Ch65: The End

So the series is finally officially over, and while it's over I can finally take my focus back to all of my other series that have been on hiatus for a while now. The series has taken just over two years to complete and I'm going to apologise now for it taking so long with my inconsistency uploading and such but if you have stuck it out through all of that regardless I just want to say thank you for not losing interest and being patient all the way to the end.

I'll also thank anyone who's ever taken the time to review, favourite or follow this series. I'll admit that back in the beginning everything was rocky and it's improved a lot since then so anyone who liked it even then has my gratitude and hopefully it became something worthy of the praise it's gotten in the end.

I do want to specially thank two people in particular, Sir Perfluous and Decode9. Both of them are good friends with great stories of their own in my opinion so if you haven't checked them out, please do. Artemis Domino was created by Decode9 by request and Harry Starke was created by Sir Perfluous on request too, without them I don't think I could've had the characters made any better, so thanks you two, your support on this has meant a lot throughout all the time I've put into writing this.

From here on, the events of Mythos actually instigate all of the events in Occult Circle, another story of mine which I'll shamelessly recommend anyone who reads to check out, it's a little different from the usual Power Rangers but I personally love every moment of writing it, its uniqueness being one of the things I love. All of this said, I guess I can't really say much more but I'll just say thanks for reading once again, that alone means a lot to me and I hope that people continue to show interest and keep reading my stories in the future.

I'll be taking a short break from writing Power Rangers and from this Saturday until the following Saturday I won't have much time to write if at all since I'll be on Holiday for the week. So that's all and until whatever I write next, I'll see you all later.