Chris's little sister | has a crush on Josh

Appearance: Strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, small/full lips, wears glasses/contacts, alabaster skin.

Personality: Affable, Unsuspecting, Adaptable, Creative, Recluse, Diplomatic, Patient, Detached,

Hobbies: Photography, editing, reading, arts and crafts, computer gaming, cooking, video games.

January 24th, 1997 (17-pre event,18-post event)

Charitable 8/10

Funny 7/10

Romantic 5/10

Honest 4/10

Curious 3/10

Brave 2/10

Chris 98.3%

Beth 97.4%

Josh 95.2%

Hannah 93.3%

Matt 89.5%

Sam 85.6%

Ashley 76.4%

Mike 65.3%

Emily 50.2%

Jessica 48.3%

I feel like I'm locked away in a tower entirely of my own doing. My face is glued to a computer screen. And if you think that would be worrisome for my parents, you'd have to think again. They don't really notice much of anything here lately. What am I saying; lately? Try the last four years. Ever since I started high school four years ago it was like a ready set go and see who can insult who the most between them. Dad was pretty bad, I can't lie. He wasn't very nice to begin with , but still, he hit her hard with his words.

It was Mom who liked to use her fists. She didn't care where she swung her knuckles as long as she could get a hit in somewhere. She's batshit crazy. Well, now that there's an insight into my fucked up home life, I'll tell you about the only things that are good in it. Chris, for starters, my big brother. He's only 10 months older, I apparently was a late baby-over two weeks. But he likes to loom it over my head. He thinks since he's got some seniority here that he can tell me what to do. I exaggerate, really. It's not bad. Honestly, because we're so close in age we basically have the same friends, at least immediate ones.

That includes, and I'm going in order here, Beth, Josh, Hannah, Matt, Sam, Ashley, Mike, Emily and Jess. We're all pretty close. I'm the same age as Beth and Hannah, the twins. I've always been closer to Beth though Hannah and I get along akin to sisters. She's less serious than Beth, that's for sure. But, Beth is strong and doesn't let anyone walk all over her, her friends or family. It's admirable. The complete opposite of Hannah. Maybe that's why I was so drawn to Beth. She had something I don't; courage.

Then there's Josh, their big brother. He's, nice, to say the least. He's one of those dude's where you meet him and he's already invited you to sleep over and hugging you. He's sweet. Since I feel like I'm sharing anyways, I'll let you in on the big secret. Ever since the day I met Josh, I've liked him. I don't know why, I could never quite put my finger on it. But, I guess the closest way to put it is, he makes me feel accepted. Everyone else, including Beth, gets weirded out about my zoning out problem. That uncanny ability to just block out the world and walk into a fantasy of my own making. Josh celebrates it, even asks where I went and to tell him all about it. It's something that's happened to me since I was a child. Even my parent's think it's odd. They all chalk it up to ADD, but Josh thinks it's just me, being me.

Sam was always like a big sister to me. She just exudes that aura of togetherness. If you could pinpoint the glue in this group, it was her. Her confidence was unmatched in authenticity. Nothing like Jess, who just pretended to have it all together. She doesn't think anyone can tell, and If I didn't do the exact same thing myself, I wouldn't see it either.

Emily is kind of full of herself, let's face it. She can be a bully, but honestly, I enjoy her company more than Jess. At least she's honest about being a mean person.

Matt's pretty cool. Since I'm in the mood of telling secrets, I'll spill this one. I had a thing for Matt too. He is the complete opposite of a jock. When I first met him six years ago, He was definitely top of my list of hotties. I'm not boy crazy, by any means, but I liked the contrast with the stereotype. He wasn't mean, if anything he was nice to a fault. Added secret, he was my first kiss. We were in high school, he was a junior, I was a sophomore (this was last year), he'd invited me to watch him practice basketball. So, I went. I wasn't expecting it to turn into some kind of date. But, he took me for ice cream and we went and saw a movie. It was when he was dropping me off at home that he kissed me, square on the lips. No warning. Of course, I was fine with this, but, Chris-not so much. He actually came out of the house and practically dragged me inside. They never really were close to begin with, but after that Chris definitely had his eye on Matt. So, for a couple months Matt and I kept up a secret romance. It was interesting. Definitely fun. But, then something went wrong. We, went wrong. I don't know what it was, maybe we were just too similar. Both too afraid to speak our minds for fear of judgment, but the spark kind of timed out. I'll always have a place for Matt. He was technically my first boyfriend, even if no one knew about it, but as far as romance, I think that ship has sailed-as the saying goes.

Then, there's queen Ashley, at least that's how Chris would put it. He basically worships the ground she walks on. It's a little sad honestly. I'm pretty aware that it's mutual between them, so is everyone else but them, they just haven't had the guts to say it directly to each other. They've known each other for a while, since sophomore year of high school. I don't really know why they won't take the plunge. But I put all the blame on Chris. He's just as much of a coward as I am. He's too preoccupied with his gadgets to get a clue. I can't really say much, I'm the same. If I don't have a camera around at all times I feel naked. Equate that to cell phones and computers and you get Chris.

Lastly, there's Mike. Mike is cocky. So damn cocky he makes me want to puke. Not in a bad way, but he sure as hell can be annoying. He's flirty and always has perfect hair. I mean, in what world does that make sense? The biggest problem with Mike, He's got charm for days that could get him out of a murder rap. He could literally kill someone in front of a police officer and the officer would arrest the corpse.

So, besides my acquaintances at school and my Grandparents, who Chris and I find ourselves staying with most nights to escape the arguing at home, I'm in my room. In front of a computer screen, locked in a tower, of my own making.

Okay, so this is the profile for my Oc for Until dawn. This going to be a Josh/Oc story because Josh got the short end of the stick and I am here to correct it best I can with my imagination~ So, I hope you like Charlie and I hope you enjoy the story. So, I have other stories I should be updating, but, I've been marathoning tons of Until Dawn gameplay and I might as well do this while the inspirations there. So, yeah. I can't promise speedy chapters, but that all depends on how long I make these chapters. So, yeah, love to hear back from you guys. Reviews are love! Thanks for reading this story!

btw, statues and stuff will go up or down depending on decisions made in the chapters previous. So if they change it's because of what happens in the chapter before the status change.