A LONG OVERDUE Explanation

Hey, everyone~!

So, due to a lot of things, I have been on a LONG hiatus. I have recently become a mom to a beautiful daughter. I am a Twitch Affiliate where I stream Pokemon and other games. I was working there for a while, however now I am not anymore.

I was juggling the equivalent of 3 jobs (one corporate, one self-employed, and one Twitch). Because of this, it caused me to pretty much put ALL writing on hiatus. Including my own original ideas. This put me in a state of extreme depression. However, now that I no longer work at my corporate job, closed my self-employed business, and ONLY have Twitch, I have a bit more free time to be able to get back in touch with one of my passions: writing.

I will be getting back into my fanfiction writings, again...however this does come at a price.

The original variation of Team Tragedy I am going to be giving up on. This doesn't mean I am giving up on Team Tragedy entirely. I am revamping the story, as we speak. Redoing it in a way I feel will be better than it actually is. There will still be some things that I do keep. But I am going to fix a lot of the problems that I feel need to be addressed.

So because of this, there will NOT be another upload for this original Team Tragedy. However, I am not taking this one down. As much as I feel that it needs to be redone, I am still proud of what has been uploaded so far. So I will keep it here for you guys to ACTUALLY continue to go back and read.

I am also still going to be working on From the Ashes. That is NOT getting redone, at all. It is a slower upload, simply because it is not the main focus, but it is STILL ongoing, and will not be going through a revamp, anytime soon. So if you want a story that will continue from where it has started, please go read that story. I promise you, you will NOT be disappointed with that one.

Hope to see you all come back for the REVAMP of Team Tragedy. I love your faces, and I appreciate your patience and understanding.


ElderxChildx6 (Jessica)