Author's Note: (I forgot to add this when I uploaded the story. Sorry!) Hiya! So I love Doctor Who and Merlin so I thought why not put them together! Although I was kind of worried about publishing this just in case I get loads of people telling me that I wrote the characters badly. (I think I wrote them ok) So I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

A Choice To Be Made

Chapter One: Camelot

"Where are we going?" Rory asked.

"What a rubbish question!" The Doctor replied as he twisted one of the controls.

"Okay.. When?" Rory said.

"No idea!" Laughed the Doctor. He looked like a small child at christmas time, his eyes filled with excitement.

"What?!" Rory started to look worried... maybe panicked.

"The TARDIS is taking us somewhere. I can't change the destination!" The Doctor beamed at the two Ponds. This must mean something interesting is going on somewhere in time and space since the TARDIS seemed to be drawn to trouble.

"Relax Rory!" Amy told her husband smiling at him. Rory did not relax but became more tense instead.

"Has this ever happened before Doctor?" Rory inquired watching the Doctor struggle to get control of the TARDIS.

"Uh.. Once. Maybe twice. Or more." The Doctor replied trying to remember. "I've lost count." He admitted. This didn't fill Rory with any confidence or make him relax. The TARDIS tumbled through the time vortex to their unknown destination when they came to a sudden stop. The Doctor fell into the the control console while Amy and Rory fell to the floor. Amy and Rory were getting up when the Doctor rushed past them.

"Ow.." Amy said under her breath as she watched the Doctor rushing towards the scanner. "So?" She said rubbing the arm she had landed on.

"Uh.. hang on.." The Doctor was twiddling with the dials on the scanner. "Well we're in England. No idea when maybe the 6th century actually maybe not."

"Where in England?" Rory said as he walked over to the Doctor.

"Camelot. Anywhere you've been?" The Doctor replied showing Rory the scanner. "No?" Guessed the Doctor judging by the look on Rory's face.

"Wait. Camelot was a real place?" Amy said sounding confused. This question confused the Doctor in turn, that's where they were so it must be a real place surely?

"Why do you ask?"

"Well I was never sure if it was just part of the legend or not." She replied with a shrug. Looking at the Doctor's confused expression she elaborated, "You know King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? Merlin? No?" The Doctor just shrugged at her.

"So not the modern day.. Anyway..." The Doctor started fiddling with the controls. Amy started to walk towards the door when the Doctor said "Where do you think you're going?"


"Go out there, dressed like that, you'll start a riot" The Doctor replied pointing at her clothes. "You need to go and change. You too Rory."

"Into what exactly?" Rory said raising an eyebrow at the Doctor.

"Something more appropriate for whatever year we're in. There's a wardrobe through there. Take your second right, fifth left, straight ahead, past the swimming pool, take another right and it's the first door on your left." The Doctor replied pointing at a door on his left. Amy and Rory ran off to change while the Doctor tried to get the scanner working again. When they returned Rory was wearing a light blue cotton shirt with a belt over it and a black jacket, over some brown trousers and boots. Amy was wearing a floor length emerald green silk dress with gold embroidary and a pair of ballet pump styled shoes.

"This ok Doctor?" Amy asked.

"Yeah should be fine!" The Doctor replied, giving up on the scanner. "Come on then!" He called as he ran towards the door. He hadn't been here before which meant so many new things to discover. He reminded Amy of a small dog, a jack russell maybe, just about to go on a walk. Sometimes when the Doctor hadn't been somewhere Rory got a bit worried and felt slightly uneasy with actually leaving the TARDIS. If the Doctor had been to where ever they had landed before it meant that he could tell them about the people and the plants and all sorts, it was a sort of comfort to Rory. Whereas when they landed somewhere the Doctor hadn't been they were almost completely in the dark, on the plus side there was very little chance that the Doctor had managed to upset people somewhere he hadn't been.
The Doctor was the first to leave the TARDIS, as per usual, then Amy and Rory. The sky was clear, apart from the odd cloud here and there, and it was a warm day. They were stood in a forest clearing with the TARDIS a little further back into the trees. Through the trees Amy could see the tops of a building of some sort.

"That way then?" Amy asked pointing towards the buliding. The Doctor and Rory looked up towards the tops of the building.

