Journey of the Spark

Based on the Final Draft Written by
Eric Ridenour, Edward Marmet, Kyle Suter, Jonathan Sirois, Eric Schneider, and Meredith Sims

Based Upon the Animated Television Series
"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
Developed for Television by
Lauren Faust

Adapted into a Fanfic by
LordMalevar063 (Me)


It was a cold dark night in a castle far from the castle of Canterlot. In the castle stood an army of Changelings. Their queen, Queen Chrysalis, is alive and sitting in the castle's throne room. Since she deliberately failed to takeover Canterlot, being blown away by Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, and falling towards places unknown, she rounded up what's left of her army and fled back to the castle, broken and weak. Now she regained most of her power and wants revenge against Twilight Sparkle, the pupil of Princess Celestia; Princess of the Sun, and her friends.

Twilight Sparkle was the one who found the dark secret of Queen Chrysalis in the guise of Princess Cadance. After nearly winning, Twilight appeared in the halls of Canterlot and ruined the queen's plans of a hostile takeover.

Now Queen Chrysalis wants her revenge against the purple unicorn, but she isn't strong enough yet to invade Canterlot. Even with her army, she couldn't get past the Royal Guards. She needed to find another enemy of Twilight and her friends. So she sent out a Changeling guard to find a perfect ally for her.

As she sat in the throne room, remembering what happened in Canterlot; a Changeling guard walks through the halls of the castle and enters into the throne room, bowing before the queen.

Queen Chrysalis, who had her eyes closed while having flashbacks, heard her guard walking towards her and opened her emerald eyes to see him coming.

"Your majesty!" said the guard, "We've found it."

Chrysalis gives a wry smile back to the guard and said, "Perfect."

The guard led the changeling queen to where they found him. The two Changelings exit the throne room and went out into the night; they headed straight for the castle of Canterlot. Landing on the outskirts of the castle, they both morphed into ponies. Queen Chrysalis turned into Princess Luna and her guard turned into a Royal Guard. Together, they flew toward the palace labyrinth. They traveled through the palace labyrinth until they come upon a large tower at the center of this maze of bushes.

They enter the tower through an open doorway and everything is dark before their eyes. The clouds above them moved, allowing the moonlight to shine through the roof of the tower. Before their eyes, stands a white statue of the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony: Discord in his stony prison.

The two Changelings morph back into their original forms. The Changeling Guard led the defeated Changeling queen to another defeated villain defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. A potential ally the queen was looking for to have her revenge against the ponies that defeated her.

"This is it, your highness," said the guard, pointing at the statue.

"At last. I've finally found him," said Chrysalis. She turned to look at the guard and ordered, "Keep watch outside. I have some business that I would like to discuss with our new friend."

"Yes, your majesty," answered the guard and went outside. The guard exits the tower and keeps watch for other guards. Everything is silent and quiet until the door closes by itself, startling Queen Chrysalis.

"You know it's not often that I receive a visit from royalty," said a ghostly voice. "Queen Chrysalis, is it?"

"So you are Discord," said Queen Chrysalis, looking at the statue that seemed to have a disembodied talking voice.

"Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, at your service," said Discord's voice, despite being in a statue form that is not able to move.

"I have come to-"

"I know why you're here," Discord's disembodied voice interrupted. "You want revenge against Twilight Sparkle. Tsk tsk, your majesty. Playing around with revenge is a very dangerous thing."

"I could have succeeded in conquering Canterlot had that pathetic unicorn not found me out! Perfect little Twilight. I want to make her pay for thinking she could humiliate me. But I can't act against her on my own. That is why I have come seeking your help."

"How exciting! Sadly, as you can see, I'm having some trouble getting around these days. I'm afraid I can only help you if I am freed from this prison."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" asked Queen Chrysalis.

"Tell me, your majesty, what happens when you remove one of the Elements of Harmony?" asked Discord.

"I don't understand," said the changeling queen, confused.

"Twilight Sparkle is the key to activating the Elements of Harmony's power," stated Discord. "Take her out of the picture and that puts a new spin on things."

"Go on," said Queen Chrysalis.

"Get Twilight's friends to turn against her," Discord advised. "Wreak chaos, spread disharmony! Make Twilight the villain and only then will you be able to separate her from the others."

"But how can I do that?" asked Queen Chrysalis. "They trust her too much to believe she would do something terrible of her own accord."

"Ugh," groaned Discord, impatiently. "And here I thought there was some smarts in that cheese-grated brain of yours. Think, Chryssy, think! Who does Twilight Sparkle care about more than anypony in Equestria?"

Now the queen was getting what Discord was taking about: the thought of harming somepony Twilight loves the most. "Mmmm, I see."

"Now you're getting it," Discord continued, "Break the Element of Magic away from the others and I shall do the rest. Nopony will be powerful enough to stop us. Not even Celestia. You get your sweet revenge and I get to roam free as I did before, no longer chained by the Elements of Harmony."

"Very well. I will help you escape from your prison. But should you double cross me, there will be dire consequences," warned Queen Chrysalis, with a serious face.

"Oh! Perish the thought!" said Discord.

"We shall see," said Queen Chrysalis, flying to a mirror portraying the six ponies defeating Discord. "Heed this warning, Twilight Sparkle. The End of Harmony may arrive sooner than you think." The queen evilly chuckled.