A/N: Hi guys. This is a thought for this story I've had for years and I've finally decided to write it. I make no promises that this fic will be complete as I have a bad habit of not doing so. Please review and express your thoughts about it. Oh you should know that Luke is a girl in this story, but Asch is still very much a male. Hope you like it.

Lucil jerked as another pounding headache woke her. Looking around she blushed as she realized she had fallen asleep reading once again. Glancing at the title, Fonon Circles and How They Relate to Fononic Artes by Jade Curtiss, she placed the book on her shelf. For the past three years she had become obsessed with reading anything she could get her hands on. Her obsession had actually come from overhearing a few maids discuss their favorite places to shop. She had no clue what the word buying was and when she had asked everyone had treated her like an idiot. Which was a common experience when she came across anything she had no experience with. Sick of being treated like that ontop of never having her questions answered in the first place. She had asked her parents if she could start sending a servant to get books so that she could learn about the outside world. She had been shocked by her parents refusal as they thought that if she learned more about the outside world than she would crave being out in it more. They hadn't wanted her to escape the mansion walls and leave early endangering herself.

Thankfully Natalia had overheard and brought the matter to her father. Apparently the displeased girl had twisted her father's arm into giving in to her demands and he had immediatly sent Lucil a personal servant whose job was to get her any item she asked for and to answer any question she had. Soon after meeting Tia she had realized that books had more information than she had dreamed and she had kept the shy girl quite busy. She had been in awe at all the things people took as common knowledge that she hadn't a clue of. Hell before than her social interaction with people had been rude and awkward as she had never talked to anyone that she wasn't expected to either treat as below or above her before.

Shoving her musings away she headed out the door to see if she could talk one of the guards into another spar. Calling out a warm hello to Pere; Lucil walked over to her favorite guard Fitz who was pretty decent with the sword. Guy and Fitz had been teaching her how to fight for the last thre years and she adored them for giving her something to do that was useful as well.

"Hey Fitz," Lucil greeted the pepper haired green eyed man.

The guard bowed shallowly to her and immediatly headed to the courtyard like he routinely did every morning. Following the silent man as she usually did she barely got her sword up as the man brought his blade down from a downward slash.

"Excellent form Mylady. You are getting better at handling surprise attacks. Now first I want you to go through all your attacks." The smirking man spoke blandly as she pouted.

"Aww, Fitz can't we just get to a new arte already?" She whined.

The man merely arched his brow and gave a reprimanding look as he replied, "You know our deal Mistress Lucil. No new arte until you've mastered the old one. "

Nodding and feeling a little shameful for her outburst, Lucil immediatly got to work. As the man created some type of advanced barrier she had yet to recognize.

"Fang Blade"

"Havoc Strike"

"Raging Blast"

"Rending Thrust"

"Sonic Thrust"

Finishing the last move Lucil felt giddy as the attack went correctly for once. All her attackes had gone off without a hitch and she could even see Fitz proud smile. Fitz nodded approvingly before balancing his sword on the tip on the ground as he layed both of his palms in the end of his sword hilt. Lucil's lips twitched at Fitz's quirky 'thinking pose' as he called it.

"Good job. Now that you've got your basic artes down; we're going to practice FOF artes and how they correlate to Arcane artes. First lets see if any of that reading has been doing you any good. How do you use FOF Artes and how do they lead to Arcane Artes?" questioned Fitz with his normal no nonsense face. Lucil almost frowned herself at seeing his rare smile disappear.

Seeing the man that was like an older brother to her getting impatient Lucil explained, "FoF effects are created by the residue an Arcane Arte leaves behind. Temporarily the ground beneath where it hit will imbue itself with the element of the Arte. The effect will only last for a minute at most in which if you use a regular Arte while standing on the area your attack will leach the element from the ground. Your arte will then reveal an advance elemental form that will create a FOF Arte. FOF Artes are more powerful and are the reason we were able to figure out that we ourselves could use Arcane Artes. Three thousand years ago an ax weilding warrior named Kraten Fon Lucien discovered that our own Fonon slots activated when we used FoF Artes. He became the father of the Arcane, Fonon, and Mystic Artes when he figured out how to activate his Fonon slots without the use of the element residue monsters left behind in their attacks."

