Hey guys

Unfortunately, no one submitted anything, and I am way to busy with school to write, with Finals coming up within a few weeks. So I what I will do instead, I will give you a side OVA story that's been in my archives for a while.

If you wish to submit a chapter,please put it in a Google Doc, then Private Message me the link for me to read. The deadline is the 10th of September in the Pacific, 11th in the Atlantic, midnight in your respected areas.

Enjoy the OVA!

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or Fairy Tail


Uncomfortable silence.

'Nami, I think you did it over the top this time.' Lucy commented. 'I didn't do it this time, I swear!' Nami defended.

'Who would do this?' Chopper cried. 'It could be anyone.' Freed said, emotionless.

'Robin, any luck?' Levy asked. Robin put her crossed arms down and sighed as she shook her head.

'Look, if he did it again, that's no reason to tie him up like that Sanji!'

'Gray, even though he does keep doing that, I'd never dream of doing it!' Zoro laughed at that claim. 'Please, I've heard your sleep talks. "I wish I could tie him up and leave him on a remote island"' Zoro imitated in the most ridiculous French accent, pretending to smoke a cigarette. 'I DON'T SOUND LIKE THAT YOU DUMB TONED SAMURAI!' 'Huh? You wanna go you lazy assed cook?!'

As Zoro and Sanji fought in a comedic dust cloud, everyone concentrated on the task at hand. 'How are we going to tell Natsu? He's not going to rest until he finds the culprit.' Lisanna pondered.

Rustle. Everyone sharply reacted to the noise and stood in battle stance. The bush shook and shook more vigorously, getting louder each second. 'COME OUT COWARD!' Erza yelled.

Rustle rustle rustle rustle. 'Man, there you guys are! I wake up and everybody's gone. I looked around all morning for you!'

'DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT!' Lucy yelled with a punch. 'A good morning to you too.' Natsu said sarcastically rubbing the back of his head. 'So why is everybody here? Is there a party or so-' Natsu looked up and saw something he regretted seeing.

'L-LUFFFFFFYYYY!' Natsu yelled at the top of his lungs. Luffy was dangling from a tree branch about 25 meters (82 feet) up, with his own rubbery arms and feet, his head down and concealed in shadow. Happy grabbed Natsu and flew him up to Luffy. 'Luffy-san, hang in there!' Wendy pleaded, Charla carrying her so Wendy could heal Luffy's scratches and bloody nose. 'Natsu-san!' Wendy exclaimed. 'Wendy, what happened? Where's Gildarts and the Master?' 'I, I don't know where Gildarts and the Master are! Also, we just came and we noticed he was here!'

Natsu looked at his friend. He had light scratches all over his body and face, and a bloody nose and jaw.

'Hmmm...' 'Natsu-san?' 'Wendy, keep it up! I'm going to investigate!' Natsu flew off with high speeds towards the Thousand Sunny. 'Did he just say...Investigate?' Wendy repeated. 'This isn't going to end well.' Charla said sweat dropping.

Everyone gathered at the beach, discussing the situation. 'Who would do that to Luffy?' Gildarts pondered after getting the details. 'I don't know, but this is a grave matter. Someone may be hiding on the island, taking us down one by one.' Makarov said, his brow wrinkled in thought. 'If that's the case, then they must be hell strong since Luffy's hell strong himself.' Zoro chimed in.

'But no one can just enter! Freed put up the Runes didn't he?!' Evergreen reminded, Freed nodding. 'However, it's not impossible to change the runes, take them down, or find a chink.' Levy said, remembering cracking Freed's runes a few times herself. 'But you need to be a magic user to do that.' Mirajane clarified. Everyone looked down at the sand, thinking what to do.

'HEY EVERYONE!' A yell from above filled everyone's ears as they looked up. Natsu landed in the center of the group, and stood up straight.

'Ahem. Hello fellow friends, or should I say SUSPECTS?!' 'Du du du!' Happy sang.

'Huh?' Everyone replied.

'As you all know at 0200 hours-' '1000 hours' Happy corrected. '1000 hours, there was a crime! Luffy, captain of the Strawhats, was beaten up and tied to the great Tenrou Tree!'

'Mr Fire Dragon, where are you going with this?'

'I'm glad you asked Robin.' Natsu told her with a smirk. 'For you see… I KNOW WHO DID IT!' Natsu roared, pointing to Robin. 'Du du du!' Happy sang again. 'N-Natsu! Are you saying Robin did it?!' Levy exclaimed. 'Huh? Oh no, it's just for dramatic effect.'


'Ahem!' Natsu cleared his throat after Levy and Sanji whacked him on the head. 'Now, NAMI!' 'Y-yes?!' Nami said in surprise, leaning back from the yell. 'It could have been you! You're swift in agility and you always hurt Luffy, and when he does something that ticks you off, you beat him up or dunk him in the ocean!'

'WELL YEAH, BUT THIS IS WAY OUT OF MY LEAGUE!' Nami barked back. 'W-wait, h-how do you….' Nami never told Natsu this stuff, so how did he know her daily life?

