Harry gazed at the two Pokémon with great curiosity. The large snake had curled around the smaller snake and he could see they both were smiling happily. He felt a pain in his chest gazing at this. They were a mother and child.
He lowered his gaze missing when Snivy pointed at him excitedly. Amanda tilted her head at the small child noticing his sad look and gazed over at her trainer and was pleasantly surprised to see she had noticed.
"What's wrong buddy?" White asked noticing his sudden sad mood, running her fingers through his hair absently feeling content with holding him.
Harry looked up at her biting his lip slightly. He held onto his toy tighter as he shook his head. "It's…"
"Hmmm?" White hummed as she hugged him tighter.
He lowered his gaze and mumbled softly. "I…I want a mommy too."
White's eyes widened. "Oh...I see..." She said softly, looking at Snivy and Amanda. "A bit jealous of your new friend, huh?"
"N-No...I'm happy she has a mommy." Harry replied softly.
"And you wish you had an amazing mom like Amanda?" White asked with a smile. Harry nodded.
"Perior." Amanda replied, sticking her nose in the air smugly.
White rolled her eyes in amusement but Harry did not smile he just gazed down sadly. She frowned down at him, "Hey..."
"No one would want me."
"What?" she asked with wide eyes. How can he think that?
Harry felt his eyes water but he did not cry. "U-Uncle Vernon always told me that my mommy left me…that she hated me…that she never wanted a…freak." He whimpered in pain over his uncles words.
White's eyes widened. 'How could he say something like that to such a sweet face?' She thought, horrified. She blinked when she felt something nudge her arm, and looked down to see Amada's tail.
"Per." The grass snake said with a raised brow, urging White to do something about his emotional state. She was quick to comply, wrapping her arms tightly around the boy and holding him against her tummy.
"I'm sorry you feel that way, buddy..." She said gently, rubbing his head. "But I will tell you this...It's definitely not true."
"Th-Then who would want me...?" Harry asked timidly.
He felt a slender finger on his chin pulling his head up to stare into her eyes that shined with determination, warmth and something he had only been seen directed at Dudley
"I do." She said softly.
Harry stared up at her with wide shocked eyes. This wasn't real. He was hearing things right? She didn't just say...
"I do Harry." She repeated again seeing his disbelief on his face.
Harry could only gawk at her in shock and wonder, yet a little voice in the back of his head kept asking the same question. "W-Why?" he asked so softly as if he was on the verge to breaking.
White smiled softly. "Because...You're small. And cute. And sweet. And you need someone in your life. Someone to take care of you. To love you. To call you their..." She took a deep breath. "Their son."
"S-Son...?" Harry replied timidly. She nodded.
"That's right, Harry. Son." She ran her fingers through his hair. "And I...I'd like to call you that...If you'll let me."
"Y-You mean a m-m-mommy?" he asked softly.
White felt her face flush slightly but she kept her warm and kind smile. "Yes." She said.
Harry stared up at her in surprise for what felt like hours. White was beginning to get worried for him since he had also not blinked in a very long time. But before she could voice her concern she felt the boy bury his face into her tummy and hold her tightly.
White blinked at this and felt her tummy was starting to get wet making her frown worried. "Harry?" she asked.
"Mommy…mommy…I…I have a mommy." He cried into her tummy, with a mix of joy and pain of all the things his old family used to tell him.
White felt her heart sour as she griped him tightly yet gently in an embrace and leaned down to nuzzle her face into his hair and whispered in his ear. "That's right. Mommy's here now." She whispered.
Her heart warmed up when she said those words. They felt oh so right. He was the perfect little boy...So sweet...So innocent...So cute and cuddly...
Amanda and Snivy watched the scene before them with raised brows. They turned to look at each other with frowns.
It was like something out of a corny old movie.
But it WAS nice to see the boy happy. So they smiled regardless.
White continued to hold him tightly to herself. She gazed up at her partner and her own child with eyes filled with happy tears making the pair smiles become even more genuine. "Amanda…Snivy…meet Harry…my son." She said with such tenderness and glee.
The large snake Pokémon slithered over to the child and nuzzled her head against his side making him giggle a little. She had found a tickle spot it would seem.
The child looked over at the large snake with timid eyes, but she could see that the pain in his eyes where almost fully gone. She gave the child a smile. "Perier." She greeted the child with grace.
"Pretty." He said softly.
The large snake blinked, then smiled proudly. "Ser." She said, putting her nose in the air with a smirk.
"Vy?" Snivy asked with a tilted head.
"You're pretty too." Harry said to his new friend with a big smile.
"Vy!" Snivy said happily as she leaped from her mother into the young boy's arms making him giggle as he hugged her close as she snuggled into the small child.
White smiled down at the cute display while Amanda shakes her head at the scene. Then the door opens and the lead doctor comes in to the sight with amused eyes. "Well I guess I missed a good thing?"
