Hey everyone! SirEmperorKhan here with another story! In case you don't know, I have another profile called SirEmperorKhan that is dedicated to my Marvel Fanfiction Universe (MFU). The Marvel Fanfiction Universe is a series of fanfictions that take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. These stories would introduce new characters and change some of the storyline. If you are interested, do check out my profile, it should be in the favorite author's section.
Now, back to my story. This story is obviously a HTTYD/AC crossover fanfiction. And this chapter is obviously a prologue. And you might even have noticed that this is the first prologue, which obviously means there are more, right? Yes, you are absolutely correct. But if you are worried that you would be stuck reading a series of prologues that will set up an actual story for a few weeks, then fear not! There is only one more prologue and it is shorter than this one (I think). So please enjoy! And remember to favorite/follow if you like this story and leave your thoughts in the reviews. Enjoy!
Hiccup the Useless messes up once again.
Only this time is his worst mess-up ever. To sum it all up: his best and only friend is going to die, his whole village hates him (including his crush), and his own father disowned him.
Hiccup sighed, as he lay on his bed. He turned to look out his window and to the moon. By now dad is announcing my sentence in the Great Hall. Because his little stunt was such a big deal, everyone in the entire Isle of Berk would be there.
Except Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Snotlout. The three of them were chosen to guard the house since everyone else wanted to hear Stoick's announcement. Not the best decision.
Hiccup sighed again and turned to face the ceiling. Why couldn't I be brave enough to kill dragons? Maybe I should have killed Toothless-No! Hiccup felt disgusted at himself for having such a thought.
If only I had not came up with the genius idea to show Berk the truth about dragons. That being said, Hiccup knew that there was nothing else that he could have done. It was either that or killing the Monstrous Nightmare or ... or running away.
Hiccup groaned as he realized that everything could have been avoided if he had just went through with his plan to escape. But then again, would he have escaped? Of course if he had known what would happen he would have ran away, but... would he have ran away if he didn't come up with his plan?
Maybe, but it doesn't matter now. What is done is done, and Hiccup can't change anything. He needed to focus on his current problem and find a solution. Hiccup's mind raced to find a solution, to formulate a plan, but none of his ideas are promising.
Hiccup sighed for a third time and turned (again) to face his desk that was just beside his bed. The table that was usually messy and littered with drawings was, for once, empty. All of his notes, drawings, pencils, and notebooks were neatly packed inside a basket under his desk. He had packed them yesterday evening thinking that he was going to leave Berk.
Leaving Berk... it's still an option. Hiccup thought. A dangerous option, but it's either that or Toothless dies.
Hiccup stood up and walked over to his desk. He took out the basket from under his desk and placed it on his table. As he opened the basket to make sure he had everything he needed was inside he tried to formulate a plan in his mind.
The basket was filled with clothes, his notes and drawings, his notebook, several charcoal pencils, a few blank parchments, a spare notebook, and a knife. Hiccup took out the knife and kept it in his belt. I have everything I need except food and water. Not much of a problem. He thought to himself.
Hiccup made a quick trip down to the kitchen to snatch a few loafs of bread and a water skin pouch filled with water. He quickly ran up the stairs after that and returned to his room. One more thing.
Hiccup opened up his wardrobe and took out a black colored vest with a hood. He made it for sneaking out but didn't have the time to make its sleeves so he had to wear a brown shirt. With a small smile, Hiccup put on his hood, he was ready to save Toothless.
He grabbed a bundle of rope from underneath his bed and tied one end to the basket. He climbed onto his bed and looked out the window. No one, perfect. He was lucky that his guards weren't very bright, even for a Viking.
He slowly lowered the basket beside a stack of hay and dropped the rest of the rope around it. Looking around his room one last time, Hiccup took a deep breath and jumped from his window and into the stack of hay besides the basket. Once he landed he quickly covered himself in hay.
"Did you hear that?" Tuffnut who was just around the corner asked Ruffnut.
"No, but it's probably just your head." Ruffnut answered.
Great. Just what I needed. Hiccup thought and stayed completely still.
"I think we should check it out."
"Ugh, fine. But if it isn't anything I'm going to kill you so hard that you will rise from the dead and die again. "
Hiccup could hear their footsteps getting louder. Please don't check the hay. Please don't notice the basket.
"See, there's nothing."
"I knew that, I was just scaring you."
Hiccup could hear them fighting but dare not move in case they notice him. He waited until he could hear their scuffle fade before he rolled out from under the hay, grab the basket and ran towards the Dragon Arena.
"Wait a minute. Was that basket there before?"
Hiccup ran to the only place that he could think of that can contain Toothless - the dragon arena.
With some effort, Hiccup managed to open the entrance just enough for him to crawl under.
The weapons that littered the floor during the finals were neatly hanged on a new weapon holder and the hole that Toothless burst into the bars above the arena was patched with wooden planks. I temporary fix I suppose.
Hiccup walked across the arena to the doors. Nadder, Zippleback, Terror, Gronkle, Nightmare, and three unused cages... not really, Toothless is probably in one. Hiccup opened the first cage after the Nightmare to find that his guess was right, Toothless was inside.
Toothless was chained to the ground and had a large wooden muzzle preventing him from opening his mouth. His hind legs were held by a single chain with a large shackle that clamped around Toothless's ankles. His front legs were similarly chained, stopping Toothless from even standing.
At the sight of Hiccup, Toothless made a whimpering sound and pulled at his chains.
