A/N: This was written from the POV of the fleshed-out character of Jimmy Reed Jr as depicted in The Legacy and The Legacy - The Formative Years. It's not necessary to read either but it may shed some light on this piece.

Standard disclaimers apply. No profit made, no infringement intended. A tribute piece, nothing more.

"#Adam12 and Martin Milner embodied the spirit of the #LAPD to millions of viewers. His depiction of a professional & tough yet compassionate cop led 2thousands of men&women applying 2become #LAPD officers, including me. Godspeed Martin, you will live forever in our hearts. CB"

- LAPD Chief Charlie Beck via Twitter, 9/7/15 (original spelling preserved)

So this is it, huh?

It's hard to believe that after all this time... ah, damn.

Someone said you were in a better place now. It's poor consolation, you know? It's like... I feel like I've lost my dad all over again. There. I said it.

I mean I know we all have to go sometime, and we knew you were fading but... Some childish part of me is screaming inside about how unfair it all is. How you were the hero and heroes are supposed to be invincible. Immortal. Forever.

Have you any idea how many people you've influenced? Not just me but the ones before me? The ones after me?

If anyone ever asked what epitomized the ideal LA police officer, I'd point 'em right at you. Even with that mark in your jacket - and really, who could honestly blame you after seeing what that monster did - you were the poster boy for the ideal law enforcement officer. Honesty, integrity, valour...

When you said we had big shoes to fill, did you have any idea that you were talking about your own?

I just...

I can't believe you're gone.

Who am I gonna talk to now, huh? Who's gonna listen to me rant? Who's gonna offer me advice? Who's gonna treat me like I'm nineteen again and really need a kick in the rear?

Who's gonna be my Uncle Pete?


Remember when I introduced you to Diane? You told me that if she could put up with my crap without blinking that I better marry her. And I did. And then later... I don't think I'll ever forget the look on your face when I introduced you to little Pete. I think you were prouder than I was...

Or how about when Melinda started calling you 'Grandpa Pete'? That was... yeah. Diane still has the picture. Priceless.


This is so damn hard... Why is this so damn hard?


There's tears on my face but I don't give a damn if anyone sees them. Chief Reed is bawling and it's only right. A great... great man is gone. My tears are my tribute.

In my mind I can see you riding patrol in your squad car, Dad by your side, just like it used to be. Both of you laughing at something crazy. Partners for eternity.

My God I'm gonna miss you...


I have to get going - Diane and the kids are waiting.

I'll never forget you.

Say 'hi' to Dad for me.

I love you Uncle Pete.

Pete Malloy you are End Of Watch...#RIP Actor Martin Milner - 12/28/1931 - 09/07/2015 - LAPD Communications Division via Instagram, 9/7/15