"Seems a good place to start!" The Doctor replied. He started to walk off towards the building and the Ponds ran after him. They had been walking for about five minutes when a voice asked them: "Who are you?"
All three turned to look at the person in question. He was sat on a brown horse with a black mane and tail. He looked like a guard of some sort, he was bearing the crest of a dragon.

"Ah. Hello!" The Doctor said looking up at the guard.

"I said who are you?" The guard said in his loud voice.

"Ah. Right... yes." The Doctor was searching his pockets. He pulled out a little black wallet and handed it to the guard. The guard looked at it suspiciously and opened it.

"Well... this is a strange way to store your invitiation your royal highnesses ." He said after a moment of studying the psychic paper.

"It's just a way to keep it safe." The Doctor told the guard.

"You were not mentioned on the invitation sir. May I ask who you are exactly?"

"I'm their...uh... court physician." He replied after taking a quick glance at the psychic paper himself.

"Ah. You will get on well with Giaus. He is Camelot's court physician." The guard looked at the Doctor thoughtfully. "Well if you'd like to follow me. Uh... do not have horses with you?"

"They were... um... sent back with our guards." Amy said thinking quickly.

"One of them injured your highness?"

"Yes quite unfortunate." Amy replied happy that the guard had come to a conclusion himself, she had no idea what she would have said.

"Do have anything that you brought with you?" Asked the guard looking around for any bags.

"Ah. Yes. We were just getting our bearings. I'll just fetch them." The Doctor told the guard and he ran off towards the TARDIS leaving Amy and Rory with the guard.

Once he had reach the TARDIS the Doctor got the TARDIS to research who they were supposed to be and what they had been invited to while he found out some old fashioned looking bags and stuffed them with clothes and shoes for Amy and Rory. He filled two bags for himself, one full of old fashioned medical equipment just about right for this time period and the other bag had another set of the clothes he was already wearing, including a small selection of bowties, and a set of clothes for formal occasions that were more suitable for the time that they were in (he packed some clothes like what Rory had changed into just in case people asked questions). The Doctor left the wardrobe and raced back to the control room to see what the TARDIS had found. He printed the results off and read them quickly. He stuffed the piece of paper into one of his pockets as he left the TARDIS.

The Doctor returned to where he left the Ponds and the guard and he handed a bag each to Amy and Rory. The guard raised his eyebrow at them with a questioning look on his face.

"We like to travel light." Rory said trying to explain the little they had with them. The guard didn't look convinced. "We.. uh.. don't mind carrying them." He said hoping that was what the guard was confused about.

"Right then sire. I suppose all of you tents and other equipment were sent back with your guards?" The guard inquired.

"Yes. We... um didn't feel like we would need it anymore." Rory said hoping this didn't seem to strange to the guard.

"Your guards would need the tents themselves. You are quite thoughtful, sire." The guard said now seeming impresed with Rory. At this their conversation ended and they set off towards the building. The three travellers hung back from the guard a bit so the Doctor could tell the what he found out.

"So your from a place near Scotland, I think, um... you two are the new rulers as the king has just died. Your going to some meeting with other knigs and queens about some sort of problem this place is having. I assume it will affect the other knigdoms otherwise it would be for the king and queen here to sort out." The Doctor was telling them.

"Uh.. what is the problem exactly?" Rory said with a worried tone, which he hadn't seemed to stop using since the TARDIS had took off.

"Something they've called magic. No not real magic so you can stop looking so excited. I think it must an illness or a codename or something like that. But whatever it is you two haven't outlawed it in your kingdom and apparently it's not a problem for you or your people." The Doctor explained. They walked in silence all thinking about what was going to happen, they walked for ten minutes in complete silence.

"How much do you know about the meeting your royal highnesses?" The guard asked looking back at Amy and Rory.

"Not much." Amy said.

"Only rumours have reached us." The Doctor said hoping to get more information out of the guard.

"Well you'll find out all about it soon. We are nearly there." The guard replied much to the Doctor's disappointment. They contiued walking for a while when a tall wall came into view. It was made out of a white stone and towered high above them. Amy realised that it was the building she saw from the forest, it was a giant castle. It had white walls and some of the roofs a blueish grey colour, there was also a set of big gates at the front with people walking in and out.

"Welcome to Camelot your royal highnesses." The guard said and Amy thought her jaw must have hit the ground.