A/N: I obviously don't own the characters. They belong to Cassandra Clare. This is rated M for most adult themes of course. But won't actually focus to much on the porn aspect of it. May vary between character points of view

Comments are always welcome

Chapter 1 Part 1: (Told In Alec Point of View)

"Oh god, oh yeah baby, right there, right there, nng, I'm so close, fuck!"

"What the hell are you watching?"

Alec quickly closed his laptop and pulled his headphones out of his ears clearing his throat awkwardly. His brother raised an eyebrow and waited for an answer as he stood behind the dark haired man.


"It was nothing…" Alec went to grab his laptop but Jace beat him to it opening the device and raising an eyebrow as the room filled with moans and grunts.

"Look at the boobs on this chick," the blond let out an appreciative whistle and closed the lap top. "You don't need to hide your porn you know. We're both guys here."

Yeah but you don't watch gay porn, Alec thought. He was a little relieved that he chose not to watch the newest one he got.

He blushed a bit and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Can I have my laptop back please? I have to get to work."

Jace rolled his eyes but obeyed and walked to the kitchen grabbing down a cup and filling it with coffee."I'm gonna hang out with some guys after my classes so I'll be back late."

"Just text me if you're going to bring someone home this time…I'd rather not walk in on the two of you…getting it on…" he sighed putting his stuff into his bag.

"You mean sex right? Cause that's what we were doing. We were having sex," Jace drank his coffee. "I don't know why you're such a tight ass about it. It's just sex."

Alec rolled his eyes and pulled on his shoes lacing them up. "There's more to life than just…sex…" he shook his head. "At least try to study this time. I don't want to find out you've flunked out of summer school."

Jace huffed a bit and nodded. "Fine I'll study like a good little kid."

Alec chuckled and ruffled his hair earning a punch to the arm and a glare. He smiled innocently and headed for the door getting his keys.

He shielded his eyes as he stepped outside of the apartment building and put on his sunglasses. He wrinkled his nose at the heat and hoped that the air conditioner would be on full blast when he got to the studio. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked down the street.

Alec reached into his pocket as his phone buzzed and held the phone close to his face to see who was calling. Twenty two years old and he was still using a flip phone.

"Hey Izzy," he greeted his sister once he answered. "What's up?"

"Do you think you could send me some money?" his younger sister asked.

"Didn't mom and dad just send you money for school?" he sighed.

"Well I ran out…and I can't ask them cause then dad will give me one of those lectures…so can you lend me some money?"

"How much do you need?" he asked looking both way before crossing the street.

"A hundred dollars…"

"I'll stop by the bank on my way home."

"Thanks Alec you're the best. Say hi to Jace for me."

He hung up at the dial tone and put his phone away and raised an eyebrow at the crowd of people standing around the doors of the studio.

Alec try as best as he could to get through the mass of people to the front door of his work place and yelped when someone grabbed his ass and quickly shut the door to the studio behind him once he was inside.

"And he's safe!"

He looked up at the amused face of his friend Simon and rolled his eyes. He ran a hand through his hair and glanced at the out the window.

"What's with all the people?" He asked swiping his key card and pressing the button for the elevator.

"I dunno. I wasn't really told. I'm just supposed to let people who work here or people with appointments in. The life of a receptionist is exciting," he pouted a bit and sat back at the desk playing with his pencil.

"I don't know. You don't have to deal with stuck up models or actors who come in for photo shoots," Alec tried to cheer him up.

Simon shrugged. "I'll see you at lunch."

Alec nodded and stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the 5th floor and leaned against the bar along the back wall. He looked around wondering why they would make an elevator with one way glass. And then promptly cleared the not so innocent thoughts from his mind as he stepped off.

"Alec there you are. I'd like you to meet our client for the week."

He set his bag down at his desk and walked over to his boss.

"Are they the reason there's a horde of people blocking the door? I think someone was either trying to pick pocket me or grab my ass." He shook his head.

Camille nodded. "And while he is here, we're going to be nice aren't we?"

"Aren't I always?" he faked a hurt look.

"That may work on the girls but that doesn't work on me Lightwood," she turned and led him over to where their client was getting his makeup down.

"Magnus, this is Alec. He's going to be your photographer for the week."

Alec straightened to keep himself from doing a double take as the man in the seat looked at him over his black hair with streaks of purple, caramel tanned skin. Greenish yellow eyes.

"Alec?" Camille pinched his cheek and he blinked.

