Chapter 25
(Helia's POV)

I hold Flora in my arms and smile as she's no longer struggling and is now more or less calm. I feel her nuzzle her head into the crook of my neck as she grabs my shirt. I feel a few tears land on my shoulder. I gently pull her off me and cradle her in my arms. "Flora can you please tell me what got you so upset?" I ask her while hoping that she's going to tell me. She tears up a little and slowly nods.

"It's stupid really but there was a dark figure and the background went a dark blue that swirled around and I seemed to be standing on nothing, they were just saying how all of you were gone and that you didn't care about me and that none of you will be there when I need you the most, it's just with everything that's happened and is happening I got worried and I broke down I guess." She explains before starting to mumble. I then gently kiss her, cutting her off.

"It's fine my flower and for the record all of us do care and we will be there when you need us." I tell her. She nods slowly and I smile. The door then opens and Ofelia walks in with Miss Faragonda. Flora sits up and I see both Miss Faragoda and Ofelia smile.

"It's good to see that you've calmed down." Ofelia tells her. Flora turns away embarrassed. I smile moving her head back so she's looking at them. She sighs and nods. "Now Flora you need to tell us about the dream you had, I think someone was trying to get in contact with you so we need to know about it so we can help." Ofelia tells her. Flora shakes her head instantly.

"No. I don't want to talk about it." She tells them firmly.

"Dear, we can't help you unless you tell us about it, this could be very important." Miss Faragonda tells her. Flora shakes her head still not giving in. I sigh. She's going to be mad at me for doing this but I have to do it. I'm sorry for this Flora.

"Miss Faragonda she was telling me about her dream, she said the background went dark blue and swirled around as a dark figure appeared and was talking to her. She said that she seems to be standing on nothing. The dark figure was telling her that we were all gone and that we didn't care about her and that we wouldn't be there when she needs us the most." I explain as I hold Flora. She looks up at me surprised and upset that I'd just told them about it.

"Well someone defiantly was contacting her through her dream, I don't know who but she needs to be careful. Thank you Helia for telling me that now both of you should get some rest." Miss Faragonda tells us before leaving with Ofelia.

"I'm sorry my flower but she needed to know, you need them to help you and no one is able to help you unless they know what's going on." I explain as I lay down with her on top of me. Before I can add anything or Flora can reply Diana appears. She smirks. I sit up and hold Flora protectively in my arms.

"I think for now you can join your friends." She tell us before teleporting us to her dungeon.

I look around to see we're in a large cell with rock walls, floors and ceilings. There is one wall that is metal bars facing the rest of the cells and then there is a stone door that can only be opened from the other side. I slowly let Flora out of my arms. I see all the others sitting in the cell together including the pixies. "Flora! Helia!" Chatta yells as she flies over to us and hugs Flora. Flora smiles hugging her. Everyone else looks up to see that we're here. Diana then appears the other side of the bars she smirks using her magic to pull Flora over to he. Flora's body slams into the bars and straight away I run over to her and pull her into my arms.

"Diana what do you want with Flora?" Aisha asks mad. Diana laughs.

"I thought you would of known I was after the fairy of nature." Diana laughs. Everyone gasps other then me, Flora and Diana.

"Flora is the fairy of nature." Musa says in shock.

"Yes I am." Flora says quietly. "But I don't want to be." She adds causing Diana to gasp. "Diana I've been trying to tell you I don't want to be the major fairy of nature I want you to remain in that place." Flora says turning to Diana. Diana tears up and drops to her nears.

"What have I done? I'm so sorry all of you but you don't understand what it's been like. When I became the major fairy of nature I had to give up everything, I thought she was going to take everything I'd worked for away and I didn't let you explain I'm sorry and I understand if you tell Queen Morgana." Diana apologizes. Flora smiles at her.

"Diana I'm not going to tell Queen Morgana lets just pretend none of this ever happened." Flora says as she helps Diana tot her feet through the bars. Diana opens the door to the cell and lets us out. She heals Flora from where she got hurt when she pulled Flora into the bars.

"So in a matter of minuets this whole thing was just sorted out with a few sentences." Stella says causing all of us to laugh a little.

"Pretty much." Riven agrees.

"Diana what I don't get is how you gave up your life becoming the major fairy of nature as the bud you have to protect can be moved." Tecna points out. Diana nods.

"Yes it can be moved but not by me only be the fairy of nature, as I'm not the fairy of nature and I'm just a nature fairy I'm unable to move the bud without killing it and if the bud dies then all of nature dies and that means no air or anything, Zenith would be the only surviving planet anywhere as it's the only planet that doesn't need nature as they have none at all." Diana explains. So Flora is able to move the bud.

"Well anyway I guess we should be getting back to Alfea." I say. Everyone nods in agreement. Me and the rest of the guys are planning on staying with the girls at Alfea for a bit before heading back to Red Fountain.

"Goodbye Diana see you soon." Flora says before Stella teleports us all to Alfea.

When we get there Miss Faragonda comes straight over to us with a worried look on her face. "Where were you all? I was so worried." Miss Faragonda asks us as she reaches us. We all smile a little bit. I wonder who is going to explain. I know Miss Faragonda isn't going to be happy when she finds out that me and Flora kept the fact that Flora is the fairy of nature from everyone.

"There was this whole thing with Diana and the fairy of nature who is Flora, Flora told Diana to continue being the major fairy of nature and that she didn't want to be it and now we're back." Timmy explains simply. Miss Faragoda looks surprised.

"Flora why didn't you tell anyone that you were the fairy of nature? They wouldn't of had to leave to go on the missions if you had said something." Miss Faragonda asks Flora confused.

"I did tell Helia and he agreed not to tell anyone. At the end of the day it was my choice because it was and still is my business and not anyone else's, but I still tried to say something but no one would let me so I just gave up." Flora replies. Miss Faragonda sighs.

"Well it's over now so it doesn't matter you girls should go to your dorm as for you boys well you should continue with whatever you were planning to do." Miss Faraonda says before walking off. We all go with the girls to their dorm and watch some films. Thank God it's nearly the end of the year, I don't think any of us can cope with this for much longer. It's defiantly been one eventful year. Lets hope next year is a bit calmer.

A/N Well this is the end of this story. There will be one sequel and I promise unlike my other one there is only one and there is one more story continuing from the one before this that I'll write after the sequel for this one. I hope you enjoyed this story and if you did (or didn't) please leave your comments and tips in the reviews! And I'm sorry if ay of you think I made it too long. Btw the sequel will not be the next year.