"Hey, bud." Hiccup says softly as he rubs Toothless' ears soothingly. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there."
All it took was a quick look for Hiccup to determine that he can't free Toothless himself. The chains are too thick for the weapons to cut.
Hiccup searched his mind for a way to free Toothless. Come on Hiccup, think. You have to save this stupid dragon... "Dragons! That's it!" Hiccup said excitedly, "Don't worry Toothless, I'll get you out of there in no time.
Well that was quick. Hiccup thought to himself amusedly.
Before him stood a Deadly Nadder, a Gronkle, a Terrible Terror, a Hideous Zippleback, and a Monstrous Nightmare. Hiccup was confident that training them would not take too long since he has already "played" with them during dragon training, but they instantly recognized him and didn't cause any problems.(Except the Nightmare but that's a different story)
"Alright then. You, the Nadder." Hiccup said as he approached the dragon. "What should I call you...err... how about... Stormfly!" The Nadder squawked in approval and allowed Hiccup to lay a hand on its snout.
Hiccup scratched Stormfly's neck, making the blue Nadder purr in delight. "Alright, Stormfly lets save Toothless." Hiccup announces as he points at Toothless.
The Nadder walks over to Toothless and turns its head to look and take in Toothless's little problem. Stromfly circled Toothless and kept on turning its head and using both eyes to observe the oh-so-interesting chains that held Toothless to the ground.
"So ah, you are going to release Toothless, right?" Hiccup asks Stromfly who was still circling Toothless, but this time she (at least he thinks it's a she) was sniffing both and annoyed Toothless and the chains. "Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Hiccup asks the dragon who promptly ignored him. Great, now even the dragons ignore me.
The Nadder suddenly lifted his head up and gave a determined nod, then proceeded to roast the chains on Toothless's hind legs to next century. When she was done, she stood back and turned her head to the right to observe her work- charred and melted chains. Seeing her success, the Nadder squawked in joy and started to melt the rest of the chains.
It took no longer than a minute to free Toothless from his bonds. And the first thing Toothless did was to pounce on Hiccup and lick every dry spot he could reach. Laughing, Hiccup tried his best to get Toothless off him, "Ha, ha, Toothless stop! Stop! Ha, ha." The rest of the dragons stared at the pair curiously; some of them started looking at each other to see if anyone had any clue of what is happening.
Finally, after Toothless made sure every part of Hiccup's upper body has been licked at least five times, he got off and sat down like a puppy, waiting for Hiccup to tell him his new genius plan.
When Hiccup realized that Toothless was waiting for him, he sighed. "Toothless, we're getting out of here for good this time." Hiccup then looked up at the rest of the dragons before continuing, "All of us." Hiccup gave Toothless a scratch on his neck before turning around to get his basket.
While Hiccup was carrying his basket over to the group of dragons, uproar rose from the Great Hall. Hiccup stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at the Hall. Trying to make out words, Hiccup dropped his basket and started walking closer to the hall.
Behind him, Toothless crooned in concern. Weren't those the people that hurt the both of them? Why does Hiccup look so wistful at the sound of their shouts? Toothless walked over to Hiccup and nudged him; another croon came from his throat as he did it.
Hiccup sighed and placed a hand on Toothless's head, "Look, Toothless, I know you don't like it but… but what if-what if Dad changed his mind. What if he decides to listen to us?" As Hiccup glanced at Toothless he continued, "Look Toothless I just-"Hiccup stopped when he saw sadness, worry and hurt in Toothless's eyes. "Toothless I-"Hiccup started, not sure what to say. He ultimately decided to settle on: "I'll be back, I promise" before turning and running out of the Arena and towards the Great Hall.
Hiccup sneaked around the village, hiding in the shadows to avoid being seen, in hopes that he could hear some villagers talking about Stoick's announcement as they head home or for sentry duty. But to his surprise, the village was completely empty. Not a soul in sight. Not even the guards are walking around
As Hiccup sneak around the village, it became increasingly clear that the entire village is still in the Great Hall. Funny, the meeting should be over by now.
After checking the village one more time, Hiccup made his way to the Great Hall. As he sneaked up the stairs that leads to the Great Hall, the sound of Vikings murmuring became increasingly loud.
Hiccup carefully looked around when he reached the top and prepared to make a break for it if anyone sees him. When he saw that no one was outside, he cautiously walked towards the huge door of the Hall.
Hiccup's heart started beating faster as he walked closer to the door. What am I doing here? Hiccup thought to himself as he got nearer. If dad wanted to listen to me he would talk to me himself. Doubt started to creep into his mind, but he shoved it all away and held on to the slight chance that his dad will have a change of heart.
The moment of truth. Hiccup thought to himself as he neared the door. Here goes nothing. And with that final thought, he slowly pushed the door until a small crack appeared, just large enough for Hiccup to see through. And he placed his eye in front of the crack and took in the scene.
Thank you for reading and showing your support! It is much appreciated. If you are like my writing then do check out my other profile. The next chapter might take a while to come out because I have to juggle a few stories and the MFU is currently my top priority. But until then, here is a sneak peek to keep you exited:
He swerved and made complicated turns in tight areas in an attempt to lose the Vikings. They are all big and muscular, so going through these would slow any Viking down-
-Except Astrid.
Stay tuned for the next prologue which will come out sometime this month (no promises). Once again, thanks for reading and your support. Chow for now.
SirEmperorKhan out.