied and used by this unknown man was more of a turn on than he should freely admit.

He spent a lot of his life in control, to a decent degree, being a cop with a gun and a badge, being in charge of his own life. Yes he got shot at quite a lot, and his car was more often than not driven by his superSEAL partner, but he could end all of that if he wanted, he had the control. Choose a different job, or argue Steve down if he really needed to. But as he tugged again at the cuffs securing him to his bed, and fastened his fingers around the metal columns of the headboard to avoid any damage to his wrists, he felt like letting go of this control was exactly what he needed. He was more than willing to be taken along for this ride.

The weight on the mattress between his legs shifted, slim hips pushing his thighs further apart until he felt the head of the other man's cock push against his ass, the pillows placing him at almost exactly the right height.

There was a moment when he felt finger tips rest gently on his thighs, a silent question. He could still stop this if he wanted, if he needed. But right now, he needed it to continue. This was probably the weirdest break in he'd ever experienced.

He relaxed his head back against the pillows, braced his arms against the headboard and tilted his hips up slightly, squeezing his knees against the stranger, implying his willingness. Yes, go ahead, I need this.

The hands slid under his thighs, strong biceps curling underneath as he was lifted up slightly. He noted that the grip was further down on his bad leg, gentler. Coincidence? Was this someone he knew?

That thought was forced out of his mind as the huge cock entered his ass. The man, who had been silent from the moment this had all begun, let out a moan which was cut off part way through. He hadn't meant to make a noise, he'd got caught up in the moment and now he was afraid Danny had recognised his voice. So he was someone familiar.

Not wanting to stop now, Danny released a keening moan as he moved against the man, signaling for him to continue. The grasp became firm again, as he pushed slowly all the way in to Danny, filling him until he was in up to the hilt. He stopped, allowing Danny to acclimate to his size, before pulling out most of the way and sliding back in again, setting up a delicious rhythm.

Danny locked his arms to brace against the bed and canted his hips for a better angle, wrapping his legs around the other man's ass and pulling him in harder. The man's hand was still around Danny's cock, and began slowly pumping him. The room was filled with heavy breathing, gasps, and the occasional breathless moan, which Danny soon realised was coming from his own mouth. The rhythm built, getting harder and faster as both men lost themselves in each other's bodies.

The angle changed again suddenly and fireworks shot through Danny's body as the other man's cock hit his prostate over and over. Danny cried out in pleasure as the combination of being fucked hard and the strong solid hand wrapped around his dick sent him over the edge. He came over his chest and stomach, clenching his muscles around the other man inside him who jerked and made a choking noise, trying not to cry out as his own orgasm hit, but continued to stroke Danny as he came down from his orgasmic high.

After a moment the man pulled out, and even as Danny still worked to get his breath back, a deep, sloppy kiss was planted over his mouth. He returned the kiss, but the lips were torn away after only seconds.

A small key was pushed into his hand and, before his brain reconnected to his body and he was able to slip it into the cuff locks and free himself, he had already heard the front door open and close.

He pulled his tie over his face until it hung around his neck, wiped his chest down with the sheet, and made his way steadily into the front room once he was sure his legs were steady enough. Sighing, he checked the front door. It was locked.

He stood there, taking a second to put two and two together whilst buck naked in nothing but a silk tie. The assailant was slim, muscular, had the ninja skills to creep up on Danny and cuff him while he was asleep, was careful of his injured knee and of Danny in general, and had given him several opportunities to end the events of that night. And also, apparently, had a key to his house.

Well, Danny thought, it certainly doesn't take a detective to work out who has... ehem... taken this detective.

He smiled, looking down at his key chain on the coffee table and fingering the key to Steve's house. Tomorrow at work he wouldn't give anything away to his partner, but tomorrow night the SEAL was going to get the shock of his life, in the form of matching payback. Two could play at this game.