As the door closed Lucil walked to where the group was gathering. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Tear leave as she made sure to keep a cautious eye on the Tartarus. Jade was the first to speak, "All of the hatches should stay closed for a while."
"Thank goodness... I have to say. Good timing Guy! I can't believe your here," Lucil said as she gave Guy a hug.
Chuckling the blonde swordsman hugged and swung her in a swift circle, "I looked all over for you. Never thought you'd turn up in a place like this!"
As he placed her down she was about to ask how he tracked her down; when Jade interrupted his voice impatient, "By the way, Ion, where's Anise?"
"The enemy stole the emperor's letter. Anise went to get it back, but a monster knocked her out of a porthole. But I heard soldiers say that they couldn't find her body. So I'm hoping she's all right...," Ion trailed off with a worried expression. Lucil couldn't help but feel some pity for the Fon Master. He couldn't be any older than her and the stress of going against his own people to stop a war had to be getting to him. Now his guardian might very well be dead or hurt.
Jade seemed unfazed as he planned their next move, "Then let's head for Saint Binah. That's our rendezvous point with Anise."
"That's the city that was near Engeve, right?" Lucil asked remembering the road sign from when Tear and her had headed that way.
Ion nodded smiling at her, "Yes, it just southeast of here."
"What about your troops? they're still inside this ship, right?" Guy asked concerned.
Jade's tone took a somber note as grief flashed through his eyes, "I can't imagine there being any survivors. If they left any witnesses, it would lead to war between the Order of Lorelei and Malkuth."
"How many people were on board?" she asked gently not wanting to hurt the colonel any further.
Jade frowned as he seemed to find the ground fascinating, "This was a top secret mission, so only half the usual number- around 140."
"Over a hundred people were killed..." Guy looked horrified.
Tear stepped forward before any of us could dwell on the massacre any further, "Let's get going. If we get caught here, the war that follows will claim the lives of many more."
Nodding in agreement the group started heading to southeast. Turning slightly Lucil stared at the ship with sadness as she offered up a prayer for the murdered men and women. Turning back she ignored the thoughtful stare from Jade and the approving one from Ion. The group was halfway there when Ion collapsed. Turning quickly Lucil took in his pale visage.
"Are you hurt?" she asked worriedly as Tear checked him over.
Jade immediately guessed the problem, "Ion... you used Daathic fonic artes aboard the Tartarus, didn't you?"
"I'm sorry. My body just isn't built to use Daathic fonic artes... A fair bit of time has passed. So I though I'd recovered, but..." Ion confirmed his voice was full of shame and he didn't meet any of their gazes.
Lucil twitched uncertainly as she didn't know how best to comfort the boy. Jade thankfully spoke, "Let's rest for a while. At this rate, we risk shortening Ion's life."
Nodding she helped Ion get more comfortable, before sitting down herself. Smiling as Guy sat down leaning on her slightly as he threw an arm around her shoulder; she leaned into his touch taking in the comfort he was giving. The stress of being basically kidnapped, traveling through foreign places, and handling hostile situations had been filling her with tension. Grimacing as a picture of the man she had killed and the ones she had witnessed dying flashed in her mind. Taking a deep breath as she tried to push away her nausea she looked up to meet Guy's brotherly concerned gaze.
"Lucil, what happened after you were kidnapped out of the Manor?"
Flinching slightly at the question she answered ignoring Jade and Ion's interested gaze, "After Tear attacked out Manor and my Fonon reacted to hers we ended up in a beautiful meadow called Tartaroo Valley. I was wary of Tear at first, but her insistence that Van was her only target finally convinced me to trust her. We made it out and ran into Carriage driver. The man told us his price and when I tried to give him my ring since it was only a thousand gald over the price. He refused and demanded we hand over Tear's necklace as well. He stated something about supply and demand-"
"He attempted to force you to pay more than what his carriage was worth?" Jade asked frowning.
Tear nodded, "Yes though I think his original price of 12,000 a person was high as well."
"It is. A Carriage ride from Tartaroo to Engeve or even to Grand Chokma would have cost at most 6,000 for the both of you. The Emperor mandated a fixed price on carriage rides last year after a woman was robbed of everything she owned. She had been injured and needed a ride to St. Binah. The resulting trial caused a deeper inspection on their price ranges and an enforcing of certain cost measured by distance and terrain. Did you by chance get this man's name?" Jade explained as he pursed his lips.