'On the other hand, SANJI!' 'Huh? What?' Sanji asked lighting a cigarette. 'He always raids your fridge! He always eats everything on the table leaving nothing for you guys! He even ate the Elephant Tuna you cooked for Nami!'

'AND SO DO YO- Wait, what? I never told you tha-'

'And you have strong legs, meaning it's not impossible to jump up there and tie him up!'

The whole of Fairy Tail was dumbstruck. The destructive, dumb, muscle brained Natsu, solving a case! 'Are we in Edolas again?' Lucy questioned. 'Juvia thinks it's the only explanation...'

'And Zoro! Ah Zoro Zoro Zoro. You could have-' Natsu turned around, to be greeted with a sleeping samurai. 'YOU'RE SLEEPING?!' Natsu yelled to his annoyance. Happy flew over, about to pop his snot bubble. 'Happy wait!' Usopp yelled, but it was too late. Pop. 'YOU WANNA GO YOU STUPID CAT?!' Zoro jumped up and yelled, reaching for his katana. 'SCARY!' Happy yelled crying.

'As I was saying...' Natsu coughed as Happy flew behind him. 'It could have been you Zoro! He always knocks you overboard and you always complain, saying that one day you'll kill him. He always whacks you onto the ship when you're in a hurry. And you have strong arms and legs, meaning you could climb up the tree and tie him there!'

'How do you know that?' Zoro demanded. 'Hehehe! I know all your motifs!' Natsu declared, bringing his hands to his chin. 'Usopp! He keeps messing around with your sniper bullets and dials! Chopper! He keeps mixing around your medicine! Robin! He uses your books as napkins and scribble books! Franky! He keeps damaging the ship! In fact, wasn't it five days ago when he broke the main mast for the fifth time that day? And Brook! He keeps messing up your music scores and stealing your instruments!'

'How do you know all that?!' Usopp asked, taken aback by Natsu's knowledge of them, even though they met a two days ago! 'Hehe. It's amazing what you can do as a Dragon Slayer!' Natsu simply replied. 'WOW!' Chopper and Usopp awed.

Natsu laughed as he smirked that mischievous smirk. That is… 'He basically read everyone's journals.' Until Happy said too much.

'Ugh!' Natsu froze. Veins popped out of the crew's foreheads, as they towered over Natsu, flames burning within their souls. 'DON'T GO PEEPING IN OUR STUFF!' They yelled as they beating him up in a dust cloud.

'And so!' Natsu exclaimed as he stood up, bloody, bruised, and lumpy. 'The crew isn't the only the culprits!' He turned towards his friends, judging them with his eyes. 'Huh? N-Natsu, you're not saying….' 'I'm afraid so Lucy. You're all suspects!' 'WHAT?!'

'Erza! He ate your strawberry cake. Again!'

'I already punished him for that.'

'O-Oh, uhhh… Gray! He stole your clothes and hid them yesterday!'

'I already beat him up for that!'

'Huh? Oh yeah. Ahem. Lucy! He stole your keys and toyed with them yesterday, remember?'

'Loke already punched him for that and returned them to me.'

'O-oh, did not know that. Gildarts! He-'

'Look Salamander, we're gonna be here all day if you continue. Just tell us who it is already!' 'Hmm! Joy killer.' Natsu muttered under his breath pouting. 'What was that?!' Gajeel and Natsu leapt at each other's necks, with only Gray and Erza holding them back.

'Oh, I lost focus.' Natsu backed down and stood tall. 'The person responsible for this….IS YOU!' Everyone followed Natsu's finger, to see Makarov at the end. 'WHAT?!' Everyone yelled, hands in the air.

'Natsu, what's the meaning of this?!' Makarov demanded. 'Well, let's think about it.' Natsu circled him like a vulture, stating the evidence. '25 meters up and you can turn into a giant, he called you a "short wrinkly shrimp" when he couldn't remember your name, he stole your Ten Saints Jacket, he ate your meal when you didn't look. Need I go on?' Natsu whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder.

'Natsu, this is getting ridiculous!' Nami exclaimed. 'Yeah, it could be you for all we know!' Usopp exclaimed.

'Yeah! You were probably alone with Luffy last!'

'You wanted to fight him remember?!'

'The culprit could be you and you're just trying to pin it on us!'

All fingers were on him. Natsu sighed and crossed his arms. 'Look, I don't remember being alone with Luffy last night, if I did fight him I wouldn't have left him like that, and why would I pin a crime on you guys?'

Everyone lowered their arms and backed down.

'Hey! What's everyone doing?' Everyone turned around, as they recognised that voice. 'Luffy?!' Everyone exclaimed, Wendy and Charla trailing along behind him.. 'Shishishishi! Hmm?' Luffy noticed Natsu looking at him. 'NATSU! Last night was a faulty round. LET'S DO A REMATCH!'

'Rematch?' Everyone repeated, turned their attention to Natsu, their faces shaded evilly. 'Natsu. Explain. NOW.' Erza demanded. 'S-sorry, I have no idea what he's talking about!' Natsu replied, shrugging his shoulders. 'Luffy, what happened?' Nami asked, a growl in her voice.

