Six years later

Jedda was lying in a hospital bed. She was feeling exhausted and dizzy. A knock at her door made her flinch. She said something and her father appeared.

"I came as fast as I could!" he said.

"Thanks! But you didn't need to worry. Everything went perfectly."

"And the baby?"

"They're all right."

Jedda gesture at a cradle just next to her. The Phantom moved closer and asked:


"Twins!" she laughed. "One boy, one girl. Both perfectly healthy. Surprising?"

"Not too surprising. It happened before in our family. How do you feel?"


Jedda sat up and had a closer look at the twins. Now they were deeply asleep. She already loved them so much! She was really exhausted, but also really happy.

"I know I shouldn't ask you this question", his father asked, "but are you really going to be OK? 23 is still a bit young for raising a family."

"Father", she said, "I'm fine! I want to have kids now. I'm ready!"

"And you're going to be a wonderful mother, I know it."

Jedda laughed.

"Father, please, I'm very tired now", she said. "Can I please have some time alone?"

The Phantom bent down and put a kiss onto both twins' foreheads. Then he held his daughter's hand for a few seconds and left the room silently.

The end!

Author's note: this was my pro-choice fic. I live in a country where pro-life people are currently doing very creepy things, pretending to be here to help and giving false information and guilt trips to pregnant women who cannot or don't want to carry on their pregnancy. We live in a very weird world! Thanks for reading this fiction. :)