"Correct. Now I myself am only able to cast one offensive Arcane Arte called Sovereign Inferno as I have never had a talent for Arte use past the basics. So you'll only be able to practice fire based artes. Now I only have enough orange gels for fifteen casts so we won't be going long for today. Though it should be long enough for you to figure out how to activate a element circle. Don't be disappointed if nothing happens. Some of us just don't have the talent neccessary for Fonon Artes and sometimes these elemental circles don't have enough charge to activate a FOF. Ready?"

Nodding Lucil watched in amazement as a blast of fire hit the ground. So caught up in her awe it took a shout from Fitz for her to run forward. Using her favorite arte she was amazed when she could actually feel the fire element pulling through her towards her sword. "Burning Havoc"

Lucil's jaw dropped as she succeeded on her first try sending a fiery kick at the shocked guard. Worried that she might have hurt him Lucil ran forward. Fitz's laughter had her relaxing, "Damn girl that packed a punch. Seems you have quite a talent for the Artes as well. Come on lets see if you can do that again with your other basics and then we can finish this up with a spar."

Grinning Lucil nodded eagerly. Out of the things Fitzs and her did the spars were definitely the funnest.

Back in her room Lucil smiled as she stretched out her tired muscles. Walking into her private bathroom she took a quick shower and exited to see if she could finish her book. Putting on her clothes (Imagine Alicia's from Valkyrie Profile or look at the outfit of the girl on my profile pic) she stared fondly at the pearl compacitor on her wrist. It really touched her that Guy had went to the trouble of getting it just to make her feel like she belonged in a world where everyone walked around with them. Though since he had given her a core along with it, he was probably being more practical than thoughtful.

Walking to her book shelf she picked up the book she had been reading and one of her favorite story books and put them in her pocket. Turning to head to the garden for some peaceful reading time; Lucil let out a startled cry as she fell to her knees in pain.

Clutching her head she groaned as she heard a voice, but the words were too faint for her to understand. Suddenly a much more familiar and welcome voice steered her mind from the pain."Lucil... Lucil. Another one of those headaches huh?"

Looking up at Guy's cheery face Lucil nodded, "Yes, they've been happening more frequently. I sometimes wish I knew what those kidnapping bastards did to me seven years ago to cause them."

"You mean other than the obvious?" Guy replied with a smirk as he gestured up and down her body.

Lucil rolled her eyes, "Yes other than that." Looking at the handsome blonde she ignored his teasing as she let herself feel happy that she was the only girl he went near. He was a sweet friend and she was happy to know him; though his relaxed behavior around her probably only existed to him not thinking of her as a girl to begin with. Denying his offer of a spar she was interrupted by a knock on the door. Hearing that she was expected at the drawing room; she dismissed Tia and headed out.

Entering the mansion her attention was caught by their new Steward Ramdas "Greetings Young Mistress Lucil, the Duke and Duchess are waiting for you in the drawing room. The Order of Lorelei Maestro, Dorian General Van Grants has arrived."

Lucil froze at hearing that the man had arrived a week early. The man was technically her official teacher for the last year, but the truth was that the man didn't teach her much of anything. Due to her training with Guy and Fitz for the last two years she knew that the man was only teaching her the same basic material just in different ways. She had even asked once if he would do an assessment of her skills and he had simply told her she wasn't ready yet.

She sometimes wondered if the man was simply hired by her father as an attempt to keep her too weak to run away. Thankfully her father didn't know that she knew of his and the king's plans for her. Thankfully due to her nosiness and the help of Natalia, Fitz, and Guy she wasn't as ignorant of the world as they wished her to be. Though if she wasn't training with Fitz she would probably have thought nothing odd with Van's training.

Pulling herself out of her inner thoughts she looked at the steward curiously, "What? Master Van's coming? Today's not a Training Day?"

"I've heard that he is here on urgent business."

Nodding she turned and walked towards the drawing room. As she touched the handle Ramdas interrupted her,"Before you leave mylady, Please stop fraternizing with Lieutenant Fitz Brask, Guy, and Pere. You are royalty and it isn't fit for you to be conversing to one of their status."

Lucil's eyes narrowed as she focused on the sniveling man. He had been hired two months ago and he didn't really hide his opinion that she should be married off to add more to the Fabre coffers. He believed that the only things she should know was how to please her husband and act like a superficial Lady with no actual intelligence. He also had a habit of thinking he was actually a royal himself in his manner towards the Fabre family. She knew that her mother was already at the point of dismissing the man herself.