"Sorry, nice to meet you," he fought an embarrassed blush and offered his hand to shake.

"They get younger and younger every time I come here Cam," Magnus turned back to let the makeup artist do her job.

Alec put his hand back into his pocket.

She rolled her eyes. "Be nice Magnus."

"Right…I'll just go get the camera ready," Alec nodded and walked off frowning a little.

Camille joined him after a bit and fixed up the display.

"Don't mind him dear. He's always been a bit of a diva," she smiled a bit. "I take it you're a fan of his work?"

Alec blushed a bit. "I may have seen a few yes…"

"Who hasn't?" she laughed a bit and sat down on the leopard print couch. "He is…very good at what he does."

She gave him a knowing smile and stretched the tight skirt she wore hiking up her thighs.

Alec shook his head and turned up the AC. "Why can't it be fall already?" he groaned.

"Because it's only June," Camille stood up and fixed her skirt. "I have a few errands to run. His agent is going to be stopping by in a few hours. Will you be fine if I leave the two of you alone?"

"We'll be fine," he nodded making sure the camera was all set up.

Camille picked up her purse and bid the two goodbye before getting on the elevator.

You can do this Alec. You're just taking pictures of a client. A client that you've seen bare ass naked on your computer screen and who you have shamelessly jacked off to...He mentally groaned and wished for a drink.

"Earth to blue eyes."

He glanced over and saw Magnus leaning against the wall with his legs crossed. He was dressed in a pair of tight leather pants with knee high boots and a silver chain looped twice around his neck. His hair was done up in spikes and there was some make up around his eyes.

"Yes I'm hot I know," he smirked at Alec.

Alec cleared his throat. "Camille never told me what sort of photo shoot we were doing."

"My agent thought it'd be a grand idea to a sexy calendar. And who am I to object." He smirked again putting his hands on his hips. "And yes. That does include a few nude poses darling."

Be professional Alec, he took a few deep breaths nodding. "Shall we get started then?"

The man frowned a bit at the lack of reaction from the taller male but nodded and walked over to the couch to sit down.

"You've probably done this plenty of times, so just, relax and be yourself," Alec stood behind the camera.

"No one's ever asked me to be myself for the camera," Magnus chuckled stretching out on the couch. He draped his arms across the back and crossed his legs.

Alec snapped a few pictures making sure to get his good side. Though in his opinion every side was his good side.

"How long have you worked for Camille?"

Magnus was sitting in a throne like chair with Christmas decoration scattered around him dressed as a sexy Santa. Going to town on one of those jumbo sized candy canes. Alec swore he was doing it on purpose just to get a reaction out of him.

Alec swallowed and took some deep breaths to calm himself down. Be professional Alec.

"Is that another candy cane in your pocket or are you just really enjoying this right now?"

Alec gasped and shuddered. How the fuck!

"You got lost in your head again and I couldn't resist," Magnus nibbled on his ear lobe and massaged the front of his pants. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Fuck no," Alec groaned tightening his grip on the camera stand.

"My my my, so unprofessional~"

"You're the one with your hand down my pants," Alec chuckled.

"Would you prefer my mouth around your cock?"

"That's a nice thought."

Alec blinked and found himself staring down at a mop spiky black and purple hair and long fingers undoing his belt and popping the buttons of his jeans. He smirked a bit at the look of shock that passed the stars face and the light blush.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing at all."

Alec groaned and grabbed onto the nearest thing he could his eyes slipping shut. Which just happened to be the man's hair. "For the love of all that is holy do not stop what you're doing," he ground out gripping the purple locks tighter.

He started to thrust his hips a little. He had to admit. He pictured this scenario so many times in his head but now that it was actually happening? He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he was awake. He let out a throaty moan as he kept moving his hips.

"Fuck," he opened his eyes and looked down. "You're going at it like that candy cane." He looked amused.

Magnus pulled back a little bit of drool running down his chin and a light blush dusting his cheeks. He licked his lips.

"I can stop if that's what you want."

"Did I say stop?" Alec raised an eyebrow.

He took him back into his mouth picking up the pace and bobbing his head bringing the other male closer to his release. Alec groaned and gripped his hair tighter the only warning he gave was the grunt and slight shudder before he came in his mouth.

Magnus pulled back coughing a bit after he swallowed and leaned back while Alec tucked himself back into his pants.

"You are really good with that mouth of yours," Alec complimented as Magnus stood up.

"I don't do it too often but when I do I aim to please," he called over his shoulder as he walked towards the dressing room.