Lucil looked to Tear only to receive a shake of her head, "No, we didn't. Anyways after that we decided to travel by foot and found out we were in Malkuth after seeing Jade's ship chase after the Dark Wing bandits. We then headed to Engeve to rest and get supplies so that we could head to the Checkpoint between our countries since the bandits blew up the other bridge out of their..."
Twenty minutes later after explaining everything that had been going on since she had disappeared she glanced back at Guy to see how he was taking her news, "So, you're an emissary on a mission to prevent war. But why would Mohs want to start a war anyway?"
"I'm afraid that's confidential to the Order. I can't talk about it, " Ion replied sadly looking as if something was weighing him down.
Lucil frowned, "Does it have to do with my guess about the Score?"
"My apologies I can neither confirm nor deny that," Ion replied as Jade stepped forward.
"Whatever his reasons, this war must be avoided. We won't let Mohs interfere."
Giving her a brief pat on her head and dodging her retaliating elbow guy shook his head in amusement as he regarded her, "You've sure gotten yourself wrapped up in a mess here, Lucy" Hearing Guy call her by her nickname she smiled fondly at the blond. Unknown to her Jade narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the two.
"By the way, who are you?" Ion asked also curious at the closeness between the two.
Scratching the back of his neck sheepishly Guy stood formally and gave Ion a brief bow, "Oh, right. I haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Guy. I'm a servant in Duke Fabre's Manor. The Fabre's follow the practice of having a child manservant or lady in waiting raised along noble children to give them a loyal servant to protect them. I was Lucil's when she was a boy and I stayed on incase she changed back and I sorta helped her relearn things she used to know. Duke Fabre refuses to acknowledge she is a girl so I'm still her personal servant, though the king has named a maid to act as her Lady in Waiting."
Smiling Ion shook his hand warmly and Jade walked forward to do the same. Guy's brows furrowed as he ignored the stronger than normal squeeze the colonel gave him. Suddenly Guy jerked as Tear rose to do the same. The three stared at him baffled as he backed away with a shout.
"What?" Tear questioned with her head tilted.
Lucil answered slightly amused, "Guy doesn't like women." Normally she was protective over his friends phobia and freely abused her rank to make sure none of the maids harassed him. Still she could not help but be amused by his reaction.
"I'd say it looks more like a phobia," Jade remarked his tone holding a smug quality to it.
Guy rose his hands apologetically, "S-sorry... It's nothing personal...It's just..."
"If it helps, you don't have to think of me as a woman," She offered as she took another step towards him. Guy took another step back causing her to frown. Lucil stepped forward and grabbed ahold of her when the woman repeated the action again ignoring Guy's terror. While seeing Guy's reaction to woman at times was humorous she found it cruel when they harassed him after finding out his condition.
Seeing Lucil's soft shake of the head Tear nodded understandingly, "...Fine. I'll be sure to keep my distance. Will that take care of it?"
Guy nodded raising from his defensive crouch. Voice shaking he apologized as he tried to control his body's trembles. Turning to her Tear questioned the obvious anomaly in Guy's phobia, "Lucil if he has a fear of women. Why is he okay with you?"
Lucil shrugged, "We think it's cause his body and subconscious doesn't acknowledge my presence as that of a female. He knew for such a long time as a male and he hasn't forgotten that so I don't register as something to fear."
"Interesting," Jade remarked before changing the subject, "If you serve House Fabre and are essentially Lucil's Manservant, you must be from Kimlasca. Did you come looking for Lucil?"
Guy nodded now in control of himself, "Yes under orders of Duke Fabre. We know she'd disappeared into Malkuth territory. I went by land from Chesedonia, while Dorian General Grants crossed the sea and started searching from Kaitzur."
Lucil stiffened in alarm at the news, "Master Van's looking for me to?", Lucil's voice was wary gaining the Jade and Ion's attention.
"My brother's here?" Tear demanded shocked.
Ignoring his shock at finding out Tear tried to kill her brother, Guy sighed and addressed Lucil, "Lucil I know you've always been suspicious of Van's insistence in only keeping with the basics in your training. But that doesn't mean he means you any ill will. You said yourself that he and the Duke are unaware of the training Fitz and I give you. Most likely he is only following the Duke's orders to train you as a means of entertainment and not self-protection."
