Mythos Ignite: Part 1

Long ago, at the dawn of man, An ancient structure connected this world to all others. It was dubbed 'The Nexus Point' by the interstellar beings that had once used it. Life between the six worlds that had lived in harmony was greatly influenced by the gateway and the races lived without weapons or violence. Before man came to be, a seventh, forgotten world had finally awoken their gateway and entered into the nexus point. A savage and brutal race carrying crude weapons emerged, armour as black as onyx, faces without remorse. They began cutting down all who stood in their path and left no survivors.

When all hope seemed lost, ancient guardians emerged from the portals of their worlds and sealed them shut. They engaged the monsters in battle cutting them down with ease. After a somewhat lengthy battle, the monsters retreated through their gateway. The battle was almost won, but then, he emerged. The great darkness, the eternal shadow. He had many names, In our language he was know as Shadai. thus began a battle between the ancient guardians and Shadai. they battled for what seemed like eternity, taking it to the highest peak of the largest mountain of our world, know then as the ladder of the gods. The battle was tough and they were overwhelmed by him. In a last attempt to defeat this ever growing darkness, the guardians used their power to sacrifice themselves to seal him away inside the mountain.

After this, the ancient amulets which gave them power burrowed into the mountain and it shattered into seven smaller mountains, the cataclysmic force of this blew the world apart and left it to begin anew. The artifacts that powered the portals scattered to the ends of the earth and were lost never to be seen again, as with the amulets still buried within those mountains…

Emerging from a book came the face of a young man. He had an athletic build and was wearing blue overalls. "Percy!" a voice called from above. The man with the book responded, he put the book down and he got up out of an armchair and made his way to the deck of the expedition boat he was on. "Yeah Max?" Percy replied as he reached the deck. "Dad's ready for you to go down there. Have fun." Max told him with a giddy expression on his face. "Well, it's now or never, see you soon brother." percy responded as he removed his overalls to reveal a wet suit. striding over and equipping his diving gear he saw the crew getting the cables ready. 'let's make history' he thought to himself as he finished getting ready. getting locked into the cables he took one last look at the surface before taking the dive…

Deeper and deeper he went, then his comm turned on. "Well son, everything looks fine on our end, you?" in reply percy told him "Yeah, I think there's some ruins deeper down, I'm gonna look at them." before the communication cut off his dad told him to be safe. he got closer to the ruins of an underwater city on top of an underwater mountain. The pressure was mounting. All of a sudden the lines tore his breathing gear from him then went back to the surface and he was knocked into the depths of the water where darkness enveloped him. He felt only the darkness, until a blue light emerged and a trident shaped amulet rested in his hand. He soon could breathe again somehow and began to swim to the surface.

"sorry boss, It's been a few hours now we have to call it." one of the workers said. "No! My boy is still out there I can feel-" he was cut off from an emergence from the water. "Percy!" he exclaimed in excitement. The crew helped him up. When they asked what happened he said he couldn't remember, hiding the amulet in his sleeve…


An archeologist by the name of Professor Redhall had gone on a lone expedition to the world's most central mountain. He had dug into a cavern with ancient and crude markings. Professor Redhall co-authored the book about the ancient gateway and he was on the search for proof. finally reaching the central room, there was a seal with much more graceful markings upon it. touching it, the seal lit up with red energy. The Professor fell back as it opened up. When it had unlocked, a being of pure shadow emerged and headed for the professor. Although his screams could be heard for miles, no one came to his rescue…

[6 weeks later in the town of Castelan]

'Another year of School, oh great' a young man by the name of Tyson Stone thought to himself as he headed in. he headed to his friends, each one talking about the same thing and holding some sort of amulet. "so, everyone's summer good?" Tyson asked as he addressed the group. "see for yourself, we all found an amulet on our travels." a slim guy said. "Ben, you guys did too? wow, I got one with a hammer" Tyson replied to his friend known as ben. "I found mine diving, almost drowned, then when it was In my hand, I could breathe normally, weird huh." Percy said as he showed his trident amulet. the group nodded in agreement. "So, Lexa, Emlie, how'd you get yours?" Percy asked. Before they could say anything, the bell went and they had to go. "maybe later!" Emlie replied before everyone left. As the day came to it's last class, the five met for it. "History, oh god, not again." Lexa, a short and girly young woman, said with such dread. "come on guys, at least we're all in this class" Ben reassured. Tyson replied by giving him a high five before they all walked into the class…

"Welcome Class, I'm Doctor Ethan Blake, you'll address me as Doctor Blake. Today, we will be going into our term topic: Mythology. Whilst most of it isn't proven history, the school has insisted on you learning it in light of the book co-authored by my former colleague Professor Redhall (who completely stole all of my research into it and didn't even bother to finish it before he and his rich business partner published the research, all that time and effort for nothing, such a waste)..." Doctor Blake stopped as he went into his thoughts. "umm...Doctor Blake?" Ben said, attempting to establish contact with the distant teacher. "oh, um, sorry, seems I was caught up in the moment. Now open your books up. As you can see here these are ruins that led to the theory of mythology being real, for the most part. It is also said that these amulets were worn by the guardians of each world. The hammer, the trident, the axe, the bow and finally the spear." the lesson began. eventually it came to an end. and the bell rang.

after gathering their things, the five teens went to the teacher. "So, doctor blake, about the amulets. well…" Emlie said and then they cut off as each of them revealed their amulet. "Where did you get these?" he asked, almost interrogatively. "we found them in the summer, scattered all around the world, and by chance they chose us five and they're all here." Emlie informed him. "then come with me, there's someone that needs to see this...