This is my first time writing smut, or any kind of serious story really. All criticism is welcomed, so if you've got a minute a review would be very useful.
Edit: Chapter 1 has been revised to fix a few spelling/grammar errors (and the fact that I got Quiet's eye color wrong, thanks for pointing that out), and Chapter 2 in now up. Warning: contains explicit smut (mostly in Chapter 2).
The chopper's blades whirred round, created a thudthudthudthud sound that blurred into a loud whir. My hands gripped the edge of the chopper's floor, and I pulled myself up, settling down with my legs dangling over the side. After a few seconds, I heard the familiar call from the cockpit of the helicopter.
"Gaining altitude." A few seconds later, Quiet leapt twenty feet and landed gracefully on the side of the chopper, her form revealing itself from invisibility. Her rather… beautiful form. Even after working with her for several weeks, her unnatural grace, power, and looks still caused me to stare. She looked down at me, our eyes meeting, and I blushed, quickly turning away. I held a half-hearted hope that the darkness would hide my face, but I knew she had excellent night vision.
I wasn't paying attention to the chopper, flustered as I was, and didn't go inside at the normal time. A short while later I heard Pequod say, "Hey, forgetting something Boss?" I started a bit, embarrassed further, and stood up, ready to head inside the chopper, As I did, I caught Quiet staring this time, with something a little more than idle curiosity in her eyes. I held her gaze for a moment before breaking away and moving inside the chopper, not quite sure what I was feeling. She followed me in, and sat at her usual spot on the left of the cabin, placing her rifle in a long case set underneath the seat. I followed suit, putting my miscellaneous guns and tools away into the proper places along the walls and underneath the seat. This time, I made sure not to make eye contact with Quiet, but I felt the heat of her silent gaze on me. I moved back to the bench at the back of the cabin when I was finished and opened up my iDroid.
Keep it together girl, I thought to myself, you got this. Just set up some deployments, start some developments, and head back to Motherbase. Then we can just go back to our room, and… er… sort this out - Damn damn damn! Through the transparent projected screen, I saw Quiet lying on her stomach with her head propped up in her hands, staring directly at me, looking deep in my blue eyes. Her own green eyes could best be described as… hungry. I nervously swallowed and put the iDroid in my lap, so I wouldn't have to look towards her, and I heard her get up, the sounds of the seat cushion moving slightly and the tap tap of her boots on the floor moving closer to me. I stared steadfastly down into my lap, but I wasn't even seeing the list of missions in front of me, my ears straining for any more noise from her, my heart pounding.
I felt a soft touch on the bottom of my chin, gently but inexorably moving my face up to see… Quiet. Standing right over me, her face mere inches from mine, her soft, pink, kissable lips - no no no, stop it brain. She looked directly in my eyes, carefully moving my head from side to side, as though she was examining a beautiful sculpture for the first time and wanted every little detail. Her other hand moved down to meet mine, carefully switching off the iDroid, letting it fall the the floor, and interlacing her fingers with mine. I merely sat there, dumbstruck, forgetting how to breathe, with my heart pounding like an engine. Quiet had taken off her gloves, and I marveled in the softness of her skin. Suddenly her hand moved from my chin to the back of my head, interweaving her fingers with my short blond hair, and she learned in. I almost tried to back away, to escape her iron grasp, but I doubted it would have done anything but make her angry. And besides… isn't this what I always wanted?
From the first time I saw her, sitting on a stone archway aiming a rifle at my head, I thought she was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. I'd tried to suppress it, hold back the feelings I had for her, but I never was the most strong-willed person. I brought her new songs to listen to, arranged for better food for her (at least before I knew she didn't eat), and visited her in her cell. When Ocelot told me to take her along on a mission, I nearly refused, but I couldn't resist. After a few missions, we were a perfect team. She'd saved my life countless times with her accuracy and skill, and I had run into a melee screaming bloody murder more than once to stop them from shooting her. All the while, I'd had a little voice in my head saying this is wrong. I should hate her. She's with Cipher. She is evil. She's a woman. How could you love her?
Her soft, pink, and very kissable lips brushed against mine, her teeth gently closing around my bottom lip and tugging before moving back to where she crouched a moment before, staring concernedly at my unresponsive face. Just like that, the voice in my head shut up, and the walls I had build around my feelings crumbled. I smiled at Quiet, and leaned over to her face, returning the favor. Her lips tasted like honey, or perhaps nectar. I didn't really care either way as I captured her mouth in a kiss, this one lasting much longer, I saw the surprise in her eyes first, and felt the smile on her lips second. When I pulled away for air, her strong grip on the back of my head pulled me right back in. She pressed against my lips with her tongue when our mouths met again, as if asking for permission, and I eagerly granted it. Our tongues wrestled for dominance but I didn't put up much of a fight, and when she began to plunder my mouth I let out a soft moan. Quiet pulled away almost immediately, causing me to let out a whimper of protest, while she looked at my face in concern for what she had done wrong. I stared pleadingly into her eyes, but she didn't seem to get the message, so in a small voice I said,
"More. Please, more."