White smiled at him bashfully with red cheeks. "Well?" she asked him.
The doctor told her to sit down again making her pout but she decided to lay down on the bed with him making him snuggle more into her with Snivy in his arms who at the moment was also staring up at the doctor.
The doctor smiled while Amanda rolled her eyes at her partner. "Are you going to take care of him?" he asked her.
She nodded with a determination that shined bright. "That's right! I'm his new mommy." She said cheerfully.
The doctor smiled at her in amusement. "Well that's good, but" he now grew serious. "Let me ask. Do you wish to know what we discovered fully?" he asked her.
White narrowed her eyes and nodded. "Yes...I should know this stuff." She replied. The doctor nodded.
"I see...Well then...Here's the list." She passed the list over to the filmmaker.
As White read it over, she found herself clutching it tighter with each passing second.
"How...could they...?" She breathed.
The doctor sighed softly and took a seat. "Abuse can be triggered by many reasons. No one truly understands why it happens." He explained.
White just placed the list down and clutched the child tighter making him yelp in surprise at her hold blinking up at her look. "M-mummy?" he asked softly.
White froze slightly and felt her body relax and her anger sooth away as she gazed down with sad eyes at the concern in the little boys' green eyes. She leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "I'm alright." She whispered to him softly.
The doctor watched with a small smile. She will be a good mother. "There is some good news."
"Which is?" she asked looking over at the doctor now.
"Almost everything listed will heal with time. He will grow with a few decent meals. The only thing that will stay I'm afraid are the scars."
White sighed sadly. "Yeah...I figured that would be the case." She replied, rubbing the boy's head gently.
"Vy." Snivy huffed, wanting to get her hands on the one that hurt her trainer.
"You're a good girl, Snivy." White said with a smile, petting the grass snake's head.
"Vy." Snivy replied, as if to say 'Of course I am.'
"There is however one thing I want to make clear." The doctor said making everyone turn to him now.
"As I said. Almost everything will heal in time, but his mental health might take longer than his physical health."
White's grip on the child tightened slightly. "What did they do?" she asked.
The man sighed softly. "Abuse can always have negative effects on the mind." He paused as he stared at the small boy for a moment then sighed and shook his head. "I think it is something we should speak in private about, but for the most part take things slow and be patient with him." He advised.
White nodded slowly. She leaned down and kissed the boy on the forehead making him smile and nuzzle into her more. She felt that warmth return and smiled lightly at the doctor. "I think we can manage that."
He nodded with a relived look and rose to his feet. "He is also allowed to go." He said with a grin. "Have a good day, Ma'am and Harry." He said and walked out the door.
White sighed and rose to her feet. She looked down at Harry, who was still happily holding Snivy. "Well, I guess it's time to give you Snivy's pokeball, since she's yours now." She said with a grin. Harry looked up at her.
"R-Really...?" He said softly.
"Vy!" Snivy said with a nod, making it very clear that she wouldn't accept anyone else as her trainer.
"See? She wants to be your friend forever." White said with a closed-eyed smile.
"S-Snivy...You really wanna stay with me...?" Harry asked softly.
"Vy!" she said poking his nose making him giggle. The Pokémon nuzzled into his cheek and leaned back with a smile. "Snivy!" she said.
White giggled and Amanda just smiled in content at her daughter. "I would say that's a yes."
Harry grew teary eyed as he hugged her tighter the Pokémon nuzzling into him. She slipped out of his hand and leaped over to the pokeball and tapped the little button and a red light beamed out and engulfed her returning her to the ball. It then flew up to Harrys hand who caught it in surprise.
"W-Where did she go?" he asked confused.
White giggled. "She just returned to her pokeball for a rest. Pokémon that are captured by trainer's rest in pokeballs to refill their energy." She explained.
"Oh." He said in understanding his eyes lighting up. He held the ball close with a small smile. "Goodnight Snivy." He said.
"Aww." White gushed at the cute display while Amanda smiled in content knowing the boy will be a great trainer for her little one. She slithered up and nuzzled the boy making him giggle at her.
He hugged the large snake's head, causing her to trill in delight. White grinned. "I'm sure you'll make tons of new Pokemon friends." She said with a wink.
"Y-You sure...?" Harry asked softly. "Snivy likes me...But will other Pokemon...?"
"I see no reason they wouldn't." White replied.
Amanda licked his cheek making him giggle and White to smile. "Amanda dose to." She reasoned.
Harry patted the large snake and said softly. "Thank you."
The large snake smiled at him and turned to her trainer with a small smirk. White sighed but smiled softly. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I look like a dork. But come on!" she lifted him up and she placed her head on top of his own. "He so widdle!" she gushed making the large snake role her eyes.
