This has been sometime, and sadly I have to halt. Im sorry for this but I just can't write anymore. The whole plot of this story was that Naruto Uzumaki or Naruto Graham would be an immortal. In his hundreds of years of living in the ever changing world, he has grown tired of living so now he uses hypnosis on himself making him forget of his past and reverts time in a confusing way that ultimately brought him to the present. This explains whenever his eyes change color.. his innerself comes out releasing all of his knowledge into his brain that was locked deep inside. Sanzaemon.. he was a part of a group that was bent on capturing the man in the old pages found on an excavation in eastern asia. You already guess who that person is, Naruto. The organization or so called Illuminati has been living on even before colonial periods unlike what the books say, Sanzaemon now follows the order given to him, make Naruto Unlock his potential and the way to do that is having a great teacher (Dojima) and unlimited textbooks, scriptures, scrolls and what better way to do that then making him the 1st Elite.

So this story goes away from the Manga in plot but I wanted it to be special and not just "okay, plant Naruto here and just let it go with how the Manga went." The second order would have been to capture him and detain him at their hidden lab in an island for to experiment and test him on his strange ability (chakra). Naruto by hypnosis locks all his powers, his knowledge.. and now struggles in his road to an answer for all this mishap. Okay, phew I haven't covered all of it but that's the gist and also Sanzaemon is by far evil, just a man interested in seeing the legends power. Lin is also a part of the graham family's staff members, Graham in this time frame Naruto's actual family.


By this ending, i really encourage People to Start their own stories in this crossover! So much potential that i will read any future stories you guys write! My New story will be about how life CAN become a game By the secret ability called transendents! Watch the scrawney, weak Naruto become zero to Heró in this School life/Fantasy/action story!

"They say life is Not a game, but it sure as hell it is now! Oo, shit! Gotta raise My INT for tomorrows test!" @( ̄- ̄)@... (ʘдʘ╬)