Her brown eyes lit up with a mischievous glint, and she moved forward, once more exploring my mouth. The hand on the back of my head released my hair, and moved down to interlace with my unoccupied hand, so she now held both my hands. She moved forward suddenly then, shoving my hands behind me to meet the cool metal of the cabin wall. Still locking my lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue occasionally causing me to make little gasps, she moved up onto the seat with me, straddling my legs, and pushed me back until I was flat against the cabin wall, my hands held tight and my legs squeezed between hers. I was beginning to feel a little faint from lack of air, but for all I cared I could die happy right then. Quiet noticed though, and pulled away from my mouth, but not before tugging a little bit at my bottom lip with her teeth again. I took a few deep breaths while Quiet looked at me, a smile curving her lips, and she moved forward again, but this time the target was my neck. She laid a trail of small kisses down my throat, with the occasional nibble that caused me to gasp. When she reached the base of my throat, she lightly bit down and sucked. It sent shivers down my spine, and I let out a moan, louder than before. She continued for a minute, alternating force between hard and light, and I writhed against her hands that still held me pinned to the cool metal of the chopper wall. When she finished, she placed a soft kiss directly on the small dark mark that had formed, and looked back up at my face. I was flushed and panting, and my mind spinning out of control as it tried to catch up with everything that had just happened. Quiet… and me? Did she actually like me? Was she just messing with me? Could this be some trick? While I was thinking, Quiet leaned in, placing tiny kisses all over my face, up and down my cheeks, across my forehead, the tip of my nose, even very lightly on my closed eyes. When I opened them, I saw her own worried green eyes looking at me, almost pleadingly, trying to communicate. I realized she couldn't answer an unspoken question, and so I asked it.
Well, tried to. I had to clear my throat first, but I asked what had been on my mind since I first met her.
"Do… do you like me? Really?"
She let out a small snort and looked at me with obvious amusement in her eyes. She gave a nod, to which I let out a breath that I was unaware that I was holding, and she leaned in again, our lips meeting, a much gentler kiss than the last one. She pulled my hands down from where she had been holding them, and released them on either side of me once more, gently running her own hands run up my arms until they both rested on my upper chest… and went lower down, until each of her hands was cupping one of my breasts through my clothes. My breasts weren't particularly special, not small but they didn't get in the way, and in any outfit but the sneaking suit, which I was wearing, they were unnoticeable. Quiet didn't seem to mind as she gave them as soft squeeze and smiled when I let out a gasp. She moved one hand to the back of the suit, quickly finding the zipper and strap that held it closed and giving me a devilish smile as she slooooooowly pulled it down until it stopped, about halfway down my back. I gave a small sigh of relief as the confining material released its deathgrip on me, and a small yelp as Quiet stuck her hands down the front, the sensation of her cool hands against my overheated skin surprising. She leaned in again, ready for another kiss, her soft hands inching their way towards my breasts, which were begging for attention at this point. Our lips touched -
"This is Pequod. We're arriving shortly at Motherbase."
I jumped so hard I hit my head the ceiling of the chopper, reacting barely fast enough the stop Quiet falling to the ground. My entire world had been reduced to a bubble with just me and Quiet in it, and it was quite a shock to remember we had company, and were soon to have more. I looked down at Quiet, held securely in my arms with her legs still clamped over mine, and groaned. She looked at me, a sultry look in her eyes, and for a moment I considered continuing… until I realized landing at the helipad like this would be… rather bad. I groaned again, and set down Quiet on her normal seat in the chopper, moving back to my own shortly after. Quiet looked at me, pouting, her lower lip stuck out a bit. I looked at her and said, "You can sneak out of your cell, right?" She waved a hand dismissively, as if it wasn't even a question. "Then… er… come visit my room, ok? Tonight. We can… er… finish this." She gave me her best bedroom eyes before opening the door of the chopper and leaping out, landing behind some astonished Diamond Dogs. I hurriedly zipped up my suit and hopped out when the chopper was only a few feet above the helipad, moving past the four soldiers who'd come to welcome me back.
"Welcome back, Boss... Hey, are you ok?" The soldier pointed the hickey left by Quiet and I hurriedly adjusted the sneaking suit to cover it.
"It's, uh, nothing. Just a bruise."
I practically ran past the bemused soldiers and all the way to my room, locking the door behind me and leaning on it til I got a hold of myself.