She giggled lightly and reached for her pokeball. "Return Amanda." She ordered and the large snake vanished in a flash of red light returning to the small sphere. She placed it back in her bag and smiled down at Harry. "Let's get out of this stuffy place." She said.
He nodded happily and she walked out the door and headed down to the lobby to sign him out. The nurse gushed over the small boy making him blush and hide his face in Whites arms.
White gave the nurse a grin. "Sorry, he's mine." She shrugged. The nurse giggled as White checked him out.
Soon enough, she stepped into the winter air. It was still cold, but really...she didn't mind it so much anymore. After all, she had a little teddy to keep her warm.
And said teddy's stomach began to grumble, causing him to blush as his carrier giggled.
"Hungry?" She said with a tilted head.
He nodded timidly making her smile and started to walk down the sidewalk passing by many other people and Pokémon. Some gave her a small smile other a passing glance, most woman smiled at the small child in her arms finding him adorable.
White smiled gleefully and spring in her step and a warmth in her heart that she doubts would ever go away. She had a son, a little one to call her own. Oh she had to call her parents about this! She smiled wider and continued down the road gazing at any restaurants they can stop at.
Harry for the most part was trying to take everything in. In just a few hours he had been beaten then saved, fixed his owies, made a new friend, and got a mommy. He was a tad overwhelmed but for the first time in his life he was happy.
He noticed a shop off the side and he tilted his head slightly at it. He tugged on Whites shirt making her look down at him confused. He pointed over to a spot and White turned to look and her eyes widened slightly.
It looked like an old style café with nice decorations and the signs indicating anyone is welcome to come in. She could smell the hot coco from here and it made her mouth water slightly. With new purpose she looked down at the child and asked. "You want to eat there?"
He gave a timid nod and White smiled down and kissed the top of his head making him blush yet smile slightly. "Let's go then." She said joyfully and walked over to the small café.
Harry clapped his hands together happily, making her giggle as she entered the building.
"Hello there!" A man greeted cheerfully at the front desk. "Just take a seat and a waiter'll be over soon!"
"Great! Thank you!" White replied with a wave before sitting down in one chair, placing Harry in the one opposite of her.
Harry looked around with wide eyes at the inside of the store. It was filled with little cut outs of different Pokémon from all over the world. He gazed over at an owl carved from a green paper and tilted his head lightly at it.
White watched with a tender smile and loving eyes. He looked so adorable just looking at everything in the small Café. Tearing her eyes away she gazed around as well and had to admit it was very cozy. The room walls painted a nice rustic red making you feel warm and cozy, the soft music being played also was nice, relaxing you. This was nice.
Then the waiter came and he was dressed as a butler but he held a charming smile and bowed to White and Harry making the former blush lightly. "Good evening. My name is Ankh and I will be your waiter. What will you have to drink?" he asked them.
"I'll just have some water, and uh...An apple juice for the little guy if you have it." White requested with a smile. The waiter nodded his head.
"Of course, m'lady. Right away." He said with a small bow before turning and walking away. White smiled slightly.
'I love these kinds of cafes.' she thought to herself.
Harry looked after the man and tilted his head adorably. He looked back over at White. "M-Mommy?" he asked.
White blinked with a warm smile feeling that same warmth run through her. Never going to tire of that! She turned to him with a smile. "Yes buddy?"
"Why was he dressed like that?" he asked her.
She giggled at him. "It's part of the job. They have to dress up as servants for the customers." She explained.
Harry nodded slowly his eyes narrowing slightly at that before looking back at her. "Should I were one too?"
White's lips briefly formed into a frown before twitching back up. 'Should have known he'd think that...' She thought. "No, little buddy." She replied. "You'll never be a servant."
"Oh...But...I wanna help like one...So...Is that okay?" The young woman giggled.
"Sure. It's always good to help others." She reached into the pocket of her shorts and pulled out Amanda's pokeball. "Do you wanna let Snivy out? They allow Pokemon in here. Let's treat our Pokemon to some food too."
"R-Really?! I can let her out in here?!" Harry asked excitedly, eliciting a giggle from White.
"Totally! Other people have their Pokemon out after all."
It was true. Other people within the café where dining with their Pokémon or relaxing. So Harry reached down and pulled out the little red and white ball and pressed the center button allowing the ball to grow in his hands making him gasp.
White giggled and tossed her ball into the air and it opened with a pop as a flash of light shined down in the shape of a large snake. When the light dimmed Amanda stood tall and elegant gazing around before smiling lightly at the little boy before giving her partner a raised eyebrow as if asking 'What's going on?'
White smiled and turned her head back to the boy, so Amanda did the same and watched as the little boy used all his strength and tossed the ball into the air like his mommy did. The ball opened and like the other a light shined down onto the table. When it dimmed Snivy stood there her eyes closed for a moment before shaking herself awake to chase away the stiffness. "Vy?" she asked looking around before looking back at her trainer with confusion as he caught the ball in his hands.
