Author's Note: Hello readers! This will be my second fanfic, and after reading countless other Pokemon fanfics, I've decided to make another story. This is a mix of the canon version, but Ash will be smarter, stronger, and have Aura powers that have yet to be unlocked in the beginning. Also, the starting age to become a Pokemon trainer is 13. Now lets get started!

Discretion: I do not own Pokemon.


The Mysterious Egg

"Ring ring ring ring ri-"

Ash responded and slammed down on the alarm clock. He got out of his covers, and yawned.

"Another day for me. Oh, I almost forgot, today is my 7th birthday! Only 5 more years to go till I get my first Pokemon and become an official Pokemon trainer!" Ash exclaimed and put his fist in the air.

Ash Ketchum was a young and energetic boy who lived in the peaceful settlement, Pallet Town, a town surrounded by the beautiful landscape. He was a short and skinny kid with zigzags on his cheeks and black ruffled hair. The odd thing is, his left eye seems normal with the same matching color as his dad's, but on his right was a mysterious crystal blue colored eye. When the doctors first noticed this phenomenon, they tried searching what it was, but ultimately couldn't find anything about it. Also, somehow Ash discovered that he could communicate with Pokemon through telepathy. He thought it was the best ability in the world. Other than that, he was a happy kid who loved Pokemon. He studied hard, and wanted to take care of Pokemon.

As Ash ran downstairs, and mom gave him a great, big, loving hug.

"Happy birthday Ash! I made your favorite, chocolate and vanilla ice cream cake!" Delia announced and smiled, she loved her son from the bottom of her heart.

"Thanks mom!" Ash replied and grabbed a slice of cake and gobbled it in seconds, and all that was left was a couple of crumbs in the plate and some ice cream smeared around his mouth. After Ash wiped his mouth and put his plate in the sink, his mom told him that she will be going out to buy some groceries and will be back. She warned Ash not to get in trouble.

"Don't worry mom, all I'll be doing is studying on my upcoming test about legendary Pokemon." Ash assured.

After a while, Ash was just about to fall asleep on his textbook when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Huh, wuh, oh!" Ash said and ran downstairs to open the door, but surprisingly, no one was there.

He looked down and saw a large egg nestled in a cardboard box with cotton around it to prevent it from breaking. Ash curiously crouched down and examined the egg. It had a distinct blue color and smelled like the sea. Then he saw a small note attached to the box, and it read:

Dear Ash,

Please take extraordinary care of the egg and the newborn once it hatches. It is a gift to you, my Chosen One.

Ash, who now had many questions, decided to take the egg in and laid it on his bed. He quickly reprocessed what he just looked at. A mysterious Pokemon egg, given to him by someone anonymous, and he called him "Chosen One". He dismissed that weird thought, and jumped up in excitement as he realized that he was going to get himself a Pokemon! Looking back at the egg, he thought back when he learned how to take care of a Pokemon. He took action and got his cozy and fuzzy Pokemon pillow and put the egg on top of it. Ash then carefully placed it behind his bookshelf but where the sunlight still shines, and he was sure no one but him would find out about the egg. Once that was done, he hid all his evidence of what happened and went back to studying, but all he could think of was that "he was going to become a father!"

It has been a couple months and Ash is having his summer break and should be outside playing around, but right now he was still in his room pacing around and looking at the egg. He researched a lot more about taking care of a Pokemon, and everyday he would look at the egg and see if it hatched. He have told no one about this, not even his mom, or else he thought he would be in big trouble. Ash was calm, and patiently waited for the egg to hatch, despite having to wait a long time, he knew it would be worth it. He concluded that it is one special Pokemon, because usually Pokemon eggs don't take this long to hatch.

Suddenly, he heard something from the egg. Ash stopped pacing and focused on the egg, and saw it slowly cracking open. This was his moment, he carefully placed the egg on his bed and took a more comfortable position while the egg started to hatch. The egg shook around and the Pokemon egg broke piece by piece. Finally, the small creature crawled out of its egg, and a bright and powerful burst blinded Ash for a second. He couldn't believe his eyes! A legendary Pokemon!? He stared in shock and awe as the Pokemon curiously looked at his new father.

"Memma?" the little Lugia asked.

Ash smiled and shook his shock away, "No my son, call me Papa."

He was going to have a great time.

What do you think? If you think if it needed some more work, explain to me why you thought that. Also, Ash will still be a little naive, but it won't get the best of him. He'll be more mature than in the canon.

STr222 signing out!

*Minor update on 10/22/15