Straightening herself to her full height and lookin down at the man as if she was the taller one of the two. She spoke her voice frigid, "For one who remarks on my decorum. You show a lack of it yourself. No matter how highly you think of yourself; you are a servant of this family and you have no place giving me orders on who I deign to associate with. Am I clear?"

The man spologized as his beaded eyes glared at her balefully. Behind her she could hear some of the maids whispering gleefully about his reprimanding. It seems the man hadn't earned her ire alone. Acting like the man wasn't there Lucil opened the doors.

Seeing Van and his family seated at the table she voiced her own curiosity on the matter, "You wanted to see me, Father?"

Looking up the man nodded regally and answered, "Mmm, Have a seat Luke."

Lucil flinched as she walked towards the table. Seven years ago the Malkuth Empire kidnapped her for some odd reason that no one knew. The effects of the experiments had left her with no memories and whats more in the body of a female version of herself. When they had first found her they had been confused as to who she was as their intelligence had said that Luke would be there not a girl who could be his little sister. After running a blood test they had realized that she herself was Luke only with a few changes.

Her mother had thought it odd to call her a boys name so gave her a new one. Her father on the other hand refused to acknowledge she was a girl at all so he still called her 'son', 'he', and 'Luke'. At first she had thought his way of coping or a refusal to have a girl as an heir. Later after overhearing a conversation between him, Mohs, and the King she had realized that his refusal had more to do with the fact that he had a plan for her that hinged on the fact that she was called Luke.

Sitting down she looked up towards Van and her father. Idly she noticed that her mother was looking healthier this morning. Her father's rich voice caught her attention, "Dorian General Grants is returning to Daath tomorrow."

Startled words tumbled out of her mouth before she could consider them, "Huh? Why?"

Van looked at her his expression fond in a way that she knew was only partially real, "You know that I am a member of the Oracle Knights, part of the Order of Lorelei."

"You're their commandant, right?"

"Right. As the leader of the Knights it's my duty to provide protection for the Fon Master Ion."

Nodding she was curious as to the actual point of why he was leaving. Her mother's gently voice drew her attention, "It's thanks to Ion that the truce between the Malkuth Empire and our Kingdom of Kimlasca-Lanvaldear is in place."

"If Ion's predecessor, Evenos, is the hero who ended the Hod War, then the current Fon Master is a symbol of the peace that reigns Today," Van expounded on the subject.

Finally her father came to the point as she really didn't need the history lesson on a subject she had read about two years ago. He turned to her with an almost bored expression, "Unfortunately, Ion has gone missing."

Startled at the information she nearly jumped as Van continued, "Therefore, I must attend to my duty as an Oracle Knight and join the search for Fon Master Ion."

"Oh, I see. Father since Van is going home does that mean that Guy and the guards will continue training me."

Van chuckled, "Don't worry you won't have to settle for a second rate teacher. I'll have one of my men come to Kamlasca to teach you."

Lucil frowned about to object to him calling Fitz second rate when her father's disdainful voice interrupted her, "Don't be selfish, Luke. Dorian General Grant's men have more important matters than to be called here to teach you. Dorian General Grants will return soon enough and you can spend your time on other things than sword play. It's high time you learn some patience anyway."

Resentment filled her at the accusation. She hadn't been whining about losing a formal teacher or even asking for a new one. She had merly wanted a clarification. Soon her resentment left her to be replaced with mortification at her mother's next words.

"Please, dear! You know what this child's been through. She's still traumatized from the kidnapping. She even lost her childhood memories and male form. The poor thing. Don't you feel for her?"

Sometimes she wondered who was more traumatized by her kidnapping. Herself for these things happening to her or her mother who brought it up constantly and spoke of her like a cute animal instead of like a daughter. While she knew that her father didn't really love her, she sometimes wondered if her mother did. Her mother seemed to be obsessed with what happened to her and giving her sympathy for it, but there seemed to be no real care for her in her mother's actions.

So caught up in her thoughts she nearly didn't catch her father calling her spoiled. Van facing her spoke his own opinion on the matter, "Still a life locked inside a manor is hardly easy."

