Power Rangers: Steam Force

Prologue: Steam Protocol

The great city of Vicdon, it has existed for over a century as a testament to time and a monument to the industrial era. Over the many years since its founding it has stayed the same. The industrial revolution may be over everywhere else, but here it still stands strong. The entire city runs on steam power and the use of gears, along with many other industrial machines. Each district is connected by steam trains and is governed by an overseer. The seventh district is operated by a man known only as the governor and he has primary control over everything else in the city. The city looks like a spiraling honeycomb. The first district being the lowest and inhabited by the workers. The structure raised every district till it reached the seventh district in the center that was inhabited by the most elite of the city. To this avail, the city is like a hive, the workers on the bottom, the elite on the top. It is best to begin in the first dis-

An aged man with long, white, slicked back hair and a white beard was interrupted in the middle of writing a book that contained all of the information given by a knock at his door. He sighed as he approached his double door that separated his study from the hallway. Opening it, there way a royal soldier stood to attention. He wore a militaristic suit with a light blue sash along his body. The soldier looked almost juvenile and had a distressed look on his face.

"General, sir. I'm sorry to bother you but we have a problem." The worry on his face grew with each passing moment. "Sorry soldier, I'm retired, you don't need an old war veteran like me." he turned away and was ready to close the door. "General Lohan, please, we need you. Only you know how to handle the matter. The governor told me to come to you, said that you'd know what to do." The general paused for a moment. "Let us go then. Retirement was getting boring anyway." They both ran out of the room to see to the urgent matter that had arisen.

Reaching the military district and driving through on a steam powered military truck, they entered the operations station. Soldiers and scientists were operating several monitoring machines as two large cogs at each end of the room span slowly. In the center was a command console operated by a man with an officer uniform on. "General, welcome back." The officer told him. "Let's skip the pleasantries Aham, what's the situation?" He replied. "First of all it's Captain now. Second, look at the hologram." He paused as a holographic field emitted from the console.

Holographic images of what appeared to be a titanic insect hive appeared. "We tried a frontal assault on the hive. What happened in the next few minutes was the worst thing I've ever seen." Captain Aham pressed a button to switch the hologram. It flicked to a 3D image of a battle between heavily armoured soldiers and many forms of mutated insectoids. Another flicker and the hologram changed again. "They wiped all of our soldiers out" Gory images were shown of troops ripped apart by the serrated claws of the monsters. "We're defenceless. We need project failsafe, now." He finished his sentence and turned to the general. "I'll open the vault. You'll have to supply a subject." Lohan said in reply.

He and the captain stood in front of a now unsealed vault. "The clockwork morpher, Likely the only good thing to come from the steamworks project. So who will take it?" He stood holding the morpher before him. "You know me general, I was a part of project steamwork. I can handle the power." He held his hand out to receive the morpher. To his surprise the general placed it upon Aham's arm instead of just giving it to him. Before he could ask why, the general simply said. "If anything happens to you, I wanna be the cause, I'd regret it if I didn't give it to you myself. Still remember the morphing sequence?" In response he held out his arm, with the morpher facing away from him. "Of course. Clockwork Power!" He shouted it out loud and span the primary gear that stuck out of the side of the morpher. He morphed into a suit with bronze as the primary colour and had grey strips on the outside. The chest had the insignia of a gear on it. His boots were bronze with a darker grey trimming, as were the gloves. His visor was in the shape of a V, it had similarity to the hands of a watch, the front also included a mouth guard. On the back of the helmet was a small gear. "I'll stop these oversized bugs, even if that means I wont come back.

The clockwork ranger ventured through the battlefield between the city and the hive, finally, he reached it's entrance. Pulling out his clockwork blaster, he entered the nest. Hibernating monstrosities covered the wall. He knew it was futile to battle such numbers and to defeat their leader would be the only way to end the threat. After traversing the corridors of the hive for over an hour, he finally came to the core of the hive. A brute of a creature stood in the center of the room. With caution, he approached the brute. "Creature, I am the guardian of vicdon. You shall be destroyed for threatening us!" He shouted at the behemoth. "I am Primarch, You were warned not to attack again, now you'll die." The beast reared up ready to attack.

Aham Fired a few shots from his blaster before rolling out of the way. He repeated this before rolling behind the monster and jumping onto it's back. He managed to get a few shots and managed to stomp on it's face before being knocked off. Primarch grabbed hold of him and threw him into the hive's wall. 'Looks like there's only one way to beat this guy' he thought as he holstered his blaster and calibrated his morpher. He ran up to the titan, his fist began to surge with energy. With one swift hit, the monster collapsed to the floor and almost instantaneously turned to dust and dispersed. Aham gave a sigh of relief before he heard the cruel laugh of a woman's voice.

Walking towards him was a woman, she displayed skeletal characteristics and had horns sprouting out of her head. Her red hair flowed down her back. She had luminous purple eyes and her skin had a lifeless tone to it. She wore what appeared to be a dress constructed out of the body parts of giant insects. "You defeated my brute, well done." The woman said with an aristocratic tone. "I'll find another don't you worry. Then I'll destroy your pitiful city." Aham un holstered his blaster and aimed it at her. "Who are you?" he asked. "I am Queen Nyllia of the Terrasoids, bow mortal." "Never!" He shouted in reply. "Then pay for your defiance!" She gestured with her hands and a swarm of insects assaulted Aham from either side. When the swarm settled, his arms were held and he was brought to his knees, he was now defenceless. Nyllia walked up to him. ripped off his morpher as he powered down. "You'll not need this in death ranger. It's a pity, I was looking for another reliable servant. Guess I'll settle for your heart!" With a quick blow, her clawed fingers seared through his chest. He winced in pain as he dropped to the ground and the life drained from his body. "Dispose of the weakling, and place that morpher in my vault." She commanded her minions, walking away.

"Aham...Aham! Damn it." Lohan lowered his head in mourning for his fallen friend. The royal soldier approached him again. "Sir, what do we do now" he asked with a sad expression. "We engage steam protocol, Find an outstanding citizen from each district. Bring them here. I'll have the rest ready when they arrive. dismissed." The soldier stood to attention before leaving. The clockwork morpher was lost and there was only one hope to save vicdon, the steam rangers. the time had comeā€¦

That was the steam force prologue. The city itself is powered by steam and clockwork mechanisms and puts a large emphasis on that technology but incorporates modern technology too. Now onto rangers. It's time for you to fill out this sheet with your character's details (If you want to) I will pick six of the character applications for the season.



Ranger Colour: (choose from) Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Black

Physical appearance:

District: (choose from) Work, Education, Market, Port, Military, Upper class


Background (optional):

Most of it should be self explanatory. As for the season, It will be taking a darker approach than usual. I look forward to reading these and I'll write up the next one when all the positions have been filled. After that, the series will be uploaded on a bi-weekly basis as Mythos, my other series, takes priority.