Last night

'No way! There's no way you're a better ninja than me!' 'Shishishi! Yes I am!'

The two idiots were alone in the dark forest, arguing about who was the best ninja.

'I snuck into a house Ninja Style!'

'I snuck into a casino without drawing attention to myself!'

'What did you do? Crashed through the door and yell "Get over here"?'

'What did you do, whack the tenants and destroy the house?'

The two continued to argue, until Happy had an idea. 'What about a competition?' The boys leaned in on the blue cat. 'Go on... ' They pressed. 'An ultimate game of Hide and Seek! One person hides, while the other person has all night to find him!'

Natsu placed his hands under his chin and smiled. 'That doesn't sound too bad!' Luffy held out his fist to Natsu. 'A game of Janken (Paper Scissors Rock) to decide who hides!' Natsu smirked and faced his rival. 'Heh. You're on!'

Ten seconds later

CRASH! 'OW! Man, you'd think they'd do some gardening.' Luffy stood up and patted himself down. 'Aw man! Looks like I got into a brawl or something...' Luffy whinged. 'Now, where to hide where to hide where to hide….' Luffy ran around in the dark. Unfortunately it was so dark he kept tripping and running into trees, rocks, and tripping over rouge roots, causing him more cuts and bruises.

'Hmmm… Maybe I can hide in the trees….Gomu-gomu no….' Luffy stretched his arms and grabbed a branch. 'Rocket!' Luffy launched high into the sky. From far away, he would've looked like a flying speck. 'ARGH! Too high too high too high!' Luffy felt himself slowing down mid air. Luffy's face froze, his pupils looking down, to afraid to move his head. Luffy's eyes bulged, as the island zoomed in and out of his sight. 'Bad...' Luffy muttered, as his body dropped.

'AHHHHHHAAAHAHAHA!' Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs as he fell closer and closer to the ground.


Happy looked behind him, as he heard a faint scream coming from somewhere close by. His eyes suddenly bulged, his jaw hitting the ground.


'Not now Happy! I need to find Luffy!' Natsu declared as he sniffed the air.


'Clever! So he ran all over the island to hide his scent...'


'WHAT?!' Natsu finally turned around, and followed the Exceed's gaze.

Natsu's eyes bulged, as he saw a falling figure coming closer to the ground. 'WHAT THE...!' Natsu exclaimed.

'Gomu-Gomu no… Parashūto!' Luffy stretched himself like a thin sheet of paper, hoping to slow down. But to no avail, as the wind was just carried him higher. 'KYAAA! Bad idea, BAD IDEAAAAA!' Luffy exclaimed as he realized he was flying further away from the island. 'At this rate, I'm gonna be fish food! Gomu-gomu no….' Luffy stretched his arms towards the island, and wrapped his arm around what felt like a thick branch. 'Rocket!' Luffy yelled as he pulled himself back to the island.

The wind violently punched against him as he pulled himself back to the island. 'Hmm? What's that?' Luffy squinted at what appeared to be a black speck. It got closer and closer until… WHACK!


Luffy's body slammed hard into Natsu and Happy. 'Luffy?! What's going on?! What happened?!' Natsu demanded. 'I flung myself too high!' Luffy yelled. The three of them zoomed closer and closer to the island. Natsu's body flung forward with Happy as they were slingshotted to the other side of the island, landing on a beach near the ship knocking them both unconscious.

Meanwhile, Luffy's face banged hard into a tree and his arms refused to come loose, causing Luffy to swing around tying himself up around the tree. Luffy tried to use his feet to stop, only resulting in Luffy getting even more tangled. 'Uhh…..I feel dizzy….' Luffy slurred before entering a deep sleep.

'So let me get this straight. Because of a stupid game, you almost pinned a crime on us?' Lucy's eyebrow twitched, her fists getting tighter. 'And you made us think there was an intruder on the island?' Nami added, her face the same as Lucy's. 'Duuuuuh...Oh yeah! Last night's competition! Luffy!' Natsu pointed at him and smiled. 'I accept!' Luffy smiled and cupped high fived Natsu. 'Great! So should we do it now or-'

As Luffy spoke, an evil kill like presence arose from everyone surrounding the two. 'Uhh, guys?' Natsu stiffly turned his head with means to ask what was wrong. 'YOU BUMBLING IDIOTS!'




'Seriously! Those two are real idiots!' Nami complained as she stormed away. 'I agree. Hey, how 'bout we have a nice barbeque for lunch? And thirds can go around this time.' Sanji suggested, feeling quite hungry. 'Yeah!' Everyone agreed, walking away from a tied up Natsu, Happy, and Luffy, Luffy's arms and legs as the rope, hanging from a tree.

'Hey don't have a barbeque without us!' The boys yapped trying to get free. 'Why am I tied up too guys?!' Happy cried. 'Because the game was your idea, stupid cat.' Lucy simply replied, not even bothering to turn.

'Alright! Let's eat!' Everyone cheered, moving towards the beach into the setting sky, while the three tied up began to argue and cry.