"So cute." White said under her breath, Amanda just rolled her eyes at the new mother and smiled at the duo. White cleared her throat. "We are in a café and we thought you two could get some food too." She said.
"Ser." She nodded and gave her daughter a look making the small grass snake huff and cross her arms in a pout. "Ser!" she said again more forcefully.
"Vy Snivy." The little Pokémon replied softly a look of embarrassment appearing on her face.
Harry blinked confused and lost on what they are saying. His mommy though was giggling at the display. "Mommy. What are they doing?" he asked innocently.
White giggled. "Oh, just a little...mother-daughter disagreement. Kids don't always agree with what their parents have to say." Amanda nodded her head in agreement, giving her daughter an accusatory glance. Snivy pouted. Harry petted her head.
"I think mommies are right a lot of the time..." He said softly. "They wanna make you happy..." Amanda looked at Snivy triumphantly. The little grass snake just stuck her nose in the air.
"Perior..." Amanda grumbled under her breath. White knew for a fact that she had just called her daughter a brat. The two of them had a very strange relationship. They loved each other, but they gave each other a lot of trouble.
'I'm glad my Harry's such a sweetie.' she thought to herself.
The waiter returned with their drinks smiling wider at the two Pokémon that now greeted them. "Ah two more guests' I see" he bowed to them.
"Ser" Amanda nodded as if telling him to rise, her smile although told her she liked it.
The waiter did so. "Are menu option is right there" he pointed over to the black board at the front of the store where many items where listed. "Just name what you want and it will be out fresh and ready to go." He explained.
White nodded as she hummed in thought reading done the list of things. 'They all sound so yummy!' she thought with a smile however it was soon wiped off when she saw the little boy frown. "Harry?" He blinked and looked over at her with wide eyes seeing her concerned ones he lowered his gaze embarrassed and shamed. Her frowned depend as she reached over and cupped his cheek gently rubbing her thumb on it. "What's wrong?"
Harry mumbled something before taking a breath and looking up at her shame in his eyes. "I-I can't read…or see that…" he mumbled sadly.
White's smile faded as she came to a realization. 'Oh...He can't read yet...I'll have to help him with that...' She thought. She turned to the waiter.
"Might I recommend the special for the little one?" The man suggested. White tilted her head.
"The special? What's that?" She asked.
He smiled, "Well, it's our own Pokémon shaped nuggets. Specially made in house, kids love them mostly." He said.
White nodded and turned to Harry, "You want some of that Harry?" she asked.
He looked at her a tad timidly not used to be asked if he wanted food. He nodded slowly, it did sound good. White smiled at that and turned to the waiter. "He'll have some then."
The waiter wrote the order down and turned to her, "And for the ladies?" he asked with a charming smile.
She looked over her menu. "Hmm...I'll have the steak, and..." She turned to the two grass snake Pokemon. Amanda and Snivy both asked for the same thing: Poffins.
Amanda wanted bitter poffins, while Snivy wanted sour.
After placing their orders, the waiter walked off to give them. White smiled at Harry.
"So, I guess this is your first time in a restaraunt, huh?"
Harry nodded slowly taking a small sip of his apple juice. "Y-Yeah. I…I wasn't allowed out of the house much…" he confessed.
White frowned softly at that. "I'm sorry." She said sincerely. Snivy frowned as well and nuzzled her trainer getting in his lap making him smile lightly at her.
Harry started to pet her head as he continued to ramble. "I only used to have bread…that was my weekly fill…and uncle Vernon would make me cook all the food…and sometimes go get it myself…the bags were always heavy…" he muttered.
Snivy's eyes narrowed at this. "Vyyy..." She growled, wanting to do some serious bodily harm to her new trainer's old family. White smiled.
"It's okay now, Harry. You never have to worry about that again. Not while I'm around." She giggled. "And Snivy won't let him hurt you anymore either!"
"Vy!" The grass snake said in affirmation, eyes still narrowed and hands on her hips. If anyone came at her human, she'd give them a taste of her best vine whip!
"Perior." Amanda chipped in, adding in the fact that she'd also contribute to the destruction of anyone who tried to harm the boy.
Harry gave a small shy grin at that and hugged the Pokémon close to himself, feeling very warm and happy.
White watched him with a content gaze, she knew he was hurt mentally and it will take time and effort to heal. But right now, seeing him smiling made her believe it might just be alright.
As the food was brought out and he gazed down at the Pikachu shaped nuggets with a sparkling gaze it warmed her heart and made her truly believe that he will heal fully and become something amazing, something grand…but for now she was content at him being her little baby boy. No rushing, she liked holding him in her arms, it gave her such a warm feeling.
She gazed up to see the boy giving her a smile and she smiled back just as warmly. Yeah…she knew she loved him already, and she was perfectly okay with that.