p style="text-align: center;"span style="text-decoration: underline;"strongAuthor's Apology/strong/span/p
p style="text-align: left;" /p
p style="text-align: left;"Dear Readers... br /I'm sorry about this story. I'm sorry that I have not updated it for soo long. This is why, I'm afraid to say that I have completely lost interest in this story as I keep hitting writers block whenever I try to write so I have decided to give up. I may come back to it one day as I felt like I had a good idea for the story and I may re-write the first two chapters, but if I do then I will upload it here so you won't have to go looking for it. I'm sorry to disappoint any of you. I'm disappointed with myself if I'm honest. I hate to leave things un-finished but I have been really struggling to write this. I'm really annoyed with myself but this is how it is going. I have got another fic in the works and it is going a lot better than what this one did. So if you end up reading it I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry about this but I may come back to it one /I'm sorry, /Bye Xbr /br /p