It's Daniel Masters Now
Author's Note: Hello everyone! Welcome to my first Danny Phantom—only—story ever! I hope everyone read the summary, but if not here's a down play. Basically, Danny gets fed up with life in Amity Park, and flees to Vlad's. There they start to bond and they start to develop a Father/Son relationship. But, what happens when Amity starts knocking on their door? Anyway, thank you for taking your time to view this story. Please review or PM me if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments. (All flames will be given to Dan for his hair.) I hope you enjoy the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom. I only own this particular plot.
Chapter One: Wounds that Never Heal
Today was a terrible day. It seemed like ever since I woke up, something went wrong. First, I was late...even though there had been no ghost attacks. Then, Dash decided to make me his personal punching bad, all day. Next, Dash broke a couple beakers in Science then blamed me. I got detention because of it. And, the worst part of the day was that Mr. Lancer accused my parents of abuse because of all the wounds I been receiving. How could he think that? My parents love me!
I immediately go home when the bell rang, I was kinda glad that Sam and Tucker had to go directly home today and couldn't walk with me. I wanted time alone to think.
I sighed when I got home, and yelled out to my parents who were in the lab...again. It seemed like they were always in the lab now a days. Ever since Jazz left for college, they holed themselves up in the lab. It kinda hurt me. It was like they were just waiting for an excuse to ignore me. I know that I'm not as brilliant or talented as Jazz, but that doesn't mean that they love her more..., right?
I shook myself. Just because they've been busy lately doesn't mean that they didn't love me. I sighed once again as I made a my trek up into my room. I might as well start my homework before a ghost shows up.
I was in the middle of completing my English homework when Kitty showed up.
"Hey," she said.
"Hiding from Johnny," I asked.
"Yep," Kitty said. "I saw him flirting with another human girl. I thought he wouldn't think to look for me here."
I nodded.
"As long as you stay quite," I said. "My parents are in the lab, but I don't know if they might come up to check on me."
Kitty nodded, and I went back to my homework.
"What are you doing," she asked.
"Homework," I told her. "English to be exact. I still have to go to school between ghost attacks."
Kitty nodded.
"Sorry for bothering you," she said.
"It's no trouble," I said. "Really. As long as you don't reveal yourself to my parents and don't make any trouble, I don't mind."
"Thanks, Phantom," Kitty said with a smile. "Your not such a bad guy."
I gave her a dry chuckle and say, "I try to be."
She gave me a sad smile in concern. She was about to say something—most likely "Do you want to talk about it?"—, but was interrupted when my parents burst open the door with the Ghost Finder in there hands.
"Mads, why does it say there are two ghosts in here," Jack said. "I only see one..."
My moms mouth was wide open in shock, and I froze in fear. Luckily Kitty flew threw the ceiling, but I was still left in the room with my parents. And, this time, I can't blame it on the machine being faulty. It had detected another ghost...that they saw with me, in my room, with me not panicking. How was I going to explain this?
"Danny," my mom said. "Where's the other ghost?"\
"What other ghost," I asked.
"It says there are two ghosts in here," she said. "Where is the second one?"
"There isn't any," I said. "It was just me and her."
"Why were you talking with her," Maddie said. "You know that all ghost are just ectoplasmic scum."
"She was just hiding from here boyfriend," I said. "All she did was distract me from my homework because she was complaining about what a scumbag he was."
"Daniel James Fenton," Maddie yelled. "Don't you ever speak to a ghost again. Honestly, Jazz wouldn't make such a blatant mistake."
I cringed when she compared me to Jazz...again.
"Now, where's the ghost," my dad said, strangely calm. "And don't try to protect it."
I flinched when he indirectly called me an "it".
And, then my bad luck just got worse. A loud engine noise filled the room followed by the bad luck shadow...Johnny 13.
"Phantom," Johnny yelled. "Where's Kitty?"
I face palmed, and muttered, "Just missed her."
Johnny paused in his speech, but then nodded and drove off. His shadow ruining posters and other trial things as they passed.
"Wait," my mom gasped. "Did he just call you...Phantom?"
Oh no, I thought. Oh no, no, no, no, no!
"Ummm... I don't think so," I said.
"I heard him say it," Jack said, his voice deep. "Why would he call you Phantom?"
"I don't know," I said, my face palling and palms sweating. "Maybe you miss heard him? Fenton and Phantom sound similar..."
Suddenly guns were pointed at me.
"Get out of my son, scum," Maddie hissed.
"Mom, it's me," I said. "Remember that time when me and dad went on that fishing trip and brought back that lack monster?"
The guns didn't lower.
"Why did he call you Phantom," she hissed. "Why did you let that ghost stay in your room?"
"I can explain," I whispered. "Just put the guns down..."
"They don't hurt humans," Jack said. "We tested them."
"But, with my luck they'll hurt me," I said. "Your inventions usually go off around me..."
"And why is that," my mom asked.
"I don't know," I said.
"Don't lie to us," Jack said. "He called you Phantom."
"I...I...," I tried to explain, but couldn't.
"Your a ghost aren't you," Maddie asked.
I palled and she lifted the safety.
"Get out," she whispered.
"But, mom...," I cried.
"GET OUT," she yelled. "Your not my son! Your a ghost!"
I cried as I went ghost and flew out of the house.
What was the point of keeping the secret any more? The knew the truth. And, they hated me.
I cried as I flew over Amity Park. I didn't really register where I was flying, but I immediately knew when I reached the house I knew I needed to get to. Sam's. She's the person who understands me most. The girl I loved and was going to ask out tomorrow...before all this happened. Tucker would've been happy I finally told her how I felt...
I smiled as I descended threw the roof into her bedroom. Only to have it immediately ripped off my face. Sam was on the bed... kissing Tucker. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
I backed up instinctively and rammed into the dresser. They broke apart at the noise and turned to see me, my face the picture of agony.
"Danny, we can explain," Sam quickly said.
I shook my head, and flew back threw the ex-friends screaming behind me.
As I flew over Amity Park, my mind was whirling from all the rejection and betrayal. I desperately tried to block my thoughts with a place where I could stay.
I couldn't stay with Jazz, I still felt hurt that my parents loved her more.
I refused to stay with mom's family.
My dad's family disowned him.
I didn't have anymore friends...besides Valerie, but she might kill when when she found out I was Phantom.
Where else could I go?