Before she could reply the group her the clanking of armor from behind them. Jade pulled out his staff, "Oh dear it looks like we've run out of time to chat."
Lucil hesitated as she drew her sword out. Swallowing away her rising feeling of nausea she got ready. She refused to be protected by the others and she refused to endanger Ion by splitting the group's focus on protecting two people instead of one. Steeling herself she jogged forward using her momentum to add strength to her upward block of the knight's downward slash. Using her leg she kicked high as the knight started withdrawing his sword. Her kick met the vulnerable spot of his armpit causing him to jerk back and loosening his grip on his sword. Capitulating on the soldiers off balance stumbling she charged forward. Copying the feeling she had fighting the Gryffin she felt her Fon slots open and sync as she used her Arcane art.
"Lightening blade" she shouted as a stream of lightening struck the knight killing him instantly. Shaking slightly she dodged the sideways slash from the second knight as Jade unleashed Stalagmite on him stunning the knight. Using the knights defenselessness she struck a few blows at the man's armor until her blade sank into him. Pulling the blade out she breathed through her mouth overwhelmed by the iron stench of his blood. Refusing to make the mistake of staring into the man's eyes she swung he sword at the man again killing him.
Behind her she heard the gurgle of the last knight dying upon Guy's blade. The fight over she walked shakily and threw up in the bush. She relaxed as she felt Guy holding her bangs and hair from her face. Shuddering she was unable to focus on what he was whispering to her only focusing on the soothing tone of his voice. A wet rag wiped her mouth causing her to look up at Tear's sad eyes. Smiling slightly at the girl Tear smiled back and Lucil calmed her breathing. Feeling better she stood and faced Jade.
Sympathetic to her distress and Ion's continued ill health the colonel announced that they would set up camp for the night. As she turned to help gather wood Ion voice stopped her, "Lucil do you mind sitting with me?"
Nodding she leaned back against the rock that the Fon Master was perched against. Beside her the Fon Master sketched Mieu as the creature played with a butterfly. Ion spoke startling her from her thoughts, "It's not shameful to be frightened to kill, Lucil. Never feel ashamed of your compassion as ending the life of a human being should never be an easy thing to do. Sure over time you may be able to push aside your grief and self loathing in order to get the job done. But the feeling never leaves you."
"Really?" she asked Ion desperate to feel as if she wasn't a failure for finding it so hard to fight other people; when the others showed no outward hesitation.
Ion reached over and grasped one of her hands in both of his, "Don't be fooled by our companions lack of reaction. They are as affected by what they've done as your are. They've just had the time to learn how to deal with death and how to compartmentalize their feelings on the matter. Your reaction is quite normal and if you showed any less of a reaction I would order you to be off the group as soon as we reach St. Binah."
Flinching from the statement she met Ion's calm gaze bewildered, "Why?"
"Killing a person should never be easy and the act should nearly always make you feel guilty or at least something similar to it. Even a feeling of numbness is acceptable. But if you ever feel pleasure or complete apathy then there is something wrong because you the act should never be easy. To kill someone you are taking away their future. To kill you are taking away the life of someone's child, sibling, spouse, or even their parent. So don't bury that compassion. Embrace it because it make you who you are and our world needs more people with that inherent kindness in them."
Blinking back tears she felt better as she thought over Ion's words. Relaxing against rock she stared unseeing at the sunset until the sky darkened. Jumping as the fire gave off a loud pop she looked around. Everyone but Tear was asleep. Realizing that the woman was keeping watch Lucil laid down to sleep.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Anyways I've always hated this kill scene cause at the fire it seemed to me that Jade did kind of mock Luke for fearing to kill. I just seemed so immature of him and not something I expected from a military guy. I tried to make a scene where Lucil has someone really sit down and talk to her about death and it seemed to me it would come better from Ion since in the game Ion did show the most respect for Luke in concern for his first kills. Also some of you have probably noticed that one moment Lucil and Tear get along and the next their at eachothers throats. To me that's canon. I mean one moment Tear would be kind and then she would join or lead the group into a Luke bashing moment. Of course then Luke would also at times be just as mean as she was at times so I'm trying to help them both grow. Cause in Canon it came to the point that the reason they got along was that everyone attacked Luke so much that he lost the will to stand up for himself. To me this was unhealthy for the two and I'm going to have the two mature together. Warning though Anise is someone who may be bashed in the future cause I just really hated her.