Lucil didn't know whether to feel thankful that the man sympathized with her imprisonment of disappointed that he like her parents was speaking as if she wasn't there. Apparently some of her disappointment showed on her face as Van addressed her, "Cheer up, Lucil. We'll train hard enough today to make up for the entire time I'm gone."

The man immediately stood and adressed her parents formally, "Duke, Milady: By your leave. We must begin our training."

"Thank you Dorian General." Her father replied.

Facing her Van spoke, "I'll head on to the courtyard. Come join me as soon as you're ready." The man bowed and walked out the door.

Standing herself her attention was caught by her mother's worried voice,"Lucil, dear, please do be careful out there." Hearing the genuine concern in her voice, Lucil felt a stab of guilt for her uncharitable thoughts earlier.

"I will," She replied as she exited the room. Heading for the courtyard she nodded to Fitz as she saw him leaving the manor. The guard's shift here was over and he was heading for his patrol. Looking wistfully at the brief image she saw outside the door she wished that she to were walking out of these intimidating walls.

Walking out she froze as she saw Guy and Van conversing. She had no clue the two even knew each other let alone enough to be so relaxed with talking with each other. Walking forward she wondered if she could hear what they were saying to each other.

"Ah, Mistress Lucil," Pere greeted.

Nodding to the elderly gardener she frowned slightly suddenly feeling suspicious at the man's oddly timed greeting. Ignoring it she voiced her question, "Guy? What's up?"

"Well Van's a master swordsman so I thought I'd ask for some instruction," Guy answered.

Though she could not see anything odd in her friend's manner she felt certain he was lying to her, "That's not what it looked like to me?"

Suddenly she felt almost an odd prickle at the back of her neck and her head had the odd ringing noise it made before one of her headaches came. Bracing herself she waited for the pain only to feel nothing but a sense that something was coming.

"...Lucil?! Did you not hear me?!" Van's impatient voice brought her attention back to reality instead of whatever it was going inside her screwed up head.

Turning back to the man she looked at him sheepishly, "Huh? Oh, right!"

Bracing herself she waited as the man asked if she was ready. Giving a respectful yes she drew her sword. Shaking her head at Guy's teasing she turned to see the 'training dummy' again. Sighing she wished it was Fitz with her right now and not Van.

Suddenly her training session was interrupted by the most beautiful voice she had ever heard. The echoing effect the odd words had was soothing. Knowing that something was wrong as it wasn't normal for people to burst into random song at the manor she looked around her, "What's that?!"

She was shocked as Van suddenly fell to his knees, "That Voice...?!" She quickly realized that she was unable to go forward to assist him. "I...I can't move!"

At the back of her mind she felt like she knew what all this was, but her fear of the situation had her unable to collect herself. It was Pere who jogged her memory, "That's a fonic hymn! Has a Seventh Fonist invaded the manor?!

"Damn it... It's putting me to sleep... What the hell are the guards doing?!" Guy spat out as he collapsed against a pillar.

Glancing back at Van her eyes widen as she saw an ash blond haired girl jump down from the roof, "I've finally you, Vandesdelca... Prepare to die, traitor?"

Confused by all that was happening around her and unable to watch idly by as a man was killed in front of her. Lucil attempted to force her body to react to her commands. She flinched slightly as the girl slashed her knives at Van's back only to sigh in relief as the man managed to dodge.

"Tear! I knew it!" Van shouted as ho looked down at the girl.

Unable to help herself Lucil shouted a question herself at the assassin that apparently Van recognized, "Who the hell are you?!"

Finally she felt whatever was keeping her immobile lift and she swung her sword at the girl planning to knock her out. She looked oddly at her glowing skin.

Already in motion she was unable to follow Van's commands to stop as her sword hit the girl's rod. Clanging together she felt a small shock wave as their weapons met. Her eyes widened as she heard the voice from her headaches again though he sounded a bit cleared this time, "Resound...! The will of Lorelei shall reach you... and open the way!"

"Not that weird voice again.." She muttered arms shaking.

The girl, Tear he remembered, was looking at her bewildered, " The Seventh fonon?!"

Suddenly the glow around them expanded and both felt themselves being pulled into it as it expanded and shrunk around them. The shock of energy wave and the excitement of the day was